Hello there everyone. I have here for you all, a brand new story of The Loud House that I decided to do!

Now here are several notices before we begin:

First of all, like The Curse of the Telephone of Despair, this story will definitely be a multi-chaptered story. Unlike that story however, this one will be far more original and not a parody of an existing episode of another cartoon. I feel like this is an original idea that I don't think anyone has done yet (not that I know of).

As the summary suggests, this story is going to be revolving around the oldest Loud sister Lori Loud. The idea for this story came when I was using my tablet and it stopped charging and I was in a panicked state due to it no longer charging and that it would die once it hits 0% and it would never work again. This came up since I don't think I ever went a whole day without using my tablet at least once, and who better to put in this similar position than Lori Loud herself, since I can see her having a meltdown if something happened to her phone.

Also, I am well aware of the many episodes that give Lori some focus and hidden depth and some character development too, but I wanted to dig into Lori's main flaw; the fact that she's overly attached to her phone too much to the point where she rarely ever spends time with her other siblings (except maybe Leni, only because she's her roommate) and how she's bossy to them all the time, with Lincoln getting the worst of it. This story will have Lori going through a massive change due to not being able to use her phone and learning an important lesson about being too attached to her phone.

Another thing, since she has Nomophobia, Lori will try to conquer that fear by doing stuff which doesn't seem to help, but at one point, she gets the error of her ways and decides to change her attitude towards all of her siblings, especially Lincoln. All this will be done while Lisa tries to repair Lori's phone battery and such which will take a week at best to repair it completely.

Lastly, I felt that Lori could become a rather impressive character if she was fleshed out a bit (which seems to have happened in later episodes where she is less harsh towards her siblings), but I really want to put Lori in that position and have her learn that being too attached to her phone has caused her to gain a serious attitude towards her sisters and Lincoln, not to mention the later chapters of this story will have her spending some sisterly-brotherly time with Lincoln since the other sisters (sans Leni who will be busy with stuff) don't share any similar interests with Lori and to develop her relationship with Lincoln a bit. I hope you understand my motive behind this story.

Well I guess I should stop with this massive author's note now, so let's get started with the story. Enjoy the new story everyone!

Disclaimer: All the characters of Loud House belong to Chris Savino and Nickelodeon and all other unrelated contents belong to their rightful owners.


It was a beautiful Sunday morning in Royal Woods Michigan, and everything was shaping to being a great and fabulous day. At the home that belongs to the Loud House residence in particular, we see that the Loud siblings were doing their own things that they would normally do on a summer Sunday morning. In the bathroom to be precise, which is occupied at the moment, we are focused on the oldest Loud sister in the entire house. Being at the age of 17, she happens to go by the name Lori Loud. She was currently putting on her cyan eyeliner while she was using her cell phone and was talking to her boyfriend Bobby, unaware of what was going to be happening shortly.

"Oh Bobby Boo-Boo Bear, I am literally so excited for that date we're going on in about a week," Lori talked to her boyfriend. "The one we're going on Tuesday after the Tuesday of this week. I'm hyped to see what tuxedo you'll be wearing."

A voice on the other line was heard but it was indistinguishable, although Lori could understand what was being said.

"Oh yes Bobby! I literally have the perfect dress to wear that night," Lori said. "I'll be sure to update you throughout the week to let you know how many days are left until that day."

While she continued to talk to Bobby, the bathroom door slammed open and coming in were the twins Lana and Lola and they were engaging in their usual typical bickering while they ignored the fact that Lori was in the bathroom as their argument continued.


"I told you Lola, I need it for my lizard Izzy so she can be able to do her business on it," Lana countered.

"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING YOU DIRTLOVER," Lola screamed once again. "I will not let your pathetic and stupid lizard poop all over my dress!"

"Says the girl who has an overly done pageant dress that looks both hideous and unbearable to look at," Lana retorted, rolling her eyes.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" Lola screamed in rage.

"RIGHT AFTER YOU TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT IZZY!" Lana screamed back in retaliation while also sounding angry.

Their bickering got louder as Lori was having trouble speaking to Bobby.

"Excuse me for a minute sugar boo," Lori said to her boyfriend before sneering to the twins in annoyance. "Could you two twerps keep it down!? I'm trying to talk to my Boo-Boo Bear and I can't do that when you two brats are bickering in here! Now where was I Boo-Boo Babe…?"

She went back to talking to Bobby and the twins continued to bicker, which eventually led to them finally fighting in a dust cloud while Lori tried to tune them out by saying.

"Oh Bobby, you are the greatest boyfriend in the world! I love talking to you on my phone everyday! All the time," Lori spoke. "Nothing will separate me from this phone, and I would never do something even by accident to cause something to happen to this phone."

It was then the fighting between the twins got so out of control, for the both of them bumped into Lori roughly which got her attention.

"HEY! What did I just say to you twerps," Lori scolded. "I told you that I am talking to-"

She then stopped speaking when she noticed something; the impact the twins made by bumping into her caused her to loose the grip on her phone as it was sent flying backwards, and to her misfortune, the phone was about to land right into the toilet, which the seat was still up and the water was shown. Lori's eyes grew wide as the twins continued to scuffle as everything was now happening in slow motion. She tried to retrieve it before it lands into the toilet water, but to no avail. It was then right when the phone hit the toilet water, everything sped up again as the phone landed in the water and some electrical sparks started to show and zapping sounded were heard. This got Lori to shrink her pupils and grew into a state of panic.

"MY PHONE!" Lori shrieked loudly as she immediately went to grab her phone from the toilet. Her scream caused the twins to stop fighting and saw the look on Lori's face as they found out that her phone fell into the toilet because of them (by accident though). The twins no longer looked angry at each other as they then gained looks of fear.

Lori tried to turn on her phone but to no avail, since it wouldn't work from landing in water and then smoke then emerged from the back of it, from where the battery is and then Lori gained a look of both pure rage and a complete state of panic. She then proceeded to scream again in 3…2…1…

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lori screamed so loud, it shook the entire house. At this point, both Lana and Lola knew they screwed up and everyone knows what happens when they make Lori mad by destroying her phone or something related to such. Both twins spoke quickly.

"We-are-so-sorry-Lori! We-didn't-mean-to-make-you-drop-your-phone! Please-don't-turn-us-into-human-pretzels, have-mercy, and-spare-us! FORGIVE-US!"

The moment they said that did the twins immediately bolted out of the bathroom, high-tailing it out of there and back to their bedroom.

Lori decided not to focus on them for now, since she was more focused on her phone. She kept repeatedly pressing the power button on her phone to make it work again, but it was no use.

"Come on come on come on come on come on," Lori was clearly in a state of panic. "Nonononononononononono!"

It was then Lincoln and the remaining sisters (sans the twins since they went to their bedroom and Lisa who was doing something at the moment) came into the bathroom and saw Lori in the state she was in currently.

"Lori, what's going on in here," Lincoln asked in concern. "We heard your scream all throughout the house and feel like something bad happened to you!"

The other sisters nodded in agreement as Lori was pacing in a panicked manner while desperately trying to get her phone to work again with no success. She spoke in a quick manner.

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no!" Lori then started shouting. "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! THIS IS LITERALLY NOT HAPPENING!"

Lincoln then saw that her phone was not working and he figured out the problem.

"Lori, your phone isn't working anymore! Is that the problem!?"

Lori turned to Lincoln with a rather furious look on her face as she then spat.

"Yeah what was your first clue, genius," Lori spat angrily. "I am LITERALLY about to erupt!"

"YOU'RE A VOLCANO!?" Leni shouted in fear, for she took the phrase literally.

"No Leni," Lincoln exclaimed. "It means she is peeved off about her phone no longer working."


"Well that certainly puts a damper on things," Luan joked and chuckled. "Get it?"

The others groaned at that pun before Lori shouted once again.


"LORI! LORI!" Lincoln then took action and decided to calm down his oldest sister. "I need you to calm down! Freaking out like this will not help matters whatsoever!"

"Yeah man. Your acting way over the top," Lynn spoke.

"That's right dude," Luna remarked. "You're acting like a drama queen over all this."

"I know that, but what am I going to do now," Lori stated. "No phone means no Bobby, and no Bobby means no enjoyment, and no enjoyment means Bobby thinks I'm ditching him, and Bobby thinking I'm ditching him means that he will break up with me, and that means I'll be a life mess and MY LIFE WILL BE RUINED FOREVER!"

Lincoln felt like enough was enough and decided to step up.

"LORI! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Lincoln approached her and tried to reassure her that it is not the end of the world. "Listen, it's not the end of the world and your life isn't going to be ruined forever. Plus, I don't think Bobby would break up with you just because your phone no longer works and you aren't able to talk to him."

"But my phone is broken, and it's not like any of you know anything about it," Lori said as her makeup was running from tears dripping down her face from the paranoia she has been experiencing.

"Now let's not jump to hasty conclusions here Lori," Lincoln assured her. "I'm sure your phone can be fixed up in no time."

"But you know nothing about phones and what they are made of," Lori sniffed and tried to calm down.

"That may be true," Lincoln thought to himself for a minute and then he came up with an idea. "But I do happen to know which one of us can do something to repair this phone."

"What are you getting at Lincoln," Lori raised her eyebrow and wanted to know what he was referring. Lincoln then turned to face her with a rather determined look on his face.

"Lori, there is only one Loud sibling in this whole house who is smart enough to be able to repair this phone!"

As dramatic music played in the background, courtesy of Luna, Lori had a shocked look on her face and then we switch over to the next scene…

"Uh huh, it's just as I anticipated," Lisa, the second youngest Loud sibling in the house was examining the phone in her bedroom. "The impact that your precious phone made in the Hydrogen Oxide in the bathroom has caused the battery to short circuit and defuse on you. In other words, the battery has been damaged and croaked."

Lori wasn't surprised by that as she rolled her eyes while Lincoln was accompanying her in Lisa's bedroom that she shares with the baby Lily. On Lisa's side of the room, there was a desk where Lisa does her studies and has a whole bunch of science equipment on it, including beakers, chemicals, machines of some kind, inventions and other stuff. She also had a bunch of science related posters on her side of the room that say stuff like 'MC=R2' and other stuff. Also sharing the room where Lily sleeps was a crib with some baby stuff attached to it and for where Lisa sleeps was a regular bed. Aside from that, there wasn't anything abnormal about it.

"Lisa, do you think you know how to fix and hopefully repair Lori's phone before she goes on that date with Bobby next week on Tuesday like she told me," Lincoln hoped.

"Well dear brother, your in luck, for you see, I have the necessary tools to repair this kind of phone and I shouldn't have too much of a problem repairing it," Lisa exclaimed. "But unfortunately, there is a catch to all of this."

"What would that be," Lincoln asked cautious while Lori had an impatient look on her face.

"The reparation of a phone battery is not a simple task, and it will probably take a good amount of time to completely repair it and ensure that it'll work again." Lisa stated.

"Well how long are we talking exactly?"

"Hmm, based on the calculations I have made and the processing of the situation that is at hand at the moment, I am most certain that it'll take a good week to repair the phone." Lisa stated.

This then caused Lori to gain a look of fear on her face as she then grew large pupils.

"Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-what…h-how long was that again," Lori asked weakly as she couldn't believe what Lisa just said. Lisa simply scoffed as a result.

"What? Was I not speaking English," Lisa retorted. "I shall have you know that science cannot make things fixed and repair over night. Science takes time with this stuff. In your case, the phone will be fully repaired in one week at best! You hear me? One week or in simple terms, seven days at max will be how long the phone shall be repaired!"

Lori then looked like she was going to have a meltdown as she spoke.

"One…one…one…week…?" Lori's pupils shrank as she took in that information.

"Lori, are you okay?" Lincoln asked her in concerned.

It was then, right then and there, she sighed in despair and agony and then fell backwards onto her back and then fainted at what Lisa just told her. Lisa simply rolled her eyes at Lori acting so dramatic at this.

"I had anticipated that reaction from her," Lisa stated before getting the tools needed to repair the phone.

"Lori?" Lincoln asked as Lori had lost consciousness, which got Lincoln extremely concerned for her…

Later on that afternoon, Lori started coming to as she started regaining consciousness and saw she was now on the living room couch with Lincoln hovering over her with a look of concern plastered onto his face as he wanted to make sure Lori was okay. Joining him in the living was the other sisters (except for Lisa who was working on starting the repairs to Lori's phone, although she was able to overhear what was about to be said from cameras that were secretly installed all throughout the house) and the twins decided to join them this time.

"Lori? Lori? Hey Lori, are you okay?" Lincoln asked as the other sisters also looked concerned for her.

"Wuh…Oooh…Lincoln, what the heck happened?" Lori asked as she was wondered what has happened.

"Oh yeah, you ended up passing out on us once Lisa told you that it would take a week before your phone could be fully repaired at best," Lincoln reminded her.

It was then it all came back to Lori, as she had lost her phone and her eye pupils shrank once again and a look of panic crossed her face as she then prepared to scream in 3…2…1…

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed in the most overly dramatic way possible as she sat up and hyperventilated again. The other sisters looked annoyed by this as Lincoln sighed.

"Bobby Boo-Boo Bear, MY BOBBY BOO-BOO BEAR, NEVER AGAIN SHALL I BE ABLE TO HEAR YOUR WONDERFUL GRACIOUS VOICE, NOR SHALL I LITERALLY HAVE THE ENJOYMENT OF SEEING YOUR HANDSOME, WONDERFUL, AND VERY MANLY APPEARANCE EVER AGAIN!" Lori hyperventilated as Lincoln knew what he had to do. Being the one that keeps things balanced with all of his sisters, he had to assure his eldest sister.

"LORI, PLEASE!" Lincoln grabbed Lori's shoulders and shook her, which resulted in her giving Lincoln an annoyed and unimpressed look, one that Lincoln decided to ignore for Lori's sake. "I already told you it's not the end of the world! You will see Bobby again, and you need to remain calm! Yes, it might take a week for the phone to be repaired, but perhaps this might be the perfect chance for you to learn something from all this."

"Yeah! So do us a favor and stop acting like a drama queen around here," Lola retorted. "That's my job! I'm the only one who is allowed to act like a drama queen in this household!"

Lori then returned the favor by giving Lola a very venomous glare for that comment, along with the fact that she, along with Lana, was the one indirectly responsible for the fate her phone had gotten in to begin with, even if it was by accident. Knowing that she was getting into deep trouble with her, Lola stuttered and decided to rephrase herself.

"Uh, I mean…you are more than welcome to be a drama queen, whenever you feel like it anyway." Lola chose her words carefully.

"Point is, maybe it's about time you defrag from that phone for a bit and give yourself a break from it," Lana exclaimed.

Before Lori could make a retort, Lynn beat her to it.

"Don't even try to convince her to give up her phone," Lynn snorted. "Lori here is far too attached to her phone and she's practically addicted to it. There's no way she'll be able to make it a whole entire week without her phone!"

"No offense Lori, and I really hate to admit it, but Lynn has a point there," Lincoln stated. "You are not the type of person who can go without your phone for a long extensive period of time, and during the times you do go without your phone, you often go berserk."

"They're right with that brah," Luna agreed as the others nodded in agreement.

"As if," Lori huffed and crossed her arms. "Like you guys literally know how I act when I go without my phone."

"Of course we do sis! Let me give you an example," Lynn said as she then went on to do her best Lori impression. "'If I don't get back to the room and get my phone, I could literally die!'"

She groaned in a manner imitating Lori as the other siblings sans Lincoln started to snicker at that.

Lori then remember saying that; from the time the family went to that luxury suite hotel and Lynn and Lana caused the elevators to stop working and she wanted to get back to the floor. Her eyes then got wide as Lincoln decided to do an impression.

"'Bobby Boo-Boo Bear? It's literally been forever!'" Lincoln spoke in a girly falsetto voice while imitating Lori's voice, which caused the other siblings to snicker at that. Lori remembered saying that during the luxury suite hotel scenario too as she then started to get embarrassed and aggravated with a scowl appearing on her face that had reddened with humiliation. It was then Leni's turn to speak.

"Like O-M-Gosh, I am totes getting that dress," Leni did an imitation of herself rather than of Lori which got the others to stare at her blankly.

"Uh, that would be you Leni," Lincoln reminded her, getting Leni even more confused.

"Wait, I thought we were imitating Lori."

This caused all of the siblings to face palm and groan together at Leni's ditzy behavior.

"Okay fine, so I did say that stuff," Lori complained while raising her hands in exaggeration. "Is that literally wrong?"

"Not really, but remember Lori, we are here to help you if you need us," Lincoln assured her. "We can help you get through this."

"Yeah," Lucy simply said as the others nodded in agreement.

"Uh, are we still imitating Lori?" Leni asked, as the other siblings gave her blank looks as we switch to a new scene…


We are now focused on the room of Lori and Leni. The room didn't have too much in peculiar about it, aside from the fact that there was a bunch of fashion stuff, a sewing machine, sewing needles, and a mannequin used for trying out dresses, all of which belonged to Leni. There was also a mirror for putting on make up which Lori uses constantly and there were two beds, one had a blue blanket, which was Lori's bed, and the other one had a pink blanket, which was Leni's bed. While Leni was sleeping peacefully while wearing that sleeping mask over her eyes, Lori was having so much trouble sleeping, as her mind couldn't get off of one thing; her broken cell phone. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She was in fear and anguish about never speaking to Bobby again, so she thought. Those two examples she was given by her siblings as to how she would react to her lost phone played in her head.

'UGH! If I don't get back to the room and get my phone, I could literally die!'

'Bobby Boo-Boo Bear? It's literally been forever!'

Lori then started speaking to herself.

"What am I going to do," Lori asked herself out loud while Leni continued to sleep. "What if Bobby finds out I stopped talking to him? What if Bobby thinks I'm cheating on him for someone else? What if Bobby decides to breakup with me and dates my arch-enemy Carol Pingrey? What if my friends find out I haven't been calling them? What if Portia still thinks I'm giving her the silent treatment and permanently ends her friendship with me? I'll be ruined…"

Lori continued to speak to herself throughout the night in angst and worry in sentences that could be interpreted as hyperventilating, while Lisa begins the preparations of repairing the phone when she heard Lori speaking to herself, and the brainy Loud sister started to piece together exactly what Lori was going through and had figured it out for herself…


It was now morning in Royal Woods and by the look on Lori's face, she had not slept good at all as she had red beat eyes, she was wearing her favorite Bobby sweater that she wears when she was afraid and/or heartbroken as her hair was messed up and her make-up was running again from crying throughout the night.

"This isn't good! I have to go the rest of the week without talking to my precious Bobby Wobby," Lori spoke out loud in a saddened tone as she started sobbing loudly. Leni started to wake up and wondered what was all the crying about.

"Uh, is it Labor Day already," Leni clearly wasn't up when she said that as she lifted up her sleeping mask and saw Lori in a devastated state and the second oldest sister now had a concerned look on her face for her room mate. "Lori? Like, are you okay? You are totes in bad shape by the looks of it."

Lori shook her head and whimpered, tears still coming down her eyes due to the withdrawal of her cell phone.

It was then the twins entered the bedroom and were wondering what was going on.

"Hey Lori, are you okay," Lana asked while frowning. "We were trying to sleep but your sobbing had awoken us."

"Yeah! I am trying to get my beauty sleep," Lola spat. "Do us a favor and stop sobbing like a loud whale!"

This got Lori's attention as she then stared at the twins, her saddened face vanished as she then entered a state of complete rage and felt very vindictive at the moment. Lori gained a very venomous scowl on her face as she remembered that the twins unintentionally caused her to drop her phone into the toilet and ruined it. She got onto the ground with two rather loud and heavy stomps getting the twins' attentions.

"YOU!" Lori flared angrily pointing at both of them, while Leni was confused as to what was going on. Wanting to let out her aggression due to the phone withdrawals, Lori decided to take it out on the two who caused this to occur. "BOTH OF YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR GETTING MY PHONE RUINED! I AM LITERALLY GOING TO TURN THE TWO OF YOU BRATTY TWERPS INTO HUMAN PRETZELS!"

Both Lana and Lola were now frightened as they knew Lori was aggressive and meant business when she said stuff like that, she was not kidding around and it was always a bad idea to peeve her off.

"IT'S PAYBACK TIME YOU TWO!" Lori sneered through gritted teeth as she then formed an angry scowl on her face, her eyebrows furrowed in rage as she then stomped over to the two six year old twins, while Leni watched in concern, worried that Lori was about to do something she would regret.

It was then the twins decided to panic.


"YEAH!" Lana shouted in agreement. "SHE'S GOING TO TIE US UP LIKE AN ANGRY WOMAN!"

Lola gave her twin a blank stare for the last thing she said for a second there. It was then both of them screamed together.


The two of them hightailed it out of there as they rushed down the hallway, with Lori about to pursuit after them.


"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lana and Lola screamed together as they were heading for the door of Lincoln's room, with Lori close behind them.

We then see Lincoln getting out of his bedroom, in his orange PJs as he was awoken by some screaming.

"Ooooo…man," Lincoln proceeded to wipe the sleepies out of his eyes. "Who the heck is screaming at this time in the morning?"

It was then he heard the twins scream for him.

"LINCOLN!" Both of them screamed in fear, getting Lincoln to bolt himself awaken and saw the twins heading for him. Once they were close to their older brother, both Lana and Lola dove behind Lincoln for protection as they shivered in fear, getting Lincoln confused, but he figured it out when he saw that Lori was planning on beating them up. Piecing everything together, Lincoln figured out why Lori feels the need to turn Lana and Lola into human pretzels. Wanting to stop it before it got ugly and to defend his two younger sisters, Lincoln immediately took action.


As Lincoln screamed that, Lori skidded to a stop as she then stopped right in front of Lincoln who was defending the twins and when Lori saw Lincoln look at her, he gave her a very disapproving frown and furrowed his eyebrows at her in disappointment for what she was about to do.

"Lori, I know that you are upset about your phone no longer working, and I understand that your angry at the twins for unintentionally getting your phone ruined to begin with, but wanting to pulverize them and turn them into human pretzels will NOT SOLVE ANYTHING!" Lincoln scolded her and shook his head in disappointment.

It was then guilt hit Lori like a ton of bricks, as she lost that anger that was on her face and then started speaking.

"Oh no, I'm sorry that I was about to do that," Lori apologized. "I just miss using my beloved cell phone and talking to my Boo-Boo Bear."

Lincoln sighed and then calmed down a bit.

"I know you do Lori, but violence will not make anything better," Lincoln informed her as the twins continued to look at her in fear. "Beating them up will not get your phone repaired faster."

"I know," Lori had her head down in shame as she was stricken with guilt. "I'm sorry."

It was then the rest of the sisters, sans Lisa, got out of their rooms and started complaining as to what had awoken them from their sleep and then Leni came to the scene and asked her sister.

"Lori? Have you calmed down," Leni asked in concern. "I don't want you to do something you'll regret."

"I haven't," Lori sighed. "This is so much harder than I thought…"

"I know it is Lori, but we can help you," Lincoln assured her.

"But what can you do," Lori groaned. "Heck, I literally don't know what is wrong with me."

"I most certainly do," Lisa had said as she came to the scene, having figured out what Lori was going through. "Allow me to inspect our eldest sister for a second to assure that my suspicions are correct."

The sisters stepped to the side and Lisa inspected her for a second to make sure her assumption was accurate.

"Mhmm, mhmm... Yup. It's just as I suspected. My suspicions from what was witnessed yesterday in the living room via cameras that are secretly hidden, combined with the commotion that Lori had with herself all night long are completely accurate with this discovery. Siblings, our eldest sister here is dealing with Nomophobia." Lisa revealed.

The others were wondering what that was.

"Allow me to reiterate for you all," Lisa then explained. "Nomophobia happens to be the fear of going without a cell phone, smart phone, tablet and any other precious electronics that you could think of that work and function similarly to those pieces of technology. In other words siblings, Lori here is going through a serious withdrawal from losing her cell phone."

All the siblings made a gasping sound at that.

"Gasp," Lucy said dully as Lisa continued explaining.

"Aside from the symptoms from this consisting of social phobia, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder, there are also the symptoms that the person going through Nomophobia will experience nervousness, anxiety, anguish, perspiration, trembling in fear and paranoia, disorientation, agitation, and respiratory alterations," Lisa said. "Not to mention taking out their anger on others, especially on those that caused the accident to begin with. That would also explain why Lori was planning on attacking and turning Lana and Lola here into human pretzels just a minute ago, if you can catch what I'm saying."

The siblings all spoke at once for a minute before Lincoln whistled and then spoke.

"So you're saying that Lori has Nomophobia and is going through phone withdrawals?"

"Correct," Lisa nodded.

"Is there any way on her getting over it," Lincoln asked with hope.

"Well it's not an easy task, but one can overcoming it by taking part in activities that hardly have any involvement with the phone that she uses and be able to ease themselves," Lisa then shrugged her shoulders. "But how should I know? I am into science, not therapy."

"You guys are right," Lori sighed. "I was about to do something I regret thanks to the withdrawals I am going through, and I'm really sorry for it."

"Lori, it's okay," Lincoln reassured her once again. "We'll help you through this. I swear."

"But what can you guys suggest to me," Lori wondered.

"You know Lori, why don't you like, try hanging out with each of your sisters and see how they live their lives," Leni came up with a brilliant idea unwillingly. "It might totes give you a whole new overview on how your sisters live and you'll be giving yourself a break from going insane over your phone that needs to be fixed."

Everyone gave Leni a shocked look as to how she could actually come up with a brilliant idea as that one, especially Lisa. Lori then gasped and then spoke.

"Hey! That's it," Lori approached Leni with enthusiasm. "Leni, you're literally a genius!"

"Oh boy, I never thought I was a genie," Leni squealed gleefully, mishearing what she said. "If I had three wishes to grant, I'd wish for fashion, makeovers, and for everyone in my family to be given eternal happiness forever!"

"No Leni, she said genius not genie," Lisa said to her. "To put it in simple terms, she's saying you came up with a rather smart, clever and brilliant idea."

Leni looked at her brainy little sister and then asked.

"Oh Lisa, is this like the time you said that I'm not tolerant of people who lack toes?"

"I said lactose intolerant!" Lisa shouted.

"Lisa, I already told you, I'm tolerant of everyone, whether they lack toes or not," Leni stated.

"Forget it. I give up," Lisa sighed and decided to drop it.

"Leni, I really should hang out with all of you," Lori said. "And I can start with you Leni!"

But before Leni could say anything, a beep went off on her phone which got her attention. It was revealed that Leni got a reminder on her phone which she checked and found out that she had to attend a dress sale at the mall.

"Oh. I'm sorry Lori, but I can't spend time with you," Leni said. "There's a 50% off sale at the mall going on and I have to like, be there to get the best dress I totes can get my hands on."

Lori felt dejected when Luna said.

"I'm free though sis," Luna remarked. "You can hang out with me and see how rocking my life is!"

"You can spend time with me as well," Luan spoke. "You don't have to prank me for giving you my company! Hahaha, get it?"

After groaning at that, Lynn said.

"I can hang too," Lynn said. "I can show you how I play baseball, football, basketball, soccer, hockey, all of my most favorite sports I know that you'll get a kick out of."

"Me too," Lucy said out of nowhere getting the siblings to jump. "I can show you to my favorite location where I like to write poems."

"I'll hang out with you too, if you're not going to beat me and Lola up anymore," Lana spoke. "I can show you how I make the best mud pies there is and how I love living a muddy life!"

"You can hang with me too," Lola spoke. "We can have a tea party and I can talk to you about my pageants."

"Well if you must know eldest sibling, I'll be busy with making the repairs to your phone," Lisa exclaimed. "I'm pretty sure our youngest sister Lily would love your company though."

"I guess it's settled," Lori decided to go with it. Despite the fact that none of them have anything in common with her, she decided to give them a chance since she has nothing else to lose since her phone was not working and she was getting bored and lonely anyway. "I'll hang out with all of you and see what you do just for the heck of it, literally."

"Great!" Leni beamed. "I'll be at the mall! I'll see you guys later!"

"And I'll be doing the usual. I'll maybe call Clyde if I have the chance," Lincoln said. "If you need anything from me at all Lori, feel free to come to my room and ask for help."

"Got it Linc," Lori said. "Let's start."

The sisters cheered as Leni was heading for the mall and Lisa went back to continue to repair Lori's damaged phone. Lori was about to go through an experience she won't ever forget…