A/N:Tweeks a girl in this and there will be a few references to Fractured But Whole

Tweek was heading home from Craig's house until somebody knocked her out and everything was black. She woke up to find herself tied up and looked to see Mitch Conner

"W-Where am I? Why am I tied up?"asked Tweek

"Tweeky my dear, I see you awaken from your little nap"said Mitch Conner with a evil laugh

"W-What's going on?"Tweek shake in fear

"I'm about to use you for my new plan"

"GAH! I knew I should've stayed over at Craig's house!"Tweek with a twitch

"Who would love a pathetic little weakling like you anyways?"Mitch Conner smirked

"A-At least I have a heart and not a brain of a complete insane person! ACK!"Tweek glared at Mitch Conner

Mitch Conner walked out of his shadow to reveal Cartman dressed up as the Coon as he went towards Tweek to slap her face

"Shut up you little piece of shit!"yelled Mitch Conner as tears appear in Tweek's eyes

"Y-You won't get away from this Cartman!"said Tweek as she's trying not to cry

"Dude it's not me! It's him!"said the Coon as he glared at Mitch Conner

"Shut up fatass so prepare to see death Tweek"said Mitch Conner as he smirks at this sight

Mitch Conner presses the button to make a machine that looked deathly even it looked like a toy not for a child to play with. Tweek was pushed into the machine and she was being dragged to the flames of death

"HELP!"yelled Tweek through her tears and trying to escape

Then suddenly the machine stopped and Tweek was still shaking in fear

"What the fuck? Why did it go off?!"yelled out Mitch Conner

"You shouldn't treat a lady like that Cartman"said a voice

"Okay, why does everybody keep saying that it was me?"asked the Coon to nobody

"Say this to my fist!"said Super Craig as he gave the Coon a good punch in the face


"You won't get away from this Cartman and your little puppet friend too!"Super Craig charges at him

"Oh cheesy poofs…."

Super Craig starts beating the shit out of the Coon and Mitch Conner as Tweek watched in amazement

"Wow…"said Tweek

"If I see your dirty hands touching anybody like that again…. I'll be sure to make your hand will go up your ass and it won't be pretty"said Super Craig in his deadpan voice which made the Coon cry to his mom

Super Craig unties Tweek and she hugged him as he hugged her back

"Thanks for saving me Super Craig"said Tweek with a smile on her face

"No problem babe"said Super Craig as he smiled back and Tweek blushed a little

"Let's get out of here before anyone else shows up"

Super Craig carried Tweek bridal style out of the old warehouse and they started to head for Tweek's house

~Few minutes later~

They went to Tweek's house and climbed on the tree which led to Tweek's bedroom window

"Your home Tweek"said Super Craig

"Thanks again for saving me Super Craig"said Tweek but she kissed Super Craig and he kissed her back

"Don't mention it"Super Craig pulled away from the kiss and smiled

"N-Night Super Craig"Tweek get down from his arms

"Night honey"Super Craig got down from the tree as he vanished away

Tweek goes in the window and closed the window as she changed into her pajamas and went to bed hugging her Super Craig plush

"See you tomorrow my hero"said Tweek as she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep hugging her plush

The End

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