Okay guys, Coldwave is my new recent ship and I love the idea of them raising a kid together.

This is the sequel to Follow the Advice, Not the Example ?

I am now taking prompts for these one-shots and the gif sets available on my Tumblr ( tagged/coldwave)

Enjoy! Please read and review :)



"I told you why we were travelling to 1958…. Because if you want to rob some rich, white men, the 1950's is the perfect time to do it."


"And I want to beat up some racists… you know me so well. George, give me the low-down on what's happening."

"Murder Sir."


"It is not always me who gets into trouble like this!"

"I'm not the only one whose vision is blurry in their left eye, am I?" asked Stein, trying to lighten the mood slightly.

It didn't work.

"Seeing three of everything? That's normal, right?" asked Jax.

Rip (who was limping slightly due to the beating he'd received at the hands of Len) nodded, "Yes, as I mentioned before, the effect of time travel on the human body increases with the length of each jaunt."

"So, where are we?" Kendra asked.

"Harmony Falls, Oregon. According to Captain Baxter's intel, Savage makes an appearance in this quaint little hamlet."

Jax frowned at the pictures on the screen, "What the hell is Savage doing in Pleasantville?"

The picture of the town switched to a news article that had the headline of SLASHER STRIKES AGAIN printed at the top. "… Murder, apparently." Muttered Rip, "Several denizens of Harmony Falls have been brutally slain, and others have gone missing. Reports are vague, but it seems like the killer is an expert with knives."

"That sounds like Savage's MO." Sighed Sara.

Jax nodded in agreement, glancing over at Rip as he did. "Yeah, he's not the only one with a knife fetish… are you ever gonna get that healed? No one is giving you any sympathy."

Jax was referring to the slash on Rip's cheek, caused by Lucas just before… before everything happened. He, along with Ray and Len had been refusing to acknowledge Rip, let alone speak to him.

Ray spoke up, sending Jax a reproachful look…. Not for upsetting Rip, but for upsetting Len. "Yeah, but serial killing isn't his MO. Sounds pretty small-time for a guy who's had coffee with Hitler."

"Yes, well clearly, we have to assume that Savage has a larger, more nefarious plan." Sighed Rip, "But since we've jumped back in time, Savage isn't expecting us here."

Kendra frowned, "Savage is pretty good at hiding, even in a small town, so how do you plan to find him?"

"By investigating these murders. Now, there has to be a common link between the victims, starting with the first. A piano teacher was found slain in her home, which is now on the market. Ray, Kendra, you'll go undercover there as a married couple."

Ray seemed a little too happy about this.

"Dr. Matt Miller was found murdered on the grounds of the asylum where he worked. The sanatorium is in need of a replacement." Continued Rip, "Stein, you'll be the replacement doctor. Sara, you'll be the nurse."


"Meanwhile, Jefferson and Luc- Sorry, Jefferson is the perfect age to discern the facts behind the disappearance of three teenagers who went missing a week before these murders began."

Len ignored Rip's slip-up, "So, Raymond and Kendra are shacking up, Sara's Nurse Ratched, and Jax's the new kid in town. Where does that leave me?"

Len was going to kill Rip…. And this time, there was no-one around to stop him.

Rip was practicing his American accent over and over again, and the sound was seriously grating on Len's nerves.

As soon as they pulled up to the police station, dressed in trench coats and suits (including sunglasses and fedoras), they made their way inside.

"We're looking for the sheriff." Stated Rip.

An older man seated behind his desk, twisted around and gave them a welcoming smile. ""Well, you found him. Bud Ellison. How can I help you, folks?"

In unison, the pair pulled out fake FBI badges and flipped them open.

"Special Agent Rip Hunter…." Greeted Rip, in that over-exaggerated American accent, "… This is my partner, Leonard. We are here to investigate the serial murders which have plagued this sleepy old town of yours."

Bud's eyes widened in surprise and alarm, "Whoa. Now, slow down there, buddy. It's like I told that ni-young man earlier, there ain't no serial killer anywhere. All we got is some unexplained accidents is all."

Len took note of the sheriff's almost slip-up, filing away the fact that someone else had asked about the murders. "How about you hand over those case files so we can decide for ourselves? Or we can come back with a court order and a really nasty disposition."

The sheriff clearly thought about it for a few moments, before holding his hands out and smiling, "Anything for our friends at the bureau."

As he went to fetch the files, Rip turned to Len and gave him, what he probably thought was, a friendly smile. "Nice work partner."

"You're not my partner…." Snarled Len, "… There's only two people I ever trusted on this job, and we all know how that turned out."



"Yes, I know I look weird, but this is the fashion for the time."


"My hair totally does look cool brushed over one eye!"


"We're here because of them."


"Who are they? Clearly travellers like us my dear."


"How do I know? What old, white man willingly sits with an African-American teen?"


"No, we're not the same. You're not old, and I'm not African-American…. Just not white."


"The plan? We need to scope out the neighbourhood…. If they have a yacht or a nice 1950's car, we go shopping."


Len frowned as Kendra regaled them with the story of how Savage was now their new neighbour.

"Savage doesn't think I recognize him, which means he won't try to kill me. He can't steal my powers before I've found them." She sighed in relief.

Raymond nodded in agreement, taking another forkful of tuna casserole, "Don't forget, we also have to figure out why he's killing the townsfolk."

"Are you really eating that?"

"Say what you want about Savage. He makes one hell of a casserole."

Rip rolled his eyes, "Yes, well, Mr. Snart and I have been analysing these forensic files, which- "

"- Which reveal nothing except Savage is very good at making people disappear." Sighed Len.

"Hmm, something you both have in common…." Muttered Stein, who flinched slightly when everyone turned to stare at him, many of them silently telling him to shut up now.

Stein didn't listen.

"Are we just going to just pretend like none of this happened? That Mister Rory wasn't a part of our team? If you can just kill your spouse like that, I hate to think what you could do to us…. Even Lucas could see it."

Too far.

"Right now, we need to stay focused on the mission." Scolded Kendra, who frowned at Stein.

Rip nodded in agreement, "Look, Savage is going to be busy with this little cocktail party. Whilst you two keep an eye on him, Sara and Martin have the opportunity to find out what he's doing in the secret wing of that asylum."

"And maybe, we can find out who else had been asking around about the case?" Len interjected, "It seems strange that someone else would class the murders those of a serial killer."

"I doubt it means anything…" argued Rip, "… probably just a young man who's too curious for his own good. Nothing we should be worried about."


"Bloody hell, he has a 1958 Ford Thunderbird!"


"I know it's just a Ford Thunderbird at the moment, but still…. He's earning the top pay checks. If it weren't for the party, I'd suggest a little visit to the Doctor."


"Because last time I asked George to make me a suit, it was bright pink… who gave him a sense of humour again?"


"Oh yeah."


"I only wanted a brief glance at the house… I stole this car because we're going for a nice drive in the woods."


"Because every murder in a town like this, takes place in the creepy, dark woods."


"You look great tonight."

Betty smiled shyly at Jax as the soft music played, before she suddenly lunged forwards and kissed him.

"Whoa, Whoa!" Jax gently pulled her away as she covered her mouth in shock, as though she didn't understand why she did that.

Betty was clearly mortified, "I'm sorry. I thought that- "

"- No, don't be sorry. It's just, uh, I thought girls from 1958 moved a little bit slower."

Betty frowned, "Girls from 1958?"


"I mean, uh, I think we should get to know each other a little bit better first"

"Okay. What do you want to know?"

"Those guys back at the soda shop, they mentioned something about your boyfriend going AWOL?"

Betty nodded sadly, turning away from Jax to stare out the window. "Tommy."

"What happened to him?"

"It's kind of a long story."

"Well, I got all the time in the world."

There was a brief moment of silence, before Betty began. "We were drag racing down on Route 7 with Davis and Billy when Tommy's car went into a ditch. That's when they found it."

"Found what?"

"This- "

Suddenly, a face appeared at Betty's window, "-Been looking all over for you." Sneered another teenager, as another teen came around and started to pull Jax out of the car.

For a while, the wooded path was filled with the sounds of protests and jeers…. Until there was screeching from up above.

As one, everyone looked up to the skies, only to see horrific winged creatures flying towards them. They all screamed in horror as the winged creatures picked up the two jocks and carried them off into the distance.

With more creatures incoming, Jax grabbed Betty's shoulder and pushed her towards the car, "Get in! Get in!"

Once they were in, a winged creature landed in front of them and snarled at them.

"Oh, come on!" growled Jax in annoyance, revving the engine as he heard Betty murmur "Tommy?" beside him.

She shrieked again as the creature propelled itself into the air, only to land on the roof of the car, its claws piercing through the thin metal and slicing Betty's neck.

"Okay..." Jax growled, "… I am not playing anymore!" He revved up the engine again and slammed his foot down on the accelerator, tearing forwards as Betty gasped in pain, blood pouring from the wound on her neck, "Don't worry, Betty. I'm gonna get you out of here!"

As they sped down the wooded path, Betty weakly glanced over at him, gasping in pain as blood continued to pour from the wound, "Nice driving."

Jax placed a comforting hand on her knee as he continued to drive. "Hang in there. Gideon's gonna fix you."

"Who's Gideon?"

Oops…. Again. "Uh, a doctor, of sorts."

"… Okay."

With the speed that he was going, Jax wasn't particularly surprised about the sirens behind him…. But there was no way he was-

"- need to pull over, Jax."

Jax groaned, slowly coming to a stop as the police stopped just behind him.

"Hey…." He turned to look at Betty, who was trying to give him a reassuring smile, "… Relax."

"Yeah, 'cause it's not like I'm a black kid in a small town with a white girl bleeding all over my seat."

Slowly, with a resigned look on his face, Jax got out of the vehicle and turned to face the officer.

"You were driving to beat the devil back there…." Began the old officer, "… That explain why your car looks like hell?"

"I need to get my friend to a hospital!"

"Friend?" The officer shone his torch into the car, to reveal a heavily bleeding Betty in the passenger seat.

"Yeah! And there's more wounded on Lovers' Lane. Some- some kind of attack!"

The officer frowned, stepping closer, "What were you doing with this girl on Lovers' Lane, boy?"

"There are kids back there that could really use your help, and she needs medical attention right now!"

"… Put your hands on the car and spread 'em."

Jax growled at this, "Listen, you can play Boss Hogg all you want, but I'm not gonna let that girl bleed to death, so I tell you what: I'm gonna get back in my car, and I'm gonna take her to the hospital!"

As he turned to get back in the car, there was a sharp pain on the back of his head, causing him to collapse to the ground. With the blackness creeping in, Jax heard one last thing before he fell unconscious.



"Gideon traced Jax's last biosignature to this location."

Together, Rip and Len slowly made their way to the car in front of them. In the car, a young girl was bleeding from the neck, her skin pale as she sat limply in the seat. By the car, was the body of a policeman, who was face down on the ground with a bullet hole in the back of his head.

"Well, it seems you had good reason to be concerned for Mr. Jackson's safety." Rip sighed

"Yeah… sucks being right all the time."

In the Waverider, Gideon started to examine the girl. "She has suffered several severe lacerations. I am attempting to cauterize the wound."

"What happened?" Stein asked.

"I don't know…." Sighed Len, "… But I'm guessing Jax and Peggy Sue had a pretty lousy first date."

"Where is Jefferson?"

Rip sighed, "There was no sign of him in the car."

This did nothing to help with Stein's worries as he examined the wounds himself. "These wounds don't appear consistent with a knife?"

"Correct." Agreed Gideon, "I believe these lacerations were made by talons."

"It was Tommy…."

At Betty's weak whisper, Rip eagerly leaned forwards. "Tommy Fuller, one of the missing teenagers!"

"… He was like a bird." Betty gasped out, "He-he was like a bird monster."

Gideon spoke up again, "Captain, analysis of Miss Seavers' blood reveals traces of silicate minerals."

"Miss Seavers…" Rip leant in close to the teenage girl, "… do you recall Tommy coming into contact with a meteor of some kind?"

"… The car crash… it was it was glowing."

Stein's eyes widened in realisation, "She's talking about an Nth Metal meteorite!"

"Say something that makes sense." Snarled Len.

"It seems Mr. Fuller has come into contact with a meteorite with mutagenic properties."

"… Try again."

This time, Rip spoke up. "Apparently, Miss Seavers' boyfriend has been exposed to the same type of meteor that Kendra came into contact with."

In Rip's office, they relayed this information back to her.


"Well, you and Carter."

Stein nodded, "4,000 years ago. The meteorite which gave you your powers appears to be of the same variety that mutated Tommy Fuller."

"And I'm guessing it's not curable?"

Turning to Len, Stein shrugged. "Well, I-I suppose, if the talons which lacerated her left some mutagenic residue, I could- "

"- Yes or no?"

"… Perhaps."

Rip sighed, "Why don't you get to work on that, Martin?"

"Okay, so if Savage isn't the one doing the killing, what is he doing in town?" asked Sara.

Ray beamed at them, pulling something out of his pocket. "Doesn't matter..."

"… We can take him down." Finished Kendra.

"The Amon Dagger!" Rip exclaimed, stepping closer to the table, "Where did you- "

"- Savage's house."

"All right, we need to proceed on two fronts: locate Jefferson and make an all-out assault on Savage!"

Rolling her eyes, Sara spoke up. "A full-on attack only plays to Savage's strengths. If we want to get him- "

"- We need to target his weaknesses. Sadly, very few come to mind."

"I can think of one…" sighed Kendra, "… Me. He wants me, and he always has. So, if I can get close enough to him, then- "

"- Then he'll kill you." Interrupted Ray, his eyes wide in concern.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence, but I don't need your protection."

"There's no reason to go alone! We're part of a team for a reason."

"Yes, and the team seems comfortable with me doing this…" Kendra glanced around, as everyone else nodded in agreement, "… so that makes it about you and me."

Before Ray could reply, Kendra grabbed the dagger and stormed out of the office.


Jax groaned as his head ached, weakly trying to open his eyes.

Artificial light from up above practically blinded him and he hissed in pain.

"Sorry old chap…" stated a male British accent, "…. Dialling the lights down now."

It took a few seconds for Jax to adjust, but when he eventually glanced around, he could see that he was in a smaller version of the Waverider's medical room.

"Finally, you're awake!"

Weakly, Jax turned his head to the side to see a young man, probably only slightly older than himself, stride into the room.

He had slightly darker skin than average, dressed in a sleeveless uniform that came equipped with a hood. The majority of the vest/jacket was an icy blue with black lining and red stitching on his right side and darker blue stitches on his left side. Attached, was a hood, which caused shadows to fall on his upper face.

The trousers were skin-tight and the black boots went halfway up his shin.

But the most important thing about this person, was his face…. or what he could see anyway.

The man's eyes were covered by dark blue goggles, and the lower part of his face was covered by a… sort of gas mask.

Only his cheeks were visible really.

"W-who are you?" Jax weakly asked, trying to push himself to an upright position, "Where am !?"

The man walked closer, turning his attention to the screen, "Take a look around kid, you're in a time ship… much like your own I suspect."

Jax scowled, "Don't call me kid…. A-and I don't know anything about time-ships! Is that like Back to the Future or something?"

"… Point A, I'm twenty-five and you are clearly younger, so yeah, I'll call you kid. Point B, Back to the future doesn't come out for another thirty or so years… bit of a give-away you're from the future. What business does your team have here?"

"… I don't have a team. I'm a lone wolf like you!"

The man chuckled, "I'm no lone wolf…. And don't lie to me! No old white man and pretty white girl would willingly sit next to a black teen in public…. Not in this time period."

Jax had no reply to that.

"Now…." Continued the man, "… we need to figure out where that policeman was going to take you."

"Ummmm…. Jail?"

"…. If you didn't have a concussion, I'd give you a cuff around the back of the head. Think about it…. You had a heavily bleeding girl in the car you were driving, and he just knocked you out. Even in 2020, police are shooting African-American's for 'perceived' threats…. no, he wanted you for something…. But what?"

"I'm sure the kid is fine." Muttered Len as they broke into the basement of the asylum.

"Jefferson and I, as you know, share a psychic connection, but for some reason, all his thoughts are muted…. "Stein sighed, "… I've grown so accustomed to our partnership, to suddenly be without him is disquieting."

"…. I know the feeling."


"Where are we going?!" Jax asked as they sped down the road.

"You're after a maniacal immortal who's working at the local asylum! So, we're going to the asylum!"


"Everyone keeps the evil and creepy things in the local asylum!"

As Len and Stein continued to move through the basement, they heard cawing and screeching from further up the corridor.

"Oh, boy…." Muttered Len, "… Just when you think you've seen everything."

Large, winged creatures flew towards them, as Len fired icy blasts at them, hoping to keep then back.

"Guess those missing kids are no longer missing!"

After another few blasts from the cold gun, the charge came to an end and Len swore violently under his breath. "Great…" he muttered, "… just great!"

Another winged creature crept around the corner, hissing at them as it came closer.

"STAND BACK!" cried out an unfamiliar voice, which was closely followed by another, much more familiar voice.


Stein span around in shock, "Oh, my God…" he exclaimed, "… It's Jefferson."

Jax raced up to Stein, just as the winged creature lunged…. Straight into a wall of ice.

"Come on!" yelled the unfamiliar figure, who was kneeling on the ground, his left arm covered in a thin layer of frost, "Let's get going before the Valkyrie-wannabe- "

The ice smashed into a million tiny pieces as the creature broke through the wall.

"- That. Before he does that."

The small group backed away as another creature came around the corner. Len aimed his gun at them, only to have the unfamiliar man push it back down.

"Wait! Before you murder them, they're just kids!"

"Well what's your great plan then?!"


Seconds before the creatures could use their claws to maim and/or kill them, the unfamiliar man pulled out a gun and shot several holes in the pipe up above.

The hot steam blinded the creatures, forcing them back and giving Len, Stein, Jax and the man enough time to get away.

"You owe me!" the man gestured at Jax, "If it weren't for me kidnapping you, you'd be just like that lot…. Blind with third degree burns on your face."

"Just run!"

As they raced through the hospital, they eventually met up with Sara (who was knocking creatures out left, right and centre).

"It's time to go." She ordered, seconds before she realised that Jax had been found and that there was a stranger right next to him. "Who's he?"

"Just call me Jax's white knight, now can we go?!"

Back at the Waverider, after everyone had recovered, Stein held a small test-tube up in the air. "Gideon was able to help me devise a gene therapy that will hopefully restore Jefferson and those at the asylum to their former selves. If genome bonding occurs, we should know right away once we get to those poor boys."

There was a pause, before Stein turned to the stranger, "I suppose we owe you a thank you. If you hadn't saved Jax, then I expect he would have suffered the same fate."

"Don't get sentimental on me old man. I only did it because I hoped to ransom him off…. And shooting policemen is a hobby of mine."

Everyone stared at him in shock, causing the man to scoff. "Jax is lucky me and my partner were travelling down that road…. There was nothing heroic about my actions."


"In crime, so to speak." The man suddenly clicked his fingers, "Which reminds me, I should really check that he managed to fit all those paintings in the store-room."

Without giving them a chance to question him, the man walked out of the room, pressing a communicator in his ear.

"Well…" Len chuckled, "… You'll have to look elsewhere if you want a hero. He doesn't seem to be the type."


Later on that day, when everyone was preparing to leave 1958, Len found himself on the deck, sitting near the windows at the front and gazing outside.

"You look depressed."

Len gritted his teeth in annoyance as he jumped slightly, twisting around to face the stranger. "And you sound annoying."

There was a brief silence, broken only by the man's chuckles.

"So…" Len began, "… what are we expected to call you? You haven't exactly been forthcoming with that information."

"Ah, of course, how rude of me! You can call me Thermos!"


Holding up his hands, the right one became encrusted in ice and the left burst into flames.

"Because I'm hot, then I'm cold…."

Yes…. He did sing that.

Before Len could comment on this, Jax made his way into the room, nervously shuffling from side to side.

"I was worried that you'd left already… Rip wanted to make you an offer."


"Yeah! To join the team! We could use- "Jax stopped in his tracks, biting his lip nervously as he turned his attention to Len, "…. I'm sorry about what the old man has been saying. I know he probably won't say it himself, but he's sorry…. Probably. But about what happened with Rory…. I get it… And everyone here regrets what happened with Lucky."

"Stop…" Len gritted, tension in his voice, "… I'm getting misty-eyed."

"You were protecting us." Jax continued stubbornly, "And that doesn't make you a murderer. It makes you a part of this team."

Before either Len (or a silently observing Thermos) could say anything in reply, Stein appeared. "Jefferson, you should be resting. You've been through a frightful experience."

"I'm not that scary Doc…" Thermos chuckled, the noise sounding sinister behind the gas mask, "… besides, I'm sure Jax would prefer to get out of Mayberry."

"Agreed we're still waiting on Sara and the two lovebirds to get back…." Len chuckled, "… Seems they've taken quite a shine to 1958."

Suddenly, the ship rocked violently from side to side, and everyone almost fell to their knees.

"Fucking hell!" Thermos yelped as he fell to the ground.

"What on Earth!"


As they all gathered around the centre control panel, the security cameras showed that a familiar figure was firing at the ship.


"Not this guy again!" Len groaned.

"Captain, Chronos has breached the starboard hatch."

"How is that possible?!" Stein exclaimed,

Rip sighed, "Clearly, he's received some new toys from his Time Master friends since our last encounter. Gideon, seal the bulkheads from here until- "

A laser blast to the chest soon stopped Rip in his tracks, as Chronos made his way onto the deck, firing at everyone as they ducked for cover.

"Grey, come on!" Jax yelled, "Let's do this!"

"If we merge on the Waverider, we could destroy the entire ship!"

"Um, are you not paying attention to what Chronos is doing?!"

"Fall back!" Rip ordered, firing at the bounty hunter, "Get to the jump ship!"

"Or we could get the hell out of here and my, much safer ship!" Thermos yelled.

They didn't have time for that.

With two more laser blasts, Stein and Jax were taken down, closely followed by Rip…. Leaving only Thermos and Len standing.

"Get out of here!" Thermos yelled, firing another blast at Chronos, "Go!"

Len didn't obey, his eyes focused on how Chronos casually stepped over Rip's unconscious body and continued towards them. "I thought he would take Rip…. Why isn't he taking Rip?"


It was too late.

With another blast from Chrono's gun, Thermos went down with a startled yelp, leaving Len alone to face the bounty hunter.

Despite firing blast after blast at the armoured man, Len could only watch as Chronos came closer and closer.

"Lights out." Grunted the man, raising his rifle into the air, before hitting Len across the face, knocking him out instantly.