That Witch, in Wonderland


Summary: The moment their eyes locked on each other, they knew the one who standing in front of them are not completely a human. And so, they smiled at each other. Or, in which Sawada Nana is the daughter of Kawahira, and also a witch at the same time. / AU, snippets and drabbles.

Warning: Incorrect grammars, typos, OOCs, plot holes.

Disclaimer: Not own anything

A/N: This story will be crossposted in AO3


Page break —

When he stepped into the cafe for the first time, he has a feeling he has stepped into something… unnatural.

There were not many people in the cafe, and yet, he felt there were lots of eyes staring at him.

"Hello," greeted the barista with a warm (unnatural, dangerous, inhuman) smile on his face. "Welcome to the Fairy Tales Cafe, is there something I can help you, sir?"

"Ah, yes," He said, a little bit distracted at the twinkling eyes on barista. "I would like to have a black coffee, please."

"Anything else?"

He shook his head. Somehow, he has lost his ability to talk.

The barista hummed as he prepared his order. "Here's your coffee, sir. That would be 200 yen."

He handed the money to the barista. When he turned his back, he tried to find an empty chair— there were lots of empty chairs and yet—

And yet, he felt there were crowds in this place.

"You can sit here."

He sighed in relief when a woman offered the empty chair in front of her.

"Thank you." He said in gratitude to the woman.

"No problem." She said as her eyes staring at his left ear. He twitched at the attention on his left ear. Is there something in there? Then, she switched her attention to the book on her lap.

Then, the eyes were stopping staring at him. He twitched once again.

What a weird cafe, he thought to himself as he sipped his coffee.

And yet, on the next week, he came to the same cafe once again.

Only this time, there were no staring.

He don't know how he landed himself in a date.

With that woman from the cafe.

"So, what do you think?" She asked as she pointed at the rollercoaster.

"Sure." He smiled as they waited in the lines.

Then, the next thing he knew, he proposed to her.

"Marry me?"

She went silence for a moment, then—

"Can you give me a daughter?"

He blinked at the sudden question. And there were a sudden eyes staring on his back.

Lots of eyes staring.

"I…" Something telling him if he lied— something bad will happen to him.


"Yes," He told her. "I can give you a daughter."

She smiled.

"Then, I accept your proposal."

And so, Sawada Iemitsu married (soon-to-be) Sawada Nana, despite he didn't know about his future wife's history, or about his future wife's family.

Or anything about her.

(Because she never asking him about his history, his family, or anything about him.

And so, he never asked her.)

End of Prologue