Peach and Daisy entered Peach's bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind them. Peach had once again been saved successfully, but she had no desire to attend the party being thrown for it. Partially because the entire thing was unnecessary, and they both knew it. "I could have saved myself," Peach said to Daisy, "The magic and abilities I've managed to gather over the years.. I could have been back in the castle within hours."

"Well.. why didn't you?" Daisy asked curiously, figuring that, if they were going to talk instead of engage in their usual post-rescue fun, she might as well try and help.

Peach sighed, "I don't even know. It's just.. it's become a habit now. I could have easily fought off the Koopalings before they caught me, but it just never once occurred to me to try ya know? Like.. it isn't what I'm supposed to do."

Daisy scoffed at this, "Peach, honey, you're the princess, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, even if that means messing with the normal rotation."

"You think so?" Peach asked. She'd been thinking this for awhile now herself, but Daisy voicing the opinion as well made it easier to actually articulate on them.

"I know so," Daisy said, "It isn't exactly standard for two princess to meet up behind closed doors like we always do is it? No, but we want to, so we can."

"And if I wanted to leave the castle," Peach said, "Like, leave the kingdom, go away, go on a trip without the guards, without Mario, without anyone really.. except maybe you.. I could?"

Daisy was a little surprised by this one, but she nodded just the same, "Are you asking me to run away with you?" She asked, half teasing.

"Maybe I am." Peach said, her tone rather serious.

Daisy was only quiet for a few seconds before replying, "Then we can go whenever you want."

Peach smiled at this, leaning in and kissing Daisy. The Sarasaland princess wasn't too surprised by the kiss, returning it eagerly. The princesses enjoyed the feeling of their soft lips together for a few moments before Daisy began taking it further, her tongue running along Peach's lips in search of access. Peach parted her lips, letting Daisy's tongue enter her mouth. They both moaned as they leaned back on the bed, hands beginning to move along each other's bodies slowly, sensually groping where they knew the other would be sensitive.

They broke the kiss after another full minute of their kiss, both inhaling deeply to catch their breath. Daisy moved back beginning to remove her clothing eagerly. Peach began doing the same, though neither of them were able to undress as quickly as they would have liked, the regal garb being a bitch and a half to get off alone, yet another thing neither of them would miss while they were gone.

Eventually they were both able to get out of their dresses, Preach grinning as her eyes moved over Daisy's form. Her dress didn't flatter her figure at all, and beneath it she was a lovely, wonderfully sexy, if ever so slightly pudgy (though Peach believed wholeheartedly it only added to her looks) princess. Her skin was smooth as silk and her curves eye catching the moment they were in view.

Daisy licked her lips as she eyed Peach as well. Her chest was slightly smaller, at least compared to Daisy's double Cs, but still lusciously alluring. Her body was well muscled from all the various adventure's she'd been on, only reinforcing the fact that she could have fought for herself. But it was her cock that Daisy's eyes lingered on the longest, eight inches long and three thick, probably bigger than any of the men in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Currently it was sticking straight up, stiff as a board in anticipation. Daisy grinned at her friend/lover, lowering her head and giving her tip a loving kiss before moving her head more to lick along its shaft. She worked slowly all the way to the base and back up to the tip, swirling her tongue around it before pushing her head down more and taking Peach's member inside of her mouth, sucking on it gently as she listened to Peach moaning in pleasure, enjoying the hardness of the rod.

Good as it felt, Peach didn't right just doing nothing for Daisy in return. She laid back, pulling Daisy over so her friend's legs were on either side of her head. She moved her tongue along her friend's lower lips before pushing her tongue into Daisy's pussy. Daisy moaned around Peach's cock, sucking it harder and bobbing her head as she did so to encourage Peach to keep going.

Peach did so with gusto, pushing her tongue deeper into Daisy's wet slit, stirring her pussy skillfully. She had quite a bit of experience with her friend by now from their previous meet ups, and knew where all her sweet spots were. Daisy moaned more around Peach's cock as she was eaten out, squirming above Peach before cumming, soaking the princess' face in juices.

Peach came shortly there after, filling Daisy's mouth with thick, warm seed. Daisy held it in her mouth for a moment as she shifted positions to be straddling Peach, swallowing it before she dropped her hips slowly to ride her. Peach groaned, thrusting up into her hard, causing the other princess to yelp at the sudden depth Peach reached inside of her. As many times as they did this, Daisy always seemed so sensitive.

And as many times as they did this, Peach never got board. She was already imagining what it would be like to fuck her against a tree in the forest, not caring if they were seen, or to meet some sexy bimbo in a tavern in a far away land and have her join them for some filthy fun. The next few months, if not years, were going to be amazing, and they both knew it.