The Adventures Of Android Naruto.

AN:Naruto was made with the body of a 10 year old boy so can do whatever they could. Naruto will grow but once he hit's the average male height he'll stop for power he gains that with power attacks kicks and any such moves don't add to his overall power level but moves like the spirit bomb and the special beam cannon do.

AN2: The power level lists everybody in this chapter not everybody will say something just that they will be in the chapter. I will also like to let you guys know that this is based on dragon ball but will not keep with what happens in the show. I will add backstory to everything and possible new places in the world. One last thing the power levels are just to help you better understand who would win in a battle most of the time Goku could still beat Naruto just not outright.

Power Levels.






Part 1-Naruto Is Born.

Capsule corporation was best known for there world famous inventions such as the capsule house and hoverbikes along with tens of thousands more it would be fair to say life would be very different without capsule corp. Deep inside this place in one of the many labs sat a young blue haired girl around the age of sixteen. She had been hard at work making this new invention and she was just about done with it. This was going to be the pinnacle of android technology. What set this one apart was it's power absorption technology thus growing ever more powerful.

She had just placed the last part inside when her father the founder of capsule corporation as well as a world famous inventor walked into the small space. He placed an unlit cigarette on his lips before lighting it. Have you given it a name dear he asked. No she said somewhat disappointed in herself for not thinking of one. Just than an old black and white show came on called the many adventures of naruto the cat. How about naruto he said. His daughter considered the name for a few seconds before accepting thus Naruto Briefs was born.

Naruto showed off his superhuman strength early on by helping to move boxes all around the compound. Naruto enjoyed his life but at times it could get a bit dull but he loved his family all the same. What he loved the most was the many ninja story's his grandfather would sometimes tell him. Many weeks would pass in this manner when Naruto would began accessing the internet. It didn't take him long before he discovered an old website about the mystical magical dragon balls. Seven in all covered in stars from one to seven. The website said that if one was to put all seven together and call out the dragon Shenron he would grant you one wish.

Naruto was so busy reading everything about the dragon balls he didn't hear his mother calling him down to eat. When the door opened and his mother walked into his room she couldn't help but be amused. Naruto like herself had taken to inventing new technologies such as the dragon radar. Dear she said in a soft voice. Naruto hearing his mothers voice turned around to see his mother with a look of concern on her face. Any luck dear she asked. No it's clear the dragon balls give off some kind of power but nothing I have done works Naruto yells. I'll take a look at this later Naruto but for right now your late Bulma says before walking her :son: down into the state of the art kitchen.

His grandfather was busy reading some scientific journal and his grandmother was busy with the food. The table was covered in all kinds of food from fish to various different types of meats. It was clear some of the food was only for the super wealthy. Naruto and his family was about done when Naruto asked his grandfather about the man in the newspaper. Oh that's doctor Gero I used to go to school with him back in the day but he joined with the (RRA) red ribbon army and we stopped talking. Was he a friend of yours Naruto asked his grandfather. No he said a look of great sadness was clearly on his face. Daddy are you ok Bulma asked. I'm fine dear he said before placeing his dirty dishes into the sink.

The next day Bulma and Naruto could be seen driving to a nearby mountain as Naruto was reading off the dragon radar. They had two of the dragon balls and was now making there way to a very remote mountainside temple. The temple was most likey overgrown and the road was very dangerous especially at night so it would take hours until they would get to there destination. The sun was just making itself known to the world when Bulma nearly hit something or in this case somebody.

Goku would be the first to say he knew very little of the outside world aside from the nearby rivers and the massive forest. He and his grandpa lived a very basic life and had little use of any technology aside from axes and shovels. The dirt path that made it's way up the mountainside was overgrown and was used by only him and his grandpa who was now gone. He had just got done with his fishing and was now making his way back to his home. He was about to cross the dirt path when he saw Bulma's car and jumped out of it's way. The car came to a stop and both jumped out of the car. Goku unsure about what was happening got ready to fight. Naruto either didn't notice or didn't care as he asked the :human: if he knew anything about the dragon balls. A dragon what Goku asked. A dragon ball you know a small orange colored ball with a star Naruto explain to the young him.

Oh yeah I have one but it's from my grandpa so you can't have it. Well you see we kind of need your dragon ball as you can see we have two yours would make three. What for Goku asked. A dragon is said to grant you one wish. Any wish Goku asked the pair. As far as I know yeah any wish. Ok but i'm coming with you Goku said. Whatever kid just give us the ball and you can do whatever Naruto replyed not careing at all.

Not long after that Goku joined Naruto and Bulma on there hunt for the last four dragon balls what none of them knew was that they wasn't the only ones looking for the dragon balls.