This takes place somewhere in season 2 after Payback but before Six's memory wipe. A/N at the end.

I do not own.

"No! No it can't be!" The young woman screamed.

The menacing figure did not reply. Instead he pulled a cord and started his chainsaw.

The woman screamed hysterically as the figure came closer.

"Okay, that's enough." Six turned off the television.

"Oh come on, Six! It was just getting to the best part!" Rex protested.

"Watching someone dismembered should not be considered the best for anything." Six said flatly.

"You know what I mean." Rex whined.

"It was stupid." Bobo yawned. "I mean why is she going out alone with a dead flashlight? Then again you humans aren't very bright."

"Go to bed." Six ordered.

"Are you serious? I'm not a baby." Rex said indignantly.

"You still have a curfew." Six stood with his arms crossed.

Rex checked his watch. "I still have 10 minutes."

"That's just enough time to get to your room." Six pointed to the door.

Rex wrinkled his nose but got up to go. He sulkily shoved his hand into his pockets. Turning around, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Do you want to clean all the tanks again?" Six asked.

Rex quickly closed his mouth and left pouting.

"You too, monkey." Six stated.

"Wah? I'm an adult!" Bobo said crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his head. "I can go to bed whenever I want."

"Fur rug." Six said dryly.

"Will you look at the time? I guess I should hit the hay." Bobo quickly scrambled out of the room.

Six picked up the gory DVD cover. He dropped it back onto the coffee table disdainfully. He would have to have a talk to the grunts about age appropriate movies in the rec room.

He left the room and made his way to Holiday's lab. When he walked in, he found her nodding off at the computer.

"Holiday." He said. Holiday jerked up.

"Oh, Six. I guess I was falling asleep." She rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Looks like Rex isn't the only one who needs to get to bed." Six noted wryly.

"I know. I really should. I can't even think coherent thoughts anymore." Holiday picked up her cup and tried to take a sip before realizing it was empty. She tossed it in the trash. "Did Rex go to bed?" Holiday asked.

"I just sent him to his room." Six replied.

"Good." She approved as she started shutting down her computer.

"He was watching that slasher movie." Six said.

"He did? I hope he won't have nightmares." Holiday shook her head.

"I think he's a little old for that but it's not appropriate viewing for a teen." Six said.

Holiday chuckled. Six raised an eyebrow. "Something funny?"

"You just sounded like a father." She smirked.

"And you sounded like a mother." Six responded.

"Touché." Holiday said. "Well, I'm going to turn in. See you tomorrow, Six."

"Good night, Doctor." Six said.

"Good night." Holiday stifled a yawn.

"Can you believe that Six still treats me like a baby?" Rex grumbled to Bobo who was lying on his hammock.

"Yeah, he's a real killjoy." Bobo agreed lazily.

"Right! I mean I'm old enough to watch whatever I want and go to bed whenever I want!" Rex continued to complain.

"Mmm-hmmm." Bobo pushed his fez over his eyes.

"What'll it take for him to start treating me like an adult?" Rex ranted.

Bobo made an unintelligible noise.

"Bobo? Are you listening?" Rex asked.

Soft snoring answered him.

Rex sighed. He punched his pillow to soften it before he placed his head on it. "Good night, Bobo." He closed his eyes.


Some noise woke Rex up somewhere around midnight. He opened his eyes to the pitch dark room. It took a few seconds before his eyes adjusted. From the corner of his vision something flew past. Rex sat up. "Bobo? Bobo!" He hissed.

There was no answer. Rex looked up to find the hammock empty. "Bobo! Where are you?" He jumped out of bed. His barefoot stepped in something cold and slimy. He quickly lifted his foot. "Ugh! What is this stuff?" He gagged. He noticed more movement. His head snapped up. He made his Smack Hands. "Okay, whatever you are, show yourself!" Rex demanded. His skin prickled when an evil chuckle echoed through the room. Rex spun around almost in a panic. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. More movement. Rex swung his fist. He hit air. His Smack Hands fell apart. Rex spun around again trying to get a view of whatever was in the room with him. He took a step and realized that his foot was stuck to the goo on the floor. Rex formed his Punk Busters to free his feet. "You don't scare me." Rex called out through chattering teeth.

The chuckle echoed through the room again. Rex swung his Punk Busters. He crashed through the wall and into the empty hallway. Something was wrong with the hallway. The red emergency lights were on but there were no alarms accompanying it. In fact it was deathly silent, at least until the hair-raising chuckle came back.

"Come out and fight!" Rex's voice wavered. More movement made him spin around. "What's wrong scared?" There was silence.

Rex took several steps backward into the hallway. "Show yourself!" He yelled.

"Why, Rex? What would you do?" A familiar oily voice purred. Rex's blood turned icy.

"Van Kleiss!" Rex growled. "How did you get in?"

"What does it matter?" Van Kleiss stepped out of the shadows. "But more importantly what are you going to do about it?"

Rex's Punk Busters disappeared and his BFS sprouted from his hand. "How about I do this?" Rex asked angrily. He swung his weapon at Van Kleiss's smug face. Van Kleiss leapt back.

"That the best you can do?" He taunted. Rex swung again and again. The blade kept missing its target. Van Kleiss let out another chuckle. Rex in his anger gave one last hard swing. The tip of the blade rip through his abdomen. Van Kleiss's face never lost its smug look. But suddenly Rex heard someone screaming. He smelled blood. Then something knocked him over.

"Rex! Rex! Snap out of it!" He heard his mentor's voice, urgent and commanding. Rex had no idea what he was talking about. He struggled to get loose from whatever was restraining him. Something cold hit his face. He gasped. The red light slowly cleared and was once again the usual florescent white. His face was dripping.

"Ugh, what happened? Where am I?" He coughed out some water that he had accidently breathed in. He looked up to see Six's grim face in front of his.

"You have no idea what you've done." It was more of a statement than a question.

"What are you…" Rex trailed off. He finally noticed the commotion in front of him. The emergency medical team was surrounding someone lying on the floor. Rex got up mechanically. He felt Six's hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off walking to where the medical personnel gathered. When one of them saw him, she gasped and everyone turned. Almost as one they moved out of his way. Rex got a good look of the body on the floor.

Holiday lay bleeding on the ground.

I know I should be working on Season 8. And I am. But I had originally planned to write a horror story this Halloween because that's one genre I haven't written for. But I don't really do horror. Mainly to make a believable horror story, you have to feel that evil can win. And in my worldview that doesn't happen. But I'd like to try something like a horror/suspense/mystery story. Also there are too many Gen Rex stories out there languishing in limbo. I have tried to contact their authors but to no avail. So I think I'm going to start to write stories using the ideas of those writers (but not really their exact story) and bring them to some conclusion. If those writers have a problem, they can contact me and I can either make the changes they want or I can take it down. (If I am forced to take it down, I will give a summary of how I envision it to end to anyone who PM's me). But I think it's time to put an ending on some of these really good stories. What do you think and do you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see have an ending? Reminder: I do not do lemons, limes, or slashes.