Frost here, brining you the first chapter of another story. So I found a couple of stories where Naruto's life is a video game, and I thought, 'oh that's a cool idea, let me try that!' And this is the result. I'll be honest, I don't remember which story originally inspired this piece, but I own nothing. And now...on with the story!

Chapter 1: Restart

Naruto was pissed, just when everything was over. Right when he could finally begin to move on. He was betrayed. Really, he should have seen it coming. It wasn't the first time Sasuke had done it after all. But no, he had been too forgiving of the Uchiha. He had rammed a lightning covered sword through Naruto's heart, literally stabbing him in the back. And now everything was black. A moment later everything faded to white and two words appeared in front of him.


What in the world? Game over? Was he just some sort of video game the gods had been playing? Suddenly a menu replaced the words.

New Game

New Game+


Naruto frowned, before trying to push the options button. To his surprise it actually worked. Now a new screen appeared.

Difficulty: Hard

In Game Help: Off

Auto Save: Off

Auto Leveling: On

HUD: Off

Game Mode: Storyline

Ending: Betrayal

Crossover Dimensions: None

Naruto growled, who decided on these setting? They're horrible! He decided to change the settings to what he liked.

Difficulty: Easy

In Game Help: On

Auto Save: On

Auto Leveling: Off


Game Mode: Free-play Storyline

Ending: Choose Your Own

Crossover Dimensions: Pokémon, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Dungeons

He nodded, these were much better. Although he wasn't sure what the crossover dimensions thing was, he picked the ones he thought were the most interesting. Now he saved the settings and went back to the main menu. He decided to choose New Game+ just to see what it did. What he got was a character choosing screen. It had a bunch of names on it. Below each name was a short description of the character.

Naruto Uzumaki

Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, parents die while sealing the Kyuubi. Perks: Enhanced regeneration, massive chakra reserves, high stamina. Downsides: Low starting reputation, lower intelligence.

Naruto Namikaze

Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, Kyuubi does not attack. Perks: Fast healing, large chakra reserves, high stamina, high starting reputation. Downsides: Assassins, fangirls.

Naruto Higurashi

Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, adopted along with Tenten by Dan Higurashi. Perks: Enhanced regeneration, massive chakra reserves, high stamina, high accuracy, bonus with bladed weapons. Downsides: Lower starting reputation, evil Kyuubi.

Naruto Senju

Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, adopted by Tsunade Senju. Perks: Enhanced regeneration, massive chakra reserves, high stamina, massive strength, high luck. Downsides: No set home.

Naruko Uzumaki

Daughter of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, never had the Kyuubi. Perks: Fast healing, large chakra reserves, chakra chains technique. Downsides: Lower strength, lower stamina.

Naruto Uchiha

Parentage unknown, develops the Sharingan by age 10. Perks: Sharingan bonus. Downsides: Tortured by Itachi Uchiha.

Naruto, Ghost of the Forest

Parentage unknown, lives in the forest surrounding Konoha. Perks: Enhanced regeneration, massive chakra reserves, nature chakra absorption, wood release bonus. Downsides: Feels pain when plants die.

Naruto, the Beastking

Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, discovers the ability to tame any animal. Perks: Animal partners, good Kyuubi. Downsides: Lower intelligence.

Demon Naruto

Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, merges with the Kyuubi. Perks: Enhanced regeneration, unlimited chakra, immortality. Downsides: Berserker, hated by nearly everyone.

Naruto Ketchum

Son of Delia Ketchum and Giovanni Rocket, lives in the Pokémon dimension. Perks: Pokemon trainer. Downsides: Can't use chakra.

Naruto, the Pokemon

Parentage unknown, you are a Pokemon. Perks: Pick your species. Downsides: Can be captured by Pokemon trainers.

Jedi Naruto

Parentage unknown, trained as a Jedi in the Star Wars dimension. Perks: Jedi training. Downsides: Can't use chakra.

Sith Naruto

Parentage unknown, found and trained by Darth Sidious. Perks: Powerful. Downsides: Corrupted, hated by everyone.

Hunter Naruto

Parentage unknown, adopted by Jango Fett. Perks: Fast healing, higher intelligence, high accuracy, Bounty Hunter training. Downsides: No set home, criminal, can't use chakra.

Naruto Potter

Son of Lily and James Potter. Perks: Good Kyuubi, higher intelligence. Downsides: Voldemort wants you dead, Dumbledore is a bastard.

Naruto Jackson

Son of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Perks: High intelligence, control of water. Downsides: Monsters think you taste good.

Naruto, Son of Zeus

Son of Zeus. Perks: Control wind and lightning. Downsides: Monsters think you taste good.

Naruto, Son of Artemis

Son of Artemis. Perks: Lots of sisters, bow bonus, stealth bonus. Downsides: No love life, no set home, monsters think you taste good.

Naruto, Son of Hades

Son of Hades and Persephone. Perks: Immortal, control of the dead, control earth. Downsides: Have to spend half the year in the underworld.

After looking through them he ended up just choosing Naruto Uzumaki, as it was familiar. The next screen that popped up was his stats. It was page one of five.

Naruto Uzumaki

Level: 1

Exp: 0/25

Health: 75/75

Stamina: 55/55

Attack: 12

Defense: 6

Speed: 6.66

Evasion: .8%

Chakra: 1786/1786

Control: 3.75

Magika: 20/20

Points to spend(10)

Endurance: 10

Strength: 5

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 3

Physical Health: 5

Mental Health: 5

Core Size: 0

Health: The amount of hit points you have. When health reaches 0 you die. Endurance x Physical Health x 3 / 2

Stamina: The amount of physical activity you can do. When Stamina reaches 0 you start using Health. Endurance x 4 + (Physical Health x 3)

Attack: The amount of damage you do. Altered by modifiers, techniques, weapons, and target's defense. Strength + 7

Defense: The amount of damage deflected. Altered by armor, resistance, modifiers, and techniques. Agility / 4 + Endurance / 2

Speed: The maximum speed you can reach. Affected by weight you are carrying and injuries. (Agility / 2 x Physical Health) / 3

Evasion: Chance of dodging an attack. Agility / 10

Chakra: The amount of chakra in your reserves. ((100 x Endurance) / 2) x (Physical Health x Mental Health / 7) Naruto and his partners only. For others ((10 x Endurance / 2) x (Physical Health x Mental Health / 7).

Control: Your chakra control. Intelligence x Mental Health / 4

Magika: Your total amount of Magika, only used in spells, god powers, and enchanting. (Core Size x 100) + (Physical Health x 2) + (Mental Health x 2)

Stat Points are received with each new level, and are occasionally rewards. Levels 1-30 give you 3 points, levels 31-60 give you 5 points, levels 61-90 give you 10 points, levels 91-120 give you 5 points, levels 121-150 give you 3 points. Levels 151 and up give you one point each.

Naruto looked over it and saw that he had horrible Control and Intelligence, although he seemed to have a lot in Chakra, Health, and Stamina. Seeing that he had ten points to spend he decided to put two on Agility, five on Physical Health, and the last three in Intelligence. He now had a few new stats.

Naruto Uzumaki

Level: 1

Exp: 0/25

Health: 150/150(+75)

Stamina: 70/70(+15)

Attack: 12

Defense: 6.25(+.25)

Speed: 16.66(+10)

Evasion: 1%

Chakra: 3571/3571(+1785)

Control: 7.5(+3.75)

Magika: 30/30(+10)

Points to spend(0)

Endurance: 10

Strength: 5

Agility: 10(+2)

Intelligence: 6(+3)

Physical Health: 10(+5)

Mental Health: 5

Core Size: 0

Well that was slightly better. He'd have to level up if he wanted to get stronger though. Next page then. Page two had a list of bloodlines he could gain, for a price.

Tokens to spend(1)

Sharingan(10 tokens)

Byakugan(10 tokens)

Rinnegan(30 tokens)

Dead Bone Pulse(20 tokens)

Regeneration(10 tokens)

Boil Release(5 tokens)

Crystal Release(5 tokens)

Dark Release(10 tokens)

Explosion Release(10 tokens)

Smoke Body(10 tokens)

Ice Release(5 tokens)

Lava Release(5 tokens)

Magnet Release(5 tokens)

Scorch Release(5 tokens)

Steel Release(5 tokens)

Storm Release(10 tokens)

Swift Release(10 tokens)

One token is earned every ten levels, although tokens can also be the reward for completing a quest, defeating a dungeon boss, or defeating powerful enemies.

He noted he already had a single token, but it wasn't enough to buy a Kekki Genkai. Although disappointed, he resolved to train as hard as possible so that he might be able to get one. He flipped the page and got a new lists, traits.

Trait Tokens(5)


Dense Bones: The bones in the body are denser and therefore more difficult to break. Increases defense by 5% and attack by 2%. Decreases speed by 3%. Costs 40 TT.

Marathon Runner: The body uses less energy by running while at a medium speed. Decreases stamina usage by 10%. Costs 20 TT.

Tough Skin: The outermost layer of skin is slightly thicker and harder to cut. Increases defense by 5%. Costs 30 TT.


Powerful Muscles: The muscles are slightly stronger. Increases attack by 5%. Costs 40 TT.

Leverage: Attacks do more damage when an opponent grabs an arm or leg. Increases attack by 3%. Costs 20 TT.


Compact Muscles: Muscles take up less room for the same strength. Increases speed by 5% and attack by 3%. Costs 30 TT.

Powerful Legs: Your legs are stronger, allowing for faster movement and more powerful kicks. Increases speed by 5%, evasion by 3%, and attack by 5%. Costs 40 TT.

Sprinter: Increases the top speed possible. Increases speed by 10%. Costs 40 TT.

Dodger: Makes it easier to dodge incoming attacks. Increases evasion by 5%. Costs 15 TT.

Pickpocket: Makes it easier to steal. Costs 30 TT.


Book Smart: Allows for faster learning when reading. +20% exp. Costs 10 TT.

Street Smart: Allows for faster learning when training. +20% exp. Costs 10 TT.

Stealthy: Makes it harder to read your actions or notice you when sneaking about. Increases evasion by 10%. Costs 15 TT.

Physical Health

Healer: Gives faster health regeneration. Increases health regeneration by 10% and stamina regeneration by 5%. Costs 30 TT.

Hardy: Makes it harder for environmental damage and poisons to harm the player. Increases health by 2% and defense by 5%. Costs 25 TT.

Mental Health

Empathy: Makes it easier to read others emotions and thoughts through body language. Increases control by 5%. Costs 25 TT.


Controlled: Your chakra is calmer, making it easier to control. Increases control by 10%. Costs 40 TT.

Elemental: Your chakra is more attuned to the elements, increasing the power of elemental techniques. Costs 40 TT.

Battery: Your chakra capacity is massive. Increases chakra reserves by 10%. Costs 40 TT.

Trait Tokens: TT are earned by leaving up. You gain two TT every three levels.

Once more, Naruto was unable to actually buy anything, but he would be keeping an eye on the amount of trait tokens he had. Next was page four, which listed skills he knew. It was currently 0 skills and 0 Skill Points. Naruto pouted, but flipped to the last page. Page five seemed to have three things. An inventory, a world map that was zoomed in to his apartment, and a quest log.

Inventory: 45 slots that can hold an unlimited amount of one type of item. This is in a pocket dimension and adds no weight to the player. Is capable of being expanded. It also has a slot for head, chest, legs, feet, hands, neck, and three accessory slots.

World Map: A map of the Elemental Nations. Places you have not been are shown in grey and you cannot see anything about them. Places you have been will show you everything around, including dungeons.

Dungeons: A pocket dimension consisting of 3 to 15 floors. Dungeons are inhabited by monsters, traps, lost civilians, animals, and on occasion possible partners.

Quest Log: A list of active quests. Each quest has a brief description, reward, time limit, and quest giver listed.

Naruto noticed that he currently had no quests. His map only had the majority of Konoha visible. And his inventory had only a few slots filled. He had ten Kunai, ten Shuriken, five packs of instant ramen, a pair of goggles, an orange sweatshirt, orange pants, and ninja sandals. Nodding to himself, he hit the close button, and another screen popped up.

The stats book can be selected at anytime from the pause menu. Thinking 'pause' will bring up the options; save game, load a save, continue game, and open the stats book. It will also pause all outside time, although you are unable to move while pause is active.

Naruto nodded to himself once more and closed the screen. Moments later the white faded and he found himself laying on his bed. Jumping up he raced to the mirror, and found that he was seven years old. Naruto grinned to himself, this was gonna be awesome!

So yeah, that's that. I've got a couple of chapters finished, but this story is one that is much slower to write, so don't expect constant updates. Anyway, please leave a comment with your thoughts, and...I guess that's it. Don't worry, I am still working on the next chapters of my other stories, their just taking a bit longer than expected. That said, Frost out.