To everyone who has shown this fanfic love, I want to thank each and every one of you. xoxo

Time to finish it up.



Magnus opens his eyes and smiles.

He thought waking up with Alexander Lightwood in his arms was perfect, but waking up with a NAKED Alexander Lightwood is heavenly.

He liked what he saw all those days ago and now he gets to touch. Magnus is a happy man.

Alec sighs and slowly opens his eyes. He glances up at Magnus and smiles, "Morning."

Magnus pulls Alec to him and kisses him softly, "Morning."

Their kissing leads to touching, which leads to loving.

Giggling, they go to the shower to clean up and prepare for the day, but first Magnus gets on his knees to worship Alec.

They finally get dressed and have coffee and bagels for breakfast.

Magnus creates a portal and at 9:30 am, they walk into the Institute.

Alec gives Magnus a quick kiss on the lips, "I'm going to find Lydia."

Magnus smiles, "Okay." He watches Alec walk away.

He hears "Good morning Sunshine" behind him and turns around.

"Good morning, Izzy."

Izzy laughs, "You look happy."

Magnus smiles, "I am happy."

Izzy smiles, "Magnus, did you defile my brother?"

Magnus laughs, "Isabelle, a gentleman does not kiss and tell."

Izzy laughs, "That's wonderful."

Magnus nods, "Yes it was."


He laughs.

"You two get cuter and cuter."

"Isabelle, I never thanked you for all that you did in getting Alec and I together."

Izzy smiles, "No need, Magnus. Alec was his own worst enemy and I'm glad he decided to be true to himself."

Magnus smiles, "Me too."

Izzy hugs him, "Where is Alec?"

"Looking for Lydia."

"Yes the Inquisitor wants to get started on time."

Magnus takes a deep breath, "I just want to move on."

Izzy nods, "By the way, Magnus, I tried to find something on runes that appeared on their own and I haven't found anything yet."

Magnus shrugs, "Just one of life's mysteries."

Izzy laughs and hugs him again, "I guess so."

Alec walks over with Jace and Clary.

Izzy hugs him, "That's one way of taking care of Magnus."

Alec's eyes widen, "Magnus, you told her?"

Izzy laughs, "He didn't have to 'tell' me, his smile was all I needed to see."

Jace and Clary laugh.

Alec shakes his head, "Lydia said we should meet her by the conference room."

Izzy says, "Good, let's get this over with."

As they walk to the conference room, Magnus brushes his fingers against Alec's, who smiles at him.

Lydia is waiting there for them, "Good morning, everybody"

She opens the door, they walk in and sit at the table. Lydia stands by the desk.

At exactly 10:00, the Inquisitor walks into the room, "Ms. Brandwell, your presence isn't needed here, you may leave."

Lydia looks at her, "Madame Inquisitor..."

The Inquisitor cuts her off, "Goodbye."

Lydia leaves the room and the Inquisitor closes the door. She sits at the desk and looks at the group, "Let's begin."

She looks at Clary, "Ms. Morgenstern..."

Clary shakes her head, "Fairchild."

"You aren't using your father's name?"

"No, I'm not. He is not my 'father', he is just a man who got my mother pregnant."

"Oh I see. Very well, Ms. Fairchild, speaking of your mother, I thought you would go with her to Idris considering all the time that was spent looking for her."

"I decided that I wanted to stay here and learn more about being a ShadowHunter."

"And your mother was okay with that decision?"

"Obviously, she was."

Imogen glares at Clary, then turns her attention to Jace, who is sitting on Clary's left, "Mr..."

Jace answers coldly, "Wayland."

She laughs, "You also, refuse to take your father's name."

"Bad enough I use 'Wayland'."

"Oh, so if you had a choice, what would you use?"

Jace glances at Izzy and Alec, "Lightwood."

"How touching. You would take on one of the most powerful ShadowHunter names, but you refused to swear your unconditional loyalty to the Clave."

"You know about that?"

"Of course I do. Tell me Mr. Wayland, why would you want to take on that name, if your loyalty isn't to the Clave?"

"Because my loyalty will always be to the Lightwoods, I don't give a fuck about the Clave."

"Interesting language. Tell me, Mr. Wayland, your father was against the DownWorlders, how do you feel knowing that your parabatai seems to flaunt his relationship with one?"

Alec puts his hand on Magnus' knee to calm him. Magnus relaxes and rubs Alec's knuckles.

Jace narrows his eyes at her, "I wouldn't care if he came from Mars, Magnus makes Alec happy, and that is ALL that matters."

She smiles, "You are an interesting young man."

She turns her attention to Izzy, who is sitting next to Jace, "Ms. Lightwood, are you still seeing that Seelie?"

Izzy shakes her head, "No."

Imogen smiles, "Good."

She turns her attention to Magnus, sitting beside Izzy, "Mr. Bane, you killed two ShadowHunters yesterday."

Magnus rubs Alec's knuckles with his thumb under the table and looks at her in silence.

She raises an eyebrow, "You have nothing to say?"

Magnus says calmly, "I thought you were making a statement, so I didn't see a reason to add anything."

"So you don't deny that you killed them."

"Madame Inquisitor, they kidnapped Alec, they were obviously working WITH Valentine, they deserved to die."

"I see, so you see their deaths at your hands as justified?"

"Yes I do."


She turns towards Alec, "Mr. Lightwood, it has been a long time since anybody has used a love rune and most of the time, it is placed somewhere as to be private, and yet, you not only decided to draw it upon yourself, but to place it where everybody would see it. And as you so publicly demonstrated at your wedding, it is for a DownWorlder."

Alec looks at her calmly, "Was there a question there?"

"No there wasn't, but it would seem that the love rune caused deaths, much like Valentine's circle rune."

Alec holds Magnus' hand, as he calmly answers her, "The parabatai rune also 'causes' deaths."

Jace nods as he glares at her.

She smiles, "Touche, Mr. Lightwood."

She sits back in her chair, "As Mr. Bane has stated, Aldertree and Raj were working with Valentine and their punishment fit their crimes against the Clave. As far as the Clave is concerned, this matter is over with. Ms. Brandwell will run the Institute for now. This meeting is now over."

She stands and leaves the room.

Izzy stands, "Crimes against the CLAVE?"

Alec stands, "Izzy, let it go, it's over."

Izzy looks at him, "Alec..."

Magnus stands, "Izzy, Alec is right. Let them think what they want."

Jace nods as he stands, "Yeah, they are stuck in their ways, hopefully now things can get back to normal."

Clary smiles as she stands, "And what exactly is 'normal' around here?"

Everyone is laughing as Lydia walks into the room, "I take it, that it went well?"

Jace nods, "Pretty much."

Lydia smiles, "I'm glad."

Alec walks over to Jace, "Lightwood?'

Jace smiles, "Yeah."

Izzy hugs him, "We can talk to Mom about it."

Jace smiles, "I'd like that."

They walk out of the room.

Lydia says, "Now that the drama has been taken care of for the time being, let's get back to work."

They all agree and walk into the War Room.

Jace, Izzy, Clary and Alec walk over to the computers and check out the city.

Magnus walks over to Lydia, "Can we talk?"

Lydia smiles, "Of course."

They move a distance away from Alec and the others.

Magnus glances at Alec, busy at his job, "I never thanked you for not marrying Alec."

She laughs, "I should be the one thanking you. You saved me from making us all miserable. When he proposed, at the time, it seemed like a great idea. But as I stood there at the altar, I realized that our marriage wasn't based on love, only duty. There was no passion between us and we would have spent our married life in separate bedrooms. But Alec is a great guy and he believes in the sanctity of marriage. I see two years tops before I asked for an end to it, but by then he would have been a changed man."

Magnus nods, his eyes never leaving Alec's back, "I would have waited those two years."

Lydia smiles, "I know. The Clave, his parents, they almost forced him to do something that would have hurt him more than any injury that happened to him on a mission. I saw the way you looked at him and it broke my heart that he was scared to look at you the same way. "

Magnus smiles, "I don't regret ruining your wedding."

She laughs, "I see it more as saving our futures."

Alec comes over with Clary, "What are you two laughing about?"

Magnus smiles, "Nothing you need to worry about. Did you find something to hunt?"

Alec shakes his head, "No, but Clary and I are going to patrol."

"Sounds like fun."

Alec smiles, "See you tonight?"



Alec gives Magnus a quick kiss and leaves with Clary.

"Aren't they the cutest?"

Magnus laughs as he turns around to see Izzy and Jace standing there.

Izzy says to Lydia, "Magnus got a coffee machine and a second dresser for Alec."

Jace says, "Second dresser, why?"

Izzy smiles, "For his clothes obviously."

"Oh... OH!"

Izzy laughs.

Magnus smiles, "I hate to leave, but I've been neglecting my duties as High Warlock."

He leaves after hugging Izzy and Lydia.

Lydia, Izzy and Jace return to the computers.


Being High Warlock of Brooklyn has its ups and downs. After spending the last three days being occupied with Alec, things got a bit backed up, so Magnus decided to have a meeting to get caught up.

BIG mistake.

A room full of warlocks and the ONLY topic was his relationship with a ShadowHunter. Most of it was neutral, bordering on positive, but some couldn't hide their distaste for the person he was spending time with (not that it was any of their business).

Zachary was extremely venomous when it came to Alec. Magnus had enough and told him that if he didn't leave, he was going to portal Zachary to the bottom of the Hudson River.

After Zachary and his hanger ons left in a huff, Magnus and the others were finally able to get down to Warlock business.

Catarina was the last to leave. She helped Magnus clean up, then she sat on the sofa and smiled at Magnus, "Zachary doesn't know shit."

Magnus sat in an armchair and laughed, "About a lot of things."

"I saw the Keurig and the extra dresser, Magnus, this ShadowHunter is special?"

"Very special. Catarina, Alec makes me happy."

"And you make him happy?"

Magnus nods, "I love the way he looks at me. He makes me feel safe and loved, something I never felt with Camille."

"Hmm, that tramp. Did you really send her ass to Idris?"

"Yes, I did. It hurt but picking Rapheal over her was an easy choice."

"Plus, you have Alec."

Magnus smiles, "Yes, Alexander gives me strength."

She smiles, "I don't even know him, but I like him already. Anybody that can put that bright smile on your face, Magnus, is a friend of mine."

Magnus smiles, "Thank you Catarina. Can I ask you a question?"

She laughs, "Of course."

"Have you ever heard of a rune just appearing on a ShadowHunter?'

"Isn't that what steles are for?"

Magnus sighs, "I'm talking about a rune that appeared without the use of a stele."

"So it is true. I heard that a ShadowHunter was runed without the use of a stele. It was Alec?"

Magnus nods and tells her what happened.

Afterwards, she can only stare at him, "Magnus, either fate is smiling at you, or she hates your guts."

Magnus sighs, "We still don't know how it was able to appear."

Catarina smiles as she stands, "Magnus, does it matter?"

He stands as well, "Now? No it doesn't."

He walked her to the door.

Now Magnus is checking his phone for text messages. Alec had been texting him during the day.

His last one was an hour ago. There was some demon activity near Smith Street, Alec was going to check it out, then come to the loft.

Magnus wonders what they should have for dinner. He doesn't know what food Alec likes, besides coffee and bagels. They should sit down and talk about stuff like that.

Favorite foods, favorite places, favorite colors.

Maybe he will just order a pizza from the place down the block. Alec can pick the toppings and they can start from there.

His phone rings.


Alec walks down Water Street on his way to Magnus'.

Maybe he should pick up something for dinner, but he isn't sure what Magnus likes, besides bagels.

His thoughts of dinner and Magnus are interrupted by a man standing in his path.

Alec moves to the side to walk around him, but the man steps in front of Alec.

With a smile, the stranger says, "Hello ShadowHunter."

Alec looks at him, "Do I know you?"

The man laughs, "No, but I can see your runes, especially the love rune and I hope she has something in white."

Before Alec can react, he is stabbed in the back and falls to his knees.

Alec notices the circle rune on the man's neck, as he reaches for his seraph blade, but his arm is grabbed from behind.

The man in front of him smiles, "Goodbye ShadowHunter." He takes out a blade and brings it to Alec's throat, when a fireball hits him in the chest and he bursts into flames. By the time he falls to the ground, he is dead.

The man behind Alec turns around and is also hit with a fireball that engulfs him in flames. He falls to the ground dead.

Magnus runs up to Alec and kneels in front of him, screaming his name.

He gently lifts Alec's head, Alec gives him a weak smile, then collapses in Magnus' arms. Magnus realizes that he is looking at Alec through his cat's eyes, but tries not to think of it, as he gently stands Alec up.

Blood has soaked his shirt and pants.

Magnus blinks back tears as he opens a portal and carries Alec into the Institute.

A stretcher is there and Jace helps Magnus get Alec on it. The doctors take Alec into a room.

Jace gently squeezes Magnus' arm, "He's going to be okay."

Magnus whispers, "They were Valentine's men."

"Were they following Alec?"

"I don't know, I got there just before..." Magnus walks away from Jace and leans against a wall.

Jace says gently, "Yes 'before'. I felt him get stabbed and knew there was no way I could get to him in time. Thank the angel, you did. I'll update Lydia. You staying here?"

Magnus glances at him with tear filled eyes and nods.

Jace smiles weakly, "Yeah stupid question. I'll be right back."

Magnus nods and watches him go down the hall.

Magnus sees more doctors run into the room. He rubs his fingers together.

Izzy runs down the hall and glances into the room. She sees Magnus standing there and runs over to him.

She hugs him, "He's going to be okay, Magnus."

Magnus holds her and says nothing.

"Where's Jace?"

Magnus takes a deep breath, "He went to talk to Lydia."

"And Alec's attacker?"

"Both of them are dead."

Izzy looks at him gently, "You?"

Magnus nods.

Izzy kisses his cheek and they hold each other.

Magnus tenses as he sees the doctors leave Alec's room.

Izzy lets him go, "I'll be right back", and walks over to the doctors.

Izzy and the doctors talk. Magnus sees Maryse and Robert walk down the hall and he moves closer to the back wall. Maryse glares at Magnus as she talks to the doctors. The three Lightwoods walk into the room.

Magnus thinks that maybe it would be better for him to go back to the loft, but if this is the end, he at least wants to say goodbye to Alec. So he stays near the back wall.

Maryse and Robert leave the room. Both glance at Magnus. Robert walks up the hall, but Maryse walks towards Magnus.

Magnus lowers his head.

She is about two yards from him, when Jace runs down the hall and gets in between her and Magnus, "Maryse, is there a problem?"

She stops and glares at Jace, "Problem? I would think my son getting stabbed would be a problem."

Jace says coldly, "Alec getting stabbed isn't Magnus' fault."

"Oh it isn't?"

"No, it isn't. Magnus didn't stab Alec."

"Maybe not, but Alec wouldn't have been there if NOT for Magnus."

"Then Valentine's men would have stabbed another ShadowHunter."

She glares at the two men and walks away.

Jace watches her walk down the hall. He turns around to Magnus, "You okay?"

Magnus takes a deep breath, "No."

Jace gives his arm a squeeze, "Don't worry about her. She is just upset."

Magnus shrugs.

"Where's Izzy?"

"With Alec."

"Good, you can go in."

Magnus shakes his head, "I'll stay here."

"You sure?"

Magnus nods.

"Okay, but sit down and try to relax."

Magnus nods again.

Jace looks at him gently, "Magnus, don't let Maryse keep you from Alec."

Magnus takes a deep breath, "I won't."

Jace nods and walks into the room.

Magnus sits down and tries not to think about Alec seeing his cat's eyes. Yes Alec smiled at him, but he was in shock from blood loss and once he realizes what he was seeing, Magnus is sure, Alec will tell him that he never wants to see him again. Magnus blinks away tears and tries to relax, but losing Alec would destroy him.


Magnus opens his eyes, he must of dozed off.

Izzy is smiling at him, "Alec is calling for you."

Magnus swallows, "Okay."

Izzy laughs, "Okay? Get up and go see him."

Magnus stands up and smooths down his shirt. He realizes that it is covered in blood. Alec's blood. He glances at Izzy, "Maybe I should change my shirt."

Izzy punches him in the arm, "Alec doesn't care about your shirt. He drifts in and out of consciousness and the first thing he says when his eyes open, is your name. Now get in there so that the next time he wakes up, he sees you."

Magnus nods, "Okay."

She laughs, "I'm going upstairs to get some sleep."

Magnus walks into the room. Jace is sleeping in a chair with his feet up on another chair. He looks very uncomfortable.

Magnus looks at Alec in the bed. Alec is shirtless, there is a bandage wrapped around his lower chest.

Magnus stands there, unsure what to do.

Jace opens one eye and smiles, "Finally." He stands up and stretches.

"The asshole didn't get any organs and the docs gave Alec a blood transfusion to replace what he lost."

Magnus nods.

"His Iratze rune is doing its thing."

Magnus nods.

"Magnus, you okay?"

"I'm just tired."

Jace nods, "Me too. Let me go upstairs, get a couple hours of sleep in my bed and I'll be back so that you can go home and also get some sleep."

Magnus walks over to the bed and touches Alec's knuckles with his thumb, "I'm okay. You don't have to rush back here."

"You sure?"

Magnus nods, "Yeah, I'll stay with him for the rest of the night."

"That's great. Call me if you change your mind."

Magnus nods and watches Jace leave the room.

He brings one of the chairs over to the right side of the bed and sits down. He rubs his thumb over Alec's knuckles, puts his head against Alec's leg and waits for him to wake up.

He wonders if he will be able to explain before Alec sends him away. Magnus is terrified but he wants to enjoy these last few moments of being able to touch Alec.

Magnus watches as Alec's fingers slowly entwine with his. He looks up and Alec's eyes are half open, but he is smiling, "Magnus."

Magnus sits up, "Hey."


"So what happened?"

"Not even sure. I think it was two of Valentine's men. One I saw had a circle rune. He didn't even know who I was, just that I was a ShadowHunter. I never saw the one who was behind me. Coward stabbed me in the back. I thought I was going to die, until my hero showed up."

Magnus quickly looks away from him. His current lack of control over his cat's eyes seems to be linked to Alec being in danger.



"Magnus look at me."

"I can't."

"Magnus, please stop hiding them from me."

Magnus tries to take his hand from Alec's grip, but he doesn't want to hurt him. Holding his breath, he looks at Alec.

Alec smiles at him, "Magnus, they're beautiful. Why wouldn't you let me see them?"

Magnus whispers, "They're ugly."

Alec's smile disappears, "Ugly? No, I love you. I love everything about you and there is NOTHING ugly about you. You are beautiful."

Magnus searches Alec's eyes and sees only love in them. Love and tiredness, but no hate.


Magnus kisses Alec's knuckles, "I was afraid that you would hate me."

"Hate you? No Magnus, there is nothing about you, that I could hate."

"Others have hated them."

"I'm not 'others'. You kissed me and that was all that was needed for a rune to appear on my neck. Not just any rune, but a love rune. You said so yourself, that the rune bonds us together, and there is nothing that will keep us apart."

Magnus leans over and gently kisses Alec, "I love you so much Alexander." He pushes the chair away with his foot and gently, so as not to jar Alec, lays beside him.

Alec rests his head against Magnus' chest with a sigh, closes his eyes and falls back asleep with a slight smile.

Magnus kisses the top of Alec's head and relaxes for the first time since Jace called him and told him that Alec was in danger. He falls asleep.


Magnus opens his eyes and his arms are full of sleeping shirtless Alexander Lightwood.

Magnus kisses the top of his head and holds him.


Magnus smiles at Alec, "Good morning."

Alec snuggles against Magnus' chest with a sigh, "He said 'she'".

Magnus looks down at Alec, who looks very comfy, "Who said 'she'?"

"Valentine's man."


"He saw the love rune and said 'I hope she has something in white', just before the other guy stabbed me."


"At the time, I was confused, but it just dawned on me, that he assumed that the love rune was there because of a woman."


Alec giggles, "Magnus say something else."

"Something else."

Alec giggles and looks at Magnus, "I love you."

Magnus leans down and kisses him, "I love you."

"It's too early for this much cuteness."

They look up and see Izzy smiling at the doorway.

"I can come back."

Magnus laughs as he gets off the bed and stretches out the kinks in his back, "No, stay. I want to shower and change my clothes."

Alec starts getting off the bed, but Magnus gently pushes him back, "Where are you going, Alexander?"

"Home with you."

Magnus blinks and glances at Izzy, who is smiling warmly at him, "It's okay Magnus. Just keep your hands to yourself and let him get some rest."

Magnus smiles, "Thank you. But Maryse..."

Izzy sniffs, "Let Jace and I handle my mother, you take care of our brother."


She walks over and hugs Magnus.

Magnus flicks his hand and a shirt appears. Izzy helps Alec put it on.

She gently hugs her big brother, "I mean it, you need to heal, so no sex."

Alec blushes, "Izzy"

She smiles, "No Izzy about it."

Magnus smiles, "I promise."

She nods, "Good."

She gives them both a kiss on the cheek, "Now go, before I change my mind."

Magnus opens a portal and with an arm around Alec's waist, they arrive in his loft.

Alec walks to the kitchen table and sits down, "I'm hungry."

Magnus nods, "Fine, but then you get in bed and rest. I don't want your sister mad at me."

Alec smiles, "You're scared of Izzy?"

Magnus smiles, "A little bit."

Alec laughs, "Me too."


"Yes please."

Magnus grabs two bagels and the cream cheese.

Alec looks lovingly at the Keurig machine but Magnus shakes his head.

"No coffee, you need to sleep."

He pours orange juice in a glass, and places it in front of Alec.

He brings over the bagels and sits down.

They eat their breakfast, while talking about food. Magnus makes a mental shopping list for his next trip to the supermarket.

Alec gets up and washes the glass and plate.

Magnus goes into the bathroom to shower.

Alec goes into the bedroom and gets into bed.

Magnus finishes his shower, puts on fresh clothes and walks into the bedroom to see Alec fast asleep. He is laying on his back, facing the window.

Magnus looks at the rune that started this whole adventure and thinks about how their relationship has changed in the last three days.

Magnus wants to touch the rune, but thinks that it would be best for Alec to heal 'naturally', at least for now.

Magnus stands there, unsure what to do. There are probably a dozen things he should be doing, but all he wants to do is hold Alec.

Alec turns in his sleep and gasps as he lands on the stab wound.

Problem solved, Magnus gently gets into the bed and kisses Alec. Alec rests his head on Magnus' chest and goes back to sleep.

Magnus looks at the rune and takes Alec waking up as a sign. He gently traces the rune with his finger and smiles as it glows blue, then returns to black.

Alec sighs in his sleep and snuggles closer to Magnus.

Magnus holds him tight.

Magnus knows that there must be somebody who knows how the rune appeared on Alec's neck, it's just a question of finding them. But for now, Magnus can deal with not knowing 'how' and can enjoy knowing 'why'.



At least for this story.

As I mentioned on tumblr, this is now The Rune Series, and I already have an idea for the next story based on You Are Not Your Own.

So much for getting back to my SPN WIP. :(