"Have no fear, you will find your way. It's in your bones. It's in your soul." -Mark Z. Danielewski.

Just like she did everyday since finding out she was pregnant with her son, a handsome Garrett Killian Rose Riverside, she read off a quote that inspired her. Believe it or not, it was hard always staying positive while being a single mother in highschool. Having gotten pregnant in the middle of her freshman year, Gray Rayne Lillian Riverside was now a 19 year old, almost 20, in her senior year at Forks High. All due to the fact that she had to take off a year and a half almost to take care of her newborn child.

Still, Gray could never, ever, regret bringing her precious little Garret into the world.

Sure, the circumstances had not been the best in any way shape or form. She had basically been a naive child who had "fallen in love'' with the cool ,outgoing, male trackstar when she fell pregnant with her son. She had fallen in love with the idea of being in love, like so many her age did. Looking back now, the only thing she truly and wholeheartedly regretted was having Landon Pierce pull a fast one on her the way he had. Basically, allowing him to date her for months only so he could hit it and quit it, as her friends so eloquently put it.

She thanked God everyday that she was able to get him to sign over his parental rights solely to her. Gray wanted nothing to do with, or anything from, the fool named Landon Pierce. Yes, she struggled but she had no fears that her past would come to bite her in the butt by taking and giving her child to her ex.

Stretching and no doubt looking much like a woken cat she threw her legs over the side of her bed to pull on her fluffy black slipper boots. Her alarm clock read 6:30 am in bright happy go lucky neon green letters that seemed to continuously mock her. How something so dreadful as an alarm clock could be filled with such bright colors she would never know.

Shuffling out of bed, throwing on an oversized blue knit sweater, she patted her way into her kitchen. Living in the small apartment building a few blocks from her school and only a block away from her parents held it's benefits. Her apartment, although small, was warm and cozy with a definite homey feeling. It was the only place she could afford when her parents made it clear they thought she couldn't handle a child and begged her to terminate ''it''.

The thought to this day still made her ill.

Gray couldn't picture a life before her son nor a life without him. Her baby boy was her world and she would be nothing without him now.

Yes, her parents had freaked out at the news going so far as to begging her to get an abortion and kicking her out when she refused. But over the few years of motherhood she had changed their minds, proving how responsible she was and now had her parents singing a different tune. Maybe, just maybe, she was still a little on the fence about her parents but the babysitting help her mother offered her only grandchild was much appreciated. It took the strain of having to pay heavily for a babysitter while she was away at school and work. Having her mother watch Garrett also put her mind to rest. Gray never had to worry if the babysitter was treating her child right when she was away, her mother was gentle and patient by nature.

Heating up some water in her favorite mug, a deep blue one Garrett and her mother bought her for mother's day with number one mom written on the cover, she placed a single bag of green tea and a single bag of peppermint tea in before mixing in a tiny bit of milk and sugar. Taking her time to drink her beloved morning tea she sighed when she came to the realization that she had to get her son to her mother's and herself to school.

Gray smiled softly when peeking into her son's room. Her father, a middle school science teacher and her mother an interior decorator had done up her son's room leaving her in awe. The walls were painted a lovely forest green with false tree branches covering the walls of his room tastefully. With a night light that shone woodland animals all over the walls, his room had been complete. The woods themed had thrilled her son as well as her.

Walking quietly over towards his bed, a large circular bed surrounded by paper cut out leaves and branches making it greatly resemble a bird's nest, she flopped down beside her baby boy.

Watching him sleep had become sort of a habit for her since he was born. The small rises and falls of his tiny chest soothed her. When he was first born she had been so scared to fall asleep, fearing that he would somehow forget to breathe if she didn't keep watch over him.

Brushing back his wavy onyx colored hair from his face Gray gently shook his shoulder.

"Garrett, hon, it's time to wake up." Her three year old stirred slightly before blinky innocently up at her with mismatched eyes she adored.

Somehow her baby not only inherited the unusual amethyst eye color from her but the vibrant hazel that was more like the topaz jewel from his father. Placing a tender kiss on his forehead she wrapped her arms around him, picking him up, and moving him into a sitting position.

"Alright, banzai." At her command, Garrett raised both arms above his head waiting patiently for his mother to tug his night shirt off of him. "Good job. Next is pants, can you take those off?" Smiling when he nodded his head and went to work on his little pj bottoms she quickly pulled of the set of clothes she placed aside for him last night.

She dressed him swiftly in small black cargo pants and a deep blue shirt with toothless the dragon on the front. "Socks on please." Once again he nodded before sitting on the edge of his bed and pulling on a small pair of deep blue socks which she followed with a pair of worn black tennis shoes.

"All set, thank you for the help." She lightly pressed her pointer finger to the tip of his nose in a teasing manner, face softening as her baby giggled. "Now it's mama's turn to get dressed."

"Help, Mama?" Gray nodded her head before padding her way into her room down the hall, her son's own feet pitter pattering after her.

Hauling Garrett onto her bed she handed the little raven haired boy a fruit and nut granola bar and a danimals strawberry drinkable yogurt. Like her, her son was not a big breakfast eater, instead preferred dinner and little snacks throughout the day.

"Alright, what color should mama wear today?" Holding up a dark blue long sleeve shirt next to a plum color v neck she waited for her answer. She loved doing things like this with Garrett, she was having fun with her boy but at the same time he was learning in a way. What colors were what and so on. In almost every children's book she read all of them stated that the small, daily, tasks were easier to teach children with.

"Blue. Mama will match me!" Smiling happily she tossed on the blue shirt after putting on clean undies followed by skinny black cargo pants. Once she was dressed she quickly packed her son a backpack full of everything he would need through the day before grabbing her own and heading out to her car, her son holding her hand along the way.

The drive to her mother's house was short, taking minutes even with the rainy weather Forks was known for. Dropping off Garrett was hard for her. She desperately wanted to be the mom that could stay home with her kid but because obvious she wasn't able. Somehow though her beloved little one was aware of that to some degree. He never put up a fight about it.

"Mama, safe! Has good day!" Garrett hugged her leg before she bent down to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Will do. Have a good day, baby. See you later mom, thanks." Without she drove to the ugly and depressing Fork's High.