Quick note: I Now have a beta reader named Demonfoxbk201, and with her help, the story is getting cleaned up and reposted before I put up any new chapters.

Indra and Asura

Two brothers with unbelievable power, locked in eternal conflict stretching across generations: Indra, a tormented soul that found strength in darkness and solitude; and Asura, said to be light itself, could turn even the darkest enemy into friend. The two would meet time and time again, decimating the land with their battles. Their souls reincarnated within the bodies of their kin, and with each reincarnation, the conflict would continue.

However, something worthy of being known as a miracle occurred: a young pair of their reincarnations found peace with one another, and for once in many, many years the world experienced peace under their watchful gaze. However when Asura's incarnate passed, Indra's reincarnation was left alone to nurture the peace with the time he had left. The peace fell apart, seemingly no longer possible.

The result of his efforts merely left the world with stray fragments of peace, unlike its former self. Some would call his final decisions to be atrocious and inhumane, but he hoped they would bring peace in the future. When he had done all he felt he could, he made sure he would be able to watch over his future incarnations to make sure that Indra's soul never fell into darkness again, and when he passed the reincarnation cycle started again.

"Congratulations son." My father acknowledged proudly, his firm hand patting me on the back. I look up at my mother and father, a joyous smile spreading across my face.

"Thanks dad, but you really didn't have to do this for me." He then turned to meet my eyes.

"Nonsense! It's not everyday your son unlocks his semblance, and at the young age of 12, you might just be a prodigy!"

I look around the restaurant we were currently entering, the hostess was waiting for us at the other side of the glass door. I quickly turn back to my father. "Some kids unlock their semblance the same time as their aura. I'm nothing special."

As we are led to our table and taking our seats I feel my mother's hand lay on my shoulder. My eyes turn to her. "Your father is just proud of you, Sasuke. He's always getting excited over small things when it comes to you." She said as her eyes glance over to make contact with fathers. He looked quite offended, his pride probably slightly damaged.

"I do not!" He replied in an arguing tone fit for a child. My mother and I both chuckled in amusement at his reply.

Then my father's face became serious, "Sasuke, your academy teacher told us something about your semblance that you have to be careful of."

I was confused in his drastic shift of tone, and my attention was entirely on my father now. "He did? What was it?"

My father shifted his eyes around the room dangerously, as if looking for spies, before landing back on me. He quietly stated, "When you were channeling your lightning semblance through your sword, your teacher said it seemed as though you cut directly through your classmates aura and sliced through her shoulder."

My eyes widened in disbelief as I quickly replied, "I did? Is she going to be ok?"

My mother quickly calmed me telling me, "He said Yang will be fine. In fact her aura had healed the wound before the day was up."

I slouched into my seat, breathing a sigh of relief. "Oh, good."

My mother's face morphed into a cheeky smile as she continued staring at me. "What?" I asked, confused.

Her smile only grew bigger as she teased, "You worried about hurting your crush?"

I felt my face heat up as I replied, "No! I was worried she might pummel me the next time she saw me. You haven't really met her till you see her angry."

"Alright, honey, whatever you say," she finished as the waitress came over. My father looked at us and said, "Enough talk, let's have a feast."

(Sasuke's POV)

I look at myself In the mirror of the restaurant bathroom. I have been told I look like my mother by many. I have her black eyes and her black hair with slight blue tint. My father always says my hair almost makes me look like a girl with how long it is, although the girls at the Academy to seem to think otherwise. I silently grimace thinking about the endless horde of fangirls that seem to always chase after me. Without warning the ground shakes and I see the mirror crack before me as I hear a huge explosion from what seems to be directly above me.

Panic bubbles in my throat as I'm knocked to my knees, unable to keep my balance. The restaurant continues to shake for a few muted seconds, the sound of the explosion deafening. I struggle to climb to my feet before finally running out the bathroom door. I have to shield my face is I feel extreme heat radiating from the restaurant, or what was left of it.

"W-what..?" I barely manage to stutter. I look through my arms I notice small pockets of fire and a giant scorch mark of what was the center of the restaurant. Then I noticed the scorched corpses and the overwhelming stench of burnt flesh. I fall backwards onto the ground, gagging, as I realize these people were dead. I roll to the side as I vomit the meal I just ate. When I finally gain my bearings I came to a freezing realization, despite the inferno before me.

"MOTHER!!! FATHER!!!" I searched frantically as some of the survivors started to get up, each as disoriented as I was. It was a minute later that I found them. The table we had been seated at was smashed by the force, and on fire. My parents lay in the midst of the crumpled table, still burning, still recognizable.


I stared, my mind not registering, before tears formed in my eyes. I fell to my hands and knees the hot ground burning my hands, but I didn't care, just like how I didn't care about the burning in my eyes.

It must've been several minutes before I felt someone pick me up, limp from shock and sorrow, and carry me out of the destroyed restaurant.

I sat there for what felt like hours inside of the precinct. I was content to sit motionless on a bench near the restaurant as I listened to the officers discuss the situation.. They seemed to move oddly as I watch them from the sidelines, almost as if I was watching them in slow motion, yet at the same time they were moving just as fast as normal. Despite the distance I could read their lips even too. Occasionally I would see them one of them look at me, and every time I would make eye contact they would quickly look away as if they had been struck.

Finally I saw one of the officers announce that The White Fang took responsibility for the attack. 'That can't be right…' I find myself thinking.

My father was a supporter of the White Fang, he signs all their petitions. Why would my father ever accept an organization that would do something like this?

Finally one of the officers came up to me with questions. Where was I when the bomb went off? Who was I with? Do I have any other relatives? I finally found my voice and asked, "Why would the White Fang do this?" He looks at me in surprise but then says to me, "Because the restaurant owner wouldn't allow faunus to eat there." My knuckles turn white. "Just for that!? Just because of that my parents had to die!?!?" I shout, isn't that too drastic..?

Then someone else came over, my academy teacher, Taiyang. He bargained with the officer that he would answer all other questions to spare me. Afterwards he approached me and said "Everything is going to be alright, Sasuke, you're going to come and stay with me for a while, okay?" I wordlessly nod, not believing for second anything is going to be all right.

He then says something that I wasn't expecting, "Sasuke? What happened to your eyes?" I look up at him confused. Seeing my confusion he pulls out his scroll, opening the front facing camera.

Blood red.

My eyes are blood red with two comma-like marks in each. I blink a few times, unsure of what I was seeing, as I stare at them. I realize my eyes still feel like they are burning with the fire of the explosion, and somehow, instinctively, I know how to stop it. I stop the aura from flowing to my eyes and the burning sensation fades. I feel my exhaustion finally make itself known to me, and and my mind goes blank, it fails to register as my vision fades and I fall forward.

Author's note: Holy crap I never gave writers enough credit for how difficult this is.

Also I don't know the RWBY story as well as I do Naruto so if anything is seriously wrong tell me please.

This story is an anti-hero story. For those of you I don't know the difference between a villain in an anti hero I would suggest just typing it up on YouTube.