Prolog; Of good or evil.

note that English is not my first language. It's not me who has translated but on the Swedish hp page named LunaLovegood123.
I am writing this in Swedish, then under the name Dödens återkomst .
I hope you like it.

This is just the prologue and later in the story comes more exciting things like time travel, murder and paddies.
do you see spelling mistakes? Please say!

The clock was a lot and in the Gryffindor tower sat four teenagers. A girl with bushy hair, at the age of 18( 19 in 11 days), whose head leaning against a long ginger guy, at the age of 18 in a red velvet couch. A few meters away, in another couch sat a one year younger girl with hair like fire, with her head leaning against another 18 year old boy, whose hair was raven and very tousled.

Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginevra Weasley and Harry Potter had fallen asleep in the couches before the fire after an evening of studying. Books, parchment, ink, quills and several crumpled parchment lay on the table before the fire and on the floor around.

Even though it only been a week since the term started, so had they already gotten a lot of homework. Since this was the year they were going to take their FUTT-exam, their professors wasn't scrimp with homework.

And it didn't helped that students came forward with questions about what they, then, 17 year old boys Harry and Ron, and the 18 year old girl Hermione had done the year before, when they hadn't been at Hogwarts school, and how they could have defeated Tom Riddle, or as more people knew him like Lord Voldemort.

Right, three teenagers defeated Lord Voldemort. Since they hadn't received

their education last year, they went now, one year later, their seventh and last year of Hogwarts, together with the one year younger students. They were sure that they could have gotten jobs anyway, but they wanted to take the chance of one more year at Hogwarts.

There was many people which had been killed that night. 2th May 1998. On of them was Fred Weasley, one of the twins that always used to do pranks, and it was a big surprise when he came flying to Hogwarts as a ghost. He would be the new Peeves, and together with George( who still was alive), so had they already done mischief, They had opened a new store " Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes"( like the one before) but this time in Hogsmeade, and then it would be easy for George to sneak into Hogwarts.

All four slept with happy, peaceful smiles. Harry and Ginny because Ron finally seemed to accept that they were together. Ron and Hermione because they admitted that they liked each other.

But the light atmosphere, with the fire crackling in the background was soon about to be ruined… negative or positive?


James Potter, felt how every feelings came back to his body, and it hurted as if he had fallen off his broom. He opened the eyes, but couldn't see. It was entirely dark and very stuffy, he felt a big need of fresh oxygen. But those thoughts disappeared when the memory took all place in his brain.

The red eyes, the mockingly laugh, the anger himself felt against Peter, who had handed over HIS family to that idiot… the green flash… Voldemort! How did it go for Harry? Lily? Was they okay? Where was he? Heaven? No, he had always imagined it to be light… And he wouldn't choke then. Heaven was supposed to be something good. The questions were spinning in his head and of pure reflex he tried to pull his hands over his head, like to stop them. But he couldn't, they were stuck, the space was too small.

Wait… Black? Tightly? No oxygen. Voldemort came and… Was he dead? Or not, and if he wasn't, he could only think of one things.

It was stuffy like in the grave.

He was stuck under earth. In a coffin.

Lily opened her eyes, the tears was already running down her cheeks. One word that couldn't leave her mouth before her life ended, leaved the dry lips.

" No," she whispered. She began to shake of sorrow, she took a deep breath and pulled up the hands to the head. Or, she tried to get the hands to the face, but she couldn't lift them so high before they beated against something hard and cold. She tried to take a deep breath but instead of a calming feeling, so became sorrow fear. Her breath was weak and anoxic

But the fear was replaced by worry and the memories flowed to her head. How Voldemort first killed her husband, before he came after her son, Harry. The thought that two of the people that meant the most for her would die, with only a few minutes between was absurd. She had gone between them to save her only son, but to no difference.

" He certainly had also died…" she thought sadly

"But!" said a voice in her head.

" If you're dead, where are you? Where are Harry and James?!

The hope grew inside her.