Well, here's the last chapter!

(And before you question it, I think all the royalty take care of their states as a king/queen, so I'm going to refer to Chad's dad as King Charming.)

Ben stood slack-jawed.

In truth... he had followed Chad home, a terrible feeling twisting in his guts. He was going to talk to him, but he gave the prince a few minutes to gather his bearings before walking in. Which was his mistake.

What he saw was a pale, barely breathing Chad on his bed looking calm. There was a small pill on the plate on his desk, and a note.

He knew what to do during an overdose. All the kids in Auradon Prep were given instructions and their families were all given a naloxone kit as a emergency.

He started to try and wake Chad, but already knew it wouldn't work. He started rescue breathing, hoping and praying as he grabbed the phone to pull away for a moment. He turned Chad on his side, to prevent choking if he did somehow wake up.

Without second thought, he did the logical thing and call 911. While doing so, he looked around for the kit.

"911 what's your emergency?"

Ben wanted nothing more than to scream at the voice. How could it be so calm?! But he knew it was recorded, so he tried to keep cool. "My f-friend just overdosed to end his life," he choked out. "I can't find the kit. He's not responding."

"Alright, who is it? And where are you?"

"Chad Charming. I'm at his manor, his room. Second floor, third hallway, first door on the right." Ben sobbed.

"The ambulance is coming now. Was it recently?"

"Yeah, I followed him home because I had this feeling. I gave him a few minutes to relax but I didn't think this would happen."

"Alright, the EMTs are going to ask you some more questions when they get there. They won't ask anything personal, so who you are isn't going to be revealed. And it won't be going on the news. It's just between us."

"I honestly doubt that," Ben chuckled hollowly. He placed the phone down as he gripped Chad's hand. "Chad, don't die, please. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done, but it's not worth it."

Ben sat in the ambulance, staring at Chad as they sped along the highway. One of the EMTs looked at him with a sympathetic smile. "He's gonna be alright. We're lucky he chose the pills. If it was any other way, it would be harder to get him back."

The king nodded, eyes trained solely on Chad. The man sat down as the others worked on the boy, spraying the naloxone up his nose and continue to keep him breathing. "So is he's your friend?"

"Since we were born. I've known him all my life but still didn't know he was going through this." Ben buried his face in his hands. "I thought I knew him, but I was to busy doing king stuff to even notice what he was going through."

The man placed a hand on his shoulder. "I understand, it can be hard to accept that. But your friend has a good chance of surviving, as I've said before. Our best doctors will do what they can."

They immediately rushed into the hospital, as Ben choose to stay behind for the questions.

Some of the press noticed Ben, but were immediately told to shut off their cameras and move on. The doctors had the right to do what they had to in privacy.

"Did you ever notice he was down?" One of the doctors asked.

Ben clenched his fists, tears forming. "He hid it, so well. We couldn't tell until a day ago..."

"It looks like Chad overdosed on a pain pill. Opioid. That means the naloxone will help."

"It looked like one of his father's diet pills to me, so it scared me the kit might not have worked," Ben confessed.

The doctor gave a faint smile. "We think that's what Chad thought too. They were right next to each other and looked quite similar. But he grabbed the right ones."

Another doctor came out. "We've gotten the pills out of his system. He's going to be alright. He's still unconscious and needs to rest, but by my guess he'll wake up by tomorrow. You're lucky you caught him minutes after, if it were much longer, it would be harder to save him."

Ben was still in shock, but nodded slowly. "C-can you call my parents?"

"Of course, your majesty."

"Don't call me that. Just Ben. Please. I don't feel like much of a king right now."

The doctor kneeled down to him. "Alright, Ben, we'll contact your parents. Would you like us to get your girlfriend as well?" Ben nodded.

Adam was having lunch with Belle and Mal when they got the call.

"Pardon me, ladies, I have to take this," he said, before putting the phone to his ear. "Hello, who is this?"

"Sir, this is the Auradon Emergency Clinic, your son is with us and requested you as well as your wife and Lady Mal."

Adam immediately put it on speaker. "Is Ben alright?! What happened?!"

"Benjamin is fine, just shocked. His friend, Chad Charming, was rushed into the clinic from overdose."

"He's an addict?" Adam asked, confused. He'd never seen Chad as one of them.

"I'm afraid not, he overdosed to end his life."

King Charming was fuming at his meeting. His phone kept ringing and it was irritating.

"I believe you should take that," Eric said. His wife, Ariel, nodded. "It's starting to become a distraction."

The governor of Cinderellasburg grumbled before getting up and leaving to take the call. "What do you want?! I'm busy!" He growled.

The voice on the other end was calm. "Sir, it's about your son, Chad."

"I don't care if he's failed a test! I'll talk to him at home! Just leave me be I have a meeting and you're being a distraction!"

"But your son is..."

"Shut up! I don't care!" King Charming yelled, before ending the call and muting the phone.

He grumbled. "That kid is in so much trouble when I get home."

Cinderella was busy at the vet as she took her animal friends. Jaq and Gus-Gus were still alive, due to a life-lengthening spell from her fairy godmother.

"Would you mind shutting off all electronics? We have a few jumpy patients and a ringtone would disturb them," the veterinarian asked kindly. She smiled as she took the creatures from the queen.

"Off course," Cinderella replied. She couldn't, with all her heart, hurt a poor innocent creature.

But what she didn't know, was how many times her phone rang durning the check-up.

Ben was curled up on the bench next to Chad's room. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. This is my fault. My fault he's like this. I have to apologize. Ugh, but where's that gotten me? I've apologized to so many people, it does nothing!

"Ben!" The king's head shot up as he saw Mal, Evie, Belle, and Adam with worried looks. "Are you okay?" His girlfriend asked immediately. Ben nodded slowly.

"I'm fine... just... it's my fault, isn't it?" He looked up. "Chad tried to reach out so many times. I abandoned him as a friend and he turned bitter and self-hating. He tried to open up to me but I completely ignored it."

"It's all our faults. No blame is on one person, Ben. We've all been rude to Chad without stopping to think twice about how he felt. And I guess he didn't have the best home life. Don't blame it on yourself."

Ben nodded slowly, the tears stopping. He slowly got up with the support of his parents. He looked at the door were doctors were checking on the prince. "I'm sorry," was all he said.

Chad woke to white ceiling. I'm alive, aren't I? He thought. I should've know it wouldn't work.

There was a nurse next to him. She smiled calmly. "The doctors are coming already. You'll be okay."

Chad only nodded. They're gonna send me to therapy, aren't they? The nurse seemed to read his mind. "Though it is recommend, you don't have to go to therapy if you don't want too. You can just stay with your family and friends and they can help." She smiled again. "You also have a visitor."

Chad looked toward the door as Ben walked in. He gave a sad smile as he walked closer, and with the permission of the nurse, gripped his hand.

He opened his mouth, and said two words.

"I'm sorry."