Well here is a new chapter for April Fool's, but it is just the Sekirei of Izumo Inn messing around is all. Now I would like to announce that I may be putting a new story up on my account. I will tell you all what it is about at the end of this very short chapter. This is not related to the my plot line.

Guest: Glad that you still like the story and it's okay if you don't like OCs. Also, Kazehana should be coming up soon and Miya is not getting winged for multiple reasons.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sekirei I only own Yasmine

The inside of Izumo Inn was an utter disaster area. The walls were destroyed, the floors had holes in them, and the resident Sekirei were all lying in a pile. They were moaning and groaning as the light chuckle of Miya could be heard from on top of them. "My my my, I wonder what could have caused you all to break the most important rule of Izumo Inn? Does anyone feel like explaining that to me?"

The shaky hand of Yomi was raised as she looked up at what was possibly all of their judge, jury, and executioner. "W-Well… it started out l-like this."


The morning was bright and early as Yomi had woken up to find that Minato was missing from the pile of women. The death scythe Sekirei looked at everyone present to see that Musubi, Kuu, Matsu, Karasuba, Yahan, and Tsukiumi were still here just… Minato had somehow escaped.

As she got out of the small pile she stirred the others who all started to move about. Thinking that Minato was in the bed Matsu leaned forwards to try and get a kiss from him only to kiss Musubi instead. The childish pervert began to mutter about experiments later on as No. 43 shook her head and walked out of the room.

As she entered the living room she noticed that the Sekirei of Yasmine and Chiho are also awake as well. "Ah, good morning Yomi. How did you sleep?" The stoic voice of Akitsu asked as she gazed at the scythe wielder.

"Eh, it was good, but do you know where Minato is… on second thought where are your Ashikabis?" The brunette asked the ice woman as she looked around.

No. 07 looked down a little as she began to speak. "Yasmine-sama, Minato, Chiho, and Miya-dono left this morning to do some shopping. We didn't figure this out until Benitsubasa went to change finding the note written on her chest." Haihane released a small snort of laughter as she remembered the distraught look on the pinkette's face.

Yomi also chuckled slightly as she looked over at the blushing No. 105. As she was about to say something a body flew through the walls of Inn. They all just stared at the brunette fist type as she laid on the now broken table. They looked at where she had come from only to see a very angry blonde. That is until the tanned fist of Yahan punched No. 09 in the gut before yelling out, "PLAY FIGHT!"

This caused the blushing pinkette to grab her silver haired comrade and chunk her through another wall. Akitsu just sat there as a shaking Kusano walked over and sat on her lap as the older Sekirei just pet her head. During this time more holes began to form in the walls and floor until Haihane came in wearing her claws. She began to attack the others while the ones who actually wielded weapons went to go get them. This is when the true destruction began only for an ominous feeling to come into the air.

With a slight shiver of their spines they looked at where it came from only for a look of horror to come on all their faces. Karasuba, however, was excited as she looked over at the one who was releasing such malcontent, Miya Asama. They didn't even see her coming as they were all knocked out and put into a pile on the floor.

~Flashback End~

"And that's all I know Miya-dono I swear." The rather scared No. 43 sated as she shivered underneath the pile. With a nod of her head the lavenderette looked down at the cause of this destruction to her home.

"Tsukiumi, would you please like to explain why you threw Musubi through my wall in the first place?" Her calm voice and sweet smile only made the blonde shake in fear. "Umm, I-I only d-did it it because this harlot openly kissed all of us and didn't feel an ounce of regret!"

Yasmine looked out from behind her mother with a face that basically says 'are you kidding me'. "Tsukiumi, you do realize that this is Musubi that you're talking about right?" As No. 09 was about to rebuke that claim, she remembered that she was talking about No. 88 before smacking her face.

"Yeah, now don't you feel stupid, and the rest of you, you should feel ashamed at the damage you dealt to my mom's home." They all looked down while No. 04 just chuckled at them all as she looked No. 01 in the eyes.

"I really don't care about what happens to this place, but that was a rather funny fight they all had." Karasuba said as she lightly chuckled.

Miya narrowed her eyes at her old comrade as she went to grab her sword only for it to be grabbed by Yasmine. "No, we need to repair the Inn, and we can't repair something that is utterly destroyed!"

The older Asama nodded her head as she looked at the Sekirei that caused this destruction. "Now, all of you get to work on fixing the damage you've done or you will get no food until it is fixed!"

They all nod their heads as they all stood up except for Akitsu and Kusano who were looked at suspiciously. "We didn't do anything. I just made sure No. 108 stayed safe." Miya nodded her head at the ice woman as she went to the kitchen to start on making lunch for them all.

Now, the new story that I will posting is going to be a Highschool DxD fanfic called: Arrival of the Unknown. I hopefully will be posting the first chapter either tomorrow or later today, but just because I will be working on that story doesn't mean I will forget about this one. So, tell me what you think of it when I am able to post it.