Emperor Vader's palace
4 years later
"This is ridiculous," Han groused.
Leia sighed and held out a hand. He ignored it in favor of sitting down beside her and then carefully helping her up and into the hoverchair next to the bed.
"They've been waiting 2 days, Han. More and more and more of them. And it's going to get colder tonight. This won't take long."
"Leia," Solo leaned over and kissed her on the lips gently, "You just had major surgery 2 days ago. You shouldn't be out of bed."
"The medical personnel say that moving around is actually wise. It reduces the risk of blood clots or something" she said wearily.
She smiled now at him, "Han, don't worry. I'm not even walking. We'll just go out to a very safe balcony with shielding and temperature control and hold the babies and smile at the hovercams for a few minutes and wave at the crowds and then get back here."
He groaned softly, "I can't believe this is our lives now."
The door to Leia's hospital room slid open, and Solo looked up to see his tall and menacing father-in-law march into the room with Luke Skywalker in tow.
"This is totally unnecessary, Princess," the deep voice rumbled.
"See! That's what I said too!" Han said indignantly, in agreement for once with this wife's father.
"It's getting cold though, and the crowds keep gathering," Luke said worriedly, "So maybe, if you are up to it, Leia …"
"I am," she said firmly, pushing a button on her hoverchair.
Solo and Vader exchanged exasperated glances of understanding.
"Why do your children have to be so ridiculously responsible?" Solo grumbled.
"They got that from their mother," the Emperor responded, his tone taking on its usual hint of heartfelt longing at the mention of the twins' long dead mother.
The door opened again. The green Twi'lek nurse who stepped in the door was beaming in her usual fulsome way, and Solo suppressed a groan.
Oblivious, she nearly sang, "Well, our two little men are bathed and dressed and I believe now is the perfect time for their public introduction to the galaxy!"
Skywalker shot a grin at his brother-in-law and then stepped forward to relieve the nurse of her precious burden. For a long moment, he gazed into the tiny face of Owen Solo, currently scrunched up with a frown on his face and with just one small sliver of his left eye showing.
A moment later, a tall Togruta stalked in, her usual menacing mien only slightly diminished by the small squeaking bundle in her arms.
"I think Bail wants his mother," she said gravely, and handed the baby to Han, who in turn carried the infant over to Leia.
Vader sidled carefully over to Ahsoka Tano and lowered his voice, "Are their any issues, Snips?"
She shook her head, her montrals swinging, "We've done full scans, your Highness…"
"All right, all right" she said, smiling, "We've done full scans, Skyguy. No sign of any security issues and the palace is locked down tightly. The two camerapersons waiting on the balcony have been fully fumigated and scanned for any lurking diseases. I believe we are ready if Han and Leia are."
Leia smiled in amusement, "You make it sound like a battle operation, Ahsoka."
"I will keep your little ones safe if it is the last thing I do," Tano said rather ferociously, even as each hand lovingly brushed a lightsaber.
Leia glanced at Luke and the twins exchanged grateful glances. Ahsoka's devotion to the Skywalker clan in general and to Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker in particular had been lifesaving during the last 4 tumultuous years, years which had brought about a fragile peace throughout the Core and Mid Rim worlds. Even the Outer Rim Hutt strongholds were falling to Imperial and Alliance advances, and the slave trade was being slowly eradicated.
There was still much suffering, still areas where local warlords subjugated their subjects, still corruption to be stamped out in former Imperial garrisons. But much had been done thanks to the efforts of Emperor Darth Vader and his children and their devoted allies.
And now Leia Organa was stepping back, to take time for her husband, her brother, yes, even her father. And her beautiful and thoroughly exhausting children.
Leia looked down at Bail in her arms and caught a sudden breath of wonder. She was in pain from the emergency surgical delivery when the twins had shifted breech at the last minute, but it was all worth it, so very worth it, to be blessed with these two healthy babes after three years of marriage to Han. They were precious and handsome; Baby Bail, with his dark hair and dark eyes, so much like his namesake, and Baby Owen, also with dark hair but with blue eyes like his uncle Luke.
"I'm ready," she said.
Luke handed Owen to Han and then moved behind her, directing the hoverchair out of the medical room, down the corridor, through several alcoves, and finally onto a large balcony, 10 stories up from street level.
Leia's breath caught at the sight of the crowds, the thousands upon thousands who were waiting below for one distant glance through macros at the new baby grandsons of the Emperor, the sons of Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo. She sensed vaguely, through the Force, the thousands more huddled in cantinas and hotel rooms, watching the holocams which were even now broadcasting close up pictures of her children.
She had seen large crowds, been part of huge celebrations, but there was a strange feeling to this one. Less pomp and circumstance, and more sheer wonder and joy.
"It seems strange that so many would care," she said very softly as she shifted Bail so his little face could be seen more easily by the camerapersons, "I mean, yes, our babies are wonderful but other people's babies are too."
There was a pause, and then unexpectedly, Emperor Vader spoke, "I believe it is a sign of hope, Princess. For years, Coruscanti celebrations revolved around military parades and observances of bloody conquest. Today, this planet, and other worlds as well, rejoice at the birth of your precious children. That is a good thing."
Luke nodded and placed a loving hand on Leia's shoulder, "Indeed it is."
"And the babies are far more inspiring than Palpatine's decapitated head," he said telepathically to his father.
The answering thought was both fond and amused, "Indeed they are, my son."
The End
Author Note: The epilogue was partly inspired by the Prince of Wales and his wife who keep nobly showing up a day or two after the birth of their children to show off for the crowds. I always just wanted to hide after giving birth, but then I'm not royalty. Thankfully.
And once more, thank you to those who followed and reviewed. And to my wonderful husband, thank you again for editing this fic!