They did it.

They actually did it.

What was supposed to be a clean sweep for Central turned into a bitter defeat. Cheers rang through the area as the Rebels celebrated their victory. Everyone's favorite red-headed chef had his arms crossed, with his usual grin on his face. The headband he wore was drenched with sweat as he removed it and looked on to a very shocked and defeated Elite Ten first seat.

Eishi was on his hands and knees, shocked that he had actually been defeated. This was not a possibility that the first seat had even thought of. His cooking had never been matched before, even against first-rate chefs. Yet, this diner cook of all people, to be the one who defeats him.

Not only was Eishi shocked, but every Elite Ten member that had cooked before him. Though each of them had lost, there was never a doubt in their mind that Eishi would win and end this rebellion once and for all.

The most shocked one of all though was the man that started this entire thing, Nakiri Azami. His plan was foolproof. He had the backing of the Elite Ten, the most talented and unbeatable chefs in the school, and yet he still lost. As he locked eyes with the redhead, it seemed as though Soma's golden eyes were piercing right through him. Azami however, remained calm in his appearance. Though he suffered a crushing defeat, he still had one more hand to play. A small smile crept upon the man's face as he turned his gaze to the young woman standing off to the side. He meets the eyes of his daughter, and as if a spell had been cast, she immediately started to move towards her father.

Soma was almost frozen in time as someone he saw as a friend, who had helped out not only him but all of the Rebels was moving slowly to the very person they were trying to defeat.

"Erina!" he screamed, trying to get the blonde's attention, but the grip that her father had on her was too strong to break. When she reached her father, he put his hand on her shoulder and whispered something into her ear and it was as though the Erina that Soma knew was gone, and had turned into nothing more than a pawn. She turned into putty in her father's hands. There was nothing anyone, not Soma, not Senzaemon and not even Joichirou could do to help her.

"Well Yukihira, I must say, you have definitely put a major hole into my plans. However, though you may have beaten the first seat, you will now face the ultimate test." Azami said and at the snap of his fingers, Erina moved towards the cooking area. "You see, though I have been away for a while, everything that I've taught my daughter still remains. She will show you the true meaning of high-class cooking," he grinned as he looked towards his daughter. "Remember Erina, food that is inferior need to be discarded and trashed. Please demonstrate to Mr. Yukihira how much of an inferior cook he really is," he finished as Erina started to prep the station Eishi had been using. She pushed all of Eishi's cooking equipment off the cooking stations. All of it fell to the ground with a loud crash. Some of Eishi's leftover cooking had also fallen, and though it was a magnificent piece of fish that he had prepared, Erina seemed to deem it trash.

Soma on the other, took his headband that he was clutching in his hand and put it back on. Though it was still sweaty from his most recent battle, it was something that he would wear no matter what the circumstances when cooking. As he looked at Erina, who was preparing her ingredients and her equipment, Soma thought back to the times he and Erina shared alone. Their personal talks that they had. All of it. As he set up his station, he would always gaze over at the blonde girl he called his friend. Though she was not the same person, he knew that deep down, there was still that same old Nakiri that he knew. As both of them stood ready by their stations, Soma said one last thing, hoping he would somehow reach Erina and snap her out of this spell.

"I just want you to remember Erina, what you told me earlier. We're going to become second years together. I still intend on doing that. If that means beating you here and now, so be it." Erina gave no response to this and Azami just chuckled at that thought. He would rid Soma Yukihira once and for all and create his own culinary empire. The battle for the future of cooking began.

"We're going to become second years together."

We're going to become second years together."

"We're going to become second years together."

"We're going to become second years together." was repeated in Erina's mind as she cooked. Though she didn't have control, there was a small feeling inside, deep down that said "Yes, Soma-kun. We're going to become second years together."

Both of them finished their cooking and presented it to the judges.

And then….

She woke up.

Sweating profusely and disillusioned of her whereabouts. Her hair was all messed up and her bed was warm. She put her face in her hands, scared and tired of the memories. She wiped the tears away and tried to slow down her breathing. She had dreamt of that day again. A day where she nearly lost it all. A day where she let herself be controlled and nearly lost herself. A day where she became something she didn't want to become. Erina found some water next to her bed and gulped two glasses of it down.

Next to the water pitcher were some photos.

Photos of her idol Joichirou and another of everyone from the Polar Star Dorm.

The next photo was of the Rebels after their victory. As she scanned the photo, her eyes locked onto the boy that freed her from her father.


He was not a boy anymore. During that period in Hokkaido, he became a man.

A man that saved her.

A man that forever changed her life.

A man that now holds a special place in her heart.

Hope you guys read and enjoy the prologue of the story. I intend to make this a longer story, though I'm not completely sure how long. I have a lot of ideas and yes this is a future story since the manga is still in the Central Arc. If you guys have any ideas or fun things I should include, feel free to review and let me know. Reviews are always welcome, good or bad, and I appreciate the feedback.