A/N: Sorry for the long wait on last chapter, this chapter will start with the 'Gaang' finally reaching the Earth Kingdom and starting their journey there.

Disclaimer: ATLA does not belong to me, it belongs to Nickelodeon and VIACOM, and it's creators Mike and Bryan, thanks for this amazing series by the way! ( Rated M might go up later on! )

Kai's POV:

It was early in the morning and he felt that familiar and warm feeling inside his chest, indicating that it was dawn. he let out soft yawn as he stretched his arms out above his head. Kai sighed softly, followed by him swinging his legs over the side of the hammock which served as the sleeping quarters on the water tribe ship. After firmly planting his feet on the ground he reached for his shirt which was hanging from the edge of the hammock. he put it on and at the same time stepping into his boots.

After finishing dressing up, Kai left the sleeping quarters, heading up to the deck. he wasn't surprised to see he was the first one awake, except for the small crew who had rested during the day to sail at night. he moved to the front, where there is atleast a small amount of open space, away from where the bison was staying.

Kai stood in the middle of the open space, he brought my feet together and took a deep breath and started his warm-up excersises which he normally does with fire bending. ''Can't do that, unless I want to set the boat on fire.'' he thought. Once finished with those he moved onto the advanced sets, again doing this without actually fire bending. Once finished he took a deep breath, signaling the end of the routine as he brought his hands together infront of him.

Kai pulled his simple black shirt off over his head, and using it as a towel as he wipes some sweat away from his brow and ruffles his loose hair. Then he's joined by Master Pakku as he walks out of the Sleeping quarters closely followed by Katara. Both are talking animatedly to eachother, hand gestures and all. About water bending, he guessed. He shrugs and returns to drying himself off.

''Ah, good morning Kai.'' Kai heard Master Pakku say just as he turned away from them

he turned back, smiling slightly ''It is, isn't it? Good morning to you too, and to you Katara.'' Kai raised his right eyebrow as katara looks away, Kai didn't miss the small blush forming on her cheeks as she returns the greeting. he shrugs as he hangs his shirt across his right shoulder and unties a ribbon from his right wrist.

''You shouldn't be walking around half naked with a lady on board, Kai.'' Pakku scolded.

Kai smirked slightly as he moved his hands up and gathered his long shoulder length hair in a high ponytail, tying it down with the ribbon from his wrist. as he speaks he turns away from them again ''Alright Pakku, I understand you feel a bit jealous. But you'll be rid of me soon, no?'' Kai chuckled slightly at the expression on Pakku's face after his reply

Pakku sighed loudly and turned to Katara ''You sure you want that with you on your travels?''

Katara at the time had been trying to will the blush away from her cheeks, still averting her gaze from Kai ''Eh - Y-yes he'll do fine.'' she stammered before straightening up.

Kai finished tying his hair together and shrugged. pulling his shirt back over his head ''How long until we arrive at the Earth kingdom?''

Pakku spoke as Katara also turned her gaze to pakku ''You'll be able to fly to the Earth Kingdom base once your friends wake up.'' Exactly as he said that, an energetic Aang bounded out the doors

''Good morning everybody!'' he said in his usual cheery voice. He was followed by a grumbling Sokka

Kai chuckled softly as the rest returned their greetings ''Good morning Aang, I guess i'll go pack my stuff.'' he quickly rushed past them and back into the sleeping quarters gathering his bag and swords as he straps them on his left hip. As Kai walks back out the group is saying their goodbye's.

Kai walks up to Pakku after he said goodbye to Sokka. he bows towards him with the traditional Fire Nation bow. He returns it with how the people bow in the Water tribes ''Goodbye master Pakku, it was an honor to learn from you.'' Kai said with a small smile

Pakku chuckled before nodding towards Appa ''You should be off, good luck on your travels Kai.''

Kai turns and raises his right hand, giving him one more small wave as he climbs up on Appa. Taking his place at the end of the saddle as we take off into the Earth Kingdom. It was a fairly quiet ride and allowed his thoughts to wander. Before he knew it the group landed inside an Earth Kingdom base and received a big welcome from the General, he introduced himself as General Fong and started naming the group by weird titles.

Soon the group was escorted to the top of the tower in which Fong's office resides. General Fong sits behind his desk and starts speaking ''Avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single-handedly wiped out an entire Fire Navy fleet at the North Pole.'' he strokes his beard in thought ''I can't imagine what it feels like to wield such devastating power.'' he brings his hand back down on his desk ''It's an awesome responsibility.''

Aang replies humbly ''I try not to think about it'' Kai narrows his eyes at the general, he already gave Kai the creeps but he decide to humour him for now.

Fong suddenly smiles widely '' Avatar... you're ready to face the Fire Lord now.'' Kai tensed up as the words left Fong's mouth, a low growl escaping Kai's throat

Aang looks alarmed as he speaks '' What?! No I'm not!'' Katara explains that he still needs to master all the elements and Kai finds himself nodding in agreement

Fong speaks again ''Why?'' He rises from his desk ''With the kind of power he possesses—power enough to destroy hundreds of battleships in a matter of minutes—he could defeat the Fire Lord now!''

Sokka tries to explain aswell ''But, sir, the thing is Aang can only do those things when he's in the Avatar state.'' Aang explains what the avatar state is.

Fong suddenly interrupts him ''I'm well aware.'' he walks around his desk ''Your eyes and tattoos glow and you're able to summon unbelievable power.'''He walks over to a map with Aang coming up next to him ''Without you we'd be slaughtered before we even reach their shores.'' He starts stroking his beard again as he continues ''But with you leading the way as the ultimate weapon, we could cut a path right through to the heart of the Fire Nation.''

Kai stands up, suddenly feeling a surge of anger. ''That's suicide! You can't possibly send him to his death especially while he's still so untrained!''

Aang decides to elaborate as Fong turned his heated glare at Kai, he gave it right back. Refusing to back down ''Right... but I'm don't know how to get in or out of the Avatar state, much less what to do once I'm there.''

Fong finally relents from glaring at kai and speaks ''So it's decided then. I'll help you figure out how to get into the Avatar state, and then you'll face your destiny.''

Katara and Sokka join Kai in standing up whilst Aang is still standing next to Fong ''No, nothing's decided. We already have a plan. Aang's pursuing his destiny his way.'' Katara said

''Well, while you take your time learning the elements, the war goes on. May I show you something? '' Fong said

Aang and Fong walk off together leaving Kai Katara and Sokka. Kai broke the silence first ''I have a bad feeling about him.'' Katara and Sokka find themselves nodding in agreement ''I'm going to find our room'' Kai stated before walking off, his left hand resting on the handles of his Dual Dao

Once Kai returned to the room, put the scabbard with his swords down on his bed and grabbed his bag to grab a new change of clothing. He first grabs his dark red trousers, followed by his black boots as he put those on. He puts on his deep red undershirt which reaches to the middle of his forearms. He grabs another shirt, this one is black and it's sleeves are wider than normal and reach just above his elbows. At last he grabs a roll of black rags and starts winding them up from his knuckles to the middle of his forearms, then finishes by tying a black sash across his waist. (A/N: The outfit Kai wears looks like the outfit Avatar Wan wears in LOK Season 2 except more hinting towards black and red, not the orange blue and grey)

After redressing and cleaning up his used clothes he restraps his scabbard, and is soon joined by the others. ''You want to grab some dinner with us Kai?'' Katara asked

Kai smiled and nods ''Sure, aslong as it's without Fong.'' Kai then turned towards them ''Let's go, shall we?''

After having dinner with the group Kai headed outside of the room the four of them shared and headed to a small balcony, sitting himself down on the railing and watching the sunset. In the corner of his eye he spots Aang walking inside their room after his talk with Fong.

After the sun has gone down Katara joins him outside with a scowl on her face ''Are you alright?'' Kai asked

Katara turned to him after leaning down on the railing. She sighed audibly then spoke ''Aang is going to try and learn to control the avatar state with Fong.''

Kai scoffed as he hops off of the railing he sat on ''Ofcourse he would, he feels guilty about what happened'' Kai joins her at her side, leaning down onto the railing

Katara sighs again ''I'm just worried about him, because he's not ready. And the way he is in the Avatar State. It just scares me.'' Kai turned to her and gave her a reassuring smile

''There's not much we can do about this, we can only support him even though we disagree. I understand where Fong is coming frm, but he's going the wrong way about it.'' Kai said he then placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it slightly ''He'll be fine, we're all there to support him.''

Shifting slightly and turned to face Kai completely she spoke ''I know I know. Thank you Kai, for everything.'' Katara smiles at him ''And i'm sorry for treating you badly at first, just because of where you come from.''

Kai chuckled ''It doesn't matter, it's all forgiven.'' He returned her smile ''She has a nice smile'' he thought as he retracted his hand from her shoulder. ''Anyways, i'm going to grab some sleep, Good night Katara.'' He gave her one last wave before moving to go inside

Katara quickly responded. ''Good night Kai.'' she turned back to lean on the railing


Once again Kai was awoken by the familiar heat rising inside of him as the sun comes up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes he slowly climbs out of his bed and puts his normal clothes on and rewrapping his knuckles and part of his forearms. Leaving the bedroom and quickly going down the stairs he jogs to the central gate of the Earth Kingdom base and adresses the guards ''Am I allowed to go outside for a bit?'' The guards shrug and sign for the gate to be opened ''Thank you'' Kai said as he made a saluting motion to the guards who opened the gate. Kai quickly jogged outside and headed away from the base and into the woods, continuing his jogging pace.

Reaching a clearing in the nearby woods with a river next to it, clothes are quickly shed except pants and boots and soon enough there's fire bursting from his hands and feet in the form of an intense workout lasting for a reasonable amount of time.

Plopping down into the grass and folding his arms under his head Kai gazes up into the skies and enjoys the view, he allows his eyes to close for a moment and think of his new travel companions, and what their plan is. Although he disagrees with Fong's method and eagerness to attack, Kai can't help but simply support Aang's choice. Too soon Kai opens his eyes again and redresses as he joggs back to the Earth Kingdom base. The gate is open and the guards watching don't even notice as he slips inside, curious at what's going on he heads to the gathering. Two rows of Earth benders stand ready to attack.

Peeking past them he notices that Aang is in the middle of the whole ordeal, and Fong is facing him, words are exchanged and then the earth benders attack Aang. Aang refusing to fight keeps on dodging and such.

Kai places his left hand on the handle of his swords as he tries to move around the group of earth benders but is stopped by three soldiers who are ready to attack him and keep him away from Aang. They surround Kai, all three are earthbenders Kai notices. he sighs audibly and spreads his feet, balling his fists, left foot forward and his left hand resting around stomach height and his right close to his chin.

Suddenly they strike, One soldier stomps the ground, ripping a piece of rock from the ground and punching, sending the rock at Kai. Kai flips to the side in a cartwheel motion without using his hands. He then rushes at the soldier who attacked, The soldier repeats the same attack, this time Kai slides underneath the rock sent at him. once sliding close enough to the soldier he places his palms against the ground and sends a small jet of flame out of them, this propels him onto his left foot which he takes a small hop with, he winds up his right arm and as he comes close to landing he punches onto the soldiers nose. As the fist connects there's a sickening crunching sound and then 'thud' as the soldier falls over, blood pouring out of his nose.

Kai turns to the other two who stand closer together. Before they can get their bearing he is on the move again and rushes towards them. They combine their effort and raise a rock from behind them and then fire it off at Kai. Kai once again dodges by moving to the side and immediatly counters by aligning his body sideways towards his target and attacks him with a sliding side kick which hits him accurately on the neck, just below the chin. Without placing his right foot back down after kicking the soldier, he twirls on his left foot, his right knee retracting slightly whilst he does so. as the other solider comes into view, he extends his right leg again, using his heel to hit the man on his temple, effectively knocking him out and leaving the other two soldiers groaning and rolling on the floor.

Kai quickly rushes towards the main fight, he notices the wind picks up extremely much. Then he notices that Aang is no longer on the ground, held up by his element with his tattoo's and eyes glowing, indicating that he's in the avatar state. Kai looks to Fong suddenly Katara pops out of the ground next to him. Fong screams at Aang that he did it, that he made it into the avatar state. Kai rushed to Katara as she gasps for air, he grabs her by the shoulder and tugs her towards the stairs ''We need to find some cover!'' Kai told her over all the noise. She reluctantly agreed as Kai motioned for her to take cover behind the railing of the staircase and kai joins her at her side. He watches as Aang whirls around on Fong and suddenly drops down with great speed and force, slamming into the earth which causes rocks and rubble to fly around everywhere.

Kai reacts quickly, winds his arm around Katara's waist, much to her protest and pulls her towards him, with his other hand forcing her to tuck her head into his chest as he makes sure to cover her body with his from the rubble and rocks which are flying around. Once the rocks stop flying Kai rolls off of her and pushes himself up then offering her his hand to help her up. ''Thank you'' she said and rushes over to Aang to help him and in the meantime Sokka came up to Fong and effectively knocking him out by hitting him on the head with his boomerang.

Soon enough the group made their way to Appa to continue their journey to Omashu

A/N: that was it for this chapter. Please let me know what I can do better. I will try to bring out at least one or two chapter before next sunday. Until next chapter!