I don't own Harry Potter, if I did I wouldn't have had the heart to kill Sirius, which is why he won't be dying in this story. Warnings; this story includes physical and sexual abuse, as well as self-harm and a suicide attempt. The abuse is all in the past tense, and not terribly graphic because I don't think anyone needs to read that. The self-harm stuff is not graphic, but it is a pretty central theme so please don't read this if it is going to make you struggle.

This is like my favorite fan fiction that I've ever written, when I first started writing it, it was a bit too personal to share… so now I'm posting it with a bunch already done. I am planning to write more, but I'm undecided as to if it will be a sequel or just continued on this story. Like I said, this story means a lot to me, so if you like it I would really appreciate comments!

Last but not least, this story is about Harry, having been abused by his relatives, being placed in Remus and Sirius's care, and dealing with everything he has been through, as well as finally finding a family. It is obviously not cannon, and while I do my best to keep it in line with the books, I wrote this for myself, for fun. So it doesn't match up perfectly, and I don't bother explaining changes I made (like Sirius living). Also, there is no noncannon romantic plots, I think that in our eagerness to make Remus and Sirius into a couple, we loose a bit of the amazingness of their friendship. So there is that. I'll do my best to be consistent throughout the story, but I started it over a year ago, and then picked it up recently. So, if I slip up on minor details please be kind… Thank you, I hope you enjoy and review!

Ps. I don't know how to spell half of the magical names that good old J.K came up with, they are close enough for you to understand what I am saying, so please don't comment just to tell me how to spell them. It's silly and a bit rude.

What went unsaid

When Harry came out of the last trial clutching Cedric's body there were a lot of questions. All he could manage was "He's back. Voldemort is back." After that he just gave them blank stares, or shook his head silently. At first, they thought it was just the stress of the tournament, the shock of seeing his school mate murdered. But after a week people started to worry that it might be more permanent.

School was ending, and Sirius and Remus refused to allow Harry to go back to his relatives.

"They have never treated him right, and you know it Dumbledore!" Sirius argued as they stood in the headmaster's office pleading their case. "He's in a rough place right now and he needs people who will support him. Not people who treat him like a slave and call him a freak!"

Remus sighed and gave Sirius a warning look. He knew his friend loved Harry, but he could be a bit insensitive when he was upset. "Dumbledore, what we are trying to say is that Harry is very fragile right now. There is a lot on his plate and I think he would benefit from being with people who were aware of his situation and could be sensitive to it. And Grimauld place is as safe as anywhere else. I know you'd rather he goes to his aunt and uncle… but I think that might break him."

They argued with the older man for another hour, and when they emerged they had reached an agreement that no one was pleased with. Harry would go back to his relatives for two weeks, then he would be moved to Grimauld place for the rest of the summer and be in the care of Sirius and Remus.

Both of the marauder's made sure to be at the train station when the Hogwart's train arrived for boarding. They couldn't risk going to King's Cross, but they wanted to make sure their godson knew he was not being abandoned.

They stood apart from the crowd a bit. Remus hugged Harry tight, and Sirius jumped up and licked his face (as a dog of course). "Harry, it is only going to be two weeks. I promise, as soon as we can we will come for you. And if you need us before then, just owl alright?" Remus waited for the sulking boy to nod before he smiled. He paused for a moment before letting go though. "I know you aren't ready to talk, and I won't pressure you, but I am here for you when you are ready, alright?"

Harry gave the slightest of nods before pulling away and boarding the train. He sunk down into the seat Hermione and Ron had saved for him and leaved heavily against the window.

Hermione tried to give him an encouraging smile. "At least you only have to stay with them for two weeks this time."

Harry glanced up at her, but didn't respond. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny did their best to keep him involved in the conversation but they could only do so much. He hadn't even spoken to them since the last trial. Of course, they all understood, but it was hard not to feel helpless around him.

After an emotional goodbye at King's Cross Harry slipped away from the wizarding world. Two weeks later no one had heard a single word from him. Remus and Sirius showed up at number four privet drive frantic. The moment Uncle Vernon opened the door Sirius bounded past him in his animagus form. He raced through the house following the scent of his godson.

Harry looked worse off than he had two weeks before. He was mowing the lawn in the back yard. He had lost even more weight and seemed to be limping. Remus quickly informed the Dursley's that they would be removing him from their care and ordered Harry to collect his things. As he stood closer to the fifteen-year-old boy Remus could see fresh bruises on his face. Harry just stared at him blankly until Pentunia sighed and walked over to the small cupboard under the stairs and started to unlock it. Eventually they had all of his things and they were ready to go.

When they finally got to Grimauld Sirius morphed back into his human form and immediately began fuming. "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE BRUISES? HAVE YOU LOST WEIGHT? THEY WERE STARVING YOU! I SWEAR I WILL SKIN THEM WITH IN AN INCH OF THEIR LIVES THEN FEED THEM TO THE DEMENTORS!"

Remus sent him a sharp look "Sirius now is not the time!" He hissed.

The moment Sirius had started yelling Harry had cowered into a corner with a terrified expression.

Sirius was still fuming so Remus sent him into the living room, his voice so dangerously stern that even the fiery tempered Black didn't argue.

Once Sirius was out of the way Remus turned to his frightened charge. "I'm sorry Harry, he isn't angry at you though. I promise." When Harry still didn't move Remus changed the topic. "Why don't I take you upstairs and show you your room. Sirius has been working on it since we heard you were coming, it's actually quite nice now."

Harry refused the hand that had been offered him, but he followed his former professor upstairs without argument. The room really was nice. It was decked out in red and gold, and pictures of his friends and parents had been hung on the walls, along with some posters of his favorite quittich players.

Remus levitated his trunk into the room and set it down gently. "It's not very big but we thought you would want a room with more windows. You can change anything you like of course."

Harry was wandering around the room quietly taking it all in. There was a loud crash down stairs and He nearly jumped out of his skin, which of course did not go unnoticed by the older man.

Remus winced "I'm sorry Harry, he really means well… we've just been worried about you." After a pause he sat down on the edge of the large four poster bed and motioned for Harry to sit next to him. "You don't have to talk, but could you answer some questions for me if they were yes or no?"

Harry looked at him for a long time before nodding. His eyes pleaded the older man not to ask the questions he knew were burning in his mind.

Remus swallowed and gave Harry a feeble smile. He knew that Harry didn't want him to ask about the bruises, but he also knew that it was his responsibility to ask. And it was better that it was him than Sirius. "Okay," He would start with something easier. "Were your relatives preventing you from contacting us?"

A slight nod.

"Were they making you work for them Harry?"

Again a nod, this time a little bit more sure of himself.

Now Remus paused, the next question would be a bit harder. "Harry have they been feeding you enough?"

Harry didn't respond right away. He looked down at his hands. He can tell by looking at you, you idiot. He already knows the answer why does he have to ask. Harry settled for more of a shrug this time. They fed me, sure it was the scraps from their table, and only when I got all my work done…. But it's not really starving if you are eating something.

Remus knew that Harry was shrugging it off. He could clearly see that the boy was malnourished. His next question was even harder. "Have your relatives ever hurt you Harry?"

This time he didn't hesitate at all, He shook his head fiercely. He can never know.

Remus sighed and gave Harry a sad look "How did you get that bruise on your face then, huh?"

Harry wouldn't meet his eyes, he could feel the tears welling up but he bit his lip until the lessened. Then he shook his head again.

Remus sighed and stood, pacing in front of him. "Harry, I know you are lying… you are safe, you don't have to protect them anymore!"

Harry continued to shake his head firmly, while refusing to meet Remus's eyes.

Remus slowed and knelt down in front of the distraught teen. He paused for a long moment before he spoke again. "Harry…" He asked uncertainly. "has your uncle ever hurt you in other ways? Has he ever…. Touched you…"

Now Harry was shaking even more frantically, and silently begging Remus to stop questioning him. NO he mouthed firmly.

Remus sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh Harry, I'm so sorry… I knew that they were cruel to you… but I didn't realize the extent of it."

Harry was still shaking his head, but it was no use. He knows… he knows and he must hate me, I'm disgusting. I'm dirty… I can't ever face him again… and he's going to tell others… of merlin he is going to tell everyone!

Remus enveloped Harry in a tight hug and held on until he seemed to have gained some composure. When he finally pulled back he locked eyes with him. "Harry, I am never going to let them hurt you again, I promise you that. And I want you to know that none of this is your fault, and it doesn't change how I see you one bit."

Harry gave an almost imperceptible nod, then a crash from the room bellow reminded them of the presence of Sirius downstairs. Remus sighed "I should go talk to him, will you be okay up here?"

Panic coursed through Harry and he gave Remus a meaningful look.

Remus sighed "I'm sorry Harry, but I have to tell him. He is your legal guardian… I promise I won't tell anyone who does not need to know, and I will inform you of who I am telling before I do so. Would you rather come down with me when I do?"

Another crash made Harry jump, and after a moment he gave a resigned shake of his head.

Remus gave him one more hug, then promised to come back in a little bit and help him unpack.

After he had left all Harry could think about what that he knew. And that he was talking about his right now. He's saying words like abused, and raped… he's talking about me like… like I'm some victim. Harry couldn't stand it. After he was sure that Remus was downstairs he made his way to his trunk and searched for the one thing that was sure to bring him some comfort.