Wings Of War
Chapter 1
June 1939 – Camp Edge
It's a typical day on Berk. Cloudy, with a risk of fog or rain. Possibly even both. A small squadron of Pilot Trainees are practising drills in the middle of Camp Edge's parade square and a stocky sergeant with a big moustache is issuing orders.
Now you may be wondering what exactly Camp Edge is. Camp Edge is the primary training base on Berk. The world's greatest fighter pilot's come out of this camp. Not only are these pilot's a fighting force in the sky, but they are just as deadly on the ground and on the water. The camp isn't overly huge with an administration building, officers' quarter, a few different soldiers' barracks, parade square and fields for different drills.
A grey bus pulls up to the gate where an MP stands guard. Hanging out the window, the bus driver growls. "Bringin' in new recruits!"
The MP nods and lifts the gate, signalling the driver in. The bus lurches forward and the gate closes behind it. Eager new recruits peer out the dirty panes of glass, watching the pilot trainees in the parade square.
"Hey there's Uncle Henrik." A young skinny blond man points at the sergeant in the parade square. The young man is Tuffnut Thorston. A kid at heart with the determination to become a great pilot of Berk. He also has a great love for all things destructive.
"Oh yeah." The blond girl sitting beside him, who is nearly his mirror image stands and quickly lowers the window. "Uncle Henrik!"
"Sit your ass down! You think this is elementary school or what?!" the driver roars.
She sits down quickly. This is Ruffnut Thorston. Twin to Tuffnut. Older by 5 minutes which she constantly reminds him of in a manner that makes it sound like she's 5 years older than him. She also shares him love for destruction. She wishes to one day fly a bomber. Not a huge one but a nimble fighter-bomber.
"Haha. You got in shit." Tuff pokes fun at his sister.
The brakes on the bus screech to a stop. "Alright ladies! Welcome to your new home! Now get the hell off my bus!"
"Who the hell pissed in his oatmeal." Tuff whispers to his sister.
She grins. "He's probably a pilot reject and now stuck in that shitty job."
New recruits stand and begin to shuffle off the bus with duffle bags in tow. The only possessions they're allowed to take with them. The twins step outside and join the growing circle of other recruits.
"Hey! Great to see I'm not the only girl here in this sausage fest." Ruffnut says as she steps up beside another blond girl. This girl is slimmer with a more athletic build than Ruff. Her hair is braided in an intricate looking design.
"Following in the footsteps of my Uncle Finn Hofferson." The blond tells her with a smile.
"Your uncle is Finn Hofferson?" Tuff says loudly, causing other recruits to turn and being to circle around, wanting to hear about the legendary flying ace from the Great War.
"He was my uncle, yes."
"THE Fearless Finn Hofferson?!"
Murmurs are going around the crowd now as the other recruits are circling in tighter hoping to hear stories of Finn Hofferson.
"Yes. He was my uncle." The girl says again, this time with a hint of annoyance in her voice. This is Astrid Hofferson. A very attractive girl with fury in her bright blue eyes, she is the best at everything she does and she makes damn sure of it. Astrid is a true independent woman who needs no man to fight her battles.
"That is so awesome!" Someone murmurs from the crowd.
"Attention." A loud boisterous voice shouts.
Everyone comes to attention or at least what they believe to be attention, seeing as this is their first day there.
A practically machine of a man hobbles forward. A wooden peg instead of a right leg and a wooden hand where his left hand should be, he is not a pretty sight. His exceptionally long braided blonde mustache and unibrow doesn't do him any favours.
"That's Gobber the Belch!" A big blonde boy states with excitement. The boy looks more like a chubby man child than a true adult but underneath that calm demeanor is an aggression that could be called upon when provoked enough. Think a cat trapped in a corner.
"Did I give you permission to talk!" Gobber shouts, causing the young lads enough to grow wide with fear.
"No." He answers weakly.
"That's a no Sir!" Gobber bellows.
"No Sir!" the boy shouts.
"What is your name cadet?" Gobber snarls in the face of the chubby boy who now looks like he's about to shit his pants from fear.
"Fishlegs Ingerman, Sir!"
"You realize that Fish don't have legs, don't you cadet?" Gobber continues to haze the boy.
"Yes Sir!"
"Judging by the look of those legs, I'm curious to see how you do running up Edge mountain." Gobber continues. "Now get down and give me 20."
"Sir?" Fishlegs isn't sure if he's being serious or not. After all they just met the man.
"Did I stutter Cadet Ingerman?! Gobber shouts.
Fishlegs drops to the ground and begins his push ups. He makes it through five before he really starts struggling. Why hadn't he worked out before joining the air force?
"Anyone else wish to speak out of turn?" Gobber eyes up the rest of the new recruits.
A tall lanky soldier walks across the parade square carrying a clipboard. He trips over his feet, nearly falling flat on his face but manages to catch himself. Barely.
A snicker is heard amongst the new recruits but quickly stops when Gobber turns on them.
"Who laughed!?" Gobber bellows as he gives them all the evil eye.
The young man comes to a halt next to Gobber and gives him a salute.
"Commander Haddock. That my list of names for the new recruits?" Gobber says in a more calm mode.
"Twenty." Fishlegs pants. Heavily winded, he returns to his feet.
"That it is General." Commander Haddock hands over the clip board.
"This is Commander Hiccup Haddock." Gobber introduces him to the recruits. "You will see a lot of him around here as he practically runs the place."
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Tall and scrawny were the first words that come to mind when you see him. He has auburn coloured hair that's impossible to tame and deep green eyes that could stare in to your soul. A small scar is on his face just below his lip. His facial expression always seems to hint that there is much going on inside his head.
Gobber flips up the page on the clipboard and scans through the list of names quickly before letting the page fall. "I'm going to call out names. Those of you called out will follow Commander Haddock to your barracks. Those left over will come with me."
He proceeds to go through the list. Astrid Hofferson, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson (to which he adds the mild comment of "Ah. SPitelout's young lad.") Starkard Ack, Sven Silentson, and a few other names are called.
"Right this way." Hiccup announces to the new recruits.
The group falls out of their positions and follows Hiccup across the gravel parade square.
"So what do you do around here fishbone?" Snotlout taunts Hiccup.
Snotlout was a stocky built short fella with an obnoxious attitude and an ego that matches the size of his muscles. He has brown hair and faded blue eyes. One thing about Snotlout that bothered Hiccup though was that he was family. A cousin of his. First cousins actually. Their dads' being brothers and all, Hiccup never understood why they didn't share a last name but when he questioned his father about it he always got the same answer. "It's complicated. Don't ask."
It's Commander Haddock, Snotlout and you know what I do around here." Hiccup attempts to keep his annoyance out of his voice. Snotlout was always good at stepping on his nerves.
"I heard that you're not even a real pilot. More like a glorified secretary with a fancy title." Snotlout glances around at the other recruits hoping for some validation but none of them say anything.
Tuffnut snickers a little and that's enough for Snotlout to keep going. "You're never going to be a pilot. Always stuck down here with your nose stuck in a clipboard."
"That's enough Snotlout!"
His mouth snaps shut and eyes grow wide. "Y-Y-Yes dad." He stammers.
Lieutenant General Spitelout Jorgenson marches across to meet them.
"These must be the new recruits." He says calmly.
Astrid salutes the man but the others seemingly forget in their awe of the World War 1 fighter pilot legend.
"Where's your training?! Not one of ye except for the lass there are going to salute a Lieutenant General?" Spitelout shouts.
Hands snap up quickly as they give the man their best attempt at a salute.
"That's more like it!" Spitelout booms. "As you were Commander Haddock."
Spitelout was a large man. Built similar to Gobber but with more muscle and less belly. He has hair similar to Snotlout's but closer to black. He also sported a well-groomed beard.
They arrive at a small barracks. It's a roughly built wooden structure. In warmer climates it might have even been built without insulation or windows but this was Berk and on Berk winter was practically three seasons out of four. That being said, even a barracks that was built in haste needed to be insulated.
"This will be your new home for the foreseeable future." Hiccup drones. This obviously wasn't his first time introducing trainees to their barracks.
"Pick your cot. No fighting over them or you will be sent home. You each get a trunk for personal belongings at the foot of your cot. Daily inspections take place in the morning however random inspections can happen at any time so don't be a pig. Hiccup tells them in a very monotone voice filled with boredom.
Meanwhile, Astrid tosses her backpack down on the bed furthest from the door. Ruffnut and Tuffnut, not heeding Hiccup's warning are fighting over a cot.
"This is mine. That's yours. It's a girls' bed." Tuffnut tell his sister.
She slams his face down on the bedframe. "You're right. That bed is your bed. It has blood on it."
She tosses herself down on the bed next to his. Tuff looks around the room, slightly dazed from the hit in the head. Blood runs down from a small cut on his forehead.
"Get settles. Gobber will meet you out front in fifteen." Hiccup announces as he heads out the door.
"Now that you've gotten settled in your bunks, it's time to get your uniforms and every pilot and everything that's needed for training our world class pilots. This will be your first step in becoming the best fighting force in the world." Gobber paces in front of the new recruits. "Are there any questions before we go over to supply?"
No one speaks as anticipation sits heavy in the air.
Hiccup sits behind a desk with yet another list. There are other staff bustling around behind him gathering things. Field gear, PT gear, uniforms, helmets and the like.
"Name?" Hiccup asks without looking up.
"Mulch Odinson." A stocky man of average height with a massive brown beard standing before him says.
A soldier behind Hiccup hands Mulch a perfectly folded uniform. It's quickly followed up with PT gear and field equipment. Last but not least a steel helmet.
"Next." Hiccup announces as he checks off the name. Mulch shuffles off.
"Astrid Hofferson."
Hiccup scans up his list till he spots Astrid's name. He checks it off and looks up to see the biggest most beautiful eyes that he's ever seen. He wants to say something. Anything. Unfortunately his mouth won't work and his chance is lost as she moves on and a familiar face takes her place.
"Hey cuz!" Snotlout puts an elbow down on the table.
"Snotlout." Hiccup nods.
"Still stuck being a desk jockey I see." Snotlout says.
"Everyone has a job to do." Hiccup tells him while checking a name off the list.
"I guess some of us are meant to be cool and some of us are meant to be lame. Snotlout takes his stuff and heads off.
The new recruits sit in the mess hall munching down on their supper.
"This slop doesn't look too appetizing." Tuffnut sits down at the table and pokes his spoon at the concoction.
Fishlegs is digging in like it's the best food in the world. "If you can get past the taste, it's got all the necessary nutrients to keep a pilot healthy and in tip top fighting shape." A piece of food shoots out of his mouth landing on Ruffnut across the table.
"Dude! I barely want my own food. I don't need your too." Ruff wipes her face, slightly disgusted.
"Sorry." Fishlegs apologizes with another full mouth.
Astrid stirs her food, eyeing it curiously. She knew she needed to eat but she was also dreading the task.
"Want some Frank's Red Hot? I put that shit on everything." Snotlout pipes up as he holds out the bottle to her.
"That is the best slogan I've ever heard." Tuffnut says in awe.
"I don't think that's their slogan idiot." Snotlout grumbles.
"Do you just carry that around just so you can say that?" Astrid frowns.
"He totally does!" Tuffnut guffaws.
"No. Dad recommended it. It comes from the United States. Says it'll make the food edible." Snotlout tells them as he pours some in to his slop and stirs it up. "Unfortunately it can't do anything for the looks."
The previously grey slop is now a murky red. He scoops up a spoonful and slowly brings it to his mouth as he is still unsure of what to expect. All eyes are on him as he eats it.
Snotlout tests the taste before making his judgement. "It's actually not bad. Thank you dad."He says in a rather impressed tone.
The others begin to fight for the bottle.
With their slop mixed with some Frank's Red Hot, they start to eat and chat. "Why do you think he eats alone?" Astrid asks Ruff as she eats a spoonful.
Ruffnut looks up to see who Astrid is talking about. It's Hiccup. Sitting alone in a corner eating by himself quietly.
"Who cares? He's an officer and we're not. They should eat in a mess hall of their own. Let him eat alone." Ruffnut stuffs in another mouthful of slop. She glances at Snotlout. "Thank your father for me Snot. He's a genius."
"Yeah! It made it so good, I could almost for back for seconds." Tuff manages to say with his cheeks full of food. "Almost."
The doors to the mess hall burst open and heavy footsteps enter. Someone yells. "Attention!"
Everyone jumps to their feet and stand at attention.
"As you were." The large bearded man booms.
He's the largest man Astrid has ever laid her eyes on. He was a practically a mountain. There was no mistaking who he was as he was the most recognizable man on Berk, being their leader and all. Stoick the Vast, chief of Berk and Field Marshall of all their military forces which primarily consisted of pilots. He had a massive reddish brown beard with white hairs beginning to pepper it that had multiple braids throughout it.
"Who's that?" Tuffnut whispers.
Astrid rolls her eyes. Guess not everyone knows who he is.
"You dolt. That's the Chief." Ruff scowls.
"I want to officially greet you all. You are the next wave in the great dragon warriors of Berk. The fire breathers from the sky. For those of you who have been living under a rock and don't know me, I am Stoick Haddock. Also known as Stoick the Vast due to my size." He chuckles to himself and continues. "I am chief of Berk and in charge of the military which makes me your boss in a way."
Stoick walks around the room as he speaks. Hiccup scoops closer to the corner and lowers his head as if he doesn't want to be spotted by his father. "As the greatest Pilot's the world has to offer you are the tip of the spear and I am the shaft."
Tuffnut snorts. "He said shaft."
"Boy. I will personally snap your scrawny neck in your sleep if you say one more word." Gobber threatens from directly behind him and that shuts him up pretty quick.
"The tip of the spear is what causes the destruction. It is the attacking force. The shaft is only used to direct the path of destruction. Together we will form an unstoppable power against any who may challenge us. Work hard and you will be rewarded. Remember. A chief is always watching. Nothing happens on this island that I don't know about." He finishes his speech and is on his way back to the doors of the mess hall.
"Son. You couldn't stop by my office later could you?" Stoick asks Hiccup as he passes by.
"Sure dad." Hiccup says quickly.
The leader of Berk exits to an applause from everyone.
"He's one of the finest leaders Berk has ever seen." Bucket Odinson says.
Now, Bucket and his bother Mulch may have the last name Odinson but they are far from being the sons of the almighty Odin. Bucket got his nickname because when he was a young child, his head was the size of a bucket. Which is no exaggeration as he had gotten his head stuck in a bucket on more than one occasion while showing people so. The name Bucket stuck so badly that people started to use it instead of his real name so often that his real name was soon forgotten. Now no one remembers his name. Not even he does.
Hiccup is in the barracks for Delta Squad. "Lights out in fifteen. I expect you all to be on time at first light. Tardiness will not be accepted and the General will send people packing if they are late."
"Permission to speak, Commander Haddock?" Ruffnut asks.
"Go ahead Cadet Thorston." Hiccup responds.
"Are you our squad leader, Commander?"
"Unfortunately no. Your squad leader arrives tomorrow from an officer's school. I take care of the logistics around here." Hiccup answers. "Have a good sleep. You're going to need it." And with that he was out the door.
Snotlout snorts. "Logistics is just a fancy word for secretary. The wimp is probably too scared to fly."
He pulls the covers back and slips in to bed then turns his attention over to Astrid who already has her eyes closed.
"I won't tell anyone if you wanna crawl in over here during the night babe."
Astrid opens her eyes. "Go fuck yourself Jorgenson."
She rolls over. "If I hear you again tonight I'm going to suffocate you with your pillow.
A/N: For those of you wondering about my other story. I'm still working on it. I've been on a World War 2 kick lately and I usually go with the flow of wherever writing takes me and this time it took me to a whole new story. To those of you who are new to my writing. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. My last story was a mish mash of whatever I felt like writing with no real ending in sight and no real plan. This story however has a very defined storyline to it. I have 24 planned chapters for it. (I could potentially add some as I go but I usually stick pretty close to my outlines whenever I make one.) I'd love to hear from ya's all. Reviews are like the currency of Fanfics. They inspire the writers to keep on producing. Plus it's great hearing from people who enjoy the work. Thanks and we'll see you next chapter. If you have any question or comments that you don't want to leave in a review, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.
Also to make things a little easier I'm going to post a list of the ranks as is in the Berkian Air Force. Essentially I mixed some from the air force and some from the army to make it up as I like the sounds of some more than others. So from lowest rank to highest.
Warrant Officer
Squadron Leader (Squad Leader)
Wing Commander (Commander)
Air Commodore
Lieutenant General
Field Marshall
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the How to Train Your Dragon Characters. The story is purely for fun and not for any monetary gains.