Chapter 35: The Final Confrontation

Two days after leaving the Divine Dragon Grounds, Shepherds return to the fort to restock, rest, and wait for the scouts that Flavia sent to check on the situation of the enemies' positions and any movements from the Empire. In the meantime, they continue their training as Reina separate herself from the others to a secluded area for her aiming with Asuna watches her.

Standing behind the archer, Asuna watches with Éclair in her arms as Reina taking out two arrows and notches one of them, aiming at the target that is 300 meters away from her as she breathes in. Reina then lets the arrow fly, hitting the target but little away from the bullseye mark before she notches the other arrow and shoots it and this time the second arrow hit at the center. As she breathes out, Reina hears Asuna clapping at the performance.

"That was cool, Mama!" Asuna exclaims and Reina turns to her.

"Thank you, Asuna. But I still have a lot to go." Reina says.

"Even though you shoot that far?" Asuna tilts her head.

"Even if I shoot that far, I still want my arrows to hit on the bullseye." The female trainer kneels in front of Asuna before turning her head to the target, pointing at one of the arrows. "Can you see the arrow away from the red mark?" Asuna looks at the target with squinted eyes. "Every archer always aims at the red mark, if there is the slightest change of course, an arrow like that one will miss and hit somewhere else."

The girl hums after listening to her mother and feels a hand placing on her head causing Asuna to turn to Reina who is smiling at her. "You probably don't understand right now, but in the future, you will."

Asuna nods eagerly as Éclair jumps onto Reina's shoulder before hearing rushing footsteps coming towards them. Looking up, they see Chrom and Robin coming towards them as Reina stands back up.

"Is there something wrong you two?" She asks.

"Yes. Were we interrupting something?" The prince asks.

Reina shakes her head. "No. Did something happened?"

Robin frowns. "The scout that was sent came back just now."


Chrom nods. "Yes. The scout's said that their forces are starting to mobilize. I've sent Frederick to gather the Shepherds, however, what's bothers me isn't about being prepared."

Flavia comes up behind them. "Our spies reported that Walhart is about to begin marching here with an army twice as large as ours. I suggested that we should've gone at them when we had a change from the beginning, but..."

"I told you before," Robin responds, "that's what he'd want us to do. They would be an ambush us if we went there as we were. We wouldn't have any chances of surviving out of that if we did. We needed to be patient and wait for them to begin to come out instead."

"You are right with that decision, Robin." Reina agrees.

Chrom nods. "The Conqueror is finally going to fall. We need to be ready for whatever he plans to throw at us."

With the word of the enemy making their way to the fort, the Shepherds immediately gather their things while Chrom and Robin assign a few soldiers to remain with Asuna. It isn't long before Reina comes outside in the wagon with Éclair, Meena, and Kai. However, instead of a long trip, the travel to the capital of Valm isn't as long as they thought and before they knew it, they arrive at the castle walls with the sun still high in the sky.

Coming out of the wagon, Reina, Meena, and Kai walk up to Chrom and the others as they look at the wall with no soldiers in sight.

"This is strange?" Reina says.

"Yeah... Where is his army?" Chrom questions.

"No sign of them yet, milord." Frederick says.

Robin cups her chin. "Hmm..."

Flavia frowns. "I don't like it. They could be buying time..."

"...Buying time waiting for what?" Lissa asks.

"Who knows, but they'll eventually come out." Reina answers.

Just like Reina said, it isn't long before they finally see more soldiers rushing out and see in the distance a man in red armor on a white horse with a long ax in hand.

"That's him, isn't it? Walhart... Brave of him to face us." Chrom notes.

"Brave? Aye. But more likely he just wants to enjoy this himself." Say'ri confirms.

"You do your sister's legacy proud, Prince! A conqueror who broke stronger men than you when they refuse to bow." Walhart shouts and calls out his soldiers, "Warriors of Valm! Ride with me now! Together we will stamp out this final pack of insurgents and unite the world!"

Valmese soldiers shout out in a cheer at their leader's speech as the Shepherds watch this.

"There's no way we'll be outdone by them. Right, Chrom?" Kai asks, turning to the captain.

"You got that right, Kai." Chrom smiles then change into a serious expression before signaling the Shepherds to charge.

With the signal, both sides clash each other and Robin immediately orders for some of them to head over to the stone towers while a small squad with Chrom to charge towards Walhart. Now face to face, Chrom readies his sword at the conqueror with Luke into a stance.

"Why do you resist me, little Prince?" Walhart questions.

"You enslave the weak and kill the able. You are the enemy of peace." Chrom answers.

"I would end the reign of the gods, and you object on moral grounds?! Blood is spilled in any new birth, Prince. And in many a just cause, as you know…"

"There is no justification for what you've done."

"By whose laws do you judge me? Yours? Your sister's? The gods'?"

"You cannot—"

"Look at you! Are you not ashamed?" Walhart cuts the captain off. "Your mind is filled with nothing but secondhand beliefs. You dance upon the stage of your gods like a mindless puppet! THAT is what I reject: being a slave to tradition, to obligation. The old ways. Damn the gods! Damn their fates and their destinies! I will have true freedom! And man who offers less is my enemy."

"Enough! I don't require every detail of your twisted philosophy. You're a villain and a murderer, plain and simple. And I am the justice you deserve."

The conqueror laughs, "Ha ha ha! Better, Prince. Much better! Be not an agent of someone else's justice, but justice itself! Now, let us fight as two great men, freed of their gods. I grant any challenger the chance to test his will against my own... But you, too, shall be found wanting!"

"Chrom." Hearing the familiar voice in his head, Chrom turns to his partner who has his eyes turned to him. "Out of everyone, I know you made those sacrifices for peace of this world. You're not the kind of man that Walhart has said."

"Luke..." Chrom calls in his thoughts and the Blade Pokémon nods.

"Thank you, friend." He whispers quietly only for Luke to hear and shouts, "Let's go!"

Meanwhile, Kai slashes a soldier with Reina as his support as Éclair and Blacky (Kai's Umbreon) cover them both with their attacks. Reina looks around the battlefield before shooting an oncoming soldier who was charging that them as Kai slashes another soldier.

"Even with some of the Shepherds occupying the towers, there still a lot of them." Reina notes.

"I have to agree with you on that, Reina." Kai replies and looks at his Umbreon. "Blacky, are still okay to fight?"

"Blacky!" The Moonlight Pokémon nods.

"What about you, Éclair?" Reina asks her Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Éclair pumps her arms.

The female archer then notices Say'ri rush towards where Walhart is. "Say'ri?" She says as Kai notices her too.

"What is she doing?" He questions.

"Knowing her, she wants to pay Walhart for what he did to her country." Reina replies and immediately, she and Kai realize what she is planning.

"Don't tell me-?!" Kai exclaims before he and Reina chase after her with Éclair and Blacky behind them.

As Say'ri rushes towards Walhart, she stumbles upon more soldiers standing in her way. The Chon'sin princess tries to fight them off when two more jumps behind her, causing her to turn around with wide eyes. However, just as the two soldiers about to land their attacks, a strong electric shock, and black energy hit each of them as a few arrows hit the other soldiers who Say'ri fought as well as a young man jumps above her and slashes the remaining soldiers. The swordswoman turns around to see Kai there and turns back to find Reina, Éclair, and Blacky running up to them.

"Say'ri!" Reina calls out.

"Reina?" Say'ri calls and turns to Kai. "Kai?"

"That was reckless of you running towards Walhart like that." Kai reprimands.

"What's more, going alone." Reina adds.

"My apologies, you two. But I have to make Walhart pay for what he did to my country."

"But going in alone is dangerous. Especially fighting Walhart."

"Pikachu." Éclair agrees.

Say'ri frowns and grips her sword. "I understand what you are saying, but..."

"Then how about this?" Kai asks getting their attention. "We'll come with you to fight Walhart."

"That's a great idea, Kai!" Reina states and looks at Say'ri. "What do you think, Say'ri?"

The swordswoman looks at both for the moment and then bows. "I can't thank you enough."

"Then let's go."

–Back with Chrom and Luke–

Chrom and Luke continue to fight the conqueror, but Walhart doesn't have a scratch on him while the two breathes out and has scratches all over their bodies.

"As expected from the conqueror..." Chrom pants.

"But..." Luke adds.

"We won't lose/We won't lose!" Chrom and Luke shout.

When Walhart about to hit them again, an arrow flies towards him which he blocks it with his ax and then a shadow figure jumps above him.

"Walhart!" The said man looks up to see Say'ri, diving down towards him with an overhead slash, causing him to block the oncoming blade. Seeing her surprise attack didn't work, Say'ri jumps away from him as the conqueror takes a closer look at the swordswoman.

"Hmm? The princess of Chon'sin? It's a wonder you still live." Walhart says.

"I have survived your gauntlet of betrayal and death, tyrant." Say'ri spats. "Shall I describe to you now the searing pain of it all? The torture of watching friends, entire kingdom perish? The fresh hell of each new day, with no respite in sight?"

"Pain is a concern of men. And respite? Beg that from your gods. Your concerns are not mine. I have risen to a higher plane of existence."

"Then today you come crashing down to the hell you've made of this one."

"Chrom! Luke!" Hearing Reina's voice calling out to them makes the two to turn, seeing her, Kai, Éclair and Blacky running up to them.

"Reina! Kai!" Chrom calls out.

"What are you guys doing?" Luke questions.

"We're here to support Say'ri." Reina answers.

"We know that in her current state, Say'ri can't beat Walhart alone." Kai explains. "That's why we're going to fight along with her."

"Hmph! Try as you may be, but I will not be deterred!" Walhart claims.

"Here he comes!" Kai warns and they jump away from the conqueror charge.

Immediately after landing on the ground, Reina draws an arrow into her bow and lets it fly as both Kai and Say'ri rush towards the enemy leader. However, instead of landing a hit, Walhart swings his ax at the two, pushing both of them back and deflects the arrow. Seeing her arrow deflected, Reina's hand moves back to the quiver but notices that she doesn't have many arrows left.

'This is bad...' Reina thought, looking at the little number of arrows she has. 'I don't have much arrows left. Plus it doesn't help that Walhart keeps blocking them. Which means...' She looks at her hands.

"This is my first time using this... I hope it works..." Reina mutters and looks up. "Kai! Say'ri!" The two stops their tracks and looks at the archer. "Buy me some time!"

"What are you planning?" Kai asks trying to dodge Walhart's swing.

"I'm going to use my power."

Hearing this catches Éclair and Say'ri's attention.

"Are you certain of this?" Say'ri asks and Reina nods.

Éclair runs up and stands in front of her "Pikachu-pika-pika-chupika!" She yells at Reina to stop her from using that power.

Reina however, smiles sadly. "I'm sorry, Éclair. But," The female trainer looks up with a serious expression, "in this situation, there's no other way." She then closes her eyes. "I call upon the power dwell within me... Lend me the strength to rid of the obstacles before me..." The wind slowly circles around her as Reina points her bow at Walhart and brings her other hand on it while he is distracted by Kai and Say'ri. "For this, I pledge myself to protect the weak and judge those who have wrongdoings." She brings her free hand back as an energy arrow begins to form. "Thus those who stand in our way be destroyed...!" When she opened her eyes, blue sparks appear on the energy arrow as she maintains her aim at the red armored conqueror. "Kai! Say'ri!"

At the shout, gives the signal to the two as they jump away the trajectory and Reina lets the energy arrow fly, but she didn't realize how fast the arrow is going which shocks Walhart. When he decides to dodge it, it was too late as the arrow hits his right arm breaking through the armor.

"All right!" Kai exclaims as Chrom and Luke are surprised to see that Reina has this kind of power while the archer pants.

Say'ri nods at the damage. "Now we can defeat him." She readies her sword.

"Nngh..." Walhart grunts as he holds his wounded arm. "You think you have won? You blow as if to douse a candle, but you only stoke the fires of hell!" He declares and retreats into the castle along with still alive soldiers.

"Wallhart has retreated into the capital!" Say'ri shouts. "Fie, Will this war never end?!"

"His men gave their lives to secure his escape. They won't lay down arms until he does." Chrom notes.

"Then we must pursue and see that the deed is done." Lucina suggests.

Suddenly, they hear many shouts causing the group to turn and see many soldiers coming behind them.

"Damn! We're surrounded! They dynasts ride against us!" Chrom shouts.

Say'ri then notices the flag the soldiers are holding. "Hold, sir—look!" They look at the blue flag they are holding instead of the Valmese flag. "The symbol! That's not the symbol of Valm!"

"Then are they from Chon'sin?" Kai asks.

"If they're carrying that flag and not Valmese's, then it has to be." Reina points out.

Say'ri eyes widen in shock as she mutters, "This...boggles the mind…"

"Do you recognize them?" Chrom asks seeing the newcomers.

"Aye, sir. They're from the southlands... States that betrayed us for the empire. ...Or so I thought."

Flavia smirks. "Well, their allegiance seems clear enough now."

"I can hardly believe it... Theirs are the lands my brother commanded." Say'ri says in disbelief. "Finally, now, they come to answer the call?"

"Finally is right. It's taken a lot of hard work to get here, Say'ri. A lot of sacrifice. From you, from Basilio, from your brother. Don't forget this moment."

"Aye, my lady." Say'ri nods. "Aye."

Chrom nods. "Now, let us finish what we began. To the capital, friends!"

Everyone cheers from Chrom's words while Kai turns to Reina who picks up Éclair and puts the Pikachu on her shoulder. "Are you okay, Reina? You look exhausted after that shooting that arrow."

"I'm fine, Kai. Seeing our reinforcements came, I'm better." Reina assures him.

"Pikachu...?" Éclair asks with a worried look.

Reina turns to her Pikachu. "Like I said earlier, I'm fine, Éclair. But I can't say about my arrows though." She looks at her quiver seeing a few numbers of arrows.

"Then it's a good time I caught up." The three turn around to see Meena there holding an armful of arrows.

Taking off the quiver from her waist, Reina helps Meena to refill it before putting back on. "Thanks, Meena. But how did you know?" Reina asks.

"You have a habit of forgetting to resupply when it comes to important battles." Meena explains.

Reina blushes and shouts, "Not all the time, Meena!" Meena laughs at her sister's reaction before the older sister clears her throat. "Anyways, we can't keep everyone here for too long. Let's go to the capital."

Once they forcefully open the gate, the company goes inside as they see the gigantic cavalry leader seated on his throne with his horse standing next to one of his soldiers holding its reins. Along the halls, they spot Excellus and the same bearded general who they fought at the Mila Tree.

"I see Walhart, still seated in his throne room. It doesn't seem like he's thinking about escape." Chrom says.

"And his soldiers... They look ready to die before they'd surrender. One must admire their loyalty, at least." Robin notes.

"He does inspire that in people. It's part of what makes him so dangerous."

Robin frowns. "He inspires that in SOME people."

"Yes, in some. But not me." The captain states.

Immediately, Robin sends Gaius and Anna to search for the treasury with their Pokémon as they begin their siege. With the battle goes on, Lucina and Inigo just finish taking down the mustache obsessed Cervantes when Meena notices something from behind them and the wagon. She gasps.

"Valmese reinforcements are coming in!" She shouts.

"What?!" Kai grimaces and turns around after taking down their enemy before them. "Damn it! Robin!"

At his voice, the female tactician turns around and nods. "Kai, Reina, Meena, go support Frederick and Sumia! Say'ri, stop Excellus! He's hiding behind those statues on the other side! Chrom, Luke, Drago, and I will keep moving! As for everyone else, keep fighting until we reach Walhart!"

Everyone did as they are told to the best of their abilities as Chrom and Robin hurry to the throne room with Luke and Drago. The three trainers hurry to their station next to Frederick and Sumia as Kai orders his Blacky to use Protect from incoming arrows and Reina brings out Absol, Kuro. Immediately, the female archer orders Kuro to use Psycho Cut at the enemy archers as Kai and Frederick swiftly dealt the last few soldiers on their side.

Meanwhile, Say'ri slashes away at a few soldiers as she moves forward when she sees her own men fallen by Excellus. When the mage sees her, his face warps into rage.

"...You. ...YOU! You and Yen'fay cost me EVERYTHING!" He yells at Say'ri.

"I only pray my brother is watching..." Say'ri says as she grips on her late brother's sword. "Yen'fay, guide my hand!"

Just as Excellus about to cast his spell, Say'ri immediately speeds up her pace as the mage casts Bolganone, making her evade the burst of flames from the floor. However, seeing another bulge of glowing red growing, the Chon'sin princess has no choice but to stop her track and jumps back from the oncoming burst of fire. Say'ri looks at the fire seeing there is no way of getting closer to Excellus but then she remembers there is another use for the sword. Just as the fire descends into the ground, Say'ri positions her sword like a javelin and throws it into the mage's chest, subsequently killing him.

–With Chrom and Robin–

"Dragon Breath!"

A burst of light blue energy hits several Valmese soldiers, throwing them back into the ground as Chrom and Luke continue their charge knocking the other soldiers down as they, Robin and Drago slowly make their way to Walhart.

After dealing with the soldiers who are protecting their leader, the four reach to the throne room.

"Walhart!" Chrom shouts.

"Prince…" The conqueror calmly calls.

"Will you surrender?"

"Don't waste my time with questions you know the answers to, boy."

"It did not have to be this way... You believed in mankind's strength... So did my sister. You believe that we are masters of our destinies... So do I. You could have joined with us."

Walhart expression changes into rage. "ME, JOIN YOU?! Does a pegasus join with the flea on its back? A dragon, with a cow it eats?! You forget your place, BOY. I am the Conqueror! I will unite the world!"

"No!" Chrom retorts. "...I will. And not by forcing all the people to choose the sword or the knee. Peace will only come by stoking people's hearts...not their fear."

"You think that's what you've done? What your sister did before you? No, she shouted some nonsense and leapt off a rock! Such weakness!"

"Wrong. Not weakness—strength. That one act lives on, and WILL live on, longer than all your conquests…"

"And longer than you will... Come then, flea, and die for your peace!"

Chrom grimaces. "Emm, I tried…"

"Chrom." The captain turns to see Robin smiling at him. "You still have us."

He looks at her and then at Luke and Drago before he nods before turning back at Walhart. "I'm counting on you, Robin, Luke, Drago."

The three nod and prepare their stance as Walhart mounts on his horse and holds his ax.

"Chrom." Robin calls whispery. "With an opponent like this, wouldn't it be wise to use Mega Evolve?"

"I might have to agree with you on that, Robin." Chrom replies. "What about you, Luke?"

"I'm fine if it to win against Walhart." Luke states.

"But Chrom, we have to find the right timing to use your Mega Evolve." Robin tells the prince.

Chrom nods. "Got it."

No one moves for a moment when a pebble is dropped to the ground from the ceiling causing both Chrom and Luke charge at Walhart as Robin and Drago charge for their attacks while the conqueror waits for the oncoming two to come closer. As they run, the blades on Luke's arms glow white and he and Chrom jump towards Walhart to land a few hits, but the enemy's leader simply swings his ax at the two causing both of them to be push back on the ground. at the same time, Robin sends an Elthunder spell as Drago sends another Dragon Breath at him and this time both attacks successfully hit Walhart directly and cloud dust flies around covering Walhart's body.

"Did that did it?" Luke asks.

"No." Chrom says.

Watching the dust dies down, they see Walhart having small scratches on his armor but no serious damage.

"Head-head!" Drago exclaims in shock.

"I knew that it won't have much damage on him." Robin says in discontent.

"Yeah. This might be too early, but we have no choice." Chrom says and Luke nods in agreement. The captain then touches the keystone in his right glove. "Let's go, Luke! Mega Evolve!" When touched, Chrom's Keystone and Luke's Mega stone begins to shine and streams of energy come out from both stones and connect each other, subsequently, Luke changes into his Mega Evolved form. Walhart watches the evolution process with intrigue.

Suddenly, Luke disappears and appears in front of the conqueror which surprises the red armored leader and the Mega Ellade begins his combination attack with Chrom following behind the Bladed Pokémon. As for Robin and Drago, they begin to charge their attack once more and the tactician sends the same spell as Drago sends Dragon Pulse while Chrom and Luke sees the oncoming attacks, causing the two to move away from the path and they hit Walhart again and this time, the Valmese leader grunts and flinches in pain. Using this chance, Chrom rushes towards him as Luke sends his Psycho Cut which the move hit Walhart's horse at the same time Chrom landing the finishing blow on Walhart as the conqueror falls backward to the ground.

"Nngh... Do you see? Often the the only way... My conquest...ends here..." Walhart breathes out and his body becomes lifeless.

Meanwhile, Reina, Kai, Éclair, and Blacky breathes out heavily as they are surrounded by the Valmese soldiers.

"Just when we had the advantage, these guys pop out from nowhere." Kai says.

"Whose fault is that when someone HAD to rush forward?" Reina questions.

"Don't look at me!"

"But it's true?"

Both Éclair and Blacky nod in agreement with Kai's dismay.

"Hey, Blacky, why are you agreeing with her?!" He questions.

"This is terrible!" One of the Valmese soldiers shouts. "Our master, Walhart has been defeated!"

Hearing this, the Valmese soldiers stop fighting in disarray and drop their weapons as some drop to their knees from losing Walhart.

"If Walhart is defeated, then..."

"...we won?" Kai finishes for Reina as they look at each other and then rush towards where Chrom and Robin are with Frederick and Lucina following them.

"Milord!" Frederick shouts as they reach to the throne room. "Walhart's soldiers have agreed to cease hostilities."

"Finally...Then pull our men back immediately." Chrom sighs in relief and looks at Walhart's body. "...It's strange, Frederick... Walhart and my sister were complete opposites. One gave her life to stop a war. The other took lives to create one. And yet they both inspired those around them; both walked a path to end all war. Both lived, and died, trying to unite the people."

"Yes, Father, but as they say, the method is the message." Lucina adds. "Your father suffered from beliefs similar to Walhart, and his legacy is plain to see…"

Chrom nods. "Mmm...these are matters too weighty for this moment. There will be plenty of time for reflection now that the war is done."


With the war now over, the healers can take their time healing the injured soldiers as Say'ri asks Chrom and Robin to come into the throne room with their partner Pokémon once Walhart's body is carried off.

"Sir Chrom, a thousand thanks from every Valmese couldn't repay what you did for us." Say'ri speaks as she stretches out her hand holding a green jewel. "But I recovered Vert, the Gemstone that was stolen from Chon'sin as a trophy."

"You're giving it to me?" Chrom looks up in surprise.

"But it's this Chon'sin's treasure? Are you certain of this?" Luke asks.

"Of course, sir." Say'ri nods. "It seems the fell dragon will soon threaten us all. I would feel safer knowing the Gemstone was in your hands."

Chrom nods with a grin. "Then so it will be. Thank you, Say'ri." He carefully takes the Gemstone into his hand and brings out the Shield of Seals out. They watch as he places in the fourth Gemstone into the socket of the shield. When the night draws near, the Resistance plan for a feast to celebrate the victory against Valm and Walhart's conquest as they invited the Shepards since they have been a great help freeing their country.

~Three Days Later~

After well rested and injuries are healed, the Shepherds begin to pack their things and stand in front of the castle with Chrom in front.

"Are we packed and saddled?" He asks as everyone nods. "Our business in Valm is finished, but we have another task ahead. One perhaps even more dire than we faced here... To Ylisstol!"

A/N: FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS CHAPTER! You have no idea how much of trouble putting this chapter together. I'm not great of putting battle scenes together so it took me a while to think about it and typed it down. Anyways all that is said, onward to the continuation of the future children paralogues!