I am SO sorry for taking so long to update! I've had a crazy and hectic few months, meaning that on the occasions I had time to write, I just really didn't feel like it. I won't promise quicker updates at the moment, but I'll try.

Also, another apology to the two who got the game right. The answers were Monster Hunter X/XX/Generations, Astalos, and Aerial Dual Blades. Our FF winner is TenableAcorn712, who I've given the names Oakman and Stonewall. Our AO3 winner is Mazusa, who I've called Mazusui. Sorry about the cruddy names, apparently I'm not too good at giving them. XD

Also, to clear up some confusion with the end of the last chapter, Aizawa didn't know that Bakugou's homework was sabotaged. Considering what he did not long before, Aizawa thought he lost his temper and ruined the assignment himself.

Things were way too normal today.

The past couple of weeks had been nothing but pranks, insults, and annoyances, so the fact that today yielded practically none of those things put Bakugou uncomfortably on-edge. He was just waiting for someone to point out some nonexistent flaw, or do his hair up in his sleep, or something equally petty and ridiculous. But he wouldn't let anyone get the jump on him. Not again.

Which was why he decided to eat in an empty classroom instead of with the rest of those losers. And it was going great.

When he returned, he found Kirishima with an elbow propped on the blonde's desk, casually talking to Sero about some dumb thing or another. Bakugou grit his teeth.

"Get off my desk, Shitty Hair," he demanded, too used to such invasions from the redhead to be truly angry.

"Sorry, sorry," Kirishima said with a laugh, but he removed his arm and continued talking like he hadn't just been interrupted. Asshole. With a half-annoyed grunt, Bakugou sat down and waited for their next teacher to come in.

He was expecting something to go wrong at any moment.

The next morning, Bakugou woke up, and his hair wasn't in embarrassing pigtails. He had nothing drawn on his face. All of his work was safe in his bag, unaltered. At least no one had come in to mess with him in his sleep.

Nothing happened on the way to school, either. No one called out to him with some weird nickname, or messed with his hair in passing. It was just a normal walk. Homeroom and its following classes were equally uneventful. And yet, Bakugou could feel his apprehension rising. Something was going to happen, he knew it.

As he came back from lunch, he found Kaminari talking to that guy from 1-B, Tetsutetsu. They did that sometimes. But this time, the eyelashed idiot had both arms crossed on the back of Bakugou's chair.

"Get off of my fucking seat and go to your owm damn room, Metal Idiot!" Bakugou shouted. Tetsutetsu gave him a withering look, but finished his thought with Kaminari and got up, shooting one last glare at Bakugou as he left.

The blonde in question didn't care. With a huff, he sat down with more force than necessary, kicking his feet up on his desk. He just wanted the day to be over.

The following day, after lunch, Bakugou found Ashido in his seat and quickly kicked her out. But the day after that, on Friday, she had her legs up on his desk.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled, his voice rising in pitch at the sheer audacity.

Ashido blinked at him innocently. "Just sittin' down," she said. And she was. She was in the seat to the left of Bakugou's, turned sideways so that her feet could reach Bakugou's desk. Obviously, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Get the fuck off!" The pink girl scrambled back to her own desk, giving the furious blonde a wide berth. Bakugou threw himself into his seat and kicked his own feet up, glaring at Ashido and anyone who dared to glance at him funny.

To Bakugou's astonishment, the next day had Jirou with her feet on his desk. Being even less tolerated than her pink friend, she was chased away with more fervor. That astonishment became horror on Monday when he found Asui as the culprit, and seething resignation on Tuesday when both Mineta and Kouda, of all people, were using his desk as a footrest.

Bakugou spat and cursed, but when Mineta adamantly refused to leave, giving Kouda the second-hand confidence to also remain, he stole Uraraka's seat before she could protest, kicking back and resting his feet on top.

"Bakugou!" Iida immediately reprimanded him. "I have said it before, and I will tell you again that it is against the rules to disrespect school property or your fellow students in such a manner!"

As he continued to gesture and scold, Bakugou threw disbelieving hands in the thieving pair's direction, eyes wide with incredulity. When Iida made no motion to pester them after several minutes, Bakugou threw his hands up in defeat, sinking lower into his new seat and tuning the class rep out.

The following morning, as he got ready for his day, Bakugou tried to ignore the fact that he didn't see almost anyone, beyond the usual late-risers and last-minute stragglers. He quietly hoped that everyone just hadn't woken up yet, but he already knew that hope to be in vain. Still, he went about his morning like any other.

Half an hour later, he screamed when he found no less than half of his class circled around his desk, so many legs resting on it that some people weren't able to touch the desk at all. Even Iida himself had his feet on top of the pile.

Bakugou couldn't even form words after that. His mouth opened and closed, a deep flush creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks. Nobody got up; they didn't even look at him. They talked amongst each other as if they hadn't taken over their classmate's desk, chattering away like they did every morning.

Minutes later, Aizawa came in. Bakugou was never happier to see a teacher. In seconds, he would finally be able to reclaim his desk.

"Sit down, Bakugou," Aizawa chided. The blonde gaped in disbelief, too stunned to do anything beyond silently taking Hagakure's seat. "At your own desk, stop wasting my time." Bakugou froze, then dumbly sat before the tangle of legs obscuring his vision, utterly shocked.

"Now, we have some announcements," Aizawa said. "Due to a visit from the pro hero Porcupo, your general studies classes will end a half hour early. And if you haven't gotten a flu vaccination, it's recommended that you take time from your lunch break to do so..."

As the teacher droned through his announcements, Bakugou screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS CLASS?!"

Mineta-1, Bakugou-0.

I swear that the universe has it out for this boy. I love him, I really do, but it's so much fun to give him shit.

Porcupo is entirely made up. I just needed a guest hero that isn't staff or someone that is present in over 80 percent of the scenes. (Looking at you, Fatgum and Torino.)

Again, sorry for the lateness, but I hope you enjoyed anyway!