"..The ball's given to Shinji Kagawa. He feints and beats a defender. Looking up for potential assists, he finds Aubameyang in an inviting position. Kagawa slides the ball through two opposition players towards the Dortmund forward, who sprints to get to the ball at the edge of D-line. Aubameyang is played on-side by the last man, and now he's on a one on one with the goalie, and he turns AROUND THE KEEPER AND GOAL!! He places the ball delicately in the bottom left corner of net! The goalkeeper had no chance of saving that perfectly placed shot. The other team has no chance of a comeback, as this possibly was the last action in the match. As soon as the other team restart the play on the centre circle, the referee blows his whistle. The final score is 2:1 to the winners. What a match it's been..."

The television is suddenly switched off. Hikigaya lazily gets off his couch to head to his bedroom.

These late broadcasts on Sundays are killing me. Well, can't do much about it though, because of the time difference between Berlin and Chiba.

Yes, I said Chiba, not Tokyo. Does anybody have a problem with that?

Cutting off this train of thought, it's much more like hell for me when the matches are at the time slot of prime time in Germany. I mean, the match ended at 2 in the morning. My body cannot always handle this!Shit, looks I uttered a line that should never, in any circumstances, be revealed to that damn fujoshi Ebina.

Bah, and I also have to go to school tomorrow. There's a Language test tomorrow, but my 3rd place in Japanese isn't for nothing, is it?

Ah, my eyelids are getting too heavy. Am I going to eternal sleep? Will I not be able to wake up tomorrow? Seems like Yukinoshita's insults are cutting deep into my inner self and are bringing out the dreaded Chuunibyou I had buried deep inside out of me.

Wow, now I'm getting Chuuni fantasies of repressing the Chuuni inside of me. What is this, Chuuni-ception? I really need to stop getting affected by the Ice-Queen's insults.

And at the time, our protagonist had still not realized that he did not yet leave the comfortable confines of his sofa to move into the more comfortable confines of his bed and had been continuously rambling internally.

Why do particles prefer to move towards achieving a lower negative energy potential, even if they originally were in a position of negative potential? What do you mean by switching from an already comfortable state to a 'more' comfortable state? What does that even mean? Comfortable just means comfortable. They should not be so greedy, as we have seen enough examples in human history of people being consumed by their greed .Did I just mix up Science with Humanities? No wonder my Science scores were so depressingly low.

'Enough of the monologues, let's get to sleep' Hachiman mumbled to himself as he got off the sofa to embark on the journey towards his room, only to be stopped by his dry throat. Guess I'll drink water then, he mused.

He remembered the match he watched earlier. 'Only if the opposition team had a defensive midfielder in the vein of Busquets or De Rossi, they might have prevented so many attacks created on their goal. They might have avoided defeat in the final stages of the game, or even better, they might have won it. Sucks having to play a midfield engine with limited defending capabilities at the base of midfield, doesn't it?' Hachiman muttered incoherently to himself as he was getting himself a bottle of water in the kitchen.

Oh yes, even I was that type of player and used to play in that position, didn't I? Well, it's all in the past now.

As he was walking on the steps towards his bedroom, he spotted a familiar photo on the side of the staircase. In the photo, there was a football team posing with a trophy, with Hachiman's head being drilled by someone who presumably was the captain of the team. The person had a wide grin on his face as he watched Hachiman squirm in pain due to his assault.

Hah, Kazuma nii san. Always loved to tease and torment me like that physically, didn't he?And people, that line above is the second one updated to the list of lines that should never be relayed to Ebina.

Also, nii san was an attacking midfielder like Kagawa right? His playing style was similar, he created chances for the forwards or he dribbled and scored himself. He pretty much was someone the team could rely on, somewhat like Steven Gerrard. Except for the infamous slip, though.

He was one of the very few people who recognized the talent in me though.

As Hachiman reached his room, he noticed the two things that would always unconsciously come into his field of vision every time he watched a match – his No. 22 blue-white striped middle school jersey and a pair of football boots he never had the heart to throw even though they didn't fit him at present. He gazed at them longingly with a tinge of sadness as he got on his bed.

Well it's in the past now. I only played because nii san asked me to, nothing more, nothing else.

Yet, what was this feeling of gloom that made me so uneasy?