Author's note:
Hello, lovelies! I'm back with the next chapter of Sarah's story and I can't wait to hear what you think.
Before we get to the story, I just wanted to take a moment to give a special shout out to those who left reviews on the last chapter: WickedlyMinx, sndlr, Chameleon Cakes, DaddyLiitleGirl, Aleta Wolff, Manon, and Ravensoul93. Feedback like yours breathes life into my creativity and I don't mean it lightly when I say that I couldn't do it without you.
I just wanted to make a couple of quick notes before getting to this chapter:
This chapter has a few PTSD moments. Nothing too graphic, but I just wanted to make note of the potential trigger warning.
There will be more notes at the end of this chapter, which will help to provide some explanation of certain content included in this chapter.
Without further ado, I give you chapter 25! Enjoy!
Chapter Twenty-Five: Many Happy Returns
July 13, 1888
"My, my. Finished already?" Sebastian taunted, his onyx fringes tickling my face as he leaned over me, pressing me into the floor as his lips spread with a salacious smirk, "After this morning, I would have expected a more...fiery performance."
I bit my lip to muffle the groan that sounded in my throat as he rolled his hips against mine to punctuate his point. I had no intent on giving him the pleasure of knowing such a movement, no matter how slight, had such an acute effect on me. Though a moment later my own body betrayed me when, despite my best efforts, my hips twitched against his, my insides twisting with the aching need for more friction.
I huffed, ignoring the glint of satisfied recognition that sparked in his eyes and widened his smirk, twisting my hands as I tested the strength of his hold on my wrists as I retorted breathlessly, "This is the sixth time this hour that we've done this exercise."
"And yet you end up in this position every time. If I didn't know any better, I would say you wanted this."
He chuckled when I frowned at his words. My chest heaved as I stared up at him, my gaze searching his as I tried to think of something, anything I could do to best him.
"Though I believe the same could be said of you," I quipped, a smirk teasing the corner of my mouth as an idea came to my mind, "considering you are the one who has put me here."
My stomach clenched in anticipation when I saw the stirrings of hunger in his russet gaze. With one fluid motion, he shifted to grip my wrists with one hand while the other gingerly brushed some stray hair that was plastered to my sweat slick forehead before ghosting his fingers down my neck. His touch left a searing trail in its wake, causing my heart to race painfully in my chest, his gaze never leaving mine as he spoke, his voice low and smooth, "I cannot deny seeing you in such a state is a rather prepossessing sight."
He paused, his gaze searching, testing as his touch continued downward, barely grazing over where the swell of my left breast was revealed from the gaping of my shirt. My breath hitched and my toes curled.
"So yielding." his gaze trailed down to follow the path of his fingers as they moved to trace over my right breast, "Completely at the mercy of my control."
"Is that what you want of me?" I pressed up, straining so my lips brushed teasingly against his. "To submit to you?"
Sebastian's touch left my breasts, his long fingers tangling in my hair as his lips captured mine in a bruising kiss. My fingers clenched reflexively, yearning to have something to grasp, answering with the same fervor.
Somehow, through the fog of his scent and touch that enshrouded my mind, I had enough awareness to plant my feet, sharply thrusting my hips upward. A growl of frustration rumbled in Sebastian's chest as he was forced forward. As my wrists were released as he moved to brace his fall, I wrapped my arms around his torso, pressing my face against his chest before pushing against the floor with my right foot.
The thrill of victory rushed through me as we rolled and I moved to pin him as he had me just moments before.
"I am afraid if you desire such meekness from me," I began, flashing him a challenging smile, "You are going to have to try harder."
His lips quirked with a teasing smirk, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest as he quipped, "Duly noted." He paused, arching his back, a challenge of his own sparking in his gaze as I gripped his wrists harder, digging my fingernails into his flesh as the movement caused me to waver, "Though I believe we both know full well I could easily tip the scales once more and show you what I am truly capable of."
"Would it really be so terrible to let me claim my victory, if just this once?"
"I suppose not," A simpering smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he rose to sit, his hands coming to rest on my hips to guide me to sit on his lap, my legs straddling his, as he continued, "I believe I can permit it, given today is your birthday. Such a day is designed to garner you anomalous favor, is it not?"
I rolled my eyes, draping my aching arms from his shoulders as I sardonically replied, "Your mercy knows no bounds."
At this he chuckled once more, an unnerving smile lighting his face, his tone ominous as he simply answered, "Indeed."
"Now, I do believe the hour is up. We should tend to your injuries before Madame Red comes to collect you. She was cross enough that I was stealing you away for your training. I am sure she would find your bruising an unforgivable offense."
"That she would," I agreed before slipping from his hold, extending my hand down towards him as I stood up. "And I would not wish for you to be the object of her wrath. She is more frightening than you when provoked."
Sebastian looked up at me, his brows lifting incredulously as he slipped his gloved hand in mine. "I find that difficult to believe."
I shrugged my shoulders before hoisting him to his feet with a grunt. "Believe what you will. I am simply saying it would be wiser not to incite her if it could be avoided."
Casting me a skeptical look was the only response he offered, choosing to set about gathering up the few props which had been used as part of our sparring instead. In only a few minutes time, all of the items had been returned to their place on the armory walls, the great doors locked before we made our way to our office.
"Take a seat on my desk." Sebastian instructed, draping his tailcoat over the back of my desk chair as we entered the room.
He passed by me, absentmindedly brushing his hand over my lower back as I stepped over to the large honey oak desk, before retrieving a small key from his waistcoat pocket. Such touches had not been a rarity before, however, since that night they had become commonplace, Sebastian seeming to desire some measure of physical contact should the situation permit such intimacy. However, despite their frequency, I still found that even the slightest of touches caused my body to freeze, bolting as if I had been struck by lightning. My heart leaping in my chest, every muscle in my body taut with expectation, with yearning.
"I expect you are rather sore." he added, bending over as he made to unlock one of the desk drawers.
The grinding of a lock and clinking of bottles sounded as I obediently lifted myself onto the unforgiving desktop, shifting on the hard surface until I found a position where I could sit and the edge wouldn't dig painfully into the back of my thighs.
"I would have been stunned if I felt otherwise." I answered through clenched teeth, pain radiating from all over as I adjusted once more, "You landed some heavy blows. Quiet unmerciful."
"What would have been the point of sparring if I had not? You cannot expect me to offer special treatment with everything today. An assailant would not." he chided as he rounded his desk, though his tone softened some as I turned my attention to him, setting the small medical box beside me as he continued, "Now, how do your legs feel?"
My cheeks warmed at his question and I averted my gaze, choosing instead to focus my attention on the inkwell on my desk. I knew what treating any bruising there would mean and, despite the thrilling promise of pleasure and the aching of my shins and thighs, I could not permit him to do so today, not when the danger of being discovered was such a real threat. There was no reasonable explanation I could offer to Angelina should she step in to find me stripped of my training pants, Sebastian nestled between my legs, his hot, wet tongue gliding along the supple flesh of my thigh. She was currently oblivious to our relationship and I intended for her to remain ignorant for the time being, at least until I was certain it was more than just an unsustainable flourish of passion. It had been a month since the moonlit confession on the rooftop and all the signs I had seen indicated I was more than just a passing fancy to Sebastian. However, there was a more cautious voice in my mind which continued to naggingly warn that it had only been a month's time.
"They are fine." I lied.
Sebastian hummed and I could feel his scrutinizing gaze on me as he spread my legs, giving my thighs a testing squeeze as he settled between them.
"I see." He mumbled, his tone laced with skepticism when I unsuccessfully attempted to mute the hiss that sounded from my lips as his fingers pressed down on the tender flesh. Though, to my relief, he did not press the issue further. "What about your arms?"
My breath hitched and I winced as he ran his fingers up my arms, the little pressure he was applying causing them to throb with an aching pain.
"They hurt." I whispered, turning my attention back to him.
He nodded, humming thoughtfully at my words before his hands moved from my arms to the buttons of my shirt, his voice soft as he soothed, "Then let me care for them."
My gaze traced his features as his attention turned to the task at hand, all traces of earlier teasing gone as his long fingers slowly worked to unbutton my shirt, replaced by an intense focus that bordered on reverence. I gripped the edge of the desk, my stomach clenching in anticipation as his fingers ghosted across my collarbone, goose-flesh prickling my skin as he slid the shirt from my shoulders to crumple behind me. For all the private moments we had shared, our bodies passionately intertwined as we explored each other, it was moments such as this which still managed to perplex me, rendering me nonplussed. Such gestures left me feeling exposed and vulnerable, these acts seeming more intimate than anything his hands, lips, or tongue had otherwise done.
Though, to be fair, he had not done all that much with my body, the testing brushing of his fingers along my breasts while we were sparring was the closest to explicitly illicit action we had engaged in thus far. The slight reverberations of dread echoed in my heart at the memory of the first time Sebastian had touched me. It was a week after the rooftop kiss when we happened upon each other as I was on my way to return some books I had borrowed to the library, Sebastian having been sent to prepare Ciel's afternoon tea. I cast him a coy glance as I passed him by, his brows quirking with salacious challenge before he rounded back, firmly grabbing my arm and pulling me into one of the guest rooms.
Only a few minutes later we were a writhing heap on the bed, the air heady with our quiet sighs and gasps and moans. The first warning hints that something wasn't quite right came when he began unbuttoning my dress, pleasure quickly subsiding, apprehension and mounting terror gripping me as his lips worshiped every inch of skin that was revealed. I froze, seized by panic as his lips placed hot, wet kisses on the swell of my breast, his hand reaching to grope at the other through my corset. I whimpered as horrifying memories flashed through my mind's eye, the myriad of hands gripping me while my terrified screams ripped up my throat feeling all too real, until I was begging him to stop as I frantically clawed at him in an attempt to push him off me. It wasn't until I started sobbing that he stopped. His brows furrowed as he looked down at me with questioning perplexity. Hot tears spilled from my eyes and I covered my face in shame as shuttered apology upon apology fell from my lips.
He had gingerly crawled off me and my sobs increased, worry plaguing my thoughts that I had ruined whatever we had before we had a chance to begin. A moment later, however, he put a calming hand on my shoulder and told me he had to leave for a few minutes to tend to the young master's tea, but he would return as quickly as he could manage. In the meantime, he instructed me to focus on the breathing exercises Finny had taught me until he came back.
So I lay there, my hysterical sobs eventually subsiding as I released each haggard, measured breath until I fell silent, my face sticky from my tears and snot as I stared vacantly at the cream hued wallpaper. Most likely he was gone fifteen minutes at most, but each moment felt like a weighty eternity. He said nothing upon his return. Rather he closed the door quietly behind him before laying down next to me, gently coaxing me to face him before wrapping his arms around me. The cool dampness of a cloth soothed my fevered cheeks as he gingerly wiped my face clean. I sighed, my fingers wrinkling the freshly ironed perfection of his shirt as my hands tightly gripped the material. In this moment, he was the only one who could ground me, safe and secure in reality. The remnant of my tremors settled as I buried my face against his shoulder, the combination of his presence and scent abating my fears enough that I drifted off to sleep, my body exhausted from the attack.
I jolted, ripped from my thoughts as the skin of my forearm pricked in the wake of the hot, wet trail that spanned its length. Sebastian pressed his lips gently to my wrist, assessing gaze never leaving mine.
"It's alright." I breathed, pleasure tickling my spine as I watched his tongue dart from his slightly parted lips to give a slow, testing lick to my wrist, "You don't have to stop."
He paused, pulling away ever so slightly though he did not release his hold on my wrist. His russet gaze searched mine, his warm breath wafting over the bare skin of my arm as he quietly stated, "But your pulse. It's racing."
"I know." I answered, unfurling my fingers to reassuringly stroke his cheek, pressing my thighs against his hips as I inclined toward him, "But it is not from fear."
His lips twitched, a subtle smirk coming to his face that was more settling for me than his concern, and he leaned forward, pressing his hips against mine as his tongue languidly traced from my wrist to my shoulder. I watched with curiosity as, once again, whatever ingredients that composed the pills Sebastian used in my treatment immediately set to work upon contact. An unintentional sigh of relief escaped my lips as the bright blue bruises began to fade, all soreness gone from my left arm as he glided his tongue along my soft flesh.
My arm was not the only part of me affected by his care. I clutched the edge of the desk until my knuckles turned white as he switched his attention to my right arm, my body smoldering with an ever mounting heat from within. My breath hitched and I trembled as his tongue traced over my shoulder and along my collarbone, hissing when his free hand squeezed my thigh at the sound, his fingers eagerly digging into the bruised flesh.
"There." he sighed, seeming pleased with himself as he leaned back to assess his work. However, a moment later he cocked his head, his brows furrowing as he asked with feigned innocence, "What is this?"
I looked down as his fingers lightly traced over a bruise that rested near the top of my right breast. I opened my mouth to assure him it was not necessary to trouble himself with it, but I was too late, a gasp sounding from my lips in place of words as his tongue glided over the abused area. At the contact, my legs twitched, pressing him closer to me and I groaned softly, leaning my head back as pleasure washed over me when his growing arousal ground against the slick heat between my legs.
"Sebastian." I sighed.
He moaned against the swell of my breast as his name fell from my lips, his hands painfully gripping my hips, his teeth grazing over the sensitive flesh before gently biting down. My back arched and I bit my lower lip to stifle the moan that threatened to escape, silently wishing Sebastian had shut the door earlier. My hips and breast throbbed in the wake of his attention, but I did not mind. It hurt, felt good. Too good, I thought as Sebastian's cock twitched against me through his trousers, the slight movement drawing attention to the fact that my undergarments were now so damp, they were ruined for wearing for the remainder of the day.
Such a revelation did not trouble me, either. Rather, I was torn between which delighted me more, our enraptured desire or the realization Sebastian was the only one I could feel in this moment. Him and him alone, no one else. There were no screams, only groans and sighs of pleasure. The touch that of the man I loved. His tongue, his lips, his teeth.
He paused when I called his name again, desire roiling in his gaze as he righted himself. Pride surged within me, a sultry smile teasing my lips as I noted how his chin glistened with his own saliva, his disheveled appearance a disgrace for a Phantomhive butler. To think that he was reduced to such a state simply because my lips dripped with his name was a temptation all its own.
"Yes?" he breathed.
And I wanted more.
My smile widened as I reached up, gripping his tie in my hand before forcefully tugging him to me, our kiss searing as my lips captured his. My ears perked as the clattering of unseen objects filled the air, most likely as they fell to the floor when Sebastian reached out to brace himself against the desk. Though those sounds were nothing compared to the growl that rumbled in his chest, morphing into a moan when I wrapped my legs around his waist and tightly pressed him against my body. My hands left his tie to roam the rest of his body, my body aching to feel what I could. To press, to knead, to touch.
His scent filled my lungs as he wrapped his arm around me, firm hand coming to rest on my lower back to hold me in place while the flavor of cinnamon and vanilla filled my mouth, his full lips pressing against mine as his other hand reached up to tangle his long fingers in my hair. My heart thrummed in my chest, each touch, each taste riling my ravenous desire with each teasing morsel of pleasure they offered. My head swam, my thoughts muddled, as the only thing that mattered in that moment was Sebastian and how intensely I desired him. I was drowning...and it was intoxicating.
"Sarah, Mey-Rin told me I might find you down here...oh my!"
Both Sebastian and I froze, a thick, tense silence filling the room in the wake of Angelina's proclamation. My stomach tensed, my body burning with embarrassment as I unhooked my ankles, wincing as I closed my legs with a snap as Sebastian slid out of their hold. Shame soberingly washed over me as I became acutely aware of how soaked my undergarments were and I cast my gaze down to my hands, which now sat on my lap, rubbing the hem of my shirt as Sebastian pulled it back over my shoulders and quickly did up the buttons. I cautiously looked up at him to gauge his reaction. If he felt anything remotely near my utter mortification, his face offered no hint of such. His face was the same indifferent, professional mask he wore most of the time, as if Angelina had discovered us reviewing the manor's monthly expenses rather than needing to pull down the blind*.
He cleared his throat, adjusting his softening erection before giving his waistcoat a swift tug and running his fingers through his hair. With that, he turned on his heel to face Angelina, the falsely pleasant smile evident in his tone as he greeted, "Why hello, Madame Red. I do apologize for detaining Sarah longer than our agreed upon hour."
"Oh, no apology needed, Sebastian. In fact, I'll scurry back upstairs for a bit if you would like. I would hate to stop whatever it was you two were doing."
"Why, than-..."
Sebastian began, but was interrupted when I slid myself off the desk, putting a silencing hand on his shoulder as I came to stand beside him.
"That won't be necessary." I stammered, my ears still burning as I finally got a good look at my friend.
Angelina stood in the doorway, her arms crossed under her chest, a wickedly pleased smile lighting her face as if she was a cat who swallowed a canary.
"Yes," Sebastian began, slight agitation tainting his tone. I turned my attention to him to find him casting me a rather reproving side glance before continuing, "I was about to say the same." At this, he returned his attention to Angelina, "It is time for me to prepare the young master's afternoon tea. He was rather insistent that he take it before we leave for the festival."
Angelina's smile reduced to a more polite pleasantness before she replied, "Well, that works out rather well, does it not? I was coming to collect Sarah because I needed her help."
"Indeed." Sebastian agreed, donning his tailcoat once more, giving a polite nod toward the baroness before making his leave, adding as he passed by, "I leave her to you, then."
Once he was out of sight, Angelina turned her attention back to me, her brow quirking suggestively as her smile broadened again. "Well, it looks like someone has a rather lot of explaining to do."
I sighed halfheartedly, doing my best to squelch any remaining embarrassment, shrugging my shoulders as I passed by her, "I don't believe so," I nonchalantly answered as she came to walk beside me, "I thought it was rather obvious that Sebastian and I are now in a relationship of sorts. I can't think of anything that requires further elaboration."
I bit the inside of my lip to keep from laughing, barely managing to hold my stoic mask intact when I spared a glance over at her when she huffed and shot me a pointed look.
"I don't know who you've been spending too much time around, that butler or my nephew, to offer such a cheeky answer." she chided, only half serious, turning along with me as we began to ascend the servant's stairs.
"Why, Angelina, whatever do you mean?" I teased, giggling a moment later when she swatted my arm.
"Oh, don't give me that, Sarah Wakefield. I have been rooting for you two ever since I knew you had eyes for each other." she paused, shooting me another look before continuing, "Which you two took painfully long to come around on, I might add. So don't think I'll be satisfied with some vague answer. I need details."
"And what if I say no?"
I shot her a challenging look as we began climbing the second staircase.
"Then I shall have to extract your answers by force." she answered in a painfully acted intimidating tone as she grabbed hold of my arm for emphasis.
I gave a humorless laugh at her empty threat, before retorting, "You do realize I've been tortured before."
"Oh, come now, it's not fair for you to pull the 'I've been too hardened by life to be swayed by your words' card." she pouted, releasing my arm, "Do you really not want to tell me?"
I looked away from her, focusing on the steps as we continued, "I hadn't intended on it. I actually hadn't planned on telling you about us at all. Not because I didn't want to. I just didn't want to mention anything until I knew for certain what was between us was real."
"Well, I believe the cat is out of the bag on that part."
Our soft laughter echoed off the walls as we began ascending the final set of stairs which led to the servant's quarters.
"I suppose you are right." I sighed in defeat, unable to hide the smile that tugged at my lips which mirrored her own as I continued, "Alright...what would you like to know?"
"When did it happen?"
"A month ago. Just a little over a week after Lord Willoughby's ball."
Angelina scoffed, placing her hand dramatically on her chest. "Why, you wound me! And here I thought we were friends. But surely a friend would have rang to tell her closest and dearest friend that she had begun a romantic conquest."
"Oh, come off it. You know a woman of my station cannot use the household phone for social calls." I laughed, nudging her as I continued, "Need I remind you I rang you several times this month, but you were never available."
At this, she faltered, a strange look passing over her face before she mumbled, "I was rather...preoccupied."
"I know." I said, frowning slightly as the odd look disappeared from her face as quickly as it had come, "Your new butler, Grell, said you were taking some new surgery courses and your studies were keeping you rather busy."
She nodded at this, though her attention still seemed elsewhere. "Yes, that is what held me up. Along with Grell's inability to pass along messages in a timely fashion."
"Oh, that sounds rather troublesome."
"It is." she sighed.
"Are you still thinking about keeping him on?"
"Of course. He* just needs time for his training to take. Though he manages to vex Hannes a good deal. I'm afraid he might be the death of the poor man." Angelina sighed, before shaking her head and waving a dismissive hand, "But that is not what I want to talk about right now." she turned, shaking her finger at me as we came to the top of the servant's stairs, "Now, there will be no more attempts to divert my questions. There are things I need to know. The next one being: how did it happen?"
I grinned as I opened the door to my quarters and stepped inside, a slight blush coming to my cheeks as I began recounting that evening. She trailed behind, following close, hanging off every word as I traveled from my quarters, to the lavatory to fill my washing basin and collect a flannel, and back again. My heart fluttered, my stomach a pleasant jumble of nerves as a familiar giddiness spread within me at the memory and, as I set the washing basin on my bedside stand, I wondered in passing why I had been so hesitant to share this news with her.
Having to remain silent about our relationship for the past month had been a torture all its own, given my options for trusted confidants were few and far between. Finny was out of the question, for multiple reasons. Tanaka might have been a source of sagely wisdom if it weren't for the fact that, even after all this time, I still had the uncanny suspicion he did not fully trust me nor Sebastian. Mey-Rin would have been the most obvious choice, if she did not have her own cares to occupy her thoughts. The only one I had revealed our relationship to had been Bard and that had been entirely by accident. He had happened upon us one night in the servant's hall when Sebastian stole a quick kiss before going up to prepare Ciel for his nightly retirement, leaving me alone to deal with the infuriatingly arrogant cook. No words were needed from him to confirm I had been undoubtedly caught out, the smug smirk that curved his lips around his cigarette as he spun a chair round backwards to sit before lighting his smoke was message enough that I would not be able to weasel my way out of divulging the truth this time. Telling Bard had not been as painful as I had feared it might be, as he kept his teasing to a minimum (something he made up for in spades in the following weeks), simply offering congratulations when I finished as well as giving me the firm instruction that, should Sebastian ever try something unsavory or if he ever hurt me in any way, I was to tell him immediately and he would give the butler the what's for.
"So, mates, huh?" Angelina's question cut through my thoughts as I turned toward her and began unbuttoning my training shirt, "That's a rather odd thing to call your sweetheart."
I raised one of my brows, flashing a cynical grin as I replied, "When has Sebastian ever been completely normal?"
"True." she chuckled before gently swatting my hands away when I began loosening my corset. "Here, let me do that. I can wipe down your back when you've slipped it off."
I turned my back to her to face the window and tucked some stray hairs behind my ears as she set to work, before letting my hands fall back to my sides, my fingers unconsciously rubbing the cotton of my trousers.
"Though, to be fair, that's a rather serious term to use to describe your relationship. Have you ever considered that it's a reflection of how seriously Sebastian feels about you?"
My teeth kneaded my bottom lip as Angelina gave a prompting tug on my corset and raised my arms so she could slip the garment off me. Goose-flesh spread across my skin as the cool air brushed against my newly exposed, sweaty flesh, a frown creasing my brow as she reached around me to retrieve the soaked flannel and wrung it out with one hand. Could that be true? Could Sebastian care for me that intensely?
"I hadn't, really." I answered, shivering as she wiped the cool flannel over my back, "I never expected to experience anything like romance in my life. If I'm honest, I feel at quite a loss with the whole thing."
"Unfortunately I believe that's the nature of the thing. Even with all my experience, I often find myself befuddled by the whole affair."
I chuckled, turning back around to find her sitting on my bed. "Well, I suppose that is a small consolation."
At this she extended the flannel toward me, her gaze searching mine as I took it and began wiping down the rest of my torso.
"Though I think the more important question right now is how you feel about him."
I paused, the damp coolness of the flannel resting on my wrist longer than normal when I halted at her words. My mind whirred, pondering her statement when I finally snapped out of my stupor and cast my gaze to the floor, saying nothing for several moments as I stepped on my heels to slip out of my shoes before unbuttoning my pants and sliding them, along with my undergarments, off in one fluid motion. In my mind I had reached the irrevocable conclusion that I loved him, but I had not told another soul, not even Sebastian. Could I bring myself to confess it aloud even now?
"Sarah." Angelina gently prodded as I began to wipe down my legs.
I opened my mouth to respond, but my voice died on my lips as I turned my attention back to her, the unexpected tenderness in her gaze catching me by surprise.
A subtle smile lit her face as she leaned toward me, holding out her hand to me as she continued, "You know there is no shame in being uncertain."
"I know." I sighed, dropping the flannel back into the washing basin before taking her hand and allowing her to guide me to sit next to her. "And it's not's just…"
She smiled gently, reaching to rub comforting circles along my back when I turned my attention to the pale skin of my bare thighs, as she quietly asked, "Just what?"
My heart clenched and tears pricked my eyes- from relief, eagerness, or trepidation, I could not be sure. I steadied myself, taking a slow, trembling breath before I looked back over to her.
"I think I'm in love with him." A single tear escaped my right eye, my voice shaking as I added, no louder than a whisper, "And it terrifies me."
At this, she moved closer to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a reassuring embrace. "Why would you be terrified to love Sebastian? He's not harmed you, not forced you in any way has he?"
"No!" I started, shocked by her question, roughly wiping my cheek dry before hurriedly adding, "Oh, good heavens, no. I would have put a bullet between his eyes if he had."
Angelina gave a hearty laugh. "Now that's my Sarah. And, just so you know, I would've been right behind you if he had."
My lips twitched with a slight smile, the thought briefly crossing my mind that I should consider possibly informing Sebastian of the growing band of mercenaries I had at my disposal should I need to exact vengeance.
"So, why does loving Sebastian terrify you?"
I heaved a sigh, running my hands through my hair, my stomach twisting with apprehension as the words I had pent up inside me for the past month came spilling from my lips, "I'm not sure if I can describe it exactly. But...when I am with him...when we are alone together, it is like it is only the two of us. There's no master, no duties, no...judgement or consequences. And, in those moments, I can't control myself. It's like I'm so consumed by my love and him, that I lose myself to it. I suppose that is what frightens me most."
"Oh, but that's one of the most thrilling parts about new love!" Angelina cheered, giving my shoulders an encouraging squeeze, "The passion, the romance, the exciting new experiences, the losing your control to someone who consumes you completely. You should embrace it! Trust me, there will be plenty of time for steadiness as you continue courting."
"But that isn't who I am!" I huffed, shooting her an exasperated look, "I am the one others look to when they need a level head, someone with a plan...someone who is always in control." I sighed again, my thumb rubbing hers as I cast my gaze down to our hands and my shoulders slumped, "And control is something I have been sorely lacking these past seven months."
Angelina shrugged. "Maybe it's the universe's way of teaching you control's not all it's cracked up to be."
"If it is, it's done a rather mucked up job of it."
"Well, I can't say I disagree with you there." she said, leaning forward to capture my attention once more, "But there are ways to remain in control. That is," she paused, giving an insinuating wink, "if you haven't already offered yourself to him, body and soul."
I scoffed, utterly flabbergasted, my cheeks and ears heating almost instantaneously at her words.
"Well I never!"
Her loud peals of laughter resounded in my tiny room as she let go of my hand, raising both hands to protect herself from my pillow as I snatched it from beside me and lobbed it toward her.
"I couldn't be too sure, you know." she defended as she peeked from behind the pillow, her eyes glinting playfully, her voice uneven as she attempted to suppress her laughter, "Given the state in which I found you two. I think if I had given Sebastian a few more minutes alone with you he would've had you laid flat on his desk so he could give you a birthday present you would never forget."
I gave another squeak of surprise, somehow managing to find my voice after giving the pillow a playful push, "You're incorrigible!"
"Yet you never contradicted me."
I laughed, shaking my head as I stood and made my way over to my dresser.
"What are you doing?" Angelina called as I pulled open one of the drawers.
I spared a glance back at her as she rose from my bed and came to stand beside me. "Getting dressed. If you do recall, you did come looking for me because you wanted my help with tending to Mey-Rin, not as an excuse to harass me about my relationship with Sebastian."
"I am a highly skilled professional. Who says I can't do both?"
My smile mirrored her own, but I offered no other reply as I grabbed a fresh corset and set of panties Nina had tailored for me. I made to close the drawer when Angelina interjected, "You may want to choose a lighter pair." she paused, smile widening when I raised my brow in question, before adding, "I have a surprise for you two drawers down."
At this, I bent over, eagerly pulling the bottom drawer open, my eyes pricking with fresh tears when I looked at what she had brought. Angelina was positively beaming when I held the dress up to get a better look.
"I know the pattern is a little outdated, but I knew your plum gown we brought you at New Year's would be far too hot in this weather and you needed a dress that would be more suitable than your uniform if you needed to venture to the village. I was sorting through some of my things and I stumbled on this lovely little thing. It was an old walking dress of mine from about four years back, but I had Nina tailor it to your measurements and she modernized it with a hint of lace here or there. I thought it would bring out the hint of green in your eyes." she explained, rummaging through the top drawer for more suitable undergarments while I walked over to my bed and laid the dress down to admire it.
I pressed my fingers to my lips, swaying back and forth to keep from squealing as I reached down and ran my fingers over the silk gauze skirt. It was comprised of two layers, the bottom being a subtle cream white, while the top, with its folds and pleats, was dyed a lovely hunter's green. The half sleeves and high neck were capped with a wide banded lace which, though a bit more than I would have typically liked, suited the dress rather well.
"It is beautiful." I whispered, my voice still thick with emotion, "I cannot thank you enough."
Angelina glanced back at me, smile still on her face as she waved a dismissive hand toward me, "Don't be silly. It's your birthday present. Maid or not, you're my friend and I still have the right to properly spoil you."
She opened her mouth again as if she was going to say something more, when a quiet metal clang sounded from within the drawer.
"Oh! What's this?" she asked, pulling a little tin from my drawer along with a new corset and panties.
"Oh, I've been meaning to speak to you about this!" I explained, opening the tin when she brought it over to me. Her brow furrowed when I unfolded the thin cloth to reveal one of the red pills I had nicked several months before, "I know you are busy, but when you have a moment, could you test these to see what their chemical contents are? These are pills Sebastian uses to treat any of my injuries, but I haven't the foggiest as to how or why they work as they do."
"I had bruises on my arms, just like the ones on my legs, fresh from our sparring lesson. But he used these pills to treat them and look," I paused, rotating my arms as I held them out for her inspection, "Not a trace of bruising."
"That is rather odd." she mumbled, casting a curious gaze from the pill to my arms and back again. "I can't promise I'll be able to look into this soon, but I'll definitely see what I can do to get some answers."
With that, she folded the cloth back over the pill and closed the tin with a click before setting it beside the dress. "But for now, we need to make you presentable for this evening's festivities."
"And I should know at this point that there's no sense in protesting." I jibed, taking the white corset and panties from her when she handed them over to me as I added, "You are incorrigible, after all."
She chuckled, winking as she returned with the chemise she had retrieved from the other drawer. "Make sure you don't forget it."
With the both of us working together, I was dressed in a matter of minutes, Nina's work never failing to impress. The dress fit like a glove. A subtle smile ghosted my lips as I admired the ensemble in the mirror as, at her own insistence, Angelina tended to my hair. She had been right, it did bring out the hint of green in my eyes. My smile widened as my gaze wandered my reflection, the healthy flush and bright sparkle in my eyes having an almost disarming effect and I could have sworn that there was a small, quiet voice in the back of my mind that whispered, beautiful.
"Hold still. I only have one pin left." Angelina instructed, before she slipped the pin into my chestnut locks and stepped back to admire her work. "There. Absolutely perfect."
My fingers toyed with the loose curl from a section of hair that framed the right side of my face, the rest of my hair loosely swept up and pinned in place so it gradually cascaded to drape over my left shoulder, much in the same fashion as she had styled my hair at New Year's.
"I've always been fond of this style on you. It brings out your features so well." she murmured, fond smile on her lips as she rubbed my arms before a mischievous glint sparked in her gaze. "Now, let's see if Sebastian can keep his hands off you. Poor man won't know what hit him."
A fresh flush warmed my cheeks, the both of us giggling at the thought. Though, even though I would never dare to admit it aloud, a flicker of hope teased my heart at the possibility of her words ringing true. I looked down and ran a hand over my skirt to smooth non-existent wrinkles as I tried to settle the excited anticipation that fluttered in my stomach at the thought of what the night might bring.
"Well, I believe we have taken long enough. We should see to Mey-Rin before she worries herself into a fit."
Angelina gave no reply to my sudden change of topic save to squeeze my arms before walking back over to my bed, slipping the tin into a concealed pocket in her skirt as I opened the door and followed me out.
"Oh, there you are." Bard stammered as he righted himself from where he was leaning against the wall just outside Mey-Rin's room as we approached. He gave an awkward cough, wisps of smoke spiraling from his cigarette as he scratched the back of his head. "Uh, Sebastian said you guys had come up, so we, uh, came up an' go' her ready. Didn't want to keep you waitin' an' all."
Angelina smiled at the cook, her expression and tone professional as she answered, "Thank you for preparing her for us. Sorry to keep you waiting."
Bard blinked and lowered his hand, his gaze flitting between us and the door as we passed by.
"Is it a'right if I come, too?" he blurted out as Angelina reached for the doorknob.
"I'm afraid it's best if you wait out here." she gently replied as she turned the knob, "This will be stressful enough on her without your presence."
With that, she opened the door and swept into the room, with me following close behind, though I paused to give Bard's slumped shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"I know it's hard, but she needs you to be strong right now. It'll only take a minute for the examination and I promise I'll come and tell you straight away what we find."
"You promise?"
I smiled, giving his shoulder another squeeze. "I promise."
His light blue eyes softened, his lips twitching with a slight smile at my words as he leaned back against the wall with a nod.
Taking that as my cue, I stepped into the room, quickly closing the door behind me to find Angelina already had Mey-Rin reclined back on her bed with her skirts bunched up around her waist.
"Oh, thank goodness you're here!" Mey-Rin sighed with relief when I stepped into her sight.
"Of course I'm here." I soothed, a gentle smile coming to my face as I sat beside her and took her clammy hand in mine, "You're not alone in this, remember?"
She said nothing, only offering a nervous smile in return. A moment later, Angelina cleared her throat, our attention immediately turning to her before she said, "I am about to begin my examination. It shouldn't take long, but you'll probably experience some discomfort."
"Alright." Mey-Rin shakily answered, nodding as her grip on my hand tightened.
At that, Angelina disappeared from sight, her even voice instructing a moment later, "The most important thing you can do right now is relax. Try taking a deep breath."
Mey-Rin followed her direction, her nostrils flaring as she took a deep breath. Though a moment later her breath hitched and she winced, her grip on my hand becoming painfully vice like.
"It's alright. Just relax." I whispered as I leaned over, running a soothing hand over her hair, "There we go. You're doing so well."
The next several minutes of the examination passed in similar fashion, with me whispering reassuring words in an attempt to mollify her anxiety while Angelina diligently tended to the matter at hand, Mey-Rin occasionally whimpering in discomfort.
Until, what seemed like ages later, Angelina came to sit upright, her expression grave as she rose to wash her hands in the washing basin Bard had prepared.
"So," Mey-Rin began, not letting go of my hand as she rose to rest back on her elbows, her golden eyes searching Angelina's expression as she pressed, "what did you find?"
She turned toward us as she dried her hand with the fresh flannel. "Nothing. You're not pregnant."
I looked over to Mey-Rin, unsure as to how she would take the news. At first, it seemed that perhaps she didn't as well, her expression one of blank shock in the wake of Angelina's words. Though a few seconds later, great tears welled in her eyes as her bottom lip began to quiver.
"Not pregnant." she whispered, the tears spilling over.
"Now, that doesn't alleviate my concern." Angelina interjected over Mey-Rin's sniffs and building sobs of relief, "Most likely your monthly bleed hasn't been regular is because you've not been eating properly. You need to take better care of yourself."
"I will. I promise I will. I won't do no foolish thing ever again." Mey-Rin promised, nodding her head enthusiastically before turning to me, coming to clutch both my hands now. "Oh, Sarah, this is wonderful! I don't have to leave the young master no more."
Those words barely escaped her lips before she buried her face in her hands, great, heaving sobs echoing in her room as she was finally able to release all the worry that had been building inside her for the past month. My heart ached as I gently rubbed her trembling arm, at a loss of what else to do.
A few minutes later, Angelina lightly touched my arm, her voice soft as she said, "I'll sit with her until she calms down. You should go tell Bard."
I nodded, rising from the bed and quickly making my way over to the door. I paused a moment later, casting a passing glance back and giving Angelina a slight smile as I turned the doorknob. Angelina smiled in kind, though her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. Dealing with pregnancy related patients always drudged up darker memories for her. Meanwhile, Mey-Rin wrapped her arms around my friend and wept into her shoulder.
Bard's rush of questions came at me as soon as I stepped out.
"What's happening? Is she ok? Why is she crying?"
"Everything is fine." I calmly assured him as I closed the door behind me.
I had seen Bard stressed more times than I could count but when I turned to face the cook to find him working on a fresh cigarette, his hair askew from running his fingers through his dusty blond locks, he was positively rattled.
"Why don't we go out on the roof?" I prodded, nodding my head toward the rooftop door, "I believe some fresh air would do us both some good."
Bard gave a quick nod. "A'right."
I took a deep breath, the fresh breeze cleansing my lungs of the haze of cigarette smoke as we both stepped onto the roof. The heat of the mid-afternoon sun beat down and I raised a hand to shield my eyes, squinting from the reflection of the brilliant light off white stone of the roof.
"So just tell me what's goin' on." Bard sighed as we walked over to the ledge.
He crossed his legs as he leaned forward onto the ledge and took a long drawl from his smoke, waiting in expectant silence as I leaned against the ledge beside him.
"No thank you." I shook my head when he offered to let me take a drag from his cigarette, my gaze wandering to the gravel drive below as I added, "What is going on is...Mey-Rin isn't pregnant."
Silence quickly fell between us as we both looked toward the horizon. However, a few minutes later, I turned to look over toward him when he offered no response. My eyes widened at his down turned gaze, his cigarette shaking where it hung from his lips while the fresh beginnings of tears pricked his eyes. To my surprise, his expression was an incongruous display of both relief and loss.
"Bard, everything all right?" I softly asked as I gingerly rested my hand on his shoulder, "I thought you would be happy for that news."
He gave a loud sniff, fidgeting as he tried to conceal his emotion.
"An' I am, I am. It's just…," he paused, taking a deep breath as he looked down, his knee bouncing against the stone wall of the ledge as he added, "It's just there's a li'tle part of me that's sad, too."
He took another long drawl, breathing out a billowing cloud into the wind, a mournful smile on his lips as he continued, "I know we're not in any sort of position to have a child. Dunno how I'd provide for 'em, 'specially since we couldn't keep serving the young master. All I know how to do is kill. We both know I'm bloody terrible at cookin'."
We both laughed at that.
"But I love 'er so much and the thought of havin' created somethin' like that together...well, it was kind of beautiful to think about, y'know? An' I s'ppose that I'm a bit disappointed it's not happenin'."
I hummed in acknowledgement as I turned my gaze back toward the grounds, the visible estate and beyond lush and green with summer's beauty.
"You understand, right?" Bard pressed and I turned back to him once more as he added, "I mean, you've wanted children, right?"
My heart sank at his words, it bleeding at the piercing memory of more innocent times, times unstained by the Father's corruption.
"I did…," I answered, my voice thick with emotion as I struggled to give a convincing smile, "...once."
"I can't believe we're going to a festival together!" Finny cheered, skipping along as we walked behind Ciel's carriage, "We've never gone out all together like this before."
"Almost all of us, Finny." Mey-Rin countered, shooting the energetic boy a pointed look, who was so caught up in the elation of being able to go on an outing, he hadn't noticed the absence of the aged House Steward.
Finny gave a sheepish smile as he realized his omission. "Oh, yeah. We should take something back to Tanaka, something he'll enjoy. You know, as a thank you for volunteering to stay behind."
"I dunno, Fin." Bard chuckled, "I think Tanaka will find the peace an' quiet reward enough."
"For what it's worth, I'm inclined to agree with Bard." I chimed as we neared the top of the final hill before the village. "I doubt there's anything a village festival could offer that he would want that his lordship hasn't already provided him."
Unless I was mistaken and there was an exotic tea or bonsai tree booth, I thought. Those were the only two hobbies to which I had seen Tanaka show any inclination.
As we crested the top of the hill, Finny gave a loud gasp, his brilliant green eyes widening as the village came into view.
For being a relatively small village, the festival appeared to be rather large by comparison. Colorful banners and ribbons of all shades hung over the main street and smaller side alleys. The streets were crowded with passersby and filled with displays of food and goods from various shops that lined the cobblestone road. Even from this distance, the pleasing scent of fresh bread and the sweetness of various baked treats could be smelled on the air. Around the boundary of the main cluster of the village were various tents where local farmers and artisans came to sell the goods of their trade and entertainers came to perform for any who would listen. The whole village brimmed with the infectious energy of life.
My smile faltered as the excited shrieks of children echoed up from the riverbank, my heart twisting with nostalgia. A group of children raced along the winding dirt path that had been worn along the wide, lazy river that lay just before the village, shouting and cheering as they played an enthusiastic game of it*. In the distance I could've sworn I heard Victor's voice as he called after us, reminding us to mind our step, even though his words fell on deaf ears, his fraternal warning easily drowned out by the shrieks and giggles of the Phantomhive and Midford children as I chased them about while the adults sat together in the shade of a looming maple.
"Hey," Finny said, his brow creased with worry as he rounded back from his lead to walk near the back with me, "are you ok?"
I coughed, blinking away the tears from my eyes.
"Yes, I'm fine." I paused as I glanced over to the boy, his deepening frown hint enough that he was not convinced by my lie, "This is the first time I've been to this festival in a long time...and returning brings up some memories for me. Ones that aren't entirely pleasant."
At this, Finny's gaze softened and he slipped his hand into mine, giving my hand what I am sure he intended to be a comforting squeeze, though, with his unnatural strength, it verged on the edge of painful.
"Oh! I know what'll cheer you up!" Finny suddenly gasped, his eyes widening with excitement once more as he began to gradually swing our arms back and forth, bounce once again returning to his step, "The young master said there's a baker in the village who makes the most delicious eclairs. I'll buy you one, if you'd like."
From further up ahead Bard chuckled, glancing back at us as he said, "You've been talkin' non-stop abou' all the treats you're gonna buy all week. Best be careful, Fin, or you'll end up with no wages and a massive stomach ache."
"I'll give myself a stomach ache if I want!" Finny huffed, poking out his bottom lip in a pout, "We hardly ever get sweets and, if we do, it's stale leftovers the young master or his guests don't want."
"That's just the way things are." Bard shrugged before returning to whatever conversation he and Mey-Rin were having.
I gave Finny's hand a distracting squeeze, leaning over to quietly murmur, "You never know, you might find something other than sweets that catches your eye. Festivals are overflowing with entertainment and trinkets. There are even games."
"Really?" Finny gasped excitedly, his sour expression disappearing instantly at my words.
The remaining few minutes of our journey to the village were spent with me telling Finny stories of different things I'd seen at previous festivals, the gardener hilariously enraptured with my every word. By the time we crossed over the bridge and followed the carriage to a gravel plot where visiting carriages were to be hitched, Finny was so wound up with excited anticipation that he sprinted past Bard as the two went to tie the horses to the posts. Mey-Rin and I glanced knowingly at each other, amused smiles on our faces at his enthusiasm.
She leaned over, mumbling something to me as Finny gave both horses a sugar cube, but her words were lost to me because, at that same moment, Sebastian leapt down from the box*. All coherent thought left me as my gaze wandered his form, taking in the movement of his shoulders and slight rotating of his hips as he walked, his movements so graceful and fluid it was mesmerizing. It wasn't until I heard the familiar click of the carriage door being opened that I was able to shake the pulling distraction of his body and began fidgeting with my hat pins which secured my straw hat, my cheeks warming as I inwardly hoped that my admiration had gone unnoticed. Though, if the subtle smirk that played upon his lips and the knowing sideways glance he gave me as he offered Ciel and Angelina an assisting hand as they exited the carriage meant anything, it was clear I had been caught...and would certainly pay for it later in a thinly veiled tease.
"I do hope the journey was comfortable for you." he said with crisp formality as he closed the door behind the two.
Angelina paused, flashing Sebastian a brilliant smile, before continuing over to stand by me. "Yes, it was. Thank you, Sebastian."
Ciel huffed, briskly brushing his waistcoat as he countered, "It was perfectly adequate."
Oh dear, I thought as Sebastian adjusted Ciel's top hat and handed the young earl his cane, this was going to be an interesting outing. From the moment I spotted him before Sebastian assisted him into the carriage, Ciel's visage had been an obvious display of soured displeasure. Most likely he was in a foul mood because he was leaving the manor for a social affair, something he seemed to detest and avoided as much as society would allow, attending just enough events to not be rumored a complete recluse, but not enough to be considered remotely sociable. It was only by Angelina's insistence that he was here at all, and even then it did not seem to be enough of a motivation for him to make an effort to conceal his chagrin.
"Why, it would seem the extra funding you provided for the maintenance of the county roads was put to good use then, my lord, for a journey to receive such high praise from you."
Ciel frowned at the butler's brazen jab before motioning his servant closer, mumbling something I couldn't hear over the crunching gravel as Bard and Finny joined our group.
"Very good, my lord." Sebastian answered, giving his waistcoat a firm tug as he stood upright once more.
"Now that we are all here," he began, before pausing to grab hold of Finny's collar as the gardener bolted forward at his words, unable to contain his excitement to begin the festivities. Sebastian's expression remained unaffected, as professional and indifferent as it always was when he was addressing us, despite his continued iron grip on Finny's jacket as the boy pulled against his hold.
"As I was saying, now that we are all here, I believe the best way to enjoy this festival is to travel about together. So no running off." he paused, shooting Finny a pointed look that stopped his struggling, before continuing, "My lord has expressed that he wishes to try some treats from Mr. Tennison's bakery, so I suggest we make our way there first."
"Blimey, who knew there'd be so many different types of cards." Bard said, his eyes wide with awe, "You would think they would jus' have one card for each occasion. I mean, how many diff'rent ways can you say somethin'?"
"Well, it's not simply about the message, Bard, but the design, too." Angelina answered absentmindedly, as she searched through the cards alongside Mey-Rin.
"Yeah." Mey-Rin agreed, holding up two cards to Bard, "Like these, I like the design of this one." she said, moving the one in her right hand, "But not this one. The design doesn't seem as romantic."
"That one's a sympathy card." Bard deadpanned, nodding to the one in her right hand.
At that, Mey-Rin gave a nervous laugh, holding the card barely an inch away from her bespectacled face as she squinted to get a better look. "Oh, yeah. You're right."
My lips tugged with amusement when I heard Sebastian's low chuckle beside me. I had not heard him approach. The last time I had seen him, he was standing beside the bench where Ciel and Finny were seated while they enjoyed some of the treats they had purchased from Mr. Tennison. Finny had been animatedly babbling on about something, though I couldn't hear what from this distance. When I had realized what the young gardener was doing, I had been anxious that his endless prattling would have only served to spoil Ciel's mood even more, yet it seemed rather the opposite, the young earl staring off into the distance as he ate his lemon-blueberry scone, his expression the most pleasant I had seen all day, content even.
I froze, almost dropping my eclair, when I felt Sebastian discreetly rest his hand on the small of my back, his breath tickling my ear and neck as he whispered, "Oh my, what are we to do with them?"
I chuckled softly, quickly recovering and relaxing beneath his touch as I continued perusing the vast selection of displayed stationary, pens, and pencils. "Nothing. We should simply be happy that they are so at ease."
"Hm," Sebastian hummed, "I suppose so. A return to their usual bumbling frivolity is somehow oddly preferable to the emotional displays we've had to endure this past month."
"Don't be so hard on them." I chided, nudging his side, "They had every reason to be anxious. If she had been pregnant, it would have destroyed them."
Sebastian shrugged, quipping, "Well, what did they expect would happen if they weren't careful enough? The two of them would make even Arianrhod* blush."
I snorted, rolling my eyes as I glanced over to him.
"That does seem rather hypocritical coming from you."
"Perhaps." Sebastian murmured when I returned my attention to the table, before leaning against me, his voice dipping as his lips barely brushed against my ear, "But do not misunderstand me. I have no intention of virtuously denying you pleasure."
My hand paused where it had been brushing along the stationary in front of me, the warmth that stirred within having nothing to do with the balmy summer air.
"I am simply saying I know of ways to make you tremble with satisfaction that would not require the risk of pregnancy. I would be happy to offer a demonstration later this evening, if you would like."
I hummed, my lips twitching with a smirk when I heard Sebastian's breath hitch as he tensed when my hand slid from the table to discreetly brush across the apex of his thighs, as I whispered, "I shall consider your most generous offer."
My smirk widened to a satisfied smile when there was no teasing quip from him in return to my words. Silence fell between the two of us until, a few moments later, Sebastian finally cleared his throat.
"I noticed you've not moved from this spot in minutes. What has caught your eye?"
"Oh, I was just curious what stationary and pencils they have." I replied before taking a bite of the eclair Finny had insisted on buying me, choosing to not comment on the sudden change of topic.
I gave a muffled groan, closing my eyes as the rich, full flavor of the cream filled my mouth. I had forgotten how delicious sweets could be.
I swallowed and turned to Sebastian, adding, "I'm running low on sketching supplies, so I wanted to see what they had."
I paused, tilting my head in question as I noticed the curious look on his face as his gaze shifted between the eclair to my face and back again.
"Oh!" I said, motioning the eclair toward him, "Would you like a taste?"
"No." he answered, procuring a handkerchief from his pocket, his fingers delicately cupping my chin as he gently wiped the corner of my mouth, his eyes focused on my lips as he continued, "I am afraid something so sweet would sully my palate."
My heart fluttered in my chest as I wondered in passing why he would dislike sweets so strongly, my hands aching to touch him as he ghosted the cloth over my bottom lip. I want to kiss him, I thought as my gaze met his. If only.
I flinched when someone nearby cleared their throat.
"Is there anything I can help you two with?"
My cheeks and ears were burning by the time I took a step back from Sebastian and turned to face the woman who was running the booth. She raised a disapproving brow at us, her cool gaze assessing us both. I flashed a sheepish grin, suddenly feeling more like an eight-year-old girl again, rather than the twenty-one year old woman I was.
"No, thank you." I hurriedly replied as I took a step toward one of the booth openings, "Just browsing is all. Good day."
"I thought you were looking for new art supplies." Sebastian said, easily catching up with me as I did all but bolt from the tent.
I shook my head, doing my best to ignore the mocking glint in his eyes. "To get what I wanted would've been a month's worth in wages. Even if I had the money, it would be foolish to spend it on that."
"Suit yourself."
"Hey, guys!" Finny cheered, positively beaming as we walked up to where he and Ciel were still seated, before adding, "Why don't you sit down to eat? We can make room."
I glanced over to Ciel, who gave me a look that clearly meant making room for me was the last thing he wanted to do.
"Don't trouble yourself. I'm-...," I began, putting up a staying hand, but my answer fell on deaf ears.
"Don't be silly." Finny interrupted, scooting to his right, oblivious as his hip bumped the earl's with enough force to almost topple the petit boy over the armrest. And he would have, if Sebastian hadn't appeared over by his master's side just in time.
Ciel shot me a scathing look as Sebastian helped to right him to which I gave an inconspicuous shrug. I hadn't asked Finny to move, so why was I bearing the brunt of his wrath?
Well, I suppose there's no sense in insisting otherwise now. I thought to myself and came to sit beside Finny, the three of us crammed close together so we could all fit. A few moments of tense silence passed and I chewed the inside of my cheek as I focused my attention on the eclair and my fingers, sticky with chocolate. I could feel the heat of Ciel's gaze on me, but I ignored it, choosing instead to take a larger bite of my eclair than I should have.
I swallowed, the dessert sitting uneasily on my tense stomach, and looked up, my gaze wandering over the scene around me. Couples and families strolled down the dirt lane that ran along the perimeter of the village in a circle, roaming booth to booth to see what goods might hold their fancy, others gathering at the makeshift stage where some musicians were currently warming up their instruments for their next performance. Children ran by, eager to play with new toys. Young girls giggled, hiding their blushing faces when they caught sight of Sebastian as they walked by. Young men went racing over the hillside as they played some wild game.
As I took another absentminded bite of my eclair, I slowly began to realize why Ciel had come to hate social gatherings so. It felt wrong to be here. All about was light, laughter, and happiness. Normalcy. And we were anything but. We were a dark, bloodied splotch in the midst of innocent celebration, drenched in the blood of our countless victims that pooled on the ground beneath us and flowed onto the path, soiling the shoes of passersby. We were the price of their innocence...and such a truth was isolating.
"Oh, there you are! I was wondering where you'd gone off to." Angelina called, pulling me from my thoughts as she, Mey-Rin, and Bard approached, "Why are you over here? I thought you were rather enjoying yourself."
I blanched as she cocked her brow and gave Sebastian and I a knowing look. At this, I stuffed the rest of the eclair in my mouth, my cheeks puffing out comically to accommodate the dessert, and feigned an innocent shrug. Angelina chuckled, shaking her head as I struggled to chew all of it, but I did not care. At least I wasn't able to answer her question at the moment.
"Well, my lord, it would appear that we are all done with our shopping. Where would you like to venture to next?"
All our attention turned to Ciel, who sighed at Sebastian's question.
"I am tired of sitting." he stated flatly, not bothering to look at the rest of us as he stood, Finny and I quickly following suit, "Let's walk this way."
With that, we fell into line as Ciel and Sebastian took the lead.
"So," Angelina began, her voice low as she joined me in the rear, "I saw you and Sebastian make a quick exit. Why was that? Did the booth keeper boot you out?"
My ears burned as I fumbled to get my handkerchief from my skirt pocket, doing my best, and failing, to distract myself with cleaning the remnants of chocolate from my fingers.
Angelina gasped when I gave no response. "Oh my god, she did!"
"Not exactly." I interjected, before adding with a faltering voice, "I simply left before she had the satisfaction of doing it herself."
She guffawed, her head tilting back as I slipped the handkerchief back into my pocket.
"Well, I suppose there's a small consolation for your shame, then." she lilted, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she looped her arm around mine.
"And what might that be?"
She leaned in, her voice almost a whisper when she answered, "I don't believe you'll have to worry about control in your relationship. I saw the way Sebastian looked at you, the way you affected him. You may not realize it, but you have that man wrapped around your little finger."
My gaze flitted up to Sebastian where he walked by his master's side, nodding at something Finny said, and my heart swelled with pride at the thought.
"I'd wager he would do anything you asked him to." she continued, drawing my attention back to her as she repeated, "And I mean anything."
I looked down, a pleased smile on my lips as my mind ran amok with the subtext of her words. Though I was not given enough time to truly savor such thoughts as, a few seconds later, Mey-Rin startled us as she gave an audible gasp.
"Sarah, look!"
She grabbed my hand, tugging me to her side as she pointed with ebullience to a small, closed tent. I quickly glanced over the modest structure, the deep navy of the woven fabric embellished only with the littering of white embroidered stars, nothing which would have drawn the attention of her typically eccentric interest. Though, as my gaze came to the wooden sign that was painted the same navy and white as the tent, bearing the ornately calligraphed words 'Fortunes told', I groaned, the reason for her interest now clear.
"Mey-Rin, no."
"Hey, why d'ya stop?" Finny asked, coming to a halt a few steps away from us, Sebastian and Ciel following suit.
Bard sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Mey-Rin's wanting to get her fortune told."
Sebastian and Ciel's faces twisted in twin looks of incredulity at Bard's words.
"I-I thought it might be fun." she stammered, her cheeks flushing the same color as her hair.
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose before sighing in acquiescence, "Fine. I will come with you."
Mey-Rin's cheer was cut off by Bard's sound of objection. "What are we supposed to do while you're doin' that? I don't fancy waitin' for you two."
"Wait! I know!" Finny chimed, his face lighting with eagerness as he pointed forward, "There's a high striker* just up there."
I followed the path of Finny's direction to where a long queue of men of all ages and builds waited just a stone's throw away from the fortune teller's tent, eager for a chance to show off their primal strength.
"Fin, I dunno if that's fair." Bard said.
Finny's mood visibly deflated, only for his elation to rekindled anew when Ciel countered, an impish grin on his face, "Actually, I think that is a splendid idea. Let's not dally, the queue's not getting any shorter."
With that, the three of them setting off to secure their spot, Finny bouncing as he trailed behind them.
"Well go on. Show 'em how strong you have to be to serve the young master." Mey-Rin said, giving the rim of Bard's hat an encouraging tug before sneaking a quick kiss.
Bard chuckled, flashing her a brilliant smile and a wink. "Yes, m'lady."
Angelina and I glanced at each other, subtle smiles of amusement on our faces as Mey-Rin sighed and clasped her hands, completely besotted as she watched the cook walk away.
"So, do you still want your fortune told or has something else caught your fancy?" Angelina jibbed, causing Mey-Rin to jump.
She gave another nervous laugh, her face flushing once more as she turned to face the tent and mumbled, "Oh, right."
"I'm not sure why you want your fortune told so badly." I said, eyeing the sign with skepticism as we followed Mey-Rin up to the tent, "No one can predict the future."
Mey-Rin halted, dropping the tent flap and whipping round to hush me. "Be careful! You don't know that for sure. And you don't want to anger the spirits. They might change their minds about my fortune."
It took all my self control not to roll my eyes as Mey-Rin squinted at me, intently searching my face for any hint of further skepticism. A few moments later, when she was satisfied I wouldn't voice any other concerns that might interfere with the fates, she turned on her heel and proceeded into the tent with a flourish. I shrugged at Angelina before following Mey-Rin inside.
Inside the tent was more of what I had expected from a mystic. A small table with two chairs sat in the center, covered with a cloth the same color and embroidery as I had seen outside. The table rested atop several richly hued carpets which concealed the ground from view. An ornate bronze lamp hung from a hook above, casting it's warm glow against the golden and crimson silks which draped down to brighten the inside circumference of the tent. I nodded in appreciation at the sight. Whoever this fortune teller was, they certainly knew how to create a suitable ambiance.
"If ye' would give me but a moment. I'll be right with ye." a voice called from behind the wooden changing blind that sat just beyond the table.
"Sarah?" Angelina murmured softly as I took a step forward.
Wait, I thought, my brow furrowing as I took another step, I know that voice.
A moment later, an elderly woman appeared from behind the blind, my eyes lighting and my heart leaping as soon as I saw her. Though I had never seen her so ornately dressed, I would recognize her anywhere. The striking features of her worn, tanned face, her golden eyes, and long, sweeping crown of hair the color of starlight were hard to forget.
"Madame Esme?" I breathed.
"Sarah?" she answered, her confusion soon replaced with delight as she gave a cry of joy and spread her arms out to welcome me into an embrace.
I smiled as I buried my face in her hair, breathing in the familiar scent of firewood and incense, her presence like a second home.
"Oh, dear, sweet child, it's so good ta see ye." she whispered with emotion, pressing me tightly to her.
Behind us, Mey-Rin cleared her throat. " know her?"
With a quiet sigh I gave Madame Esme a final squeeze before begrudgingly pulling away from her warm embrace and turning back to the other two women.
"Yes." I answered with a nod. "She is my friend."
Both women stood, stunned, at the sudden turn of events. Not to my surprise, Angelina was the first to recover, a wide smile one her face as she stepped forward, her hand extended in greeting.
"Lady Angelina Dalles, a pleasure to meet you, Madame Esme."
"Oh!" Madame Esme said, her eyes lighting with recognition at name, "So ye're Angelina. Ye're t'e lady doctor."
Angelina smiled and nodded as Mey-Rin hesitantly joined us, holding out a shaking hand. "I'm Mey-Rin."
"Ah, t'e clumsy maid who's in love wit' t'e cook!"
I cringed at Madame Esme's recollection, quicky interjecting, "And a friend."
"I see. I see." she said, smiling welcomingly at all of us, "An' what brings in my Sarah an' her friends?"
Mey-Rin shuffled and cast her gaze down, her voice soft as she answered, "Um...we, ah, we wanted to have our fortunes told."
"Oh, of course, dear. I'd be happy to."
Mey-Rin relaxed some at Madame Esme's kind smile and allowed the aged woman to gently guide her to sit opposite her.
"Now, I want ye to shuffle t'ese cards and lay t'em down in two rows of t'ree." she instructed, her voice not having lost any of its maternal tenderness.
"I'm sorry I canna offer ye ladies a seat." she added, casting an apologetic smile to where Angelina and I stood while Mey-Rin began to attempt shuffling, "I'm afraid I don' have anamore chairs to offer."
"Don't worry yourself." I smiled, "We don't mind standing."
She nodded and turned back to Mey-Rin, patiently waiting while she finished shuffling and set the deck back on the table with reverent care.
As Mey-Rin turned over her first card, Angelina leaned over, her voice low as she asked, "So this is the Madame Esme you've told me so much about?"
"Yes." I nodded, my attention not leaving the table as I added, "Though I've not the foggiest idea why she's here. They were supposed to have left for France months ago."
Angelina hummed, but said nothing further as we both watched on. The gentle lilting of Madame Esme's voice faded into the background of my thoughts as questions continued to emerge in the wake of the gypsy woman's appearance.
What had happened? Why was she here? Was she alone? Menowin had always seemed rather close to her, so was he…? Wait! If she was here, did Menowin stay as well? Was he here, too?
My lips twitched with a smile at the thought, my fingers lightly running over the emerald pendant that I had pinned to my dress collar like a broach. To see Menowin today would be a most wonderful birthday present!
"Now, which one of ye ladies would like to go next?" Madame Esme called, her gentle voice bringing me back to the present.
"Oh, put t'at away, child." she added, tapping the table as Mey-Rin searched in her coin purse, "I t'ought I told ye it'd be no charge. Ye're coin is no good to me."
Mey-Rin smiled sheepishly, before clipping the small purse closed and slipping it in her pocket.
"I appreciate the offer, but I will decline." Angelina answered with a polite smile, "I am a woman of science, after all."
Mey-Rin froze as she made her way over to us, shooting Angelina a panicked look. Madame Esme simply chuckled.
"I can respect t'at. T'ere are many ways of lookin' at t'e spirits, after all."
"Oh, you'll do it now. Won't you, Sarah?" Mey-Rin pleaded as she came up to me and grasped my forearm, "The spirits had quite a good fortune for me. Yes they did. Maybe they have some happiness for you, too?"
As soon as I saw the smile on Madame Esme's face when I looked from Mey-Rin to her, I knew I couldn't refuse. I may not be superstitious enough to believe the mystic's words, but I wasn't strong enough to deny the request of two of my friends.
"Very well." I sighed in resignation, an irrepressible smile lighting my face as I turned back to Mey-Rin and added, "But only because you asked."
The chair beneath me creaked as I sat and shuffled, trying to find a position that would accommodate the pleated mound of the back of my skirt. A few moments later I glanced up with a bashful grin, though Madame Esme did not seem perturbed in the least at having to wait on me.
"Now, jus' like I told yer friend, Miss Mey-Rin. Shuffle t'e cards until ye feel it's right, t'en lay down six cards one at a time so I's can read yer fortune."
The cards shifted as I picked them up, so I gripped them tighter as I admired the silver flecked embossing, the design of stars and distant planets set in beautiful contrast to the rich plum background. They were slick and moved easily in my hands, clicking against each other. A peculiar silence fell between the four of us, the air tense and heavy as I shuffled them a second, third, and fourth time.
"Ah!" Madame Esme said with a sing-song lilt as I lay down the first card-The Lovers, "T'would seem ye and yer friend are havin' quite the luck wit' love."
Before I could turn over the second card, she leaned forward, the light of the lamp catching the curious glint in her eyes as she asked, "So tell me, is it t'at butler fella. T'e tall, handsome one wi't t'e broad shoulders?"
"Yes." I answered, my voice small as I tucked some hair behind my ear, a slight flush coming to my cheeks at her words.
"I t'ought so, wi't t'e way ye we're lookin' at each ot'er."
She sat back with a wide grin and crossed her arms in satisfaction before nodding toward the card in my hand. "Well, let's see if t'e spirits 'ave somet'in more to say about yer love."
I turned over the card, a subtle smile on my lips as my stomach fluttered with anticipation as the upward Knight of Cups glowed in the soft lamp light.
"Oh, an' he's a passionate an' charmin' lover, too! T'e spirits are smilin' kindly on ye two."
Heat spread from my cheeks to my neck at her words, but offered no comment. I was sure my expression and silence was all the confirmation she would need to know that much was true. Instead, I quickly flipped over the next card, this time with eagerness as Madame Esme's infectious enthusiasm spread to me as well.
"An' from t'e Ace of Pentacles, it looks like ye 'ave some new an' excitin' opportunities in yer future."
Without prompting, I flipped over my next card. I gazed down at the upward Three of Swords, waiting for some comment from the mystic, but when none came I glanced up, my heart sinking when I saw how her countenance had fallen.
When she noticed me waiting for her revelation, she cleared her throat and sat straight in her chair once more. "But it would seem t'at t'ere will be some sorrow, heartbreak, an' grief."
I flipped over the next card. Downward Devil.
"An' yer future is clouded wit' darkness an' uncertainty."
She paused, her face paling as I flipped over my last card.
"An' death."
I swallowed, looking down at the cards spread before me. This is nonsense, I thought, these are cards. They know as much about your future as the tea leaves in the bottom of your cup this morning. However, another more sinister voice whispered in reply, if that were completely true, why was my stomach knotted nauseatingly with foreboding?
Madame Esme reached across the table and earnestly took my hand, her eyes wet with tears, her voice quivering as she whispered, "Oh, my dear, I'm so-..."
I would never know what she was preparing to say, because she was cut off by a loud clang and crash from outside, followed by shouts and angry murmuring.
My gaze snapped over to Mey-Rin, her eyes wide as we both whispered in unison, "Finny."
Fortune forgotten, I leapt up and followed Mey-Rin and Angelina as we raced out to see what had happened. Raising my hand to shield my eyes, I squinted as I stepped from the dim lighting of the tent into the jarring sunlight.
"Oh my!" Mey-Rin uttered in disbelief.
My eyes widened as they finally adjusted and I was fully able to take in the scene before us. It was utter chaos. There were clusters of other onlookers who huddled together around the disaster, the air humming with their murmurs as they watched with looks of mixed surprise and disapproval. At the center of it all was what was formerly the high strike machine, which was now dashed to bits, the bell embedded into the ground several meters away from the rest of the pile of rubble. Sebastian and Ciel were talking to a very disgruntled looking man, presumably the owner of said pile of rubble while Finny stood rather unaffected by the disorder he had created, positively beaming as his arms were filled with the various prizes that would have been given to several individual winners. Poor Bard stood off to the side, nudging the ground with the toe of his shoe, a freshly lit cigarette hanging from his lips as he waited just close enough to be of help if needed, but far enough away that it wouldn't be automatically assumed he was with the guilty party.
"We apologize for the destructive outcome of Mr. Finnian's actions." Sebastian said, though the smug look on Ciel's face said otherwise as Sebastian slipped a ten pound note into the other man's hand, "For your trouble."
With that, they turned from the man, who watched them with dumbfounded stupor as they left.
"Come along, Bard. Finny." Sebastian called, the other two servants falling in line behind the little lord and butler.
"Oh, looks like we missed a bit o' excitement." Madame Esme's voice came from behind me as she finally emerged.
I turned, stepping aside to allow her a better view, holding out a supportive arm when I noticed the unsteady hobble to her steps. She gave me a grateful smile as she wrapped her feeble arm around mine and leaned into me for support.
"Are you all right?" I quietly asked, my brow furrowing when she winced as she adjusted her stance.
"Oh, don't ye worry yerself." she answered, breathless with discomfort, "It's just these ol' bones, sometimes t'ey twinge somethin' awful."
"You're not alone here, are you?"
She shook her head, doing her best to smile reassuringly despite her pain. "Nah. T'ere's a small group of us who stayed behind when t'e o'ters left for France. Mainly us decrepit folks who weren't up to such a hard journey anamore. But some of t'e youngin's stayed behind to help us get by." A genuine grin spread her thin lips as she looked over to me, "Menowin is one of t'em."
"Really?" I gasped, my heart soaring at the news, "Where is he?"
"He's doin' a performance of some sort jus' down t'e way."
"What performance?" Ciel's voice asked, turning our attention toward him and the other gentlemen as they came to join our group.
"Menowin's performance, your lordship." I answered as Mey-Rin and I curtsied in way of greeting. My gaze flickered over to Sebastian, whose polite smile twitched, becoming more severe at my words, clearly displeased with the news. Excellent...
As if he could sense his servant's chagrin at the prospect, Ciel turned to Sebastian and said, "I would like to go there next."
Sebastian's brow twitched, his voice tightly even as he answered, "As you wish, my lord."
"Would you like to join us, Madame Esme?"
"I t'ank ye, but I have a bit longer before I can close up fer t'e day." she answered the young earl, warm smile on her face as she placed her hand on his shoulder, seeming unaffected when Ciel visibly recoiled from her touch, "I jus' hope I'll get to see yer happy face once more before ye leave."
At this, Ciel gave no response save to blink at her words before motioning to the rest of us. "Let's find Menowin before his performance is finished. I'm sure it will be quite the show."
Bard and Finny flashed amiable smiles as they followed after their master, Angelina and Mey-Rin saying brief farewells before following as well.
"My apologies for my master's curtness. I'm afraid he can forget his manners when he has a goal in mind." Sebastian apologized, offering another polite smile as he lingered, waiting as I slid my arm from Madame Esme's.
"Ah, no offense taken, my dear." she said, waving dismissively as I came to stand beside the butler. "T'ough I do t'ink it interestin' t'at t'e spirits saw fit t'e reunite us."
His smile remained eerily in place. "Indeed. It would appear that way."
"Would ye like t'e take a moment away from yer master and have yer fortune told? Perhaps t'e spirits brought ye to me fer a reason."
"I shall have to decline your generous offer, Madame, as we both must return to our young master." he declined, his voice smooth as he gave a respectful bow toward her, "In any case, I am afraid things such as fate and fortune are rather irrelevant to me."
She chuckled at that, her eyes flashing with dark recognition. "I t'ought as much. Ye've always been a hard one to read. Could never quite get a feel fer ye. Like smoke."
The edges of Sebastian's smile curled with impish mischief as he replied, "I believe your gift of clairvoyance is more perceptive than even you believe." he paused, his face returning to his usual unreadable mask, giving his pocket watch a cursory glance before adding, "Now, at the risk of seeming rude, we must be going. Our master will be cross if we delay any longer."
"I understand."
"I do hope we'll see you again later." I said, quickly clasping her hand and giving it a squeeze.
"I'm sure we will."
With that, we made our leave, Sebastian quick to rest his hand on the small of my back as we departed to find the others.
Once Madame Esme's tent was out of sight, Sebastian let out a heavy sigh, grumbling, "Well, that's a rather unfortunate turn of events."
"What, chancing upon Madame Esme or learning that Menowin is here as well?" I challenged, shooting him a pointed look.
His expression soured further at my question. "I believe you know which."
I huffed in frustration, reaching behind my back to grip his wrist, sharply tugging him between a narrow alley created by two closely positioned tents.
"Now, I want you to listen to me, Sebastian Michaelis." I hissed, whipping round to face him, pressing a hushing finger to his lips when he opened his mouth to object, "I thought we had discussed that you would put any petty rivalry between you and Menowin to rest. Now, if neither of you can put your squabbles aside, you're both in for a terrible surprise because I will choose neither of you. I have no desire to be sought after by children like I'm some prize to be fought over. Do I make myself clear?"
His lips pressed into a thin line, his brows furrowed as I lowered my finger for him to answer. "Yes, however-..."
I held up a silencing hand, my fierce gaze meeting his as I pressed, "Do I make myself clear."
"Crystal." he growled.
"Now," I began, my voice softening as I reached up to gently cup his cheek, "I have said it before and I will say it again, you have nothing to fear from Menowin. Do I love him? Yes. But he is a friend, nothing more. And that is all he will ever be to me." I took a deep breath, steeling myself as I added, "I have chosen you, Sebastian, and that should be all the reassurance you need."
I pressed my lips against his, softly at first, then more fervently, wanting to convey what my words could not. My hand ghosted from his cheek, my fingers pressing against the nape of his neck and his fingers brushed my cheek before tangling his fingers in my hair, pulling me flush against him to further deepen the kiss.
We both sighed, disappointed, as I broke the kiss before we had opportunity to lose ourselves in such a public place. Instead, I pressed my forehead against his, our noses brushing, breath mingling as I gazed into his eyes.
"I appreciate your conviction," Sebastian whispered, slipping his fingers from my hair to cup my cheek, his thumb grazing over the swell of my cheek as he continued, "But Menowin will not be pacified, no matter how firm your resolution. In his mind, I will not have solidified my claim, not in the ways that matter."
"Then do what you must to satisfy him."
Sebastian's breath shuttered, trembling beneath my touch, his grip on my lower back tightening at my words.
"You should be careful of offering such an invitation so freely." he warned, a gravelly tone sharpening the edge of his words, "If you were to genuinely mean such a thing, I don't believe I would be able to restrain myself, not even in a public place such as this."
I gave him another kiss, this one quick and chaste, but no less affectionate before pulling back. "Well, in that case, we should see to his lordship."
A subtle smile played on my lips as we stepped out from the cover of the tents, Sebastian's hand resting comfortably on my lower back, both our gaits more relaxed, more synchronized as we made our way down the lane.
It didn't take us long to find the others. About five minutes later we spotted Finny sitting atop Bard's shoulders so he could see over the sizable cluster of people who had gathered around the small makeshift stage. My heart swelled at the sight of Menowin as he spun and flipped, spinning a flaming pike about with an acrobatic elegance that rivaled Sebastian. The olive toned skin of his bare torso glistened with sweat in the golden evening sun, defining his muscular chest and arms as he moved. He, too, was dressed in attire I had never seen him in before, the rich black hue of his harem pants in contrast to the brightly dyed and embroidered sash that draped around his waist, the tiny gilded bells that were sown to the sash jingling with his every move.
"There you two are." Angelina whispered as I weaved through the crowd to stand between her and Mey-Rin. Sebastian left me to station himself once more by Ciel's side, who shot him a sharply questioning look before turning his attention back to the performance. "We were wondering where you'd gone off to."
"Madame Esme detained us a little longer than we expected." I answered in half-truth.
Angelina hummed, obviously not fully convinced with my explanation, though she didn't press the issue, choosing instead to ask, "So what excuse can you provide for keeping such a divine specimen from me?"
"Yeah!" Mey-Rin added, both women devouring every inch of what they could see of Menowin, "He's so...delicious."
Bard shot her a pointed look, clearly not pleased with her observation.
I laughed at their frustration. "It's not as if I intentionally hid him from you. I've simply not had the chance to introduce you. The past few times I've seen him have been purely by chance."
"Well, I insist you introduce us." Angelina pressed, nudging me with her elbow, "You can't hog all the handsome men."
I shook my head, chuckling to myself, though our conversation was cut off as most of the women in the crowd gave a collective gasp as Menowin executed a daring flip.
"An' now for the grand finale!" he announced over the chatter of the festival.
Most of the women and a few of the men squirmed as he brought the flaming end of the pike to his face, his full lips enveloping the tip, effectively swallowing the flames. He opened his mouth, thin wisps of smoke spilling from his lips as he turned to a white banner which hung from a pole that was secured to the middle of the stage. Taking a deep breath, his well defined chest and abdomen expanded before unfurling his fingers, pressing the heel of his hand to his chin. A stream of flames shot from his hand as he breathed out, the greedy tendrils consuming the banner. The whole of the audience except for Sebastian and Ciel gasped as, instead of disintegrating the cloth into flaming shreds, the bottom of the banner detached from the pole, fluttering toward the sky, the air filling with singed white rose petals as the banner dwindled away.
Menowin flashed a brilliant smile, bowing dramatically as the crowd applauded enthusiastically before they began to queue up to drop coins in the top hat that sat by his feet.
"Wow!" Finny cheered when Bard lowered him back to the ground, the cook making a beeline to Mey-Rin's side as Finny bounced up to me, "That show was something else. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it!"
I giggled at the boy's astonishment as he stared down in awe at the crumpled petals that rested loosely in his hands. "You do realize that magic isn't real. It's just a well timed trick of the eye to make your brain think something inexplicable has happened."
"I can't believe that what I just saw wasn't magic." Finny insisted with an emphatic shake of his head, "I've only ever seen Sebastian do something like that before and he's practically superhuman!"
At this Sebastian glanced back with a cheeky grin as we neared the stage, the queue quickly dissipating as the crowd parted ways. "Why, you do flatter me. Though I cannot accept such a compliment. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler."
Ciel audibly groaned at the butler's over worn line and dramatically rolled his eyes as we came to a stop once more, next in line behind a group of three women who seemed to have no intention of leaving any time soon. They were far too enraptured with flirting with the charming gypsy to care how silly their giggling cavorting looked to others.
After waiting for several minutes, Bard gave an impatient cough, causing the women and Menowin to snap their attention to him. The women's pleasant demeanor immediately soured, glaring daggers at the cook for daring to interrupt their private audience.
Their displeasure only intensified, audibly protesting when Menowin flashed an apologetic smile, saying, "Sorry, ladies, but I got someone important te talk to."
Ignoring their continued demurring, he leapt from the stage, the grass crunching underneath his bare feet as he jogged past them, his emerald eyes sparkling with unadulterated happiness, bright smile on his face as he approached me.
"Songbird!" he called as I returned his sunshine smile, my arms outstretched.
Peals of laughter fell from my lips, my happiness spilling over as he scooped me up in his arms, burying his nose in my hair as he spun me around in our embrace.
"Ye dunno how happy I am to see ye." he softly spoke against my ear as he lowered me so my feet touched the ground once more, but did not lessen his hold on me. A subtle shiver trailed down my back as his warm breath tickled my exposed flesh.
"Nor I." I whispered in return, taking in a deep breath as his hair tickled my nose, my senses delighted with his familiar scent of pine and sweat. "I couldn't ask for a better birthday present."
My cheeks warmed when Bard cleared his throat again, smiling sheepishly as I pulled away from my friend.
"So are you gonna properly introduce us or are you just gonna leave us awkwardly watchin' you two hug?"
I looked down, shuffling as I opened my mouth to reply, but Menowin cut me off before I could say anything, flashing another one of his winning smiles as he approached the cook with an outstretched hand of greeting.
"See? That wasn't so bad." I said as Sebastian came to stand by my side while Menowin went around to each member of our party to give each an enthusiastic welcome.
Sebastian rested his hand on the small of my back once more, pulling me flush against his side, casting me a skeptical side glance. "On the contrary. I believe if no one had interfered, he would still have you wrapped in his clutches."
"That's a rather melodramatic way to describe a friendly embrace."
"I believe he meant it to be more than friendly." he countered, his nose wrinkling as he took a deep breath in my direction, "You reek of his scent."
"Down, boy." I chided with a dismissive laugh, before turning to look at him, waiting until he hesitantly looked away from Menowin to me, my voice lowering as I continued, "Remember what we discussed earlier."
After Menowin had made his introductions, the conversation quickly shifted to informal chatter, with Finny and Angelina being the chief ones who held his attention. The environment relaxed, Menowin putting everyone naturally at ease, with the exception of Bard and Sebastian, who both protectively held onto their respective partner, their posture stiff as they attempted to natchly contribute to the conversation. Sebastian more so, as he visibly took a step away, pulling me along with him when Menowin came to stand on my other side.
We talked for some time, the shadows lengthening as stories and laughter were exchanged. I smiled, my heart warm and full, as I looked around the circle to see the lighthearted looks on the other's faces. To my surprise, I even caught an amused smirk on Ciel's face when a particularly hilarious anecdote was shared. Though, as the sky began to glow with the early shades of sunset, Finny and Ciel began to grow restless, our group growing silent before chuckling as Finny's stomach gave a particularly loud growl.
"I believe I agree with Finny's sentiment." Ciel teasingly announced, "Why don't we see what food is still available in the village square?"
We agreed, some with simple nods, others with noises of affirmation. At this, Menowin stepped forward, looking over to where Ciel stood on the opposite side of Sebastian.
"I've got ta tear down the stage, so I'd be a wee bit behind ye, but coul' Madame Esme and me join ye?"
Sebastian's lips parted, most likely to decline Menowin's self invitation, but Ciel interjected before he could answer.
"That sounds excellent. I would love to hear more of your entertaining stories. I am sure Madame Esme has a fair share of her own to share."
"Aye, tha' she does." Menowin said, beaming at Ciel's acceptance.
As Menowin made his way over to the stage, we turned, following Ciel's lead with the intent of making our way toward the village.
"Wait, if ye would." Menowin called out a moment later, "I jus' 'ave one more thing before ye leave." As I turned back, he gave me a warm smile, gesturing for me to come to him, "I 'ave one more thing fer Sarah."
Sebastian took a step forward to accompany me, but I shot him a staying look. To my surprise he heeded my silent command, though his wary gaze never left the other man as I walked over to him.
Menowin jumped down from the stage as I approached, a lace handkerchief in his hands. His smile never left his face, his emerald gaze capturing mine as he took a step toward where I stood, my stomach clenching in anticipation as he stood but a hair's breadth away from me.
"If ye'll allow, I 'ave one last magic trick an' it's fer ye."
With a flourish of his hand and a flick of his wrist, the handkerchief changed into a vibrant bouquet of honey flower, jonquil, and Indian jasmine*.
"Menowin." I whispered, tears pricking my eyes as his message became clear. This was more than a bouquet of friendly affection. This was a confession of love...and a request that I return his affections.
His gaze softened as he tucked some hair behind my ear as he softly said, "Jus' some lovely flowers fer a lovely woman."
Before I could move, he closed the distance between us, our eyes closing as his lips pressed against mine. I froze, my thoughts muddled and confused. I didn't want this. Menowin was my friend. We shouldn't be doing this. Yet I felt a subtle tingling in my fingers and I gripped the stems of the flowers with all my might to keep from grabbing hold of him. Everything in my body pulled me toward him, yielding to him as his soft, warm lips moved against mine.
I pulled away just as I heard the others gasp, a few stray tears escaping my wide eyes as I looked up at him.
"Wha's wrong, Songbird?" he asked, confusion swirling in his eyes as he tilted his head as I took another step back, "Come now, wha's a kiss between friends?"
"It was more than that and you know it."
His brows knitted, pain emerging in his gaze as he took a step toward me. "Songbird, I-..."
I put up a staying hand and took a deep breath in an attempt to steady my voice before I interjected, "Tear down your stage and give yourself time to collect yourself. You just lost yourself for a moment. We'll speak no more of this." I paused, my heart twisting as I pressed the bouquet against his chest, "I am truly sorry, but I cannot accept these."
With that, I turned around, quickly casting my gaze down as I walked back to our party. I couldn't bear to see the dumbfounded looks on their faces. To my utter surprise, Sebastian still stood where I had left him, though I did not miss his clenched fists nor the murderous look in his eyes.
"C'mon guys, let's go." Bard mumbled, shooting Menowin a look of disgust before turning round to head toward the village.
The rest of us remained silent, Angelina wrapping her arm comfortingly around mine as we began walking away from the shameful scene.
Though we halted once more when Ciel abruptly turned back around, barking, "Sebastian!"
He stiffly turned in response to his master's call, a strained polite smile on his face as he answered, "You may continue on without me, my lord. I shall only be a minute. There was something that caught my eye at one of the booths earlier and I wanted to see about purchasing it."
Ciel frowned, his gaze narrowing at his butler's refusal to come at his call. Seconds passed by, each one more tense than the last and I trained my gaze on the little earl, my eyes pleading for him to demand, to command that Sebastian come with us. Sebastian never seemed to be able to deny him when he gave him a direct order. However, the order never came. Instead, after a few more seconds, he nodded toward his butler in acquiescence.
"Fine. Just make it quick. I won't tolerate having to order my own food."
At this, Sebastian bowed, closing his eyes as he bowed, answering, "Yes, my lord."
Sebastian's POV
I stood still, resolute as I watched the group walk away. The sharp tang of blood filled my mouth as my fangs dug into the soft insides of my cheeks. My claws tore through my gloves and dug into the palms of my hands, the crisp, white linen of my gloves slowly staining crimson. With every beat of my heart, the repetitious command screamed in my thoughts. Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!
My rage almost snapped when Sarah looked back, her tear misted eyes imploring me to spare him. As if I would do such a thing. That arrogant bastard deserved everything that was about to come to him.
I let out a measured breath, relieved when, thanks to the thinning crowds as the sun began to set, I could not sense any human presences near enough to interfere with my next moves. As soon as Sarah disappeared from sight, I whipped round, just in time to see Menowin's retreating form enter the surrounding forest.
I was faster and stronger. There would be no escape.
I followed in hot pursuit, my eyes glowing as I caught the scent of his fear on the summer air. Perfect. This is how I wanted him.
In less than a minute, I was on him, my claws digging into the yielding skin and muscle of his shoulder. An animalistic cry escaped his lips as I threw him against a nearby boulder. Clouds of powderized stone billowed into the air, the clattering of the shattered rock sounding as he attempted to rise. I didn't give him the chance.
Instead, I grabbed hold of the same shoulder again, blood seeping from underneath my claws as they sunk back into the freshly made puncture wounds. His shoulder snapped as I picked him up and shoved him against the nearest tree, my other hand pressing against his neck. His lips pulled back, fangs extended and eyes glowing as he snarled, his broken collarbone protruding through the bloody mess of flesh, the bone groaning under the pressure of my hold as it unsuccessfully attempted to heal.
"I thought I had been perfectly clear as to what your role was to be the last time we had the misfortune of encountering, but it would appear you've had a lapse of memory." I growled, my refined human voice melding with my throaty demonic one, relishing as his the scent of his fear spiked as my human facade faltered, dark tendrils expanding the deepening shadows to wrap around his limbs with a crushing hold as I added. "I would have thought in all your years that you would have learned the consequences of encroaching on another demon's mate. Perhaps you need a reminder."
Menowin hissed as the bones of his shins and femur groaned under the tightening pressure to the tendrils, the scent of his blood intensifying as the obsidian masses sliced through his delicate flesh with the ease of a hot knife through butter.
He coughed as I lessened my hold on his neck to generously permit him a chance to defend himself. Though penitence seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind, his gaze fiery and sharp as he looked back at me.
"Wha' are ye talkin' about?" he barked with harsh laughter, "Mate? Is tha' wha' ye're callin' her? 'Cause, so far as I see it, she's still unclaimed."
I snapped his shins.
He cried out in agony, though his cries quickly morphed into mad laughter, his teeth gnashing as he spat, "Wha'? Upset 'cause I'm right? I gave ye time an' still ye've not claimed her. Do ye even want her? 'Cause I do."
His femurs crumbled like stone.
"Or...or maybe ye're so mad 'cause her face lights up whenever she sees me or the fact tha' it's my pendant she's wearin'. Wha' 'ave ye given her?"
Sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled in rivulets down his face, his chest heaving as he tried to regain his breath. Pathetic. I hadn't even broken a sweat.
"More than you ever will." I growled, tightening my hold on his throat to silence him once more, my breath hot against his face as I leered over him, "Now I've been more than gracious with you, have permitted you to remain closer to her than I cared to because she considers you a friend." I spat the last word as I leaned in closer, my face mere inches from his as my lips pulled back, fangs flashing with a snarl of my own as I continued, "No more. If you come near Sarah after tonight, I will kill you."
His eyes burned, his throat bulging as he strained to gurgle out a weak, "I'd like te see ye try."
I snapped his neck.
I stepped back, a look of utter disdain and repulsion on my face as I watched his broken body crumble to the ground. I sighed, snapping my fingers as my tendrils receded back into my form, my clothes returning to their pristinely starched and ironed appearance as they had this morning, my hands sporting a brilliantly white set of gloves. My neck popped as I stretched my neck, my fury pacified for the moment and I brushed the dirt from my feet. With a swift tug to straighten my waistcoat, I began my walk back to the festival without a glance back at the bloodied wretch. He wasn't dead, but he would be in excruciating pain when he regained consciousness. That was a satisfying enough of a thought...for the moment.
"Hm." I hummed as I glanced down at my pocket watch before slipping it back into my waistcoat pocket, "I do hope the woman at the stationary booth hasn't begun to pack things away for the night. My lord would not approve if I stole Sarah's present."
Sarah's POV
All had fallen silent in the Phantomhive manor, so much so that the small fire in the hearth seemed to roar in contrast, the chiming of the two o'clock hour by the grandfather clock down the hall like that of a great dinner gong. All the other servants had retired for the night, pleasantly exhausted from the day's festivities. All except me. My mind was too preoccupied to succumb to the reprieve of sleep.
My reflection's brows creased as I stood before the mirror, working out the tangles in my hair with my comb as my thoughts returned, not for the first time tonight, to my parting conversation with Menowin.
He and a couple of the younger men had offered to accompany us to the carriage, as Sebastian had gone on ahead to prepare the horses. We had accepted, as they had lamps to light the path, and had set off soon after. To my surprise, though Menowin brought up the rear of the procession near to where I walked, he did not venture to make conversation, choosing to remain silent until the gravel carriage lot came to view.
"Sarah," he quietly called as we approached the bordering fence, "Canna 'ave a word?"
Angelina paused, casting me a questioning look when I stopped.
"It's alright. I'll only be a minute." I said with a reassuring smile.
She hesitated a moment longer, shooting Menowin a warning look before continuing on her way.
"So," I added, joining him beneath the lantern light of one of the outlying buildings, "you have something to say?"
He looked down, digging the toe of his sandal into the yielding earth, his voice small and low as he began. "Yeah, I, uh...I wanted to apologize fer earlier. I shouldn'a kissed ye without askin' ye first. An' I'm sorry."
A gentle smile came to my lips as he looked up, his brows furrowed with concern, sincere apology reflecting in his emerald gaze.
"Thank you."
His lips twitched with a relieved smile at my words before it faltered, his expression becoming serious as he continued, "Though I'm not sorry 'bout everythin'. I'm not sorry fer tellin' ye that I love ye, 'cause I do an' there's nothin' wrong wit' tha'."
"Menowin." I sighed, but was cut off when he placed a quieting hand on my shoulder.
"There isn't an' I'll not be apologizin'. But I'm tellin' ye 'cause I need ye to know how much ye mean to me. Ye don' 'ave to answer, don' even 'ave to ever love me back. But I couldn'a keep silent any longer."
The unadulterated affection that welled in his gaze wrended my heart in two at the thought that before me stood a man who loved me with such sincerity, and I him, but not in the way he truly wished. To deny such love felt wrong, but my heart did not belong to him.
A mournful smile twisted my lips as I reached up to gently cup his face, "I appreciate your honesty. And know that I love you, too, in ways that words cannot express. But not in the same way you love me."
"I know." he whispered, his gaze not leaving mine as he leaned into my touch, "Jus' know tha' if things ever change, I'll be waitin' fer ye."
"That's a rather romantic sentiment, even for you." I teased, smiles coming to both of our faces, before I added as I lowered my hand to my side, "Still friends?"
"Of course." he answered, smile broadening as he reached out and tapped the end of my nose with his finger, "I couldn'a imagine my life without me Songbird."
At this I turned to make my way to the others, assuming our discussion had naturally come to an end, when Menowin called my name again.
When I came to face him once more, all joviality had left his expression, replaced with a severe graveness as he said, "Jus' promise me one t'ing...whoever ye decide owns yer heart, don' let it be Sebastian. He's not wha' he seems. A man like 'im will only break yer heart."
"I'll offer no such promise." I firmly answered, my gaze unwavering as I continued, "My heart is my own and no one has say over who I give it to...not you, not Sebastian. I will do with it what I will."
A pained smile twisted his lips and he sighed.
"Tha's wha' I'm worried about."
I jumped, my comb clattering to the floor as a quiet rapping sounded from my door.
"Just a moment." I called, scrambling as I retrieved my comb and set it on top of my dresser beside the stuffed rabbit Finny had given me.
"No need to rush." Sebastian's voice answered through the door.
What did he need at this hour? I wondered as I slipped my night coat on over my thin, short sleeved cotton nightgown. Even now, he only ever called on me at an hour like this if there was trouble. I hoped Ciel wasn't in any danger.
The pleasant, soft smile on Sebastian's lips that greeted me did nothing to alleviate my confusion when I unlocked and opened the door.
"I was hoping I'd find you awake." he said quietly, the brown paper of the parcel he was holding crinkling as he casually leaned against the door frame.
I blinked, doing my best to ignore the stirring of hunger that was roused by the generous amount of his chest and abdomen that was revealed in the absence of his waistcoat or tailcoat, as I asked, "Is there something the matter? Is his lordship alright?"
"Oh, yes." he nodded, finally seeming to reconcile my concern at his appearance, "The only thing troubling the young master tonight is a persistent stomach ache he brought on himself by indulging in too many sweets."
"That sounds rather miserable."
Sebastian's mouth dipped with displeasure as he deadpanned, "He has been."
I covered my mouth, giving an unladylike snort.
"I'm glad you can find such amusement in my torture." he simpered as he placed his hand on his chest in theatrically feigned injury, though he lowered it a moment later as he added, "If you aren't too knackered, I was hoping you might indulge me with a few minutes in your company."
"Be careful." I teased as I opened the door further, holding it open for him so he could enter, "If you aren't careful I might start to think you rather enjoy my company."
He chuckled, his eyes glinting playfully, his hand brushing mine as he passed by. "And we wouldn't want that."
My lips twitched with an amused smile as I closed and locked the door behind him. Though I found myself frozen as I turned around to find Sebastian sitting on my bed, something about how at ease he was rousing my hunger even more than his appearance did, his presence intimate...alluring.
"I admit the purpose of my visit is two-fold." he murmured, gazing down at the quilt that covered my bed as he absentmindedly traced a gloved finger over the seams of the squares. I was thankful for his apparent distraction, though, as it gave me time to reign in any sign of my desire without being caught.
"Though," he continued, holding out an envelope to me as I came to sit on his right, "I thought you would want to read this."
"It's from the Undertaker." I stated as I read the messy scrawl on the face of the letter*.
Curiosity took over and I broke the macabre onyx seal without hesitation, the parchment crinkling as I unfolded the letter. Sebastian leaned over, pressing against my side as he read over my shoulder.
"The Sea Sprite?"
"Yes." I mumbled, brow creased in thought as I set the letter on my lap, "That must be the new pub the Underworld is using to discreetly exchange shipment information." I paused, looking down at the letter once more, "I'll need to go undercover again. That'll be the only way I'll be able to get close enough to the information to sort out their next moves."
"Try not to get ahead of yourself." Sebastian cautioned, lifting the letter from my lap before I could snatch it back, "We must discuss this with the young master before we can begin to orchestrate any sort of concrete plan."
"I know." I huffed, stretching across his lap as I attempted, in vain, to reclaim my letter, "But you don't understand. If I can solve this, not only am I another step forward in proving myself a worthy candidate as the next Silencer, but this is somehow tied to Father. This is the first real lead we've had in months."
"I understand." he said, his gaze softening as he reassured me, though I didn't miss that he still set the letter on the opposite side of the bed, far from my reach. "I'm simply saying there's no need to begin planning now. I will be sure to mention this to the young lord first thing in the morning."
"Though I believe I have the perfect distraction."
I sat at attention, curiously eyeing the parcel on his left side as he reached over to pick it up before turning back to me.
"Thank you." I smiled, accepting the parcel as he extended it toward me.
"I believe the traditional phrase for such an occasion is 'many happy returns.'"
Much like the letter, I tore open the carefully wrapped parcel, anticipation and curiosity fueling my actions as the mangled bits of brown paper fell to the ground as I opened the present. A surprise gasp escaped my lips, my eyes pricking with tears as the contents of a brightly colored Eagle Pencil Company tin slid toward me along the thick stack of stationary I had been eyeing earlier that lay underneath.
"Oh Sebastian." I whispered, flashing him a grateful smile. "Thank you so much."
"So I take it you like it?" he asked with a smirk.
"Yes, you pompous ass." I laughed, setting the present on the floor before wrapping my arms around him and whispering in his ear, "It's perfect."
He froze for a moment as I embraced him, still unsure as to how to properly react to non-sexual affection, but he soon recovered, his arms enveloping me, pulling me closer to his frame. I sighed, content, a subtle smile on my lips as I buried my nose in his hair and took a deep, satisfying breath of his scent. As the comforting aroma of cinnamon and musk delighted my senses, I relaxed beneath his touch, my body melding to his as he began to rub small circles along the length of my back, basking in the tenderness, in the reassurance of this moment.
Leaning back, his russet gaze captured mine as I reached up and tucked some of his fringe behind his ear, leaning into him as I pressed my lips against his. The kiss was short, but full of promise and it took only a passing moment of furtive glances between our lips and shared gazes before we came together again, our lips joining with bruising intensity.
My nostrils flared with a sharp breath, my fingers tangling in his silken locks as I deepened the kiss. His lips were soft, hot, and wet as they moved against mine, full of of sinful delight. Goose-flesh prickled my skin as he loosened the tie of my night coat and slipped it from my shoulders.
An unbidden gasp escaped my lips as he gripped my hips, moving me with ease to straddle his legs.
"Sebastian." I sighed, arousal pulsing hot in my veins as I brushed against the stiffening mound of his cock.
"Sarah." he breathed, voice dripping with need as he ghosted his lips over mine.
I leaned back, drinking in the sight of him, gaze watching the path of my fingers as they trailed along the exposed flesh of his torso his unbuttoned shirt revealed. He tensed beneath my touch. His eyes flashed, ravenous as I teased him further.
His touch teased me as well, fanning the consuming heat of my body, the hot slick between my legs. He dragged his fingers over my legs, back and forth, goose-flesh spreading there as with every turn of his hand, he worked my skirt higher until his hands came to my rear. A throaty groan sounded in his throat, my cunt clenching as he gripped my rear, eager and greedy, the movement grinding me against his more prominent erection. I bit my lip, stifling a groan of my own as his heady breath fanned over my neck before he closed his lips around my pulse. Groans gave way to moans as his lips and tongue left a searing, wet trail along the column of my neck.
A low growl rumbled in his chest as my nails dug into his abdomen when he began to bruisingly suck on the crook of my neck. His hands left my rear for the briefest of moments, emerging from beneath my skirts to brush along the swell of my hips, to the dip of my waist, then to the swell of my breasts. My breath hitched, my eyes fluttering shut, as his palms grazed over the clothed peaks of my nipples before he loosened the tie of my nightgown. A shiver of anticipation slithered down my spine to pool in the aching need between my legs as his fingers traced along my collarbone, stretching the loosened neck of my nightgown to bare my shoulders to him. His lips returned to the crook of my neck, though this time instead of kissing, he bit down on the sensitively teased flesh. My back arched, my body pressing against him, hips grinding against his as pleasure shot through my body.
As soon as the cry fell from my lips, he brusingly gripped my hips and tossed me onto the bed. His lips were hot and hungry, consuming as he settled between my hips. We writhed and pressed together, an undulating mass of sighs and moans as our hands and lips searched and touched, our hips grinding together in rhythmic synchronization. The skin of his chest was as sweet as his lips underneath my tongue and I relished in the little sighs that fell from his lips with every nipping bite I gave to the porcelain flesh.
My hands parted his shirt as his hands kneaded the barely clothed swell of my breasts, his lips and tongue trailing along my jaw, before I ran my fingers over his nipples.
"Sarah." he said in my ear with a shuttering moan, his body trembling as I grazed my fingers over the erect buds once more.
A moan of my own answered his as he rolled the peaks of my nipples between his fingers, my hips jerking uncontrollably against his. I swallowed another one of his moans as I captured his lips again, my stomach clenching with the mounting pleasure of an impending orgasm that was building between my legs. Every move, every kiss, every grind against his cock shot a surging jolt of pleasure through my body.
As if he could tell I was nearing my end, he removed one of his hands from my breast. A brief thought of confusion flickered through my mind until I felt his hand slide between my legs, his fingers brushing my arousal through my undergarments. In the back of my mind, the stirrings of something darker, of sinister memory awakening sent a surge of fear through my veins. I tensed, but not from pleasure. My hands abandoned worshiping his flesh to grip handfuls of the quilt beneath me, my heart racing as I tried to push the encroaching thoughts from my mind.
I whimpered, desperate and frustrated, as Sebastian's hand stilled.
I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth as I pleaded, "Please. Don't stop."
He didn't move at first and I was afraid he would stop altogether, but a moment later a pleased sigh fell from my parted lips as he stroked me, tentative and testing. I shuttered, terror still sullying my arousal. Though, with every stroke, every press of his adept fingers against my clit, desire began to take its hold once more. Until, several minutes later, I was a mewling mess, writhing beneath his touch as I repeated the words in my mind like a reassuring mantra...these were Sebastian's hands, the hands of my lover, and I wanted him to touch me.
His hot breath tickled my ear as he groaned, his voice gravelly and deep as he sighed with lascivious reverence, "You're so hot...and wet."
"Ah!" I gasped, back arching, legs trembling as he brushed his finger over my clit once more, and I dug my fingernails into his shoulders as I cried, "Shit! Sebastian!"
Blindly, I trailed my hand between us, wanting to offer him the same pleasure he was giving me right now. He trembled, his body shaking when my fingers found his clothed erection, hot, long, and thick as it pressed against its confines. Hunger and pride swirled within me as he swore, my cunt clenching as his cock twitched beneath my touch as I gripped him.
"Tell me...tell me what to do." I commanded breathlessly, unsure how best to please him.
"Tighter." he breathed, thrusting against my hand.
I groaned when he gave a keening moan into my shoulder as I did as I was told, his hips stuttering. "Ah, fuck! Like that!"
Curses and praise mixed with our heady breaths, our bodies slick with sweat, panting as we worked each other into a dizzying frenzy of pleasure. Pleasure mounted upon pleasure, my release so deliciously close. Sebastian growled, the rolling of his hips losing rhythm as I brought my lips to his shoulder. Giving a well timed grind of the heel of his hand against my clit, I moaned against his skin, my fingers tangling in his hair and pulling as I bit down on his shoulder.
"Sarah!" he cried, burying his face in my shoulder as his cock spasmed, his trousers becoming hot and damp underneath my touch.
Through his own pleasure, he still tended to me, the hand between my legs still bringing me to the sharp edge of pleasure, his other hand tweaking my nipple, his lips and teeth teasing my neck. My legs trembled, my hips jerking from over stimulation. This was too much. He was too much, yet I wanted more.
"Come." he growled in my ear, needy whine straining his voice, "Come for me."
As if by that command alone, my back arched, toes curling, screaming moan ripping up my throat as I buried my face in his shoulder, my body trembling with pleasure as my vision went white with release.
The clock down the hall chimed three as I collapsed beneath him, gulping down great breaths as my body tingled with the aftershocks of pleasure. Above me, Sebastian shifted, my abdomen trembling as he slipped his hand from between my legs to prop himself up on his elbows. Our gazes met in silent observation, words surpassing what we had just shared. As close as we had come before, this was the first time we had directly caused the other to achieve release.
My heart swelled with pride as I brought my shaking hands up to press against his chest, tracing each line, every bite mark with adoration. I felt his curious gaze on me as my fingers ghosted up his neck, gingerly brushing the sweat slick hair from his neck and face before resting my hand against his cheek. As he returned my gaze, Sebastian was a breathtaking vision. His skin glowed in his post orgasmic bliss, his full lips swollen, cheeks flushed, his neck and torso littered with the angry bite marks and scratches, all testimony to the pleasure I had brought him.
I blinked slowly, my limbs heavy as pleasure quickly gave way to exhaustion as the effects of my release began to fade. I forced my eyes to stay open, doing everything I could to focus on the warmth of his skin beneath my hand as I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. I didn't want this moment to end. Though the sharp breath I took a moment later when Sebastian's touch woke me as he gently brushed away the hair that clung to my forehead and cheeks told me my struggle was for naught.
"Sleep." he softly murmured.
The vision of Sebastian became blurry as my eyes fluttered shut once more, the weight of exhaustion too much for me to fight off any longer.
"Wait." I mumbled, my voice thick with slumber as I weakly grabbed hold of his shirt collar. "Stay with me...until I fall asleep."
He chuckled at my request, but a moment later I felt the bed give as he came to lay beside me. "I don't believe that will be very long."
"Don't care." I slurred, rolling onto my side and curling up against him, adding as I nuzzled his shoulder, "Stay."
"As you wish."
His warmth and scent enveloped me as he pulled me closer, his hand slowly tracing small circles along my spine once more. And, as my thoughts began to slow, the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness blanketing my body I wondered why I had resisted Sebastian for so long. In this moment I was filled with such warmth and contentment as I had never known before...and it was all due to him. And I didn't want it to end.
And as I fully succumbed, my consciousness slipping through my fingers like sand, another question echoed in my thoughts…
Was this what it felt like to be loved?
Was this what it felt like to be safe?
Author's note:
So, as for my notes with this chapter...
*Pull down the blind: This is basically the Victorian equivalent to "get a room".
*I referred to Grell as a 'he' in this chapter because this is how she's identified at this point in the canon material. Once her identity is revealed, I will switch to using 'she/her' pronouns.
*Game of it: This is the British name for the game of tag.
*The box: This is one of the names for the seat where the carriage driver sat.
*Arianrhod: The Celtic goddess of fertility
*High striker: A strength tester game that is usually seen at festivals/fairs
*The meaning of the flowers in Menowin's bouquet: Honey flower (love, sweet and secret), Indian jasmine (attachment), and jonquil (I desire a return of affection)
*Mention of the Undertaker addressing the letter as opposed to an envelope: Just a nerdy little note, at this time in the Victorian era, the price of postage was determined by the number of sheets of paper sent. An envelope would count as an additional sheet, which is why only the wealthy would use envelopes when sending correspondence. Typically people would fold and seal the sheet the letter was written on, using it as both message and 'envelope'.
I will also let you know that this is the last "domestic/slice of life" chapter for some time. We're about to dive headfirst back into the action!
So, that all being said, thank you for reading this latest chapter! So I'm curious as to what you thought? What did you think of Menowin's love confession? What about Angelina and Sarah's conversation? What about Sarah and Sebastian's steamy moment at the end? Please let me know what you thought. Your comments and feedback give me life!