Hello it's My SAO fanfic inspired by Aincrad realized it will not be totally copied by the story that I just mentioned but still. It is based on what will happen if the Aincrad the floating castle suddenly appears above the City of Tokyo. And what will happen when they still have 25 more floors to clear and to save the mankind from not just the monster of the Aincrad but also from themselves and the troubles of the outside world. Will they be able to save the earth from the monsters of the both world.

(What actually happened.)

9 days back on 7th November, 2024

At Tokyo Coast, Hospital having SAO players

Both Kazuto and Asuna continue to stare at the bedridden Yui, more so Asuna as Kazuto looking at her was giving the curious stare at girl on the other bed. Kazuto then looked at Akihiko with the same curious gaze and then turns towards Rinko, he continues to stare at them as they were looking at all of them with smile on their faces.

"So, Let me get this straight" Kazuto starts as everybody turns to look at him "You" points towards Akihiko and Rinko "want us" flash's his finger towards himself and Asuna "to take care of them" then toward both Yui and Strea. Before he could say anything further Akihiko stops him by raising his hand "No only one of them" Rinko says "Strea will stay with us as she is still weak but you will find us in the Aincrad Airship later on"

"But how will you be on Aincrad as most of the people hate him" Asuna says and points at Kayaba "And why aren't you taking both of them with you instead of giving one to us."

Akihiko then steps forward "Let me explain it thoroughly and I will start with the later question why don't we take care of both of them instead of giving one to one of you. Well, the answer is quite simple I can't take both of them as I've some work left to do and before you ask what the work is I should explain that the work is regarding Strea" "Regarding her what?" "Well she isn't properly healed" At the looks that were being given to him he further simplified "You remember before showing them I told you to control your temper, for which I am quite thankful and that they were recently in an accident" "What was the Accident?" "I shall start from the beginning, as you both know I created SAO for the purpose I explained there" at seeing the nods he continues "Yes and I also told you due to the complication of the birth both the babies were weak" cue nods "what I fail to mention was that, they were extremely weak that they were near death states and to save their lives I injected them with Super Soldier Serum. And that Serum was success and it saved their lives. And after that I studied them to see if their side effects and apparently there were none except for this. It took extremely long for them to react" At the blank stares he was receiving "What I mean to say is that the serum I concocted was too slow and recently it start taking effect. During the activation of said serum there was a blast to which they were extremely close too due to which they are now currently healing and as Strea was very close to said blast she was affected mostly. It is only the Rapid Regeneration and healing imparted to her by the serum has kept her alive." As all the present people were looking at her with concern in their eyes.

"So in a way they are the first super soldiers" Akihiko continues "But I don't want them to be treated as soldiers and weapons and lose their childhood." Both Kazuto and Asuna nods at the statement. But there was question going through Kazuto's mind.

"I have question Kayaba" Kazuto starts and at their stare he continues "How and why did you create Yui as an avatar inside the game as aid to the players and if you created her in their then you must have also created her. And most importantly why did you deactivated their programming in the game. "

At this Kayaba smiles and says "To answer first part the same way you and the rest of the player find their original faces in the game, using the nerve gear as for why. Well, as you know and would have felt that SAO enhances your emotions and in turn your affects the psychology of human mind. When a person has their first kill it actually felt like you have killed a real live person and as I have told you two before I created SAO to complete my dream not to trap people in the game. So before all this began when I was creating this game to ensure that the gamers don't have any psychological backlash on the human mind that would either make them suicidal that is the would become depressed after their first kill and have suicidal thoughts after their kills or would go homicidal that would be killing everybody as the VRMMORPG affects the human mind, these symptoms will actually occur in the real world." He paused to see realization dawning on the faces of Kazuto and Asuna.

"Now as to why I choose them as the Avatars" he paused and turned towards both Strea and Yui "Everybody knows when you going through emotional drama in your life you fall back on someone you could trust fully. And I was musing on this thought I saw the innocence reflected by both Strea and Yui they had expression that will melt the heart of most cold person. And hence I created two AI to help maintain the game sustain the psychological backlash happening in the game."

"Onto the third part why I deactivated the programming of the AI's well a person cannot fallback on technology for their emotional support as eventually they would become totally dependent on them and become addicted to it."

After hearing this all of them gazed at Kayaba. Kazuto looked at his idol as he regained his respect back, With Asuna looking at him in admiration and Rinko with love and care.

"I have another question" Kazuto asks "Ask away" "what happened out here for you to get support of government?"

"To answer you that well you will get the answer at the Aincrad"

"Huh, but why?"

"We have to leave some surprises alone"



"Alright then, next question" Kazuto says "How is the Aincrad Flying up their"

"Yes, How is it floating" Akihiko says then motions towards Rinko as she starts her tablet and a holographic picture of Aincrad Castle is put on the displays. "It's a holographic picture of the Aincrad Iron Castle" Rinko says "This castle is currently 270 meter above the ground, beneath the Aincrad there are propellers rotating continuously to lift the Castle and maintain it at that level. Moreover the whole of Aincrad is covered in magnetic field to keep the Balance and a hologram is put over the propellers and cameras to make it look like as it is actually flying or floating."

"Again what happened to the players that died in the game?" Asuna asks

"We already told" Akihiko starts but was cut off by Asuna "I know what you said but I want to know what happened to them in a way that does not compromise your plans"

Both Kayaba and Rinko looks at each other as Kayaba gives a nod to her she then took her tablet out again and started working on it and showed them a list of dead players "The dead players as we have told you didn't actually died but as we said every single one of you went through the procedure so to work it in such a way we worked out that in the Real world we shall use them as an NPC or use them as substitutes if some of you may die here."

"So what you are saying is" Kazuto starts but cut off by Kayaba

"What she is saying is that all of the people that died are currently on the Aincrad as an NPC." Kayaba concluded

"I have another question" Asuna asks "How will Yui recognize or remember us as what was in the game was an AI but out here she is a real child."

Rinko again answers her "The same way we will currently delete the memory of this meeting temporarily. Using the Nervgear and don't worry we won't delete ourselves from her memory so she remembers her sister but we will have to change our entire existence in her mind and how she sees us and our appearance too. Don't worry nothing too much will be changed but she will remember as an add AI in the SAO."

After this all of them were silent as Kayaba and Rinko let everything said there settled on the two teens.

After a few moments Kayaba looks at his CSA watch and then looked at Kazuto and Asuna.

"Well its now time for your departure and you don't have to worry you will meet Yui tomorrow when the two of you wake up and heads toward your cabin in the woods" Kayaba says as Rinko motions them to follow her to their respective bedrooms "Oh and remember to keep the some sort of sanity up there because here onwards nothing will make sense yet you will understand."

After this Both of them were led towards their bedroom everything fresh in their mind but knowing whatever they have learnt here will be subdued to the back of their mind.


8 days back on 8th November, 2024

At the Aincrad, 75th Floor, above Tokyo

Every player that have went to the floor 75 were slowly waking up and were looking as if they had a massive headache or hangover in the cases of the Adults.

Kirito and Asuna both had their heads in their hands and feeling as if a freight truck just smashed into the with full force but both of them had one thing in their minds that there was someone in their house waiting for them.

Every single person currently present looks dead tired and looking at each other with questions in there eyes they remember where they were, they remember why they were here, they remember what they found, they remember the pain and they remember what happened here but what none of them remember was what they were doing here, now that Heathcliff aka Akihiko Kayaba is dead. They should be in real world but they weren't to check something Klein took his Katana and stabbed but much to his surprise and shock instead of showing his HP, there was blood flowing from his hand.

All of them looked at each other as an understanding started to fall on them but were unable to actually understand how was this possible? This doesn't make any sense most of them thought but before anyone could ask any question their heads started throbbing again. And one thought passed through their heads 'We need rest' was the collective thoughts of the people present there. "All of us shall meet tomorrow" Agil stated for everybody "This headache is killing" was what he said after that. All of the players went out and as they got out they noticed one thing every single player was feeling the same headache that they were feeling.

After that all of the Major players from the guild decided to meet at floor 1 to understand what was going on.

Both Kirito and Asuna then made way to there home quickly even with all the pain there head was submitted too they were feeling there was something in the back of there minds telling them there was someone waiting for them at their little cabin on floor 22nd.

After reaching their destination Kirito quickly opened the door to look at the serene expression of the child which changed the lives of Kirito and Asuna in the game, Asuna herself started crying after seeing that one face that made their lives better in SAO sleeping peacefully on the bed.

They saw their Yui sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Yui slowly opened her eyes and turn to look at the faces of her parents as she got up from the bed and ran towards them for a hug.

That night all of the stayed together hugging each other and lulled themselves to sleep while crying tears of Joy.

Next Day

8 days back on 8th November, 2024

At the Aincrad, 75th Floor, above Tokyo

Both Asuna and Kirito woke up with Yui in between them she told them everything she could remember but it was nothing much of an help they looked at their hands to see a weird watch but the and saw how it actually works.

After few moments of getting ready all of them headed towards the hall at the first floor to meet the other players.

Many of them were already their including Agil, Klein and his guild, Yulier and Thinker and his guild and other guild were including Knights of the Blood with as an official commander.

As all of them looked towards them all of them were having different thoughts in mind those who knew about Yui were surprised and those who don't well they were surprised but their thoughts were on 'how the hell did they make baby in the game' kind of thoughts.

As all of them were finally reaching on one thought there CSA watch started blinking a screen appeared in front of them.

"Hello Players" A voice started "My name is CARDINAL and I welcome you to the SAO in reality"

And thus the Mayhem began.

A/N Thank you again for reading! Please give honest reviews about my story. If you have ideas for OCs or crucial details, please PM me. And please do write a review and don't worry my other stories will also be uploaded from time. Moreover I am starting to think to post another story.

Light Out.