Quick apology for the long, long delay. During the last few months, I had a real hard time of writing. Hopefully I will be posting more often as I will be writing every day. Please enjoy this chapter and quick warning that Lemons/Limes are in this chapter. Enjoy.

The Corruption of Lily Potter

Chapter 19

The Serpent Awakens Part 5

(The Voice in the Walls)

Saturday Evening-Transfiguration Class

"Is there something I can help you with, Albus." Professor Minerva McGonagall said as she stood over her desk neatly stacking thin pieces of parchment. Her back was to the door to the classroom, but she immediately recognized the footsteps of the headmaster entering her classroom. As the door closed, she listened as Dumbledore walked over to her, his steps walking gently across the room.

"Good evening, Minerva. I was surprised that I didn't see you for dinner this evening," Dumbledore said as he reached her desk. "I was a tad worried that something might have happened to you."

"There's been times that I have missed dinner before, Albus," McGonagall stated without turning to look at Dumbledore. "Surely, you weren't that worried, as you could have sent one of the ghosts to check on me."

"I guess you have a point. However, I am here to inquire about Mr. Potter's detention," Dumbledore sighed with a slight smile. "I was wondering if you would consider allowing his detention to be handled by Professor Lockhart. Since this will be the first time here as a teacher, I think it will be good practice for Gilderoy to handle Potter's detention."

"And what, prey tell, will Mr. Potter do if Professor Lockhart handles his detention?" McGonagall finally turned to the headmaster and cocked her eyebrow at the man. "Help him with his fan mail, perhaps? If Professor Lockhart wants to handle Mr. Potter's future detentions, he should directly issue them. Until then, since I issued his detention this time, I will handle it."

"Future detentions?" Dumbledore matched her raised eyebrow. "It seems like you don't have much confidence in the boy in following the rules here."

"I'm sure you realize that no matter how famous the boy is, he is still James Potter's son, and we all know how much trouble he and his friends got into when they were students here," McGonagall said, smiling weakly. "The only thing we can do here is try to keep Mr. Potter in line while he is a student here. Now, if there isn't anything else, I need to get back to work."

"Only that you reconsider about giving Potter's detention over to Lockhart," Dumbledore said as McGonagall turned back to her desk. "You should talk with the man, one-on-one, he may just change your mind. "

"I'll think about it, Albus," McGonagall said, becoming very curious as to why Dumbledore was asking that Lockhart handle Harry's detention. More so, why was he intruding on this matter. Before she could ask Dumbledore, however, he walked quietly out of the room without speaking another word. McGonagall turned only to see the half-opened door to the classroom, sighing as she shook her head. 'Just what is he up to?'

Minerva worked on her paperwork for the next hour, until she heard a knock on her classroom door. Stretching, she turned to see Thaddeus, standing next to the open door. "Is there something I can help you with, Professor Prendergast?"

"I have a favor to ask, Professor McGonagall," Thaddeus said with a warm smile. "I might have to ask the Headmaster, but as you are the Head of the Gryffindor House, you may be able to assist me."

"Alright, if I am able, then I'll will help you," Minerva nodded, returning Thaddeus' warm smile. "What can I help you with?"

"The sword of Godric Gryffindor."

Two Weeks Later-Outside of Hogwarts castle

Harry was half-smiling as he was led to the Quidditch pitch by Oliver Wood and the rest of the Gryffindor team. Wood had placed a Quidditch signup sheet last Saturday to see if anyone wanted to try out, but knowing Wood's training regimen was known by nearly all Gryffindors as borderline torture, no one had signed up. Which led to Wood gathering Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Fred, George, and Harry last night, begging them to stay on the Quidditch team for this year. Fred and George were the first to agree, as they said that they would only do it if Wood would do anything the Weasleys twins had in mind. The Chasers were next, agreeing as long as Harry stayed on the team, and to prove their point, the three of them got uncomfortably close to where Harry was sitting. Harry agreed to stay on as Seeker, as he believed that playing Quidditch was a good way to keep in shape.

"Alright team, since no one else has seemed to come to try out for Quidditch this year," Wood said, very energetic and walking with a bounce in his step. "I am so pleased that we can start training for Quidditch right away, thus improving our chances of winning the Quidditch Cup this year. Now, I've developed some new training over the summer that surely could guarantee our success. We are going to be getting up earlier, and training harder than we had ever before."

Both Fred and George groaned, muttering under their breaths that they would make Wood regret doing this. The three female Chasers were all walking in front of Harry, waving their butts dangerously close to each other and Harry. Harry could feel his hardon pointing directly at Angelina's ass, as she was in between Alicia and Katie. Harry knew at that moment that if he wasn't careful, the three Chasers were going to devour him the very moment they get him cornered. Of course, with his stamina, he believed that they would have a hard time keeping up with him.

"What are they doing?" Wood said, breaking Harry's attention as he was hungrily looking at Chasers' asses. The Gryffindor team all stopped in the middle of the courtyard, as Marcus Flint and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team came out from the other entrance to the castle. Harry circled around to the front to see what was going on as Flint and his team stopped directly in front of Wood. "What's going on, Flint?" Wood asked his nemesis.

"Quidditch practice." Flint said with a grin.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Wood said, trying to see why Flint and his team of cheaters were doing.

"Easy, Wood. I've got a note." Flint said, pulling out a thin piece of parchment from his pants and handing it to Wood.

Wood, unrolling the parchment, read out loud, "I, Severus Snape, do hereby give permission for the Slytherin team to practice today, in owing to train their new Seeker," Wood looked up from the note and immediately asked. "You've got a new Seeker, who?"

Harry looked at the Slytherin team wondering who had taken the place of the boy Harry had beaten soundly last year. However, no sooner than he wonder did Draco Malfoy emerge from the back of the group with a big smile and staring right at Harry.

"Malfoy, I should have figured you might have done something this stupid," Harry said with a smirk. "So, are you prepared to get thrashed on the Quidditch pitch against me?"

"My father hired me the best trainers to play Quidditch, just so I can beat you, Potter," Malfoy smugly said with a smile. "I'm not the only thing that's new to the Slytherin team this year."

Harry, Wood, and the rest of the Gryffindor team looked immediately as the Slytherin team showed them their brooms, their brand new brooms. Dark brown, polished with the same type of finish that Harry uses for his broom, and emblazoned with the golden words, 'Nimbus 2001'. Wood couldn't hide his displeasure at seeing these new brooms, and unbeknownst to them, Ron was about to make it worse.

"Those are Nimbus Two-Thousand and Ones!" Ron exclaimed loudly from behind Harry, causing Harry to jump in shock. Apparently, Ron had gotten better at following Harry without being noticed. "Where did you get them?"

"They were a gift from Draco's father," Flint said a little too proudly. "Face it, Wood, with these Gryffindor doesn't have a chance against us this year."

"Those brooms don't equal one bit of raw talent from Gryffindor!" Hermione's voice said, shocking Harry even further. Harry turned his head to see Hermione standing next to Wood with Tonks directly behind her. Harry began wondering at that moment how they managed to get here without alerting him. Perhaps my senses haven't woke up yet, Harry thought as Hermione continued chastising Flint. "No one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure skill and talent."

Malfoy glared at Hermione and said, "No one asked for your opinion, Mudblood."

Harry got right into Malfoy's face for a moment before Tonks went over and pulled him away from the blonde haired boy. "You don't need to get in trouble because of him," Tonks gently said, trying to calm him down. Then, she looked over at Malfoy with an intense frown and said, "I expect that you are aware that every student here is to be treated with respect, regardless of their parentage. Use that disrespecting name towards anyone in my presence again, Draco, and you'll answer to me."

"Is that right? A Half-Blood like you has no right to talk to someone like me," Malfoy scoffed. "Your mother is a traitor to our family and…"

The next moment had Malfoy lifted high into the air by Tonks' wand, as everyone was unaware that she had even pulled it out. "Your mother and mine are sisters, Draco." Tonks told him. Harry smiled and laughed as she twirled her wand causing Malfoy to spin in circles. Tonks dropped him back on the ground after a minute with a loud groan coming from Malfoy. The entire Gryffindor team laughed loudly with Ron joining in, and as they quieted down, Tonks added "I suggest you watch your language around me from now on, cousin, or something bad just might happen to you."

The Slytherin team helped Malfoy to his feet and then pulled him towards the Quidditch pitch. Wood, Fred and George all headed back towards the castle after a moment as Harry looked at Tonks and asked, "You're related to the Malfoys?"

"It's not something that I'm proud of," Tonks said, watching the Slytherin team disappear from her eyesight. "It's more to do with my aunts refusing to speak to my mum ever since she married my Da. Of course, Aunt Bella died in Azkaban prison over ten years ago, but Aunt Narcissa, Draco's mum, still harbors hatred towards Mum and me, just because she married a Muggleborn wizard."

"I really don't understand all of this hatred regarding Muggleborns," Harry sighed. He then looked over to the castle, where Lily was floating under a stone archway looking sad. In that moment, Harry felt an immense hatred for this, as he grew up with the Dursleys who hated the wizarding world just as much as Malfoy hated people like Hermione.

"Well, what should we do now?" Angelina asked, smiling widely at Harry. Harry looked at the three Chasers as they were all swaying their hips erotically, apparently not caring whether or not Hermione and Tonks noticed. Ron surely didn't as he had followed Malfoy and the Slytherin Quidditch team soon after. Harry had looked forward in getting some exercise in before he spent his afternoon with Minerva. The fact that Angelina was getting very close to Harry reminded him that Minerva was going to have him all alone in a small classroom, or was it that Harry was going to have Minerva all alone in a room.

"Excuse me, Angelina." Hermione said wink a smiling wink at her. Harry didn't realize it, but Hermione had somehow managed to squeeze in between of them. "Harry has detention with Professor McGonagall this afternoon, so whatever you are thinking about doing with Harry is not happening."

Hermione quickly grabbed Harry's arm and yanked him away from Angelina and the other two Chasers. "Blimey Hermione." Harry painfully said as she pulled him towards the Quidditch pitch. "Why are you pulling me to the Quidditch pitch?"

"To keep your mind off those three girls and focus your mind on something else." Hermione said, unknowing at this point that the three Chasers were following them. Tonks giggled at this as she maintained her space and followed at a distance. Lily, who had silently watched all of this, laughing at how Harry is being controlled by Hermione. "Besides we have to get Ron before he does something stupid."

"Well, that's true." Harry laughed as they all headed towards the Quidditch pitch. "But why do we care?"

"Because whatever stupid thing he might do will hurt Gryffindor." She responded, pulling Harry a little harder towards the Quidditch pitch. Harry groaned in resignation and joined her to collect the idiot.

After Harry, Hermione, the Chasers and Tonks arrived at the Quidditch pitch, they took seats in the Gryffindor side where Ron was, watching angrily with his wand out. As they all watched the Slytherin team train, Harry could hear Ron cursing Draco under his breath, saying something like that Draco wasn't as good as Harry. Harry tried to pay attention to the Slytherin team, which showed their intensity as they dodged and rolled away from bludgers and worked as a group all over the pitch. However, every once in a while, Ron clutched his wand tighter and cursed at Draco some more.

"He's not better than you, Harry!" Ron looked over at Harry as the witches that surrounded Harry bunched in closer to him. Lily who floated overhead of the group was starting to wonder what Ron was going on about. "You're still the youngest Seeker in a century, Harry, and no one's on the Slytherin team is as good as you."

"You need to relax Ron," Hermione warned. "We all know that Malfoy isn't better than Harry, but you don't need to do something rash."

"Besides that, Tonks already taught him a lesson," Harry added, placing a hand on the pink-haired witch's thigh. "It won't be good to try anything while they practice, especially with Madame Hooch observing the session."

Harry directed Ron by pointing up to the silver haired witch silently gazing upon the Slytherin team floating high above everyone, with her eyes glancing over at Harry as she noticed him in the stands. Ron nodded as he took a deep breath. However, as he tried to sit down, Draco swooped in from above and startled Ron, forcing him to drop his wand between the wooden benches.

"Did I scare you, Weasley." Draco laughed as he floated above the freckled red-haired boy. "You should get used to it. After all, you never know where I might catch the Snitch when I beat Potter. Ugh, it makes me sick thinking about that. Imagine: me close to such worthless individuals."

"You're going to pay for that, Malfoy!" Ron yelled red-faced at Draco as the blonde-haired boy flew away laughing at him. Ron dug in between the stands as he tried for several minutes to try to find his wand. Harry found this amusing until Ron pulled his wand out from underneath the lower bench and aimed at directly at Draco and the Slytherin team. At that moment, Harry realized what Ron was about to do, as he noticed that Ron had his wand pointed at himself as he shouted, "Eat slugs, Malfoy!"

The force of the slug curse threw Ron back into the benches behind him, and nearly fell over the banister. Harry and Hermione rushed to the red-haired boy's side as he clutched his stomach and looked like he was about to barf. Harry silently chuckled, but knew that Madam Hooch had to see the flash of magic coming from the Gryffindor stands.

"What is the meaning of this?" Madam Hooch flew down and stopped just a foot over the stands. She quickly dismounted her broom and went over to Ron looking pretty miffed at the young redhead. She picked up Ron's wand and looked at it curiously. "Did you cast a curse, Mr. Weasley?"

Ron wasn't able to answer, as the very next moment, he started barfing out slugs, vomiting one after another in excruciating fashion. Harry felt sick just watching this, and turned away from the scene. Hermione crossed her arms and shook her head at Ron as Madam Hooch lifted up the young vomiting wizard and sighed. She then looked over to Harry and smiled, "Would you mind taking Mr. Weasley to Hagrid, Harry?" She asked.

"Of course, Madam Hooch," Harry frowned with a very quizzical look. "But why Hagrid? Isn't Madam Pomfrey better equipped to handle something like this?"

"Not in this case, Harry." Hooch responded. "With a curse like this, the only way to handle it is to let it progress until the magic dies out from it. Hagrid is better able to handle this situation, as surprisingly this has happened several times before. He won't be that surprised to see this. However, using a curse on another student Mr. Weasley, even though it backfired on yourself, is strictly prohibited. Therefore, after you are done vomiting slugs, come find me so I can serve you detention."

Ron couldn't answer, but Hermione frowned intently as Harry pulled Ron down through the Gryffindor stands and headed over to Hagrid's. Hermione, Tonks, and the Chasers followed closely behind, with Hermione saying in no uncertain terms, "Shame on you, Ronald."

Ron threw up several slugs, all of them a disgusting color, as Harry tried to get Ron over to Hagrid's as fast as he could. It still took several minutes to reach Hagrid's hut, and by that time, Harry could not believe the amount of slugs that came out of Ron already, as he tried counting, but he lost track about the time he crossed halfway across the field.

"'Ello Harry." Hagrid greeted Harry as he pulled Ron up to the half-giant's hut. Hagrid was sitting just outside with Fang lying down in front of him as he was sipping a large cup of tea. A moment later, he realized that Harry was supporting Ron as the red-haired boy vomited another gross looking slug. "'Ear me! Ron got hit 'ith 'he Slug curse!"

"He did it to himself, Hagrid," Harry said as he nodded to the man. "He was trying to curse Malfoy with it, after that blonde idiot taunted him. Unfortunately for Ron, he dropped his wand when Malfoy startled him, so when he picked it back up, he failed to realize that he was pointing his wand at himself."

Hagrid shook his head, chuckling silently as he got up from where he was sitting, and opening his front door. "Best bring 'im inside. I got just 'the 'hing to take care of this."

Harry pulled Ron inside and sat him down on one of Hagrid's large cushion chairs. Harry then turned to Hagrid as the large man grabbed a large metal pail and placed it on Ron's lap. "I don't have to be here to witness this, do I? We've already seen Ron throw up enough."

"Course 'arry," Hagrid chuckled even more. "'His isn't 'he first 'time I've seen 'his 'appen before, 'specially 'with wands not pointing the right way."

Harry quickly left Ron in the hands of Hagrid and rejoined Hermione, Tonks, and the Chasers outside. Before they left, they could hear Ron barf out another slug, then Hagrid telling the red-haired boy, "Better out 'than in."

Tonks busted out laughing after she heard that, causing Harry to look at her curiously. Tonks smiled and said, "That's not the first time I heard Hagrid saying that. There's been plenty of instances where friends of mine got hit with that curse, and several of those times I reciprocated in their defense."

Harry smiled and nodded, but asked, "Just how many times has this curse been used here?"

"At least once every other year." Tonks replied, chuckling a bit more. "At most several times in a year, to the ire of Professor McGonagall. That one curse is the cause of so many headaches among the staff."

Harry smiled at this, but couldn't really appreciate why this curse was used that frequently. Just seeing Ron barfing up slugs constantly made Harry feel ill, and couldn't imagine anyone using that curse after witnessing such a thing. However, Harry decided it was time to change the subject, so he turned his attention to the only thing he had to do today; his detention with McGonagall.

"So, Tonks, what do you think Professor McGonagall has planned for me for detention?" Harry asked her, being careful not to say 'Minerva' around Hermione and the Chasers. "Do you think she might show me the basics of becoming an Animagus?"

"Not really, Harry, but when detention is over, I'm sure she might show you an interesting aspect of being an Animagus." Tonks answered as they entered the main castle grounds. "She is one of the few Animagus masters left in the world. She might even surprise you with something if you behave yourself during detention."

Harry smiled and looked at Tonks as she smiled and winked at him suggestively. Fortunately, Hermione didn't see this, although she did ask Tonks, "Is there something interesting about Professor McGonagall's Animagus form? We all know that she transforms into a Maine Coon cat, and I did a lot of reading on the subject, so I don't see how she can surprise Harry, unless that's not her only animal form, and somehow you know about it."

Tonks looked at Hermione for a moment and had to think before she answered. "There's a lot about becoming an Animagus that's not discussed in books, Hermione." Tonks finally answered her. "As I said, Professor McGonagall is a Master Animagus, even though she only has one form. Remember, only a few Animagi are powerful enough to have two forms, and three is quite frankly is unheard of. However, being that powerful do not make them true masters."

Hermione nodded her understanding as Lily looked at Harry with a smirk and said to him, "I think I know what Tonks is talking about, as I think I saw her once when I was in my fourth year."

Harry wanted to ask his mum what she saw, but once they re-entered the castle, his mind instantly got distracted by the Chasers again as the three girls got in front of Harry and smiled sweetly at him. "Well, since it's still early, we're going to get some breakfast." Angelina said. "You're welcome to join us Harry. With Hermione and Tonks of course."

She didn't wait for Harry to answer, as she, Katie and Alicia all turned on their heels and left without saying anything else. However, right before they turned a corner, they blatantly lifted their skirts and revealed skimpy red panties, all of them different revealing to Harry how much they wanted to turn him on. Katie wore a silk thong, Alicia had a thin G-string, and Angelina wore a side tie. After they disappeared from view, Harry had his mouth gaping as Tonks laughed softly and Hermione looking angrily at Harry.

"I know that they're teasing you, Harry, but you need to control your allure better," Hermione told him in a scolding fashion. "You've already have half of the female population here pining after you because of this, and if this keeps up, there'll be nothing left of you by the the end of the year."

"Hermione, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that you're a tad bit jealous." Tonks said with a smirk. Hermione frowned as her face turned red looking at Tonks. "If you really want Harry, then why don't just go ahead and take him. It's not a secret how you two feel about each other, after all."

Hermione almost scoffed, her face becoming even redder than before. She opened her mouth to respond to Tonks, but her anger and embarrassment wouldn't let a sound come out. After a moment of trying to respond, Hermione angrily stormed off towards the Great Hall.

"Why did you say that to her, Tonks?" Harry asked her, frowning a bit. "She's still reserved when it comes to expressing herself. It's not a good idea to push her like that."

"Relax Harry, a girl like Hermione may be reserved to you, but once she accepts her inner desires, she'll be all over you." Tonks chuckled, waving her wand over her clothes. "Besides, the sooner you take her, the sooner I can truly have some fun with her."

Tonks started walking away from Harry and headed towards the Great Hall, and as she did, her clothes began to turn opaque, revealing her silk red bra and panties. As she walked, she swayed and strutted, allowing Harry to gaze upon her backside and her firm ass, causing Harry to growl instinctively as she turned a corner leaving Harry's eyesight. Harry quickly followed her, knowing that he was going to need a large breakfast to get through at least half of the day.

Later in the Afternoon-Transfiguration Class

Harry entered the classroom with Lily and Tonks following, ready to serve his detention with a lustful smirk on his face. However, he was greeted by a near empty room with only one student desk situated in the middle of the room with a small rectangular oak box sitting on it. Minerva's normal desk and chair was also still present, along with the normal chalkboard with instructions on it written out for Harry. Minerva herself was in her cat form sitting on the top of her desk purring softly. Harry was slightly perplexed as he began reading the chalkboard.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Your Assignment for this detention will be to change needles back to matchsticks. I'm quite sure that you remember your first transfiguration lesson last year. You will sit down and change each needle back into its original form. Do this one-at-a-time, with no help from Mrs. Potter or Miss Tonks. More will be explained later.

Harry shrugged, slightly disappointed that Minerva didn't have anything special planned. He took his seat and opened the small box, pulling out the first needle and placing it down on the desk. He then pulled his wand from his holster from his arm and began to perform the spell to change it back into a matchstick. Tonks stood against the wall next to the door with Lily floating beside her while Harry turn one needle after another into matchsticks. "This seems too easy, Lily." Tonks whispered quietly.

"What do you mean?" Lily whispered back.

"Minerva's a strict disciplinarian." Tonks responded softly. "She's fair, but she always makes sure that her detentions serve a purpose. Also, there's no challenge to Harry changing needles back to matchsticks, which she's already aware, so why is she having Harry do this?"

"You have a point, Tonks." Lily frowned as she looked at Minerva's desk, her empty desk. "Where did Minerva go?"

Tonks looked around the room for the Maine Coon as the cat had sneakingly went under Harry's desk. Harry himself hadn't noticed until Lily discovered Minerva transforming back into her non-glamour form crouched underneath Harry's desk. Lily gasped loudly, causing Harry to look at his mother and wonder what was wrong. The next moment Harry felt Minerva's hands rub his left thigh, nearly causing him to jump from the seat. Harry dropped his wand as Minerva's hands slid slowly up to Harry's crotch with a wicked smile on her face.

"I wouldn't drop your wand, Harry." Minerva said as she began to unbutton Harry's slacks. "I've placed a special charm on those needles, so unless you get all of those needles changed into matchsticks within the next hour and a half, each matchstick will change back into a needle after five minutes. Also, as a special incentive, if you manage to refrain from cumming as you do this task, then you are free from my punishment and you can then punish me."

Harry groaned as Minerva pulled his seven-inch-long cock out from his pants and began to lick the side of it. Lily and Tonks moved closer, moaning lustfully as Tonks slowly stripped and Lily began playing with herself. However, Minerva somehow took notice of this and said to both of them, "Lily, Nymphadora, the two of you will not take part of this. You see, by my reasoning, the two of you are the reason why Harry hasn't been getting his much needed sleep since returning to Hogwarts, so your punishment will be to not participate until Harry has managed to complete his task. Feel free to masturbate if you feel the need to, but you can't touch Harry or myself until Harry's punishment is over."

Both Tonks and Lily pouted a bit as Minerva engulfed Harry's manhood and started sucking it vigorously. Harry groaned as he felt Minerva's tongue work along the tip of his cock while Tonks moved over to Minerva's desk already stripped down to her bra and panties and proceeded to masturbate in front of Harry. Lily decided to do the same, moving over to Minerva's desk next to Tonks, her clothes vanishing to reveal a black lace bra and skimpy G-string, masturbating heavily as Minerva began yanking Harry's pants down further to give her access to his balls.

However, Harry knew what was at stake, and with Minerva expertly working on his dick and balls, as well as both Lily and Tonks masturbating in front of him, it wasn't going to be easy for him to keep his focus. Picking his wand back up, Harry continued the daunting task of changing every needle into matchsticks, but the stimulation he was receiving was making it difficult. Every once in a while, Harry had to stop what he was doing as Minerva had deepthroated him, holding her face right into his nether region for a few seconds before pulling it out and stroking it a few times. Harry had to take a deep breath to control himself before going back to the needles. A few minutes later, the first matchstick returned back to a needle, proving that this was going to be difficult. Harry focused on the rest of the needles, moving as fast as he could before returning to the ones that were changing back. Unfortunately, Harry had no idea how many there were inside the box, but he knew there were still a lot of them left.

After nearly an hour, Harry had the last needle from the box changed to a matchstick, and all of the ones that had returned were also dealt with as well when Minerva deepthroated him one last time, causing Harry to nearly lose it and orgasm straight down her throat. Fortunately for Harry, he gritted his teeth as he started putting the large bundle of matchsticks back in the box. With a loud slam, he shut the box and with his last ounce of strength, yelled, "Finished!"

After he yelled, Harry lost control and orgasmed straight down Minerva's throat. Minerva lustfully drank all of Harry's cum as he had thrusted his hips a bit to Minerva's face. For several moments, Harry unleashed a tremendous amount in her stomach before finally easing up. After she had taken all of Harry's sperm into her, Minerva pulled Harry's throbbing cock out of her mouth and crawled out from underneath his desk, licking her lips seductively as she grasped the edge of the desk to help herself back to her feet.

"Merlin, Harry, you still manage to surprise me." Minerva said almost breathlessly. She shakingly reached for the small oak box and opened it to check Harry's work. As she slowly fingered through all of the matchsticks, making sure there were no needles left, Harry slowly stood, his legs trembling slightly as he had endured Minerva's blowjob for nearly an hour without cumming. Closing the box up, Minerva smiled wider and began removing her green robe and dress. "Congratulations, Harry. You've completed your task as I had instructed with just seconds before orgasming into my throat. Therefore, you shall receive your reward and punish your pussy as you see fit, Master."

Stripped down to her bright red bra with a beige lion englossed on the right side of it, Minerva got onto the ground on her hands and knees exposing her wet, bare pussy to Harry. Her long brown hair flowed down to her arms as Harry stripped off his clothes quickly. After he did, Minerva decided to give him his surprise.

Purring softly, Minerva transferred herself to her half-Animagus form, which shocked Harry immensely. Minerva now had beige fur covering her entire body, her ears pointed and moved higher onto her head, and a long, soft tail emerging from just above her ass. Minerva turned her head and look at Harry, her feline features almost taken over her face, with slitted brown eyes focusing directly at Harry's manhood. Harry growled with a fiery lust in his green eyes as Minerva's tail waved him over.

"Mount me, Master." Minerva said with a guttural moan and Harry needed no more stimulation. He quickly got onto his knees and penetrated her pussy, grabbing her hair after he did and pulling her head up. Minerva meowed loudly as she arched her back while at the same time Harry leaned on top of her, thrusting into her hard and fast. After a few moments Minerva began orgasming and nearly collapsed to the ground below. Harry felt her pussy tighten around his dick while her tail wrapped around his waist, tightly holding him in place. "Fuck me, Master! Breed me like a common whore!"

Harry growled animalistically as he pumped her harder and harder. By that time, both Tonks and Lily had removed their last bits of clothing and while Lily kneeled next to Harry, Tonks laid down in front of Minerva spreading her legs in front of Minerva's face. After her orgasm had subsided, Minerva dove down on Tonks' cunt and shoved her tongue into the pink haired girl's pussy. Tonks moaned as Minerva's tongue massaged and carrased the inside of her pussy, all the while Harry drilling the beige furred cat-witch and approaching his second orgasm. Minerva herself began shaking at that moment, and with Tonks holding the Transfiguration teacher's head down on her pussy, Minerva's vibrating tongue and muffled moans caused Tonks to quickly approach her own orgasm.

"Merlin, Fuck her good Harry!" Tonks yelled as she came into Minerva's mouth. Minerva's own orgasm was just beginning to subside as Harry thrusted into her one final time and shot his sperm straight into her cunt, his animalistic lust not caring if he impregnated her or not. After everyone's orgasm had subsided, Minerva collapsed on the floor allowing Harry's cock to exit her pussy. Surprisingly, Minerva kept her feline form and kept her mouth locked on Tonks' pussy. "Well, still a hungry cat, aren't you Minerva?"

Harry chuckled as Lily was sucking his still hard erection, preparing himself for another round with Minerva. However, at that moment, Harry heard a small moan from a crack in the door. Pulling Lily off of him a moment, Harry got up to his feet and walked over to the door. As he reached the door, Harry heard a quick gasp and a quick pattering of footsteps, running away from the scene. Opening the door, he poked his head out into the hallway just in time to see the bushy hair of Hermione running away from the room. Harry's mouth opened widely, completely dumbfounded as to why and how long Hermione was watching. Harry knew that he was going to have to have another long talk with Hermione, but as he was about to take his head out from the doorway, he looked down and saw a tiny puddle on the floor, apparently from Hermione masturbating. Harry closed the door and turned to face the three witches making out with each other, with Lily taking turns possessing Tonks one moment, and then Minerva the next.

Harry rejoined the ladies, but as Tonks/Lily took his dick into her/their mouths, Harry looked back at the closed door where Hermione was several moments ago. All through the rest of the afternoon, Harry fucked all three witches, although his thoughts kept going back to Hermione. By the time he finally collapsed from exhaustion, his mind was flooded by one certainty: he wanted Hermione.

Halloween Week-History of Magic

The entire room was eerily quiet during the first test Thaddeus gave his second year students. Thaddeus had given them a very challenging test, compiling what they had learned about Godric Gryffindor. Fortunately, Thaddeus covered almost every detail about the Hogwarts founder, including showing and explaining the use of the sword of Godric Gryffindor. When the test finally arrived, Thaddeus was confident that his students had absorbed the required knowledge.

About thirty minutes into the class, Hermione rolled up her parchment and got up from her seat, quietly walking up to Thaddeus' desk and placing it on top of it. She then walked back to her seat glancing over at Harry for a moment before sitting back down next to Ron. Harry and Neville looked at each other curious to what was going on with Hermione. Of course, Harry had more of an idea about what was going on, but ever since Harry's detention with Professor McGonagall, Hermione hadn't spoken to anyone. She literally went from the girl who always had her hand up during class ready to answer whatever questions their teachers placed to their class, to becoming very quiet in class, not even making a sound. Besides Professor Snape and the Slytherins, everyone was very worried about Hermione.

Harry and Neville rolled up their tests at the same time shortly after Hermione had sat down, and proceeded to drop them off on Thaddeus' desk. Thaddeus himself was walking around the classroom, carefully watching everyone there making sure no one cheated on the test. As Harry and Neville sat back down at their desks, they glanced over at Hermione who sat with her arms crossed yet had a strangely calm look on her face. Both Harry and Neville were completely shocked, and both quietly resolved to themselves to try to get Hermione to open up.

Unfortunately, Harry already had a good idea to what the problem was. For weeks, Harry had tried to get Hermione to talk to him in private, but with Tonks and Lily always in tow it was near impossible. He even went so far as to ask Padma and Parvati to intervene on his behalf, but she remained closed off to everyone. Of course, Harry suspected that one of the reasons that Hermione wouldn't talk with the twins was due to the fact that he was fucking them. Parvati did tell her master that Hermione had been masturbating most nights in her bed. She and Padma had then told Harry that they caught Hermione masturbating in the halls while peeking into an old classroom where the Gryffindor Chasers had sex with each other. Harry found this to be very interesting, but knew if he wanted Hermione to return back to her old self, he had to refrain from joining the three Chasers, for now.

By the time the bell signalled the end of the class, the only students who hadn't finished the test were Ron, Crabbe, and Goyle. The three of them angrily rolled up their parchments and hastedly dropped them on Thaddeus' desk, grunting like trolls as they left the room. Harry stayed back as he wanted to talk to Thaddeus about Hermione, hoping that he would have some idea as to what to do. Neville stayed as well, more curious as to what Harry was going to ask.

"If you two are going to ask me about Hermione Granger, you may want to save your breath," Thaddeus said, standing by his desk looking at both boys as he gathered up all of the tests. "I have no idea what's wrong with her, nor does anyone else among the staff. You two are her best friends, so if you both don't know what's going on, then I really can't help you."

"This really isn't like Hermione though," Neville said, frowning. "She's never been this quiet. There's has to be something wrong with her."

"I think I'm the reason, Neville," Harry reluctantly said to his godbrother. "Hermione saw me in a precarious position with a couple of witches weeks ago, and my allure might have affected her during that."

"You didn't?" Neville said, even though he knew that Harry couldn't control his allure during certain moments. "She's our best friend, Harry. Just who were you with anyway? Padma and Parvati again? Luna Lovegood too?"

"I rather not say, Neville," Harry answered, trying to calm him. "I've been trying to talk to her about it, but she's either been avoiding me, or has given me the cold shoulder. I'm really sorry Neville."

"The both of you need to calm down now," Thaddeus said with a firm tone. "You two are practically brothers after all. Whatever issues that are plaguing Hermione, I suggest that you both find a way of talking to Hermione. Now, I have to start grading these tests, and you two need to get ready for your next class."

Both Harry and Neville left the room frustrated that Thaddeus had no answers for them. Thaddeus watched them leave with a frown before turning his attention back to his papers.

"You're really playing the part of teacher, aren't you brother?" Abigail's voice echoed throughout the classroom. "You already know what's happening with Hermione Granger, so why not tell them?"

"It's not my problem to fix, Abi," Thaddeus answered his ghost sister. "This one is Harry's problem, and Harry is the only own that can fix it. Though, you can help him better than I can. I did overhear Sir Nicholas offer an invitation to Harry to his Deathday party, why don't you see if you can go join them?"

"I've already been invited, but I thought you wanted me to keep an eye on Lockhart. He's definitely up to something, I can tell by the way he's been interacting with several of the students here," Abigail said to him, floating from inside of his desk. "Unfortunately, he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary besides disappearing into his trunk at night."

"I'm quite surprised by that, but I guess I have to give that blowhard a little respect," Thaddeus mused, looking up at his sister. "Either he's being extremely careful, or Dumbledore is keeping a tight leash on his appetites. It's more likely the latter, as Lockhart isn't good at being that careful. For now, all we can do is explore other options, like asking other ghosts at Sir Nicholas' party if they notice anything about Lockhart."

"That's a good idea, brother, but shouldn't they be all loyal to Dumbledore?" Abigail wondered. "He is the headmaster, and they might consider me asking to go against him."

"Not if you're subtle enough," Thaddeus smiled. "Besides, the ghosts here have their own sense of right and wrong, and even though they might tell Dumbledore about what we're asking, they might also not approve of someone like Lockhart being here. Their true loyalty belongs to Hogwarts, not the headmaster."

Abigail giggled in delight and floated back down into Thaddeus' desk. Thaddeus returned back to the rolls of parchment that were on top of his desk. While grading them, Thaddeus thought about what Lockhart might be up to, but still had no answers, and finally just left wondering just what was the purpose for Dumbledore using Lockhart.

October 31, 1992-Sir Nicholas' Deathday Party

Harry and Neville were surprisingly having a good time. Sir Nicholas originally had just wanted Harry to attend, as having the youngest Seeker in a century to come was able to convince the other ghosts to come as well, as they had usually snubbed Sir Nicholas on his Deathday. Now, as he had Harry, Neville, Hermione, Tonks, Lily, Padma, Parvati, and Luna all agree to attend, every ghost in Hogwarts, including some that Harry had never met before, had crowded the small room.

Around seven o'clock, Harry and company had made their way from the Great Hall and made their way downstairs to the dungeons. As they walked, they were led by floating candles lit with a dark purple flame. After several minutes, the candles had led them to their destination; a small room filled with ghosts woefully mourning and wailing as white smoke appeared on the walls.

Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington

Died 31th October, 1492

"Welcome, my living friends, and Lily Potter as well," Sir Nicholas said with a bright grin on his ghostly face. "I'm so very glad to have you join us on my Deathday. Please, help yourself to some of the food prepared for us."

"I wouldn't," Tonks whispered to everyone, trying not to insult Sir Nicholas. "Their idea of food is either rotten, or so spicy that the only the dead can taste it."

"I wonder if I can eat it," Lily chuckled as she floated over the refreshment table. Harry followed and saw exactly what Tonks described. At the very center of the table was a cake decorated with Sir Nicholas' name and date of death right on top of it. As Neville and everyone else joined them, Harry felt the urge the gag just from the smell of the rank food. Lily, however, did try some parfait, and immediately decided she didn't like it.

The rest of the party was spent with Harry talking with several ghosts, starting with Abigail, who was trying to avoid another ghost girl who had a weird resemblance to Harry, glasses and all.

"I don't know much about her, but everyone calls her 'Moaning Myrtle'," Abigail told Harry and Neville. "She usually spends her days in the plumbing in the girls' bathroom on the second floor. She seems rather nice, except when she thinks she's being teased, then she moans loudly."

While Harry and Neville were talking to Abigail, Hermione and Luna were chatting with Myrtle. Harry noticed that Hermione had somewhat returned to her normal self, though she still hadn't talked to him yet. Harry was informed by Luna earlier in the day that Hermione had talked to her and asked her about what had happened. Being a Seer, Luna told Harry that Hermione had asked her if certain teachers here were going to be a part of Harry's little harem. This surprised Harry, as Hermione was not known to say things like that, but Luna had told Hermione that she didn't have to worry about that, as Harry would always choose Hermione over anyone else, with the exception of Lily.

Harry wished Luna hadn't told Hermione that, but with the truth being out there, Harry felt that it was for the best. Looking over at his mum, Harry saw Lily engaged in deep conversation with the Grey Lady. At that moment, both Padma and Parvati went up to Harry and clutched either arm smiling seductively.

"Master, how much longer are we going to stay here?" Padma whispered into Harry's left ear. "We don't mind it, but we're getting pretty hungry."

To prove Padma's point, Parvati boldly grabbed Harry's crotch and began to vigorously rub it. However, at that very moment, Harry heard a strange voice. At first, Harry thought that the voice was in his head, but as he looked over at Lily, he noticed that she was looking around curiously.

"Did you hear that?" Lily asked The Grey Lady.

Harry tried to listen through the crowd of different voices in the party, but as quickly dismissed it as somebody playing a joke. Around that time, Sir Nicholas made his speech thanking everybody for showing up and soon after the party had began dying down. Harry and company were the first to leave, as they had class early the next morning. As they headed up the stairs, Harry heard the voice again, this time much clearer.

"Rip...Kill...Tear. "

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked on the stairs. Lily looked around again, but everyone else looked at Harry curiously.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Neville asked.

"I hear something, but I can't make it out," Lily answered. "It's like it's some sort of strange language, almost snake like."

"Really, I don't hear anything." Hermione said, albeit somewhat coldly towards Lily. "Where is the voice coming from?"

"I hunger. I need food. "

"There it is again, it sounds like it's coming from the walls." Harry said, frustrated with why no one but Lily and himself could hear it. "It said it's hungry."

"Well, is that a good or a bad thing?" Tonks asked, not really sure of what was going on. "I wouldn't mind if we went to the Great Hall so we at least have a quick nip before bedtime."

Neville and the girls murmured their approval of Tonks' idea, even though the Great Hall was probably empty right then. However, the voice that Harry and Lily were hearing in the walls began getting further away.

"Kill...I want to kill! "

"Whatever it is, it's moving. It wants to kill!" Harry stated with determination, moving along up the stairs with gusto. Lily and the rest followed Harry as they exited the stairway onto the first floor. Unfortunately, the voice continued to slowly get fainter, as if it was moving faster than the group. Harry followed the voice as best he could, heading towards the Great Hall, nearly slipping from several puddles of water all over the floor.

" I smell blood. I SMELL BLOOD! "

Harry looked bewildered, stopping at a corner in a hallway after the voice shouted that. From Harry's perspective, the voice was heading upwards very fast until he and Lily could no longer hear it. At that moment, Hermione pointed towards a wall opposite of where Harry was facing and gasped loudly.

"Harry, Neville, Everyone Look!" Hermione shouted. Harry almost smiled as he noticed that Hermione had finally said something to him, but once he saw what she was pointing at, he frowned intently. Lily gasped loudly, Neville took a step back, Tonks pulled her wand out and stepped in front of Harry, Padma and Parvati grabbed Harry's arms tightly, and Luna looked at the wall curiously with her head tilted.



"It's written in blood!" Hermione said, stepping closer towards the writing. As she did, Tonks' eyes caught a small figure hanging from a torch bracket close by. Pretty soon after that, Lily saw the figure and instantly recognized what the figure was.

"It's Mrs. Norris." Lily exclaimed. "It's Filch's cat."

They all stared at the motionless grey furred cat hanged upside down by its tail, with Harry slightly thanking the person who did this in his head. Lily felt this thought from Harry and strangely enough, agreed with Harry's gratefulness. Just then, several groups of students appeared from the Great Hall and stopped in front of the wall. Most noticeably, Draco and his two goons stood in front of the crowd with a bemused look on his face.

"Enemies of the Heir, Beware!" Draco all but scoffed, wearing an arrogant grin on his face. He then looked smugly at Harry and added. "A bit arrogant for you, Heir Potter."

"IF you think I did this, Malfoy, then…"

"Make way. Make Way. MAKE WAY!" Argus Filch's voice interrupted Harry as the rugged-looking man cut through the large crowd. He stopped after seeing his pet next to the blood writing on the wall, and then seeing Harry and his group standing close by. "Mrs. Norris? What did you do to my cat, Potter?"

"He didn't have anything to do with this, Mr. Filch. I'll stake my reputation on this." Tonks said, standing between Filch and Harry. Fortunately, the teachers and Dumbledore all came from the Great Hall and saw the message.

"Everyone." Dumbledore said in a firm voice. "Please return to your dormitories at once. Everyone, but Potter, Longbottom, Granger, Tonks, both Patils, Lovegood, and Mrs. Potter."

Everyone scrambled slowly from the scene, leaving Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sprout, Madams Pomfrey and Hooch, Snape, Lockhart, and Thaddeus looking at the writing on the wall and all frowning at the meaning. After all the students had left, Dumbledore calmly said to Filch, "She is not dead, Argus. She has been petrified."

"Ah, just as I suspected. So unlucky that I wasn't here." Lockhart stepped forward to examine the cat. "I know the perfect countercurse that could have saved her."

"Really, Gilderoy. How would you know that if you don't know how she was petrified." Thaddeus said with a frown. "The only thing that is clear is that someone used Mrs. Norris to send a message."

"Why don't you ask Potter." Filch all but screamed at Thaddeus. "It was him who done it!"

"I had nothing to do with it!" Harry said firmly. "I have no reason to attack your cat, or you. I may not like you, but that's not cause for this."

"If I may, headmaster." Snape stepped forward. "Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, I don't remember Potter or his friends at dinner."

"We were attending Sir Nicholas' Deathday party." Tonks said, finally putting her wand away. "I'm quite sure that the ghosts all made mention of it."

"I hardly listen to idle gossip, Miss Tonks." Snape retorted back. "Especially from ghosts. Tell me though, how is it that all of you came upon this scene."

"The party died down and we came back towards the Great Hall for something to eat." Tonks replied a bit too coldly to Snape. "We were on our way when…"

"When I said that I had food inside my suitcase." Harry interrupted her, hoping that no one noticed that Harry was trying not to reveal what he and his mother had heard. "We were about to head back to Gryffindor tower when we saw Mrs. Norris."

Snape cocked his eyebrow and looked suspiciously at the group, turning towards Thaddeus who said to him, "Innocent until proven guilty, Severus."

"My cat has been petrified!" Filch screamed in anger. "I want to see some punishment!"

"Professor Dumbledore, if I might suggest something." Tonks said to the long bearded man. "Since you have no idea who done this, and there is no proof that Harry is responsible, I would like to escort him and his friends back to their respective towers while you commence a full investigation."

"Very well, Miss Tonks. Off you go then." Dumbledore said with a slight smile. "However, I would advise caution to all. Professor Lockhart, as you are the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I place you in charge of this investigation. You are the resident expert on these matters, after all."

"Very well, Headmaster." Lockhart said after a moment's pause. "I'll just go get my things."

Harry had already turned around and walked away from the scene when Lockhart said that, but as soon as he did, he couldn't help but to groan in despair at this thought. "He's up to something." Harry said to his mother quietly.

"Who do you mean, Dumbledore or Lockhart?" Lily asked.

"Well, at this point, both of them."

Later that night-Harry's suitcase

"I can't hear anything." Parvati half-sobbed pressing her ear next to the wall which was adjacent to Harry's master bedroom. "What do you think they're doing? Are they fucking?"

"I don't think so." Padma said, doing the exact same thing her sister was. "She may be inside with our master, but it is Hermione after all."

"You both should leave it alone." Tonks said pacing back and forth. "Harry told us that he wanted to talk to Hermione alone, so there's nothing we can do until they're done talking."

"I'm quite surprised that no one asked me." Luna half-giggled as she was reading the Quibbler. "They may be talking right now, but they won't end it like that. Tonight is the night he takes Hermione."

"You are rather brash aren't you, Luna." Lily giggled as she floated above the four of them. "How do you know that?"

"I dreamt about it last night." Luna said simply. "He won't allow any of us in there for tonight. So, unless any of you have any plans, I suggest we relax until bedtime."

"Wait a minute, that's not fair!" Padma pouted. "Why can't we join them?"

"Come on, over a year of pining after Harry and not getting any action." Parvati answered, pulling her head from the wall. "Do you really want to try to get between Hermione and Master at this point. Besides, we know how much Master cares for Hermione. They should be left alone for this."

Padma followed suit and both her and her twin joined Luna on the adjacent couch across from the bedroom wall. She continued to pout for a moment, before looking over at Luna and Parvati and licked her lips. "You know, if Master isn't going to fuck us tonight, perhaps we could have some fun instead."

Luna folded up her magazine and smiled back at Padma. "I was wondering when you were going to say that." She said, standing up from the couch and began stripping off her uniform. Tonks smiled as she watched the three girls strip off the clothing before leaving them to their own desires.

"You're not going to join them?" Lily asked as Tonks closed the bedroom door behind them, walking away from the bedroom and walking towards the door to the master bedroom.

"That's not my place, Lily." Tonks said simply as she stopped on the opposite side of Harry's bedroom door. "I can't forget that my primary job is to protect your son, and I can't allow outside lust to keep me from that."

Lily nodded as she began to touch herself, allowing her clothes off of her ghostly body to vanish. "I think Harry and Hermione had started." Lily said with a lustful moan.

Tonks saw Lily massaging her breasts and slowly working her nipples, and then slowly cracked the door to see what was going on inside. Peeking through the crack, Tonks saw Hermione on top of Harry on his bed kissing him passionately while trying to take off her clothes. Harry had his hands over Hermione's butt, lifting her skirt to reveal her white cotton panties. Tonks growled softly as she closed the door, letting Harry and Hermione to have the night for themselves.

"You know, I'm kinda worried about what Harry will do to her."

"So am I, but a small part of me is worried about what she does to him."