'Hey, it's me.' She begins the letter. Frustration fills her as she struggles to decide what to write next. For weeks Miko has been attempting to write a letter to her former partner, and best friend. Now that he was back on his own planet she refused to think that status has changed and that they would have to be pen pals to keep in touch. It has been a month since she last saw him. The day he left she tried to write the letter. Now she still had no real progress made.
'Bulkhead it's Miko.' Yes that is way better then Dear, Bulkhead. It would work. What to say next? What to say next? This part she had decided would be casual. Maybe a few quips to remind him of all their inside jokes. Of course he would get them, because they were best friends and that means he would never forget their jokes. They were his and hers after all.
'I miss you.' She writes instead. 'It's only been a month but life is a lot less exciting with you guys around. I mean yeah there's Raf and Jack, but they aren't you.' Miko glances around the barely empty space. 'Ratchet isn't you either. Plus he is around less and less nowadays. Ever since you all have left he just stuck around the base for a few days. One day he left and wasn't back for two weeks. I know, because, well I have sort of been camping out here. I know. I know. I have a home to go to, but they worry too much. Ratchet left again last night. I'm not sure when he'll be back, or if you'll ever be back. So just, be safe Bulkhead. Don't let anyone push you around. You're huge and the best fighter I've ever seen! Besides Optimus maybe. I hope your home is great, and that you're happy. Don't worry about me. I'll find some sort of new adventure eventually.'
Miko sighs as she rereads the letter. Maybe she should scratch out her worries. She didn't want bulkhead to think she was in trouble or needed him to come barreling back. Yet it would be a lie if she said she didn't want to see him again. Transformers live a lot longer than humans after all. Maybe he'll forget about her. Would he? After millennials go by will he still think back to the honorary wrecker.
"So this is where you've been hiding."
"I'm busy Jack."
"Yeah so is Fowler, come on. Let's go before he starts yelling again while ratchet's not here to stop him."
"Alright, just let me finish this."
Jack shakes his head. "Alright, but hurry up. My mom is waiting for us outside."
'Your favorite wrecker, Miko.' The young girl signs before jumping up. "I'm ready. Let's go!" With quick feet she passes Jack by. Tucking the letter into her sleeve. As soon as she found a way to send it she would. For nothing could stop Miko Nakadai!