In Darkness There Is No Pain...
Chapter 1
By: Eartha

In Darkness there is no pain, no war, no fear. There is only peace and order.

She was an angel of the darkness, created to bring the world to rest forever.

A woman, created from the night, soared across the heavens. Her wings, black as midnight beneath a moonless gaze, shunned the light and froze the air. This was to be her final mission, her final duty. She would purify the world, bring it back to its original state where all was the same: a simple, dense mass. That was how it was meant to be. The world had become too wild.

She would simplify things.

In Light there is no sleep, no respite. This is only chaos and life.

He was a demon of the light, created to keep the world teeming with confusion, contrast,

A man, brighter than the reflection of the sun on newly fallen snow, sharpened his blade creating tiny sparks of light. His presence chased away the coming darkness, but she, the angel of darkness, would not flee so quickly. He waited in silence. It was his duty, his final duty to stop the darkness from ending the chaos he had so skillfully created.

This would be their last battle together. Since the beginning of the earth, they had fought. Skirmishes daily won and lost. His latest defeat steeled his nerves.

Yes, this would be his final battle... and he would prevail.

They clashed in the sky, two opposite forces great in power. For forty cycles the nights were light and the days were dark.

They fought, and on the last day they stood face to face...the darkness and light grayed with fatigue. They were even. In a last effort, the Light forced his saber of life into the torso of the darkness. As her dark blood ran cold against his heated skin, she took her dark arrow and pierced his heart.

The two lay in a gray embrace. Their auras mixed, their blood tainted.

When the Light realized he would fall into darkness, he asked one question of his enemy,
"Tell me Darkness, what is your given name?"

A bitter laugh escaped her lips, as she too realized the sword of life would take away her darkness and lead her into the light.
"Kikyo, my name is Kikyo. What is yours white soldier?"


A bitter smile graced his vibrant lips as dark blood ran from his mouth,

"May you live in chaos Kikyo."

"May you die in peace Sesshomaro."

The skies lightened as two cries rang through the air...

Author Note: Okay, this chappie was a prequel to the real story. It's really about Inuyasha and Kagome. If you think I should continue, please tell me.

Love ya all.


Edited 8/9/04