IMPORTANT - I wrote this before Robin (as in Robin and Zelena's daughter) was put into canon for Season 7, meaning she's basically an OC in this. I may add more elements to the story where she's more similar to her canon representation but until those chapters, please bear this in mind!

[ A/N: And thus it begins! Welcome to what's probably going to be a really badly written fanfiction, mainly based around fixing the mess that the OUAT writers made when it came to OutlawQueen. Wasn't originally intended for #OQFitItWeek as I'm going to be continuing this for a while, but I guess I'm just publishing this at the perfect time lol

The main kind of 'goal' for this fanfic is essentially to give Regina and Robin (actual Robin, not the wish realm one) a happy ending without creating some massive AU which literally rewrites what happened in season 5. So yeah, this is essentially what I want to happen in Season 7.

I'm going to include quite a few characters from the series though, so don't think it's just focused on this one ship! Minor Captain Swan, Henriella (if that's the ship name, the fandom hasn't really decided yet) and other random cute moments will also be included. I may even include some Zades, but I'm not completely sure whether I want to incorporate that yet.

This fanfic is gonna be rated a 'T' (just in case if you know what I mean, no major smut though) and I guess you could say it's 'angst'. I may add some fluffy parts at the end but yknow.

I would say that this fanfic contains an 'OC' , but it's actually Robin (and Zelena's) daughter (technically called Robin as well but she's going to call herself something different because plot conveniences) so yknow. The timeline may also be a little fucked but i'll explain it as sensibly as possible.

Also, I'm writing this anonymously just because of the embarrassment of how shit this will probably turn out ?

And finally, I'm writing this on the 23rd of October meaning that Episode 3 of Season 7 just aired a few days ago, so mild spoiler warning for season 7 and major spoiler warning for the rest of the seasons. This may mean that if you're reading this after episode 4 or any other episodes have aired, things may have turned out very differently in the show but icandowhatiwantlol. Aaand if I make any mistakes in what's canon and what's not then i do apologise. Anywayy..

That's all from me, enjoy the fanfic! ]


"If you kill me, you will lose Zelena forever"

"Only if she knows about it"

Hades toyed with the crystal held in his hand. "And this.. isn't going to kill you. It's going to end you. No underworld, no moving on.. one minute you exist and the next you don't"

Regina stared at him in fear. For a moment she forgot that it was possible for someone to be this cruel to someone else. For a moment she doubted that he would step further. But that was when she remembered who she used to be, and that he wasn't going to hesitate.

Robin stepped forward. "This was my idea to break in here, okay? Just use that on me – let her go"

She frantically tried to stop him. She wasn't going to let Robin die, and definitely not like this.

"Oh, sorry.

Ladies first"

But just when Hades thought he'd succeeded, Robin quickly ran in front of Regina before being blasted by the blinding beam of magic.


Lucy smiled at her father's book in her hands. All of the adventures that happened in Storybrooke amazed her far more than her actual life in Seattle and she couldn't help but feel warm inside with each letter printed.

It wasn't long now. Not long until they really knew who they were and it was all thanks to her – the truest believer. As it was said in the book, heroes always win. And they were going to win this fight against Lady Tremaine no matter what they had to go through.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Lucy looked up as she heard the ghastly, ear-wrenching voice of Mrs. Belfrey. What on earth was she doing in her bedroom. Heck, what was she doing in her mother's apartment?

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought I would check in on you. You see Lucy, I have been rather suspicious about your little schemes recently and I just thought it would be worth having a quick word"

She walked closer and closer to the bed that Lucy was sitting on, with a deadly look in her eyes which was minorly frightening to her.

"And what's that?" Lucy asked.

She was now only inches away from her face, and Lady Tremaine suddenly began to speak. But this time, she sounded more offputting.

"Listen to me Lucy. Whatever you try doing to save your little family, it isn't going to work. There's no way that Henry can give true love's kiss. I made sure of that an incredibly long time ago."

Lucy was scared. Really scared. If her father couldn't give true love's kiss, how on earth could she get her family back together?

"So you best shut up about your silly little dreams.. and move on"

The threatening old woman slammed the door behind her, leaving the child to sit down and cry.

Detective Rogers sat down at Roni's , in the same spot he always sat. It had been another long day of police work and he couldn't help but feel exhausted after it all. But something, despite him not knowing what, had been bothering him all day.

"Hey Roni, can I ask you a slightly idiotic question?"

Roni turned her head towards him, surprised that he actually spoke up after just sitting there gloomingly for the past half hour.

"Is it about Belfrey? Because if so I don't think it would be an idiotic question.",

"No.. it's a little more.. personal than that."

Roni shrugged in surprise. "Uh, okay then.. Spill"

"How do you handle feeling deeply for someone?" he asked.

The question suddenly made her think deeply about what he said. Despite the fact that she'd never had a serious partner or any sort of serious crush, she felt almost sad thinking about it before quickly shaking it out of her head.

"I'm.. sorry, if I could give you advice on that I would but I don't think I've ever felt that way about somebody ever." she smiled. "Maybe try asking someone better than me."

She quickly walked away from the detective, trying to avoid thinking about her sudden change in emotion she had beforehand


"Robin, are you sure about this? There's always going to be another way with these people, I know that far too bloody well."

Zelena gave a worried look to her daughter after she'd agreed to help them. Whilst a part of her had immense faith that she would do the right thing, there was also still a huge part of her that worried for her child.

"I'll be fine mother. After all, I may as well help in the best way that I can."

She hugged her daughter for the final time. This girl standing in front of her had changed her life so greatly it was difficult to imagine it without her.

"I love you Robin, always remember that.."

Her daughter gave her one last look before opening the portal in front of her and jumping on her bike only to race through.

"Right then. Time to go back to the future I suppose"

[A/N: Well, that's it for Chapter 1. By the time I've published this there should be multiple chapters already, so rather than saying 'stay tuned' I may as well just say – read on?]