It had been quite a while since Bobby had a teenager in his charge. Jude and Jess came to visit every so often, but they only stayed for a few days at best. Having Clarence in his house all the time was going to be a drastic change. Bobby knew that. And he knew that he was much older than Clarence, and probably wouldn't be considered 'hip' or 'cool.' But he just couldn't stand to see the kid without a proper home, especially after what happened with Meg. Besides, the thought of having a kid around full time made Bobby feel kind of giddy. Part of him hoped that Clarence might fill the void of loneliness that he had to deal with when Crowley and Rowena were away.
Surprisingly, it seemed like Bobby wasn't the only one who was looking forward to having Clarence around. For most of the trip back to South Dakota, Crowley and Rowena talked the poor kid's ear off; asking him questions about himself, telling him about hell, mentioning old war stories and tall tales. Clarence seemed glad to be the center of attention for once. In fact, Bobby could tell that the guy's whole attitude had changed. Clarence wasn't the arrogant brat that Bobby met a few days before. Now, he was talking like a happy little kid who was eager to see his new home.
By the time the truck rolled back into the driveway at the house, Clarence was leaning forward in his seat and staring through the windshield in awe. He must have caught sight of the 'Singer's Salvage' sign because his eyes lit up and he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"Is that it? Is that your house?" the blonde kid asked, pointing toward the building in front of the truck.
"Yep. Home sweet home," Bobby answered as he shut off the engine.
"Admittedly, it's not much to look at from this angle, dearie. But it's a lot nicer once yer inside," Rowena assured, "Come along, puppet! Ya've got lots of sights to see!"
Bobby was proud to hear the tiny chuckle that Clarence gave when he quickly followed the red-head witch out of the passenger side door. Like always, Crowley slid out of Bobby's side and straightened his black suit like a professional gentleman. When he shut the door, the demon grabbed a hand full of Bobby's vest jacket and pulled him close to whisper.
"Are you still sure about this, love?" Crowley asked, searching Bobby's face with dark eyes, "Because now would be an appropriate time to back out. Before he gets attached and all."
Bobby could tell that Crowley was only saying that because he was nervous. Taking care of a complete stranger – letting them into your house, feeding them, providing for them, supporting them, loving them – may have been a challenge for Crowley, but Bobby had been doing it for most of his life.
"Don't get your britches in a bunch, darlin'," Bobby whispered in the most comforting voice he could muster as he reached out to pat his husband's ridged shoulder, "You don't have to worry about a thing. I've got this handled."
Although it looked like Crowley wanted to argue, Bobby only tossed him a wink and made his way around to the hood of the truck. Rowena had looped her arm around Clarence's and was slowly guiding him into the salvage yard, pointing toward various spots.
"And over there is where Robert works on his machinery. The lad's practically a wizard with a wrench," she hummed, "And over there is where I'm planning to plant a garden in the spring. He doesn't know it yet, o' course, but I'm running out of spices and the like, and ya can't very well make potions without a proper stock..."
Bobby only rolled his eyes with a smile. He knew it would only be a matter of time before that old witch took over his yard. Next to Rowena, Clarence almost gasped.
"That's what Sarah always said," the teenager smiled, "One of the witches I lived with. She always kept a garden too."
"Oh, it sounds like you were raised by a well-trained coven, lamb," Rowena mused, "Perhaps we can find you a caldron of your own soon, hmm?"
Bobby could see a red tint rising on Clarence's smiling face when the kid glanced away. He obviously liked getting all of this attention and praise. It made Bobby wonder how long the boy had gone without a doting parental figure in his life. While Rowena and Clarence walked and talked, Crowley edged closer to Bobby's side to whisper again.
"At least he's keeping mother entertained," he muttered.
Bobby was glad to hear the hidden joy and relief in Crowley's voice. Aw, the ol' demon-bat actually did care about the boy. Maybe, in time, he might actually admit it out loud...
As the four of them rounded a stack of cars to get to the backdoor of the house, a man in a suit appeared almost directly in front of Crowley. Everyone turned to look at him, including Clarence and Rowena. Bobby had seen this particular person before. He was one of Crowley's lackeys; always running to Crowley when there was news from hell. When Crowley saw his demonic servant, he huffed a gusting sigh.
"Oh, for Chuck's sake. I can't leave the throne room for ten minutes without one of you imbeciles popping up," he growled, "What is it this time?"
"Forgive me, sir," the demon squeaked, "I wanted to inform you that Rhodes is refusing to give up his souls again. I thought you might like to carry out his punishment yourself."
"You're bloody right I do," Crowley snapped, "Damn greedy fool... Go ready The Rack for me. I'll be there shortly."
"Yes, sir," the demon nodded.
Once the lackey was gone, Bobby huffed a breath and turned to give his husband a stern look. Torture? Again? Why couldn't Crowley just kill someone and be done with it? Crowley must have known exactly what Bobby was thinking because he rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Ugh, don't give me that look," he grumbled, "You know very well that I have to assert my authority over those hooligans. Besides, that bastard has had this coming for a while now."
Bobby crossed his arms and shook his head in disappointment. He really did love Crowley with all of his heart, but torture was one of the things they still couldn't agree on.
"If you bloody up that suit, don't ask me to wash it again," Bobby replied.
"Who was that? What's going on?" Clarence asked, sounding curious.
"Nothing," Crowley answered, briefly rubbing his forehead, "Just a minor inconvenience. Mother, let's go. I'm going to need your assistance."
"Aw, Fergus, now? But we've only just received our new sweet baby lamb," Rowena attempted to argue as she pet Clarence's arm.
"Stow it. You're coming with me," Crowley barked.
Bobby nudged his husband's shoulder, silently reminding him that they were in the presence of a child they had just taken in and that he needed to make a good first impression. As usual, the gesture made Crowley change his tune.
"But we'll be back before dinner," the demon king reluctantly added.
Rowena sighed dramatically and turned to give Clarence a woeful look.
"I'm so sorry, pet. I suppose Robert will have to finish giving you the tour," she said.
Bobby's eyes widened a bit. Ah, hell. Rowena was right. Bobby would have to finish showing the kid around. The two of them would be alone for the very first time. That was going to be awkward...
Crowley led the way over to the closest garage, which contained the portal to Hell that the boys built years before. It was still set up in the back of the room like an old statue, just needing a little blood to reopen the entryway. Rowena finally let go of Clarence's arm long enough to go and get everything ready for their departure. In the meantime, Crowley grabbed Bobby's vest again to pull him down into a kiss. It was just a little peck; nothing vulgar or spectacular. But it still made Clarence go beet red next to them.
"I'll return in a few hours, old friend," the demon king purred, giving Bobby that familiar churn in his stomach, "Perhaps now would be a good time to show Clarence his room and give him that little present from Dean, hmm?"
A smile spread on Bobby's face. Just thinking about the kid's reaction to Dean's gift made him giddy. Not to mention all the new stuff he and Crowley got for him.
"I s'pose I could," Bobby winked back.
After the sweet goodbye, Crowley turned his attention to Clarence, who was trying his best not to pay attention to the two older men nearby.
"I'm afraid it's a bit too early to show you around my dwelling, boy," Crowley began, giving the blonde teenager a mild grin, "Unfortunately, I can't take you with me today."
"Oh, I get it. It's fine. I'm still getting used to the salvage yard," Clarence respectfully assured.
"I suppose you're right. Baby steps," Crowley nodded, flashing a secret smile of approval toward Bobby, "I'll see both of you tonight."
"Later," Clarence waved.
Crowley waved back a bit as he joined his mother at the portal. Rowena waved eagerly toward Clarence, making the long sleeves of her dress sway around.
"Be good for Robert, love, and I'll bring ya back a few goodies!" she sang.
Bobby chuckled as he watched his husband and mother-in-law disappear through the black veil of the portal. He always thought that Rowena would make a good grandmother. He just never thought she would actually get to be one in this odd way... With Crowley and Rowena gone, Clarence slowly turned around to look at Bobby. The kid was hanging on to his guitar case strap with a smile on his face.
"So. Where to next?" he urged, looking so excited.
Bobby paused to dig around inside his pocket and retrieve his house keys. He was going to take Crowley's advice and show Clarence to his room, so that the kid could finally settle in and get that heavy guitar off his back. The old man gestured for the teenager to follow him as he made his way outside and up to his backdoor.
"This door gets locked at eleven o'clock every night," Bobby mentioned as he slid in the key, "I'd prefer it if you'd be on the other side when it does, okay?"
"Eleven o'clock. Got it," Clarence instantly agreed.
Bobby hoped that he didn't sound too 'parental.' Maybe he needed to lighten his tone a bit...
"After you've earned a little trust, I might extend it to midnight," Bobby carefully added.
He turned back to look at Clarence and saw that the kid was actually beaming ear to ear. Man, Bobby had never seen a kid so darn happy to have someone boss him around. Did Clarence actually like having rules?
Almost as soon as Bobby opened the backdoor to his kitchen, the thunderous sound of paws hitting the floor came rumbling through the house. Pete, Willy, and Humphrey all came bounding up to him from the study with tails wagging and mouths open. They barked and jumped up and down around Bobby's legs like they did every time he came home. They were probably expecting some kind of gift, because he usually brought them some raw meat from a hunt.
"Yeah, I'm home. Settle down, boys," Bobby smiled down at his dogs.
Clarence stood wide-eyed in the doorway, staring down at the three mutts in shock. Bobby forgot that Clarence had never seen a hellhound-Jack Russell mix before. The red eyes and sharp teeth were probably creepy to him. Willy was the first one to notice the new boy at Bobby's back. The little dog pranced over to sniff Clarence's leg – where he proceeded to latch on and hump it. Bobby immediately reached down to nudge the dog off the poor kid.
"Don't you dare!" Bobby barked, "You behave yourself, Willy!"
Willy whined a little bit but got back in line with his brothers. Clarence, who was still a little confused and surprised, scratched his head.
"Uh, what the hell are those?" he asked, "Killer zombie dogs? Tiny werewolves?"
"They're, uh, part hellhound," Bobby tried to explain, bumping his hat up a bit so that he could scratch his forehead, "You know Gabe's dog, Dickie?"
Clarence nodded, making his stringy blonde hair fall in front of his face. Boy, he really needed a haircut.
"Well, he sorta knocked up Crowley's hellhound Juliet. And these are her pups. This is Pete," Bobby said, pointing to the one at his feet, "Willy's the one who just violated you. And Humphrey is the one tryin' to fight with himself over there."
Clarence laughed a little when he looked up to see Humphrey growling at his own reflection in the glass part of the stove. Bobby, though, was pretty used to it. The poor dumb dog growled at himself all the time.
"Nice names," Clarence mumbled, bobbing his head, "I've never had a dog before."
Bobby's heart ached a bit. Never had a dog? Every kid needed to have an animal at least once, so they could learn responsibility. Plus, the companionship wasn't such a bad thing to learn either. But no dog ever? That was an awfully sad thing.
"Well, I heard Crowley say something about finding you one of your own," Bobby reminded with a smile, "C'mon, kid. I'll show you to your room."
The old man didn't miss that the teenager's eyes lit up as they started to walk down the hall. Clarence held on tight to his guitar case strap and followed closely at Bobby's back, stretching up to steal a peek over Bobby's shoulder to see where they were going. Bobby could feel his own heart picking up pace, too. How were kids able to make happiness rub off on grown-ups like that? Bobby couldn't remember the last time he was this excited.
When he came to his spare guest room – now Clarence's room – Bobby paused to step to the side so that he could see the boy's face. The night before, when Bobby and Crowley decided that they were going to bring Clarence home, they spent most of the night shopping and making room for him. Inside, the spare room was now full of open storage space, fresh clothes, a new dresser, and a complete bed set. Plus the gift that Dean got him. Bobby really hoped that the kid liked the color black, because that was the theme they went with. And now that he was getting ready to show Clarence all his new stuff, Bobby was actually a little nervous.
But thankfully, when he finally opened the door, Bobby was proud to hear Clarence's gasp of surprise. For a second, the blonde guy just stood there and stared at all the furniture inside with his mouth hanging open. His greenish-brown eyes eventually wandered back to look at Bobby with absolute awe.
"This... This is my room?" he breathed.
"Sure is," Bobby nodded, "Go on in."
Clarence gulped and shuffled forward, still clinging to his guitar strap and looking around at everything like he was in a museum. He briefly reached out to touch the edge of the bookcase, the dresser, and slowly stopped next to the bed, which was made with a brand new comforter and pillows.
"Holy shit," Clarence smiled, pointing toward the corner, "Is that a guitar stand?"
Bobby smiled. The metal stand didn't cost much at all and he knew the kid would like it.
"Yep. Picked it up last night for you," the old man answered.
Again, Clarence turned to give Bobby that look; a strong stare that said 'thank you so much' without actually speaking the words. Bobby only gave another stoic nod. He didn't have to be thanked. He just wanted the kid to feel at home and be happy. Clarence went back to looking at all his new stuff and eventually found the little gray gift bag sitting on the dresser.
"What's that?" he asked.
"That's a gift. To you from Dean," Bobby answered.
"Dean?" Clarence repeated, his expression skewing with confusion, "Jude's dad? Why? What is it?"
Bobby shrugged his shoulders, even though he knew exactly what it was.
"Best way to find out is to open it, son," he grinned.
The smile slowly crept back over Clarence's face as he rounded the bed to get to the dresser. Bobby eased over to stand behind the kid, wanting to see the gift for himself. He knew what it was, but not what it looked like. Clarence opened the bag and reached down inside to pull out a cell phone. It was one of those newer models, with the glass screen instead of buttons – which Bobby found very difficult to use, even though the kids today liked them. The phone had its own cover too; a black case that had a fancy Led Zeppelin logo on the back. Clarence laughed out loud when he saw the words.
"Holy shit," he chuckled, "It's a cell phone! Wh – why did he get me this?"
"Maybe 'cause he wants you to keep in touch," Bobby casually mentioned.
After looking over the outside again, Clarence slowly turned it on and swiped the front. The screen lit up, revealing that Clarence already had a text message waiting for him. Bobby tried to keep his distance, but couldn't help watching Clarence open it up to see what it said. The message was from Jude. It contained a picture of a stuffed otter sitting by itself on Jude's bed, and the words underneath read, "Hope your otter likes his new room. We miss you both." There was a blue heart after the words, too. Bobby smiled at Clarence, who looked like he was over the moon with joy. The kid stared at his screen like a love-sick puppy for a second – before realizing that Bobby was staring at him.
"Uh, do you mind?" the teenager asked, clearly wanting some space.
Bobby, remembering that it was rude to look at someone's phone over their shoulder, quickly cleared his throat and backed away.
"Right. Sorry. I'll, uh, just let you get settled in, then," the old man said, making his way toward the door, "I'll be makin' steak for supper tonight, but don't get used to it. It's for special occasions only."
"Steak? Like, real steak? That's awesome! I don't think I've ever had it," Clarence said, his smile dimming a bit before saying, "Bobby?"
The old man stopped in the doorway to look back at the teenager, who was holding his new cell phone to his chest. There were a million different words in his expression; a million different things he wanted to say but couldn't decide on what. After a few seconds of silence, Clarence eventually just mumbled,
"Thank you."
Bobby knew that the kid had been through a hell of a lot – too much – and he was just happy to help. And hearing the kid's genuine gratitude made him feel proud.
"You're welcome, son," Bobby replied, finally backing into the hallway, "You gimme a holler if you need anything."
The old man pulled the door almost all the way shut, leaving just a tiny crack. Out in the hall, Bobby's dogs were waiting patiently. All three pairs of red eyes were beaming up at him energetically, glad that he was home with a new human to annoy.
"I think he likes it here," Bobby whispered to his dogs.
Jude jogged up the stairs as quickly as possible to get to the front door of the bunker. Whoever was outside knocked a few more times before he got to the top. A tiny part of Jude hoped that it might be Clarence on the bunker doorstep. Maybe the handsome blonde guy had accidentally left something behind and came back to get it. Jude paused to take a quick bracing breath before opening the door to look outside.
But Clarence wasn't there. It was Ollie, dressed in a warm sweater and wearing a huge smile.
"Hey, Jude," Ollie sang, holding up his hand, "Mom just dropped me off to hang out with you guys for a while before I go to my dad's place. Is that okay?"
"Oh. Hey," Jude replied, feeling slightly disappointed, "Uh, yeah. Come on in."
It was a little strange seeing Ollie again. Jude hadn't seen or talked to him since the Halloween party, which felt like such a long time ago. Lots of things had happened since then and Jude wasn't sure how to start a conversation with his best friend. Should he talk about Clarence? Or Ollie and Jessie's ruined dance? Or the Harvest Festival date they went on? Luckily, it seemed like Ollie knew exactly where to start. As soon as he stepped into the bunker, his smile dimmed and he scanned the lower room to make sure that no one else was around.
"Hey, uh, do you still have that bag I gave you at the party?" Ollie whispered.
Jude gulped. The black bag? Oh boy. Ollie wasn't going to like hearing this...
"Not exactly," Jude carefully admitted.
Just as Jude suspected, Ollie's eyes grew wide and his freckled face paled even more.
"Wh – what? What do you mean? Where is it?" he squeaked.
Instead of telling Ollie, Jude figured he might as well just show him. Jude gestured for his friend to follow him and led the way back down the stairs and into the study, where Dad and Papa were doing some research on the computer. The closer they got to the adults, the more Ollie's face turned red. The truth seemed to slowly dawn on him when Dad looked up with suspicious eyes. Jude nodded toward his friend and raised his eyebrows, silently letting his dad know that Ollie was here for the bag. Dad, having understood Jude's unspoken request, got up from his seat, walked over between two bookshelves, and came back with the black bag in his hand. The moment Ollie saw the familiar luggage, his mouth fell open in horror. Jude felt bad, of course. He never meant for his parents – and uncles, and cousin, and Clarence – to find out about Ollie's secret bag, but he couldn't stop it.
"You told them?!" Ollie hissed toward Jude, looking absolutely terrified.
"No. Dickie ratted me out," Jude explained, "Sorry, Ollie."
Dad finally finished the walk over to the two teenagers and held out the bag to Ollie with a stern look on his face.
"Oliver," he began, "I don't care what's in this bag. And I don't mind you hiding stuff in the bunker. But if you're going to do it, at least tell one of the adults about it, alright? We don't keep secrets around here."
Ollie seemed too stunned to reply right away. He only blinked at Dad with confusion as the red slowly disappeared from his face. Jude found his reaction kind of amusing. Did he really think that Dad would be mad at him? Jude's dad would never get mad at Ollie; especially not as mad as Ollie's dad would be... Ollie slowly reached out to take the black bag with a nervous nod.
"Y – yes, sir. It won't happen again. I promise," he shuddered, his red hair shaking around with his bobbing head.
"Good," Dad smiled. He paused and turned his sight to Jude, where his eyes turned hopeful, "Heard anything yet?"
At Dad's question, Jude's hand instantly reached into his pocket, where his new phone was sitting patiently. As soon as he got his new phone from his parents in the garage, Jude raced back to his room to send Clarence a text message. But so far, he hadn't gotten a reply yet. Dad said it was because uncle Bobby's house was at least four hours away and it would be a while before Clarence made it there. Still, Jude had been waiting nervously for a response the whole time. And now, Dad was asking if he heard anything from Clare. Jude took out his new cell phone – which was so shiny and nice that he felt bad about even touching the screen – but it was the same as before. No new messages. Clarence probably hadn't made it home yet. Jude sighed and shook his head, to which Dad nodded and patted his shoulder.
"Don't worry. It'll come," Dad promised.
Before Jude could provide a hopeful reply to his dad, a shrill gasp burst from the entry way. Jude, Ollie, and Dad all turned to see Jessie standing at the top of the steps with a huge smile on her face. Her wide eyes were dancing all over Ollie's face from the small distance.
"Ollie!" she sang as she raced down the stairs, "When did you get here?!"
"Oh, hey Jess," Ollie hummed, his face going red yet again, "Just a minute ago. I came over to get -"
Ollie couldn't finish saying the rest of his sentence because Jessie nearly tackled him with a hug – and kiss. When Jude saw that their lips were connected, he bashfully turned away with a smile of his own. Oh boy. Seeing his two best friends kiss was going to take some getting used to... When Jessie backed away, she covered her mouth like she was surprised.
"Oops," she said, voice muffled by her hand, "I keep forgetting that we're not that close yet."
Ollie, who strongly resembled someone who had just stepped off the best roller coaster ride of his life, didn't seem to hear what Jessie said. He was too busy blinking blissfully and smiling like a dopey idiot. Clearly, he wasn't expecting the kiss but was very glad to get it. As if on cue, uncle Sammy strolled into the study, holding his open laptop.
"Dean, there's a town in Arkansas that sounds like it has a zombie problem and it – oh," he stopped upon seeing Jess clinging to Ollie's arm, "Oliver? Where did you come from?"
"H – hi, Mr. Winchester," Ollie waved, "I, um, just came to, uh -"
"Hang out with me and Jude," Jessie finished for him, "That's okay, right Dad?"
Uncle Sam swallowed a bit and straightened his back, but gave Jessie a warm smile.
"Yeah. Sure," he slowly agreed, "Have fun. Just keep the bedroom doors open, okay?"
"Okay!" Jessie agreed happily, already tugging on Ollie's arm, "C'mon, Ollie-pop! Let's go watch Netflix!"
Uncle Sam's smile vanished as he watched his daughter and the red-haired teenage boy dash passed him.
"Netflix is fine, but there will be no 'Chilling!' Are we clear?!" Sam called.
"Yes, Dad!" Jessie called back from down the hall.
Jude covered his mouth to hide a chuckle. Poor uncle Sammy. He was always worried about his little girl getting too close to boys. When Jessie and Ollie were gone, Sam sighed and finished walking down the stairs, where Dad welcomed him with a grin.
"The joys of parenting, huh, Sammy?" Dad winked.
Uncle Sam only rolled his eyes and restarted his story about the town in Arkansas. With everyone else distracted, Jude finally turned his attention back to the cell phone in his hand. He was hoping there would finally be a text message from Clarence, but the screen was still blank. Jude sighed and started to shuffle up the library steps toward the control room.
Man. What was taking Clarence so long to get to Bobby's house? Did he get Jude's message? Should Jude send another one? Or did Clarence get the message and just not care about it? Doubt and worry were trying to cloud up Jude's mind, but he tried to keep it away. Clarence wouldn't be mean like that. Not to Jude...
Just as Jude started down into the bedroom corridor, the phone in his hand made a whistle noise.
With a gasp, the teenage boy raised the phone and quickly swiped open the home screen. There was one new message from Clarence! A tiny giggle escaped Jude's smiling mouth as he opened the text to see a picture of the spare room in uncle Bobby's house. The bed had a brand new black comforter on top, and a familiar stuffed otter was sitting at the pillow. Clarence's guitar case was laying open on the bed too, showing off the exact same instrument that Jude had grown so fond of hearing. The message underneath the picture read, "He misses his Otter half."
A swirling gust of happiness burst inside Jude's chest as he stared down at Clarence's message. The guy had finally made it to Bobby's house. He was finally home, with his new stuffed otter. And he really missed Jude as much as Jude missed him... Jude held the phone to his chest and closed his eyes, breathing in a deep breath of relieve and joy. Knowing that Clarence felt the same way he did, no matter how far apart they were, made him feel so much better. He only wished that he could see Clarence in person to tell him that, so he could finally -
Jude's eyes flew open at the sound of a familiar voice – and he suddenly found that he wasn't standing in the bunker hallway anymore. Somehow, Jude was standing in the middle of uncle Bobby's spare bedroom, where Clarence was sitting on the bed next to his otter and open guitar case. A tidal wave of shock washed over Jude as he looked around with his mouth open. Holy cow! He just flew to uncle Bobby's house! Without even meaning to!
Clarence, who seemed just as surprised to see Jude, slowly stood up with a huge smile. He looked the same as he did a few hours before; same soft blonde hair, same perfectly pink lips, same evergreen-chestnut eyes that seemed to radiate affection. Jude could only cling to his cell phone and stare at the handsome demon in shock.
"How did you get here?" Clarence asked, sounding genuinely surprised.
Jude gulped. How did he get here?! One minute he was standing in the bunker, thinking about Clarence and being all happy. And the next minute, he was standing right in front of the very person he was thinking of. Maybe it was just happy thoughts, like Ollie always told him. Happy thoughts made him fly...
"I... I guess I f – flew," Jude timidly admitted, watching Clarence slowly step closer, "I didn't mean to. I mean, my grace just kinda does its own thing. I can't really control it. It has more power than I can handle. And I really like you... So it... it must have thought that I... wanted to... to be with you... and..."
Jude's voice slowly faded away when Clarence's warm hand reached up to touch his cheek. The blonde guy gently cupped Jude's face and smiled down at him, searching his eyes with admiration and heat, before slowly lowering his head to press their mouths together. Jude was suddenly drowning in a new kiss; being swept away by the sweet taste of Clare's mouth and the smell of his soft hair. The flames in Jude's stomach raged like a wildfire, heating his entire body from the inside out. Jude closed his eyes to indulge in the moment, feeling his heart race and goosebumps rise on his skin. Their kiss seemed to go on forever and ever. Jude wasn't sure how long he was wrapped up in it until Clarence gently pulled back to smile at him again.
"Damn," he breathed, "I love doing that... I wanted to do it when I said goodbye earlier. But your parents were there and I figured you wouldn't want them to watch."
"Hmm," Jude hummed, nodding a bit and trying to find coherent words to put together, "That... yeah... I'm glad you waited."
Clare chuckled, filling the room with the beautiful sound.
"You have no idea how glad I am that I waited for you, too," the guy replied, sounding borderline serious.
Jude smiled up at Clarence's lovely face. He was so glad to see the same sad and lost boy that wandered into the bunker a few days before was now a bright and hopeful bundle of bliss. Like Dad said, Clarence was part of the family. And Jude tried to make sure that everyone in his family was happy.
"So," Clare smirked, slowly letting go of Jude's face so that he could plant both hands on his own hips, "Is the almighty Superman gonna stay for dinner?"
The smile on Jude's face faltered a bit. Stay for dinner? He never planned to actually fly to Bobby's house, let alone stay for dinner. But that persuasive, pleading look on Clare's face – piercing eyes, lifted brows, pouted lips – made him want to stay for as long as possible.
"Bobby's making steak," Clarence added, as if the meal would convince Jude not to go.
But the only incentive Jude needed to stay was Clarence himself.
"Y – yeah," Jude nodded, "I... I mean, I'll have to call my dads and tell them where I am first. And Papa will probably have to help me fly home later, but... I'll stay with you. If you want me to."
"Oh, I want you to. I'll even make your plate and pull your chair out for you," Clarence agreed immediately, his smile growing even more, "'Cause, like a very wise and sexy superhero once told me, love is about devotion. And that's one bandwagon I'm planning to ride into the sunset."
The bonfire in Jude's stomach seemed to glow blue all the sudden. His smiling expression faded into awe as he stared up at the demon boy he admired. He almost couldn't believe what he just heard. Was it true? Did Clarence really mean that?
"You... love me?" Jude whispered, wanting to make sure.
Clare scrunched his eyebrows and blinked hard. It seemed like a lifetime worth of emotions were suddenly playing out on his face as he gazed directly into Jude's soul.
"More than anything," he nodded, voice low and honest, "I've never loved anyone so much in my whole life."
Jude's lungs were inflating slower now, to the point that he couldn't feel his arms or legs. Hearing those words made him feel like a bowl of jello; like his body wasn't sure how to respond. His heart seemed to be the only part of him that actually remembered what to do, and it soon took control of his mouth.
"I love you too," Jude admitted out loud for the very first time, both to Clarence and to himself, "Like, a lot."
A tiny laugh came from Clare's smiling lips as they stared at each other. It seemed like he really enjoyed hearing Jude say it, too. After a second or two of sharing mutual tingles, butterflies, and burning stomachs, Clarence casually reached out to slide his hand into Jude's. The feeling only made Jude's goosebumps spread.
"Shall we?" the blonde demon asked, nodding toward the door.
Jude forced a timid nod and let Clarence tug him forward. As he stumbled along with Clare's soft hand and gentle steps, Jude felt like he finally understood what his dad was talking about. Love was weird. It was complicated. Confusing. And sometimes difficult.
But moments like this – when Jude felt like he could take on the entire world just because Clarence was holding his hand – definitely made it worth it.
(Author's Note: And that's a wrap on part six, everyone! :D I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter! :) I figured that it wouldn't take Bobby very long to get used to having Clarence around because he's already practically raised Sam and Dean. What's one more teenager? Lol. Crowley will get used to having him around eventually too, it'll just take some time. ;) As you can see, Sammy is finally working on giving his little girl and her boyfriend some space. (Btw, there was no 'Chilling' with that 'Netflix.' That won't happen until much later. Sam would have been glad to know that. Lol) But, yes, our two babies have both found love! And now, they can do anything. ;)
Speaking of which, as promised, there is one more part on the way. The conclusion of this epic (and ridiculously long) tale is being planned out as you're reading this sentence. It is probably going to be the longest part of this entire series, and I'm hoping to have the first chapter out in a few weeks. I really hope that you all will stick around to find out how it all ends! (Because it's going to be pretty cool! … I hope.) lol :D From the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much for following and reading this story for so long. You, dedicated reader, are the reason why this story is as big as it is; because of your encouragement and kind words. I honestly can't thank you enough! *hugs* Have a great few weeks, you guys! I'll be posting again asap! :)
Banana Theft, AWW! That was so sweet! I'm so glad that the new chapter could help your year start off right! :D Judence really is just adorable, isn't it? Like watching two bunnies snuggle! (Jude: We're not bunnies! We're tigers! Ferocious, man-eating tigers! Clare: Yeah, they only time we could be considered bunnies is when we're in bed. ;) Dean:…I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.) XD Yep, Clare-bear has a family all his own and fitting in very well at home. ;) (Crowley: We'll see. Bobby: Yeah. You'll see the back of my hand if you don't shut it about the kid. Crowley: *smirks* Is that a promise, love? Bobby: *facepalm*) ;D I promise that I will supply you with more chapters as soon as possible. There is a great big part on the horizon that is chuck-full of goodies for you to read. ;) I'll get it out soon! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, darlin! Hope to hear from you again soon! :)
Beckettsbabe09, Aww, I think we all hated to see Clare leave Jude and the bunker. But, as you can see, distance isn't really a problem when you can teleport at will. Lol! XD Yeah, the lovely Ms. gothichic suggested the arrangement with Clarence staying at Bobby's house and I was all for it. Perfect living situation, plus Bobby and Crowley are pretty much gonna spoil him rotten. :D Thank you so much for all your encouragement and kindness, darlin! I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
Classical E Centric, Aww, thank you so much, darlin! I'm so glad you liked it! :D Yes, I just had to let Jude give one of those lil otters to his favorite guitar player. ;D Now, they'll always have a piece of each other. ;) *hugs back* No, thank you for everything! I'm so happy you like it! Thank you so much! :) I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
GeekGirlForLife, Lol! Oh man, you better get those cavities checked out, darlin! I think Gabe knows a dentist or two if you need one. You know, cause of the candy addiction. XD Aww, I think we're all glad that Dean realized not to take Cas for granted. Chuck knows that we don't take him for granted. Lol. :D Thank you so much for all your encouragement and kindness, darlin! *hugs* I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
Jawn Lennon Aid, Ahh! Not the puppy face! *is reduced to a puddle of feels* too late. ;D Aww, I'm so sorry that I'm taking away your Friday morning chapter. But I promise they will start back up again soon! :) Ah, yes. I pride myself on being able to cram happiness, sadness, smut, confusion, anger, teenage angst, daddy issues, embarrassment, and weird sexual fetishes all into a one story. Lol! XD I really like how you phrased that. "When one book closes, another one opens." Perfect way of looking at things. :) (Again, I'm going to look like an inept child when I say this, but) I had no idea that Frasier was a spinoff of Cheers! :O I love Fraiser! (Maybe that's where the fascination with the Jack Russell Terrier comes from, no?) ;D Awwww, you're making me blush! I'm just a regular ol' fanfic writer. Lol. But I love your way of thinking. The story never ends, it just changes. And isn't that how life itself goes? ;) *still blushing and smiling like an idiot* aw, thank you for the compliments, darlin. I assure you, I love writing way to much to stop. So no worries. ;) I sincerely appreciate everything, darlin. Thank you so much for all the encouragement! I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
sir wilfrederick, Awww! I mustn't let you melt all over the floor! *quickly scoops you up again* lol. XD Darlin, you should know that your review made my week way better! And I can't possibly thank you enough for it! :D I'm so sorry to hear that your week was long and hard, (Gabe would appreciate that phrasing, btw,) but I'm glad that this story could make it better! :) Yeah, those otters had to make their cameo for the story again. Clare really likes his. ;D And yay! I'm so glad you're looking forward to the final part, because I really am too! :D I know this story has to come to an 'end,' but in a way, it won't ever really come to an end. As Tolkien once wrote, "The road goes ever on." ;) (Besides, we can always restart from the beginning, which is what I love to do. Like re-riding a roller coaster over and over. Lol) XD Aw, my 2018 seems to be going well so far. Thank you very much, darlin! And thank you for all the encouragement and kindness! :) I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
Deanstiel's Daughter, Aww, I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter, darin! :D You are one of the few folks that actually commented on Dean and Cas's scene! I thought that they really needed a moment to work out all their own issues involving Meg, and once again rekindle those torches they carry for each other. ;D Oh, yes. Bobby is a huge influence on Crowley, which is why Crowley is so tame in my stories compared to canon. Lol. :D And I think that Dean's slight bonding time with Clare over music and Cas's epiphany about Jude's feelings really helped them adapt to the thought of Clarence dating their son. Plus, once you get passed the annoying side of him, Clare is just a lost lil boy. (Kinda like Dean, which is why they get along so well.) ;D oooh, I hear you about the snow, darlin. We've been getting ice and below-freezing temps, so I know how cold you're feeling. XD Good thing we've all got Destiel smut (and Judence kisses) to keep us warm! XD Darlin, thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words! I appreciate it so much! :) I hope you like the last chapter, and I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
Ashley Allen 46, Aw, I'm so sorry for breaking your heart darlin! But hopefully this last chapter was able to patch it up and make it all better. ;) I really hope you enjoyed the ending, love! Thank you so much for the encouragement and kindness! I hope to hear from you again soon! :)
gothichic, Hello there, my wonderful amazing friend! *hugs* D'aw, I am so happy to hear that you enjoy this story so much! I tried to cram as much fluff and happiness into the end as I could, because Jude and Clarence deserve it! (especially Clare. Lol) :D Bahaha! Yeah, for someone who loves candy, Gabe doesn't really understand how to sugar coat something does he? XD I'm so glad you enjoyed Dean and Cas's talk about Meg. You're right. Even after having a child with and being married to Castiel, Dean still doesn't feel like he deserves him. Wake up, Dean! That angel belongs to you! :D I figured that Meg would make Dean realize how much Cas has really done for him. (I just wish he would be more grateful to have Cas in canon.) :) Yay! Bobby and Crowley are ready to take their new baby lamb home! Lol XD *gasp* I'm so glad that you approve of Clare's dad's background! I think his magical influence would be another reason why that coven took him in when he was a baby; because they knew he had magic too. :) Gah, I'm so happy that you enjoyed seeing Jude make Clarence's breakfast! :D I knew the whole time I was writing it, I was like, "Yep. She's gonna like this." XD It was really sad when Bobby, Crowley, and Rowena finally offered to take Clare home. A small part of Jude understood that it was for the best and he was happy for Clare. But mostly, Jude just didn't want him to go! He needs his Clare-bear! Lol. :D The goodbye scene was really fun to write, though, because I was smiling the whole time when Jude ran to get his otters. I knew it was coming and I was so happy to let him do it. :D I'm so glad you liked the little kiss on the cheek and what he said. It was all true! :) You're absolutely right! Jude did want to say 'I love you!' But, unfortunately, it had to wait. (until this last chapter, of course.) ;D Of course, since Dean got Jude a phone, he had to get Clare one too. I really hope that you liked the black Led Zeppelin cover I chose for Clare's phone! I tried to keep you in mind the whole time I was writing this last chapter, of course. Because it's sort of like a 'thank you' gift for all the awesome amazing things you've shared with me! *hugs* Sweetheart, thanks to you, Clarence is officially a permanent part of this story now. You helped give Jude the most amazing love story ever, and provided us with a new character to adore! I seriously can't thank you enough for everything! *hugs again* love ya, darlin! I'm gonna start planning the new part asap! :D