Significant Smells

By: AuraAuthor

Just a little one shot that was bouncing around in my head.

It always broke my heart that both Remus and Tonks died in the battle of Hogwarts.

This is just a simple thought about how it could have been…

"You smell different."

I glanced up from my book and smiled. "Should I say thank you?" I said with a grin.

"It's not a bad smell," he said crawling under the covers next to me. "But it reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on. Like a distant memory."

"Well," I said with my nose still stuck in my book. "It has been a few years since I've smelled this way to you I suppose."

His body radiated heat which explained why even this late in the year we only slept under a sheet and small blanket. I could feel that heat as it moved closer to me but I didn't look at him. "A few years?" he asked very close to my ear. "Hmmm, that's intriguing."

I nodded. A shiver moving down my spine in the process.

He kissed my cheek and I jumped at the sudden heat from his hand grazing across my chest. "So you know why you smell different?" he asked in a husky whisper.

"You know why I smell different too," I whispered back finally making eye contact with him.

He stared at me for a moment and then his eyes grew wide with understanding and his hand drifted down to my stomach. "Really?" he stuck his nose into my neck and inhaled deeply. "It's a girl," he said softly. "You smell sweeter than you did with the boys."

I giggled. "Who needs an ultrasound or diagnostic spell when you're married to you?"

"How far? I'm guessing around eight weeks."

I nodded. "Eight weeks and a few days. It was probably when mom kept the kids for the night."

He grinned. "I knew that was a good idea."

I playfully punched his shoulder. "Was it a good idea? Are you happy? We hadn't discussed having anymore."

He grinned at me. "I'm thrilled and you know as well as I do that we can't control when they are gifted to us. We might have stopped several pups ago if we could."

"Each one is a miracle," I said defensively.

"And I never said otherwise," he grinned at me. "But our multitude of miracles does have a tendency to bring out the worst in us as parents. I had to put Larkin back in bed three times before I could finally come to you love."

"You chose his name Remus. You know what we name our children they will be. You punished yourself."

"I never thought fierce warrior could be a bad thing."

"And now you know better. This one will be named something sweet and easy going. I need a laid back kid after Larkin. I think our brood is probably why Teddy opted to stay at Hogwarts's for the holidays."

"That's probably why it has taken us so long to conceive again, as well."

I snorted. "It's not like we could prevent it through anything but abstinence."

"I love you Dora," he said with a smirk.

"I love you Remus," I said softly planting a kiss on his lips.

He accepted the kiss before kissing my abdomen and running his fingers along my old stretch marks. "It will never cease to amaze me," he said grinning up at me.

"What?" I asked grinning back down at him.

"That we couple together in passion and create life."

"You are very sentimental tonight," I said squinting my eyes at him.

"Memories of your beautiful belly swollen with our child. Knowing that I placed that life inside of you, it does something to me. Something primal."

"You mean how I look like a beached whale and use my abdomen to hold my various treats that I crave?"

"No Dora love," he said laying out on top of me and planting kisses along my face and throat. "I mean how beautiful and sexy and delightful you are and how you can't limit your sweets which means you taste even better."

His mouth found mine and I opened to him sighing with pleasure at his attentions. I loved him more every day and I proceeded to show him just how much.