
We had failed. After Arthur had discovered Merlin's magic he had to run. Without him there, and everyone turned against him except Gaius and Mordred, it became more and more difficult to protect him. Gaius was watched like a hawk, and Mordred, bless him, did his best but really couldn't help that much.

When they came after him, he ran. He came home to me and we tried to guide them all from afar, but it was just about hopeless. Merlin's "betrayal" had caused the King to became irrational and short tempered, bordering on violent.

Eventually, as we feared might happen, he went too far.

He had captured a Druid girl that Mordred had grown up with and loved. Despite his plea's, Arthur had her executed. Mordred went utterly mad with grief.

Mordred was so far gone on revenge that he allowed the ancient, primordial Darkness My Merlin and I had been doing our best to hold back to taint his magic and corrupt him. To twist and blacken the deepest parts of his soul until he was a shell of himself. Barely recognizable but for his outward, physical appearance.

The armies of dark, vicious. otherworldly creatures swarmed over albion, released from the confines that my Merlin and I had so painstakingly fortified over the years, by Mordred, who had used his own corrupted magic and the Darknesses own power combined to break through our inexperienced wards.

They destroyed almost everything.

For ten years we had worked to keep it contained, I had sacrificed my family, my friends and my home, turned myself into a perceived enemy of Camelot so that I could get close enough with my Merlin to destroy it forever.

Through it all my Merlin stood by me. We never told any one of our relationship, not because we were ashamed-far from it- but because it was easier. At first, Uther would have, a the very least, banished Merlin. He never would have thought of allowing a manservant to court his beloved ward. Then, we had to make it seem that I had turned against Camelot, and Merlin would have been executed if we had been found out.

But the moment we had locked eyes across the courtyard his first day in Camelot, we had known, our magic had known. Our magic had formed a bond that day, a marriage that not even the Gods could break. Most would call us fools, but the sheer strength of our connection was such that we were married before we knew each others name. We trusted one another so completely, knew each other so well that it was like we had one mind, one soul.

Most people have a name for this type of connection. Love at first sight being the most common.

And that brings us to now. Me walking in the deathly silent aftermath of Camlann, my Merlin standing along the banks of Lake Avalon.

"Mo ghaol, I was too late, to slow. He's gone." Merlin said in my mind. He sent me a mental image of a burning boat. My Merlin's grief, along with my own tore at my insides. My little brother was gone.

"We tried our best, gràdh. At least we saved most of Camelot and kept Gwen on the throne."

"It's not good enough."

We were silent for a time. I finally turned away from the field of slaughter and cast a spell that would hasten my steps as I made my way to Merlin.

Aithusa arrived just as I did, worried for her Dragonlord.

When I reached him, his legs gave out and we sat on the banks for hours, comforting each other. Aithusa curled around us, warming us with her heat, and rested her head on his lap.

"He never knew." He finally whispered.

"Knew what, gràdh?" I murmured back. But I had an inkling of what the answer was.

"That you-we- loved him, that you weren't evil. That you were only trying to protect those you loved."

I was about to respond when he pulled himself out of my arms and shifted to face me and Aithusa. He took hold of one of my hands and rested the other on Aithusa's snout.

"That's not all though, just after A-Arthur died Kilgharrah told me that he would rise again, when the world needed him. H-He said that we had to wait for that time and be there to help. In that time we are to be guardians of magic. Gods on earth."

I knew what that meant. As did my Merlin.

We were Immortal. For as long as Magic is alive, we would be as well.

AN: this has been rattling around for a while so I had to write it down. I could never find this type of story, so I made my own. Hope you enjoy. I'm not quite sure where I want this to go, so if you have any ideas let me hear them!


Mo ghaol= my love

Gràdh= beloved