Author's Note: Ran's thoughts are in italics.

Honestly, I just found out that Japan does not celebrate Halloween until recently. Actually, this story's time setting was supposed to be on summer, but apparently it is now Halloween know.

Hope you enjoy my little treat for you!

It was a beautiful Halloween evening in Beika City, Japan. It is very lively in here, especially at night, as the city lights shine like stars in the night sky. People were walking to and fro, looking at the windows of malls or strolling in the park with friends and family, watching the beautiful night sky. Some are celebrating Halloween by holding a costume party or just hanging ghost lanterns and decors everywhere. It is a perfect night to have fun walking in the streets, or just going to see the sights.

In a three story building besides the highway, there stood the Mōri Detective Agency, the office and the humble home of Meitantei Mōri Kogorō, also known as the Sleeping Kogorō.

The woman of the house and Kogorō's daughter, Ran, was having fun cleaning and cooking supper, waiting for her father and her pseudo-brother to come come home. She is supposed to go to karaoke bar with her best friends Sonoko and Masumi, but she decided to stay home and cook dinner. She felt that Kogorō will come home drunk once again, and Conan-kun would be very hungry if he comes home from Agasa-hakase's house. She really didn't trust her father in taking care of her little charge.

She sighed as she was looking at the view outside. She should have been with Sonoko, enjoying her teenage life to the fullest, flirting with guys and having fun, and here she is, acting like a wife and a mother instead, a role that was abandoned by her mother, Eri, years ago.

She continued her work, preparing the curry, while planning to get their rice bowls from the cabinet to be wiped and used for their dinner. She hummed to Kuraki Mai's Muteki no Heart, while reaching for their bowls. But when she reached for little Conan's bowl on the top of the cabinet...


"Oh my!" She yelped, her eyes widened as she stared at the pieces of the shattered bowl.

"Not again," Ran said worriedly, as she started to pick up the broken pieces. She sighed again, as this was the second time she had broke Conan's rice bowl.

Wait a minute...She stiffened, as the memories of that event came rushing in. She stared at the shattered bowl with worried eyes.

The last time I broke Conan-kun's rice bowl, something bad happened! Oh Kami-sama, could it mean something?

She looked at the window, hoping that nothing bad will happen with Conan-kun. She took a long breath, as she looked outside. She shook her head.

Stop it, Ran! Stop being a paranoid and a worrywart! Conan-kun will be fine, he will be home any time. Agasa-hakase will take care of him. I am sure of that.

So with worried eyes, Ran picked up the broken shards and threw them on the trash bin, before closing the windows of the agency.

After an hour, she was already done. The kitchen and the living room were clean, and her dad's desk were already free from beer cans and cigarette ashes. The dinner was already prepared, as Conan-kun's bowl was replaced by a new one.

Ran sighed in relief. She was looking at the house with a victorious smile on her face as she looked at the time. 6:36 pm...In a few minutes, Dad and Conan-kun will now arrive and I have the dinner prepared already. All I have to do is wait...As I always does, she thought to herself, chuckling.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew into the room, making Ran shivered slightly, as the lights went out. Ran jumped, as she yelped. electricity just went out. Great.

The lights came back, as Ran looked confused and scared at the same time. It really brings chills on her spine. That's strange... she thought to herself, looking around the room.I just locked the windows a while ago. So how did that happen?

As she was pondering on that strange mystery, the front door opened, making Ran looked up and stared at the door with scared eyes. A monster or a ghost will pop out in there...I will be going to die.

"Tadaima..." a faint and sad voice chirped, calming Ran's tense nerves.

Ran's eyes softened, cursing herself for her stipidity. It was just Conan-kun. Apparently, he was just arrived...from God knows where,don't ask me because I don't know, Ran remarked silently.

"Conan-kun! You are right on time!" She chirped, looking at him with a smile,"I have been preparing dinner! It is your favorite!" She added.

Conan just looked at her with glossy eyes, forcing a strained smile,"I am not hungry, Ran-neechan. Thanks anyway."

Ran's mother instincts came in as she looked on her little charge's state. Conan looks very pale, with huge eyebags in his eyes like he never slept a week. His usual cowlick was ruffled, with some strands sticking out. His red bowtie was dangling on his neck, and his clothes has some small rips and tears on it. His glasses was cracked at one of the lens. One of his shoes was missing, and he has bruises and gashes littered in his body. And worse, he was very wet, like he was recently battling a storm.

"Are you alright, Conan-kun? You look..." Ran grimaced as she looked at him,"...terrible."

"I am fine, Ran-neechan. Nothing to worry about. I can handle it," he assured monotously, removing his shoe and started to walk back to his room, water dripping on the floor.

Ran narrowed her eyes as she blocked Conan's way. "No, you are not fine. Look at you! So dirty look like you had battled a monster!" She yelled, then stooped until she can see Conan's eyes. She gasped slightly. His eyes...were lifeless. It lacked its usual spark, glowing with maturity and intelligence. She had never seen his eyes like this.

She touched his forehead to check his temperature, but Conan swat her hand away. Ran shivered again.What is this feeling?

"I am fine, Ran-neechan,"he assured Ran again, waving his hands, before he walked away to his room.

Ran sighed and stood up, grabbing a mop to wipe the water on the floor. She decided she will talk to Conan in the next morning. For now, she has to give him time to rest.

What she did not notice that near the entrance of Conan's room is a pool of blood mixed with water.

After 30 minutes, Kogoro Mouri, the famous detective who was also known as Nemuri no Kogoro or Sleeping Kogoro and Ran's father arrived. Unlike usual, he was not drunk. In fact, he looked...forlorn.

"Konbanwa, Otou-san!" Ran greeted her father cheerfully, holding the wooden spoon, as her father seated at his chair, looking at Ran with a sad expression. Ran stared at his father, confusion and worry etched in her face.

"What is wrong, Otou-san? Are you alright?" She asked her dad, "Are you...drinking again?"

Kogoro shook his head silently, a solemn look in his face,

"Ran..." Kogoro spoke up suddenly. He paused, looking at his worried daughter, "I...I have something to say to you."

"What is it, Otou-san?" Ran piped up. She was confused. Why was Otou-san looked so...sad? Did he lose in majong again? Geez.

Kogoro hesitated, before he spoke up." Ran, I know that you and that brat are very close."

"What brat?" Ran inquired.

Kogoro raised an eyebrow. "You know I am talking about Conan, Ran."

Ran rolled her eyes.

Kogoro spoke,"Ran, I don't know how to say this will eventually found out about this anyway. Someday..."


"Ran...I have a bad news for you."

Ran gasped."What?!" (Cue thrilling piano music with thunder and lightning)

Ran glared at the ceiling, as the author laughed nervously as she does not want to receive a roundhouse kick from Ran.

Ran looked at her father again as she asked, " Okay, back to the story. Where are we now?" Kogoro just shrugged, "The bad news?" He said.

"Ah, yes."

Few moments later...

"What is the bad news about?" Ran asked her dad. She was clenching the wooden spoon she was holding tightly, Kogoro was sure it will break any second, knowing Ran's strength.

"Ran...It is about Conan."

"What about Conan-kun, Otou-san?" Ran inquired. She was getting nervous and worried at the same time. Maybe all of her questions about Conan's current state will be answered. How he changed all of a sudden...And this nagging cold feeling...

Kogoro hesitated, bowing down. He did not have the courage to speak. Ran waited and waited...

Until she lost patience... punching the desk, leaving her father surprised. He let up a yelp.

Ran yelled, as Kogoro looked at his offspring vent up,"WHAT ABOUT HIM, OTOU-SAN? TELL ME, WHAT ABOUT HI-"

And Kogoro couldn't take it anymore.


Ran gasped again. Is she hearing it wrong?

"What?! Repeat it again, Otou-san. I cannot hear it clearly." Ran asked. Kogoro was quiet. "REPEAT!" She screamed loudly, tears in her eyes.

Kogoro sighed before he spoke up," He...He was dead, Ran."


"I am sorry, darling, but I am not." Kogoro apologized, bowing his head down.

Ran couldn't believe it. Sweet little Conan-kun was still alive! She looked at the room where her little Conan-kun, who her father believed that he is dead, is still there. She just saw him walking to that door. She even talked to him!

"But Otou-san, Conan-kun is still alive! In fact, I just saw him now! Before you arrived! He was now in his room! How dare you say that?!"

Kogoro looked at Ran as if she was crazy.

" But, Ran, that is impossible...The brat's body was found floating on the river this afternoon, and he was found out to be murdered. In cold blood. He was shot 7 times,Ran. Keibu-dono, Sato-san and Takagi-kun was even there, Ran. "

Ran shook her head again. She never believe it. Never. Conan is still alive, in his room, sleeping. Not dead. Not murdered...

But the back of her mind keeps telling her that it all makes sense. The scratches, bruises, the wet floor, dripping water, the appearance...the lifeless eyes...

She shook her head again and ran to Conan's door, finally noticing the bloody mess on the floor. She grimaced, before looking at the door.

"Ran!" Kogoro yelped, following Ran who was shivering.

Goosebumps was rising on Ran's arms. She was scared already, looking at the doorknob. I could do this...I could prove that Conan-kun is still alive, that Otou-san was wrong all along.

"Ran?" Kogoro asked and looked at Ran worriedly, as Ran gulped loudly.

And she finally opened the door.

*The End...or is it?*

Finally, it is done! I hope you enjoy this little story for the Halloween season.

And if you think it was a cliffhanger, do not worry! I will post the ending next time because it was already late and I do not want to get scolded by Dad.

And if you see any mistakes in spelling and grammar, pm me! I suck at English, so heheheheh...

With love and mysteries,

Meitantei Shinku Ran Edogawa.