***Hey guys ! I just wanted to give you a quick introduction if the summary wasn't enough to sate your curiosity. So first thing first, this is my first fanfiction. Initially I didn't plan on writing one but I thought "If there is no story like the one I got in my head, I should just write it myself." So here I am. I also wanted to point out that English isn't my first language so if you see something that is out of place about my grammar or my vocabulary, feel free to point it out for me, I could always use some tips.
About the story, it will be EXTREMELY AU. And I mean it. Basically, I just picked the characters, the context and places of Harry Potter and twisted so much in my wicked mind of mine that it will be almost as if this is a entirely different story. Almost.
The title may or may not change. I don't really have any idea right now.
A lot of the characters will be OOC, a lot of events will be modified and the story doesn't take place in the 90's. It's in the present, so assume 2017 at the moment I write this. Also Hogwarts don't begin at 11. It's only my opinion but I always thought that it's really weird for kids who officilally never practiced magic to be expected to "master" it in seven years. Add it to the facts they are only in their third year when they choose their electives wich define your careers options, that just seems wrong to me. Plus I don't like children, I don't wanna write half of the story with them as my characters.
Also you will see that this story include a lot of content about theological stuff. I don't want to offense anyone but it is a rather touchy subject. So there will be mentions of angels, God(s) Demons and all that. This is an work of fiction and do not reflect my stance on religious belief. I apologize if anyting in this story disturb you on this point but it's just that. A STORY. And also MY story.
So I won't insult you by copy/pasting the summary, I mean, if you're here, you read it. I think. I hope.
You can consider this chapter as the prologue. It will set the story a little so don't expect too much out of it. I'll try to write it in a way that will make you want to read more. That means i'll try my best to make this story not suck. Key word here being try.
All that being said, I hope you'll like it. Please review if you have anything to say. Even if it's bad.
I can't expect to please everyone but I hope if you don't like it for a specific reason you'll take 2 minutes to tell me.
Enough said, let's get this show on the road !***
31th of October. Most of England is celebrating. For the muggles it's just another Halloween. For the magical communities around the world it's much more. The end of a war that took too much from them. And as always the muggles won't ever know about it.
17 years ago, another war ended on this very day. The one against Lord Voldemort. Who could have seen it coming. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the darkest and most powerful wizard to ever lived, killed by a toddler ! No one exactly knew how it happened, just that Harry Potter, survived the Killing Curse and somehow, Voldemort died after that.
Speaking of the famous Boy-Who-Lived, no one knew where he was, how he looked like. He's been missing since that night. Even when he turned 11, when he was supposed to be taken to a school who would introduce him gently to magic, no was even able to reach him. And last year, when he was supposed to attend Hogwarts, he didn't came either.
But all of that is not on the mind of the citizens of the magical world. No, today the war humanity fought against the demons has come to an end.
A year ago all wizards around the world has been contacted. By an higher existence. At the moment they laid eyes on the being in front of them, it was as if a king came down to greet peasants. Wings of pure white shining brightly as if every light I the surrounding area was reflected on each and every feather. Each and everyone saw this angel in a different way. Or was it a different angel for everyone, no one knows. Yes angel. While everyone was awestruck, the angels told them about what will happen.
And what will be asked from them.
Another plane of existence was under attack from the demonic forces. People were being slaughtered, raped, tortured, and when killed, weren't allowed to be judged. Whether they were "good" or "bad", all of them, were sent straight to Hell.
So wizards were asked, individually, if they would join the war against Demons. No one was forced to come. However, if the demons won, our Universe would be next. Maybe not in a decade, or even a century. But Earth would have been next.
The angels let them one week to decide and say their goodbyes. Or farewell.
And a week later all of those who chose to help in the conflict were taken. They all had different reasons to join a war that was at the moment not theirs. Some sought glory. Some wanted to protect the future of the Earth. Some had nothing else to live for.
No one heard about them for a whole year.
But today, the angels returned. The demons had been pushed back of the other world to Hell. The cost had been heavy. Angels and humans died by thousands. Many of those who came to help didn't make it back, but all of them were enjoying Heaven, waiting for their loved ones.
However, those who made it back were changed, told the angels. You can't fight a war against demons and expect to be the same man or woman you were when you left.
So today, wizards and witches were celebrating the return of the brave warriors who risked their life to protect them from a war that hadn't begun yet.
Among the "Soldiers" as they were called, was one Albus Perceval Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
At first many were opposed to the idea of Dumbledore joining the war. But Dumbledore replied by saying that if he didn't help it would be the same as letting the war come to us. It wasn't hubris. After all, he is the greatest wizard alive.
And so, this day of October, the Soldiers returned. Worn out, some bloodied, injured. Even more missing. All of them shared the same haunted eyes of people who saw too much. But smiling nonetheless. They were home.
Around the world, parties were being thrown, parents reunited with their children, lovers finally able to feel their significant others touch, brothers and sisters crying openly in each others arms.
Yet amongst them, one Soldier stood alone in the Leaky Cauldron. Sipping at his Firewhisky, with his hood on his head. He booked a room from the innkeeper and went straight to his bed.
Finally, he was in his parent's world. After all this time, he was here.
After this night with Voldemort, he had been carried to his aunt's house. However things didn't go as planned. Voldemort had used demonic forces to create the Horcrux in Harry's scar. It was fitting really. To stay alive in this plane of existence, you had to trade your soul for it.
So an angel came to pick him up the very night he was dropped on his aunt's porch.
They disappeared in the night and never was Harry Potter seen again. Until today.
Harry was wondering about a lot of things. How would he fit in this world ? Who could he trust ?
The others Soldiers would help him. You tend to develop deep bound with people you fight alongside with.
Thinking back, Harry didn't expected to be drawn into a war. Sure he had trained in his other world but it was more out of necessity than to be a warrior.
Back in Ulcide, people were kind and caring but it was still a dangerous place. Monsters and demons roaming the lands tends to be a bit dangerous.
If only things went differently...
Anyway, no point dwelling on the past. Soon he'll enter Hogwarts. Albus told him to enter the school even if he's already a year older than most students when they come for their first year and had not followed the classic education of magical children in Britain.
After all, being in another world and part of a demonic war is what could qualify as "special circumstances" as had Albus said. He'll be able to connect to regular children, and perhaps live a normal life from now on.
Tomorrow he'll have to visit Diagon Alley with the old Headmaster to get his school stuff.
And a wand.
"I wonder if magic on Ulcide and on Earth is different, said Harry to himself. Back then no one used wands..."
Stepping out on the little balcony in his room, Harry summoned a cigarette in his hand and lit it with a small flame he conjured on his index finger.
That's a neat trick his old captain taught him when he was 13 in his travels. Always good to impress the ladies he said back then.
And it did impress a lot.
The cold air of the night made his hair stand up on his arms.
No one would recognize him. From what he learned from the others, he looked a bit like his father.
Messy as hell black hair, his face had a mix of his mother and father but he definitely had his mother's eyes.
But the similarity stopped here.
He was not scrawny. He was decently muscled but not overly so like bodybuilders.
His eyesight had been corrected back then. He had his hair cut short on the sides but let it a little bit more grown on the top of his head. He let his beard grow in a stubble for the heck of it.
All in all he was a very handsome young man.
A couple of minute later, and after a last puff on his smoke, Harry put his cigarette out.
Feeling tired, Harry got back inside, brushed his teeth and went to bed.
Before drifting out to sleep, he thought that maybe, just maybe he'll be able to finally find his place in this world. A home one day perhaps.
He'll just have to see.
*** So, here it is. As I said, it's basically a more fleshed out synopsis.
Next chapter, the real story begins.
I have a pairing already decided but I don't know if I want to include it in the summary or the tags.
Tell me what you think about it.
It's not exactly my best work but I didn't want to just get the story started out of the blue.
It's shorter than the rest of the chapter I intend to write. I hope you aren't too dispappointed by this prologue.
If you have any suggestion please make me know.
I hope to see you guys next chapter. Take care !***