A/N: Sooooooo I was talking to a friend about this wonderful fanfic entitled The Queen of the Pirates by MoonlightPirate-25 a rare fem!law x luffy fanfic! check that out it is on Wattpad seriously you'll not going to regret it. Ha! Then that conversation turn to something like this, a fanfic! Hope you all like it.
Little Note:
-Supposedly just a oneshot but it started to get long so I cut it in to parts.
-Probably will have 4 parts.
- Ending had been already decided.
-Updates will be once a week unless real life shit wants me back.
-Crossposted on AO3 and Wattpad
Warning: Grammatical error, misspelled words because I write, I edit and I post.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
I remember the day I first saw you. It was on your first bounty poster and the first thing I noticed was your smile. Despite how the newspaper depict your image, the photograph on your bounty poster said otherwise. You have an idiotic wide grin on your face despite the rubbles of destruction behind you and I can't help but see Cora-san with you.
"I heard he defeated 'Axe Hand' Morgan a marine captain and Don Krieg of the Krieg Pirates singlehanded and now the captain of the Arlong Pirates, Arlong itself. Man, this rookie pirate sure is strong. Captain we need to watch out of this kid he may become our rival in the future." Shachi, one of my crew mate informed us as he look over my shoulder to peek at the bounty poster.
"Where did you heard that? As far as I know the marine didn't let that news got out in public." Penguin, also one of my crew mates asked Shachi curiously. Shachi huffed and hit his chest proudly.
"I tapped on one of the mariner's communication. We need some intel you know, if we want to survive the sea." Shachi boasted with a proad girn on his face, waiting for my compliment. I just let the two talk at each other and continue to stare at your poster then the second thing I noticed was your name. Monkey D Luffy.
"So you have the hidden name as well. D the natural enemy of the gods." I mutter silently to myself but it seems Bepo, a member of the Mink Tribe and the navigator of my ship heard me as he asked me what I was saying. I just shake my head telling him that it was nothing then he started apologizing. I took the poster with me silently and hid it on one of my medicine book to avoid being crumpled.
I remember the day I saw you the second time. It was in your bounty poster again that I was staring at. Your bounty changed but the smile on your face were still present. That annoying smile that makes my chest tightens as memory of my saviour flashes to my mind. I took a deep sigh and whisk those bittersweet memories away then I started to read the newspaper that came with your poster and the one thing I thought is how the world government is so deceiving just because they don't want to lose face in the public they falsified the information. I got the feeling that it's not the marine who beat Crocodile but instead it's Mugiwara-ya. Like the usual I hid your bounty poster with utmost care secretly with your other photographs and news article clippings. I don't know what came to me when I started to collect anything about you but one thing I was sure of was the feeling of longing and wanting to be with you. I went to my room to get the medicine book where I hid all of your information but the book was not in my shelf anymore. Growing cold I started to search it on my bed, under my pillow, drawer and anywhere. I started to throw my things behind me as I search for the book desperately. Nobody must know that I'm collecting anything that concern you. I tried to remember where I place my book when it clicked to me. At the deck. I was looking at your photograph with the guise of reading that book. Turning around I hastily run to the deck when I reached the deck I saw the book lying innocently there. Taking a sigh of relief I pick the book and tuck it under my arms securely then started to head back to my room. But then and there all of my crew mates learn my secret obsession of you.
Shachi and Penguin where running away with someone behind them, I turn to scold them but I didn't notice Bepo who is hot on their tracks, it was finally too late when he crushed unto me. The impact was hard making the both of us land on the floor, the book went flying, making all the clippings and photographs of the Strawhat Captain scattered on the floor. My other crew were on the deck now, wondering what's the commotion is while Bepo apologized profusely at me. I noticed that the area were so quiet, I was nursing my aching bum when suddenly Shachi pointed out the scattered paper.
"Huh, Captain why do you have so many articles about Mugiwara stacked on your book." Shachi asked curiously as he picked up one of the paper. "Isn't the information about our potential enemies are on the strategic room right?" Shachi and the others look at me with curiosity my eyes widen as I feel my face reddened.
"Kyaaa! Don't look." I squeak girlishly as I snatched the paper on Shachi's hand and the other on the floor before stacking it inside my book and hug it protectively on my chest. The deck got quiet again before a loud 'Eh' of realization hit them making my already hot face explode in embarrassment.
"Did the Captain just utter that cute sound?"
"Don't tell us Captain has a crush on Strawhat Luffy?" All of my crew said in unison.
"I didn't know Captain is capable of having a crush."
"Captain so cute." My crew started joking at each other. I know that they don't have any ill intention but my head was spinning with embarrassment that the first thing that came to my mind is to use my power.
"Room." I activate my dome and slash them with my Kikoku. "Shut up!" I screamed in high pitched at them as my crew started to scream their apology to me. Deactivating my dome I let them with their bodies cut into half as their punishment before stalking out of the deck and returning to my quarter with my face and probably my whole body flushed.
After that incident my crew started to collect anything about you and give it to me with a knowing grin on their face. They really enjoy seeing me lost my cool.
I remember the day when I saw your name plastered on every page of the newspaper indicating how you make an uproar yet again. The Polar Tang were currently emerged, my back leaning on Bepo as I take a short nap enjoying the warmth of the sun and the heat coming from Bepo. My polar bear nakama is a very good resting place and I like cuddling with him because of his fluffy fur and that is not a secret among my crew when suddenly a scream makes me slipped out of unconsciousness.
"Captaaaiinn!" The scream gets louder as it got nearer on where I'm currently resting. I grunted in annoyance and glared at him. They should better know that waking me up on my nap time with Bepo leaves me on a grumpy mood.
"What?" I asked in annoyance as I glared at the man who woke me up. My crew flinches and gulped but he still stood straightly in front of me. I smirk inwardly proud to have a strong willed crew members.
"Look, Mugiwara is on the newspaper again." He said in a hurry, shoving the paper on my hand at the mention of his name my bad mood suddenly disappeared and turned to curiosity. I repositioned myself on Bepo's side, the polar bear mink still sleeping peacefully. Unfolding the newspaper my eyes widen in awe and admiration. I continue to scan the newspaper, picking up the word 'World Government' and 'challenge'.
"So you're living up to your name huh, Mugiwara-ya." I muttered. That day I find you cool and amazing. No one have ever tried to challenged the World Government but you. My expression suddenly become somber, remembering what those damn people from the World Government did to my birth town. How they just destroyed everything and killed all the people, including my parents and little sister after satisfying their own greed. My eyes suddenly became glassy as the unshed tears started to gather. My whole form started to shake as the memory of my childhood started to flash right to my eyes. How I escaped the near death experience up to becoming a member of the Donquixote Family and extract my revenge to the humanity and finally meeting Cora-san who gave me my life and save me to become free. Everything.
"Captain, are you alright?" Penguin asked me worriedly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself before nodding.
"Yeah, I'm alright." I said in a weak voice. I cursed silently as Penguin look at me suspiciously, but let it go as his frown turn to grin.
"Anyways Captain, look a new bounty poster to add at your Mugiwara no Luffy shrine" He said with so much enthusiasm dripping to his voice as he waved the poster in front of my face. Ever since they found out my little crush on you they always took the chance to tease me even the price of it is their dissembled body they even built a little shrine for your pictures and other information about you at our strategy room much to my embarrassment. It is fun to see my reaction they said, I shambled them I said. My face warms in embarrassment as I told him off.
"S..shut up." I said in a high-pitched voice. It's just turn that way every time they teased me about you and I became out of character and loss my cool. I snatched the new bounty poster to look at and there it seems nothing have change your smile that miraculously comforts me whenever I see it were still present despite the destruction you made and I wonder to myself.
Will I ever see you with different emotion on your childish face?