Chapter seventeen- Make it rain
Chapter seventeen plot- A family fun day out ends with surprising news.
Hey everybody! So this is it, this is the final chapter of make it rain. I would like to thank everybody who followed, favourited or reviewed this story. It means the world to me. I hope you all enjoy the final chapter!
I don't care what they say
'Cause I have seen when we run we make it rain
There's nothing better than this
I'll keep wanting you for just one more kiss
To make it rain,
Can you be mine?
Can you be mine?
Can you be mine?
Oh now you're mine...
2 months later- July 8th 2020
"The kids are all dressed and having breakfast," Alex says to Jo as he walks into the living room where she was busy packing day bags for their trip to the trip to the local Seattle Zoo. They were going to end the day by staying in a local house down by the lake. Next to Jo was the twins, who were occupied in their rock 'n' plays.
Jo looks up at him, "this is going to be so much fun. I don't remember the last time we went to do something like this," she smiles. "Wow, that's kinda sad," she adds slowly.
"Well, we've been busy. Life gets busy. We've got seven kids, we're always busy. But that makes moments like this that more special and appreciated," Alex replies. He bends down and gives Jo a kiss on the cheek.
"I guess you're right. If we did this stuff all the they'd expect it. We're busy, and life is just going to get even more busier," Jo replies with a smile.
"Princess, I'll finish up breakfast with the kids if you want to finish up here and get the twins ready?" Alex suggests.
"Sounds like a plan lover boy," she grins.
Scene break
"Thanks for taking us to the zoo mummy and daddy!" The kids say excitedly as Alex and Jo pay for the tickets.
"No worries kiddos," Alex replies as he hands each child a ticket. "You have all been very well behaved."
"We Know," Jacob says with a grin.
"Of course you know," Jo smiles. "Alright, let's go," Jo smiles as the lady hands her the tickets. Maddie puts her land on the side of the Twins pram while the older kids walk next to it and they head off into the zoo.
"Mummy, we must go and see the Koala's! They are so adorable and cute. But, if you be super duper mean to them they can kill you!" Angela exclaims excitedly.
"That doesn't sound nice," Maddie replies seriously.
"Well let's go have a look and see what we can find out," Alex suggests. They look at a map and find out where the koalas are and they begin make their way over there.
"Mummy, when are we going to go to the special house near the water?" Jacob asks as they walk over to the Koalas.
"After we finish at the zoo," Jo replies.
Scene break
"They're so cute!" Angela exclaims as the family admire the koalas.
"Look Mummy, that ones got three feet!" Maddie says excitedly as she points to a koala. everybody looks up at it.
"Ohhhh... Um... That one it the middle isn't a foot," Jo says awkwardly.
"Oh yeah, most certainly not," Alex laughs.
"Then what is it?" Maddie asks.
"It's a..." Alli begins to answer before Jo puts her hand over Alli's mouth, muffling the last word, 'doodle.'
"It's nothing that concerns you," Jo replies.
Alex and Jo look over to Alli, "how did you know what that was?" Alex asks concerned and very disturbed.
"I'm thirteen, We take sex education classes at school!" She says assertively.
"Please don't share any of your human anatomy classes with your siblings, okay?" Jo asks.
"Okay," Alli sighs. She was looking forward to grossing out her siblings with her new found knowledge.
"Alright kiddos, where to next?" Alex asks.
"Lunch!" Jacob says excitedly.
"Lunch? Darling, we only just got here. It's 10:30," Jo replies.
"I'm hungry," Jacob replies.
"Oh, he is so your son," Jo laughs while she looks at Alex.
Scene break
That night
The night breeze was cold, but when coming into contact with the fire it became the perfect temperature to hit the skin. The crackle of the fire was soothing to the ear and the mesmerising light from the flames along with the fireflies lighting up the sky made it the perfect evening to enjoy a campfire.
Alex and Jo and the kids with the exception of Amelia and Holly, who were asleep inside, were gathered around the campfire and sitting in a circle chatting away and enjoying s'mores.
"They look so happy don't they?" Jo asks as they admire they're children laughing at the cheesy nature of each other's jokes.
"They do. I can't believe that we did all this," he says with a grin.
"We're pretty amazing, right?" Jo says with a nudge.
"Oh, so totally amazing," he laughs. Jo snuggles into his side and rests her head on his shoulder and they continue to admire the kids.
Moments pass and Jo looks up at him. "Alex?" She questions.
"Yes Princess," he smiles.
"I'm late," Jo states.
"Late? Late for what?" He questions curiously.
"We have a football team of kids how can you be so clueless, I'M LATE," Jo emphasises. "And that's pretty amazing given the fact that somebody got Neutered. Unless somebody lied about having a certain surgery," she replies.
"Every 1 in 600 neuterings fail. My boys are the elite of the elite. They've proven that time and time again. Especially given the fact we conceived triplets while you had an IUD," he points out. "And just because you're period is late doesn't mean that you're pregnant. It could be late for a number of reasons," he adds.
"My period has only ever been unexpectedly late two times. Their names are Allison, Jacob, Angela and Rachel," Jo states simply causing Alex to give a little chuckle. They look over at the kids before looking back over at each other.
"Come on, the likelihood of you being pregnant right now is very slim, and if you are then clearly it's meant to be," Alex says.
"Well, I just took a test and..." Jo begins.
"And?" Alex questions.
She pulls out a pregnancy test from her bra and holds it up in front of Alex, "I'm pregnant," she smiles.