Chapter 11: Together

Disclaimer: Well, this is probably the last chapter, I hope you all enjoyed reading it because I really enjoyed writing it.
Amy felt tired and frantic. One of the biggest decisions in her whole life had been placed upon her, what should she do? She looked around hoping to find someone to help her, someone who could give her some advice and support. All she saw was small groups of her peers clustered together rambling on. She realized that she didn't want to talk to any of them. She just wanted to talk, to see Ephram. A hopeful grin came back to her face and she knew once again that she had to find him. He was worth it!

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Ephram continued to run down the hall. It seemed longer than ever and he just wanted to be out of that building. Although he still had a feeling of dread, he also had faith that Amy and him would be together. He hoped that she felt the same, but was prepared for the worst.

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Amy continued to speed around the field searching for Ephram.

"Can you believe it, I heard that three people were killed," a girl close by said.

Amy stopped in her tracks because she was so taken aback. Three people, she didn't know that.

The girl continued, "yeah one of them was Mr. Hastings and the two others were students. Who knows, maybe there are more dead that they haven't found yet." The girl and her friend had silent tears running down their face, but their pain was nothing compared to the way that Amy felt. She couldn't find Ephram anywhere and people were dead. What if he was dead?

Amy was interrupted by a loud voice. She looked up to see their principal Mr. Chung speaking into a megaphone.

"Attention students and staff. I am very saddened by what took place today. It was very tragic and I wish I could have prevented it. The two shooters have been captured and I'm unfortunate to say that they were fellow students of yours. I wish I could explain why they did this, but I can't because I too am extremely shocked. At the time we have barricaded the school meaning that there is nobody remaining inside. It was searched thoroughly. I know have the unfortunate task of announcing the names of those that were wounded: Bright Abbot, Stacey Goodman, Jonathon Locke, Alexandra Piper, Eric Wong, and Daniel Young. That is all for now and I would advise for all of you to get home safely. Once again I'm very upset with what happened today and I care for you all."

With that he finished. 'What about the three people who died?' Amy thought. What about Ephram? She looked around once more to see that the crowd was growing smaller. People were going home and she still hadn't found him. As she scanned the field one more time she realized that he had died. That must be it. Her eyes rapidly filled with tears and she began screaming at the top of her lungs, "EPHRAM! EPHRAM WERE ARE YOU?!" She looked around to see a crowd forming around her, but she didn't care. All she cared about was the fact that the guy of her dreams was dead and she was all alone. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, or hello for that matter. She stared into the faces of her schoolmates who suddenly seemed like strangers, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?" she screamed jaggedly. "What are you." and she collapsed to the ground unable to speak any longer. Her life was over.

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Ephram opened the door and a smile came to his face. For the first time in what seemed like days he was free. Free from this prison that they called school. He never wanted to go back there again, and furthermore, wanted to find Amy. He ran down the steep front steps of the school leading himself down to the field where he could see many people remaining. He could see some of them giving him strange looks, but all he was concerned about was finding Amy. The amount of people on the field was scarce and he couldn't see Amy anywhere. He looked a little further until he saw a small crowd in the far side of the field. Maybe she was over there. He quickened his pace over to the swarm and still didn't see Amy. Soon he could hear the sound of crying. He recognized it anywhere, it was Amy. The thought of Amy crying broke his heart and he had to get over to be with her when it hit him. Amy was probably crying because something happened to Colin. Her boyfriend. The thought saddened Ephram and he stopped where he was. He couldn't go over there and tell her when she was upset over Colin. He continued to think about this until he heard her shout, "Ephram, where are you?" With that, he knew what he had to do.

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Amy was now curled up shaking on the ground. The people were still crowded around her and some of them tried to comfort her, but nothing could comfort her, nothing except for him. She thought about how she could recover from this when she felt something drop into her lap. She stifled a sob long enough to look down and see a bracelet dangling over her leg. The bracelet was silver and charms on it. One was a ballet slipper, one was a cross and. she realized that the bracelet was her charm bracelet. She rolled up her sleeve and noticed that her bracelet was off of her wrist. What in the world? She still had tears running down her cheeks when she looked up to see what had happened. The crowd was parting down the middle and that's when she saw him. There standing in the middle was Ephram Brown. Her soul mate who she thought was dead was standing right in front of her. She was in shock, this couldn't possibly be happening. "Ephram," she said so quietly that she doubted anyone heard. But her disbelief vanished when she saw a smile spread across his face and his slowly nod.

"But." she once again got too choked up to speak. She got to her feet and stared at him for a few seconds longer. A smile spread across her face too for the first time all day.

"Oh Ephram," she said as she ran forward towards him. He opened his arms and she jumped up into them. He held onto her tightly and she couldn't believe the warmth that she felt as he held her.

"I love you Amy," she heard him say.

"Oh my god Ephram. I love you too. I love you so much." They stared at each other for a few intense seconds until he craned his neck towards her and kissed her. He kissed more passionately than she had ever felt before. They were both crying and had an unbelievable mixture of emotions. After a few moments he let her down and they just stood smiling at each other. He had his arms tightly around her and she had her head resting on his chest. His shirt was drenched with both of their tears and she had never felt happier in her whole life. She could stay like this forever.