Yo- my peeps, just a short note before I start my new story.

Yes this is a Sesshomaru/Kagome fic. And it will be touching on some stuff that many would find disturbing. One of which is incest- however I would just like to say- way, way back in mid evil times and such nobles and royals used to marry their own kin to keep their bloodlines pure.

In this story Kagome is not only going to be young (like 13 in human years- no worries- there won't be any sex until she's older) and half hayou and human, but is going to be Inuyasha's daughter. His blood daughter.

And it is Inu's already partially diluted blood that makes it so that Sesshomaru can keep Kagome near him, hide her true identity and inevitably mate her.

So without further adieu, please...enjoy my new story.

The Virginal Concubine


The great Lord of the west was many things.

A royal. An assassin.

A general within his own military ranks.

And a little bit of a control freak.

However lately his control hadn't been all that great. Or at leas that was his thought as he surveyed the damage that he had done to his own palace and it's people with an inward cringe as his gold colored eyes locked on the bodies strewn about, the blood staining his floor, walls and ceiling in great arches, as well as the massive claw and teeth marks on various items littering his floor along with everything else.

Such things ranged from fine spun glass, to little pebbles of white marble fizzling slowly away from his acidic saliva.

Disgruntled that he had yet again done something so reckless, he idly wondered if he could downplay the incident as he had the others? At least until he figured out how to fix the problem.

The problem was that he already knew what the issue was. Or part of it rather. It all had something to do with his current state of restlessness and the pull of his instincts to seek out his pack. The restlessness he could have dealt with easily if not for the fact that he had randomly been losing control of himself and his inner beast and destroying things that often times either took weeks to replace, or months.

The pull of his instinct, however, would have been seen to much, much sooner if he hadn't suddenly found himself thrust in the middle of peace treaty negotiations, potential (yet unwanted) matings to greedy bitches ect...

His instincts started to pull at his conscious and subconscious mind sometime after his human ward Rin had died of old age several months prior.

With the loss of Rin, and the death of his long time retainer- Jaken, Sesshomaru had suddenly found himself without the warmth and affection of pack that all inu youkai inevitably craved the presence of once they came of age. Sure he had had Jaken for a long time when he had been younger, and for many, many years that had been enough to keep his instincts from creating chaos within him.

However now that Jaken and Rin were gone from his side, he didn't really have anyone else he considered his pack with the exception of his half brother Inuyasha whom was an inu hayou. Half human, half youkai.

Because of this fact, Sesshomaru had spent many, many years hating and even trying to kill his own younger brother. However all of that had come to an abrupt end when the kumo hayou Naraku had come into power and begun creating havoc everywhere he went.

Sesshomaru had born a grudge against the hayou for the mere fact that he existed and had hunted him down knowing that if he didn't his evil would inevitably spread to his lands and it's people. The very people that he, as a lord had sworn to protect with his life.

It had taken much searching, several years in fact, due to the cleverness of the damndable spider and his schemes. But after almost two in a half years of yielding no results, he had joined up with his half brother and his small group. All of whom had been hunting the kumo down for their own reasons.

Inuyasha because Naraku had nearly caused him to betray his lover. A priestess whom had been injured by the hayou whom had posed as Inuyasha almost causing the woman to kill his brother.

However at the last moment the kumo's scheme had fallen apart and the two had realized that something was wrong with what had happened between them.

Inuyasha had presented the priestess with a rare and beautiful flower that could only be found miles away on one of the mountains. The flower was dangerous for mortals to collect, but youkai and hayou's were entirely different issues. And due to the fresh state of the flower, the priestess had realized that he couldn't have been the one to injured her.

Inuyasha had taken the woman back to her village and helped to take care of her while she had healed, but the scars remained form the imposters claws.

The second person of the group had been the hayou's lover. A quiet woman of great beauty and kindness, but essentially human and thoroughly corruptible.

The third person in the group had been a elderly monk cursed by the kumo.

And the last person had been a demon slayer boy, named Kohaku. Who's family and clan had suffered greatly at the kumo's hands.

It had taken them another year in a half after he had joined them to even come close to finding the kumo and by then he had almost been invincible. Almost being the operative word.

When the final battle had occurred, Sesshomaru recalled how he and his brother had worked together to help vanquish the kumo and restore order to the four corners of japan. For this their group had been referred to as the Inu Taichi. Hero's to all, and destroyers of Naraku.

It was his brother and his friends actions during the final battle with the kumo that had finally won Sesshomaru over completely, before he had left his brother and their mutual friends, he had taken each of them aside and made them all members of his pack. After which the slayer and the monk had taken their leave of them to go back to their families.

Leaving him, his half brother and the priestess alone for a little while. After which his brother had asked him as the alpha of their pack to please allow him to take the woman he loved as his mate so that he would not disgrace her. Being a stickler for things like upholding one's honor, Sesshomaru had understood the hayou's concerns for his lover since if anyone ever found out that she wasn't pure anymore, she could wind up beaten, stoned to death or even passed around the village and raped by all of the males in it since they would see her as little more than a whore.

Sesshomaru had given his blessing for them to mate and had then left so that they would have to privacy to do so, since the hayou was impatient to takes that last step.

He had even followed them back to their village so that he could ensure their safety.

After he was sure that the village would cause them no problems, he had gone back to where his pack had separated and picked up the trail of the other two in his pack. And had tracked them down to their homes, making note of how far away each one lived from the other as well as took note of the region in which they lived so that he could check up on them from time to time.

That had been well over sixty years ago. And all of his pack members were deceased now with the exception of his half brother and possibly his mate.

Sighing because he knew that he couldn't put things off any longer, he ordered the palace hall to be cleaned of the dead bodies- the carpet replaced, the marble fixed where his claws had damaged it, and then ordered a room in the family wing of the palace to be fixed for his remaining pack mates and then without another word, left.