Oichi was walking home after her shift at the café in Karakura city. She was smiling as she hummed. She looked down at her ring on her finger. A 18K white rose engagement ring was on her finger. Her boyfriend of six years, Renji Abarai had proposed to her three years ago. It was the happiest day of her life. He had spent a lot on this ring even though she would have taken something less expensive. She had run across this ring in her room when she was cleaning. She was shocked at seeing and when she confronted Renji he got flustered about her finding it. It was then he proposed to her. Now he wanted a huge wedding with all their friends and family. She wanted something small with close friends and family but Renji said he wanted to show her off as much as possible.

She sighed as she looked up into the sky. It was bit hot today. She was wearing a pair of light blue shorts and a plain white shirt and flats. Her batman backpack was strapped on behind her. Her glasses, that she sometimes wears, were sticking out a small pouch on the bag. She ran her fingers through her black and purple hair. It used to be to her shoulders but she let it grow out down to her back. She was going to cut it some time ago but for some reason her hair was really popular in the café. She didn't know why and when they heard she was going to cut it everyone through a fit. Passing a toy shop, her bright red eyes spotted a new batman Lego set. "Oooh!" She quickly went to the window with sparkling eyes. 'So cool! I want it! How much is it!' She screamed mentally. While looking at Legos she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She frowned as she checked herself out. Her tan skin had gotten slightly darker thanks to the summer sun. If someone looked very close at her chest they could see the batman bra she had under the shirt. She looked down at her hips. 'Gahh…kinda thick…why do I have to inherit my mom's hips and butt…' She looked at her chest. 'Then again…I'm glad I got the butt and not the chest.' Her size was C cup slowly working its way up to a D cup or so that's what she was told by Renji one night. She pouted slightly. 'He's such a pervert…'

Ringing was heard, knocking Oichi out her thoughts. She reached into her back pocket and pulled her phone out. It was Renji calling her. She answered. "Hello?" "Hey babe! Where you at?" Oichi started walking "I'm on my way home right now. The café had to close down early today since it's expanding and all." "Oh right, I forgot. Congratulations on becoming the manger!" Oichi giggled. "I'm not the manger yet though. Nothing has been officially stated or anything." "Haa! They would have to be an idiot not to make you the manger. You have been working there since high school. It would be a lost if they didn't give you want you deserve." Oichi smiled. "Aw, thanks for the vote of confidence." Renji chuckled. "So listen, I was thinking of going out to eat with the guys tonight?" "Tonight? Didn't you go out with them last night to? Mmm…Well it's not like we had anything planned and you do need a break from work you know." "Oh my gosh! Your like angel!" Oichi laughed. "You're so silly. I told you that you didn't need to call me every time you go out you know. Just leave me a note or something and no planning anything if we have something planned already. Unless it's dealing with work." "You are the best. I am sooo lucky to have you as my future wife."

Oichi blushed slightly. "F-Future wife…it's so hard to get use to hearing that." "Is it? I have no issue saying it as loud and proud as I can. OICHI IS GOING TO BE MY WIFE!" He yelled through the phone. Oichi's face turned redder. "R-Renji…" He laughed over the phone then stopped and sighed. "Something wrong?" "Well…it's just work." Oichi frowned. "Stuck with paperwork again?" "Yeah…Mr. Kuchiki is working me to the bone." Oichi smiled. "It's weird to here you call Byakuya Mr. now…" Renji chuckled.

Renji worked in a company called Soul Society prevention center. It was spilt up into different divisions and handed specific issues. Renji is in the 6th division with his division leader Byakuya Kuchiki, a rich, powerful, yet respectful man. Their division works with job recruitment. They teach people how to act in a job interview, see which job is best for the person, and so forth. Byakuya is very strict with rules and good timing. Renji works directly under him so he gets hit with a lot of paper work. However, their division is currently a lot more popular than the others so they get hit a lot with fans, job applications, and on the rare occasion stalkers.

Oichi smiled at Renji's tired sighed. "I know its hard sweetie. How about tomorrow I'll make you some Taiyaki for work?" "Really!? On man that sounds really good! I can't get enough of your Taiyaki…but why not tonight?" Oichi laughed. "Didn't you just tell me that you were going out with the guys tonight?" "Oh! Right shoot…then yeah! I'll take you up on that." Oichi shakes her head. "Speaking of that we are out of milk and eggs. You think you can pick some up?" Oichi turned to see the grocery store. "Good timing. I'm looking right at the store. Send me a picture of the shopping list. I can get some little things out the way." Just then Oichi heard something break over the phone. "Renji? What was that?" Renji laughed nervously. "It was nothing. Just bumped into something looking for my hair band." Oichi smiled. "Did you check in the bathroom? On your hair tie stand?" Renji chuckled. "I didn't, thanks though." Oichi smiled. "Alright babe. I'm going to get ready to go out. Love you." "Love you to Renji. Have fun…" Oichi blushed. "D-Darling…" She says in almost a whispered. There was a paused. "S-So…cute…" Renji mumbles. Oichi quickly hangs up. Her heart was beating so fast. Despite them being together for so long she has never called him anything other than his name and sometimes sweetie but, she called everyone that sometimes. She rubbed her heated face. "So embarrassing…"

Across town in a small restaurant Grimmjow walked in yawning. He looked around and spotted his table. He rubbed his spiky blue hair and walked over to take a seat next to Ulquiorra. Nnoitra and Yammy were sitting in front of them already eating. "Took your ass long enough." Nnoitra says grabbing his cup of water. His long black hair was in a ponytail. He fixed his eyepatch on his right eye while drinking. His cold black eyes gazed over to a group of girls that had been looking at Grimmjow. "Fuck off. Aizen and his stupid followers wouldn't leave me the hell alone." Yammy burped loudly, wiping his mouth his sleeve. "I hear ya. A bunch of pansies if you ask me." Nnoitra chuckled. "I do admit you speak some truth. I can even take a shit peacefully before I'm asked to do something that isn't dealing with my department." Ulquiorra sipped on his tea while his green eyes scanned over a book he was reading. "It's very annoying indeed." They looked at him. "Hooo so the loyal dog of Aizen is agreeing with us finally?" Nnoitra says laughing.

Grimmjow sighed as he waited for the waitress to come take his order. "At the very least he should do something about them. How does he expect us to get any work done with his lackies all over our asses? Then we are placed behind fucking schedule! It's a pain in the ass!" Grimmjow says. Nnoitra frowned. "I hear that. I'm getting sick of this. Were supposed to be on top, given our positions and we are still being treated like second and third-rate employees. I'm getting real sick of it." Yammy sighs out from eating. "Those dirt bags basically took the company right out from under us…they know everything about us now. No matter how much we complain we still get paid a boat load. What else can we really do?" They looked at Yammy. Nnoitra dropped his fork. "Well…I'll be damn. That was actually something smart you just said."

Ulquiorra looks at them. "So, in the end money is what make things better." Grimmjow leans back in the chair. "Fucking shit…"

The waitress came over. "Sir? What can I get for…Oh? Mr. Jaggerjack. Would you like the regular?" Grimmjow nodded. The waitress nodded and left. "So Grimmjow how's that kid of yours doing?" Grimmjow groans out. "I'm so sick of it. In one ear she is yelling her fucking head off about me not seeing the kid and the next when I do get him she starts screaming about how I never spend time with him and a bunch of shit. I can't bring the kid to work with me. So I gotta pay the babysitter to watch him. I told her a million times that I can only take him on certain days." Grimmjow rubs his face. "It doesn't help that Aizen is working us around the clock like we don't have better things to do. Now she's threating to take full custody of him. I'm already paying child support. What more does she want from me!?" Yammy chuckled. "I never took her to be the petty type. She looks like she can take care of herself and the kid." Grimmjow shrugs. "That's what I thought to…"

Nnoitra gave a dry laugh. "I've been telling you that for years. Ever since you got together with her. I knew she'd try to dump the kid on you while she lived her life. No one but me has seen the true side of that bitch. If I were you I'd beat her to the courts first. You got some vacation times saved up right? File for full custody of the brat." "Say what? I don't want full custody. I can't take care of him all on my own." Grimmjow says. Nnoitra rolled his eyes. "Then find a woman who can. Easy as pie. You're like an eye candy to some of these gold diggers. You tell them as long as they kept your kid happy you'll buy them anything you want. Simple. It's not like your broke." Grimmjow sighed and then looked over at Ulquiorra. "How's your love life. Still a virgin?" Ulquiorra didn't answer. "I'll take that as a yes…" Grimmjow says. "Man…can life get any worse then what it is now."

At the grocery store Oichi was humming slightly to herself. Since Renji was off enjoying some guy time she thought it would be nice to have some girl time of her own. She stopped at the wine aisle and picked up a bottle. "It's been a while since we just hung out ha-ha." She brought two bottles, a few snacks and headed to the counter to check out. "Evening Oichi." The cashier says. "Evening. I'd like to get these please." The cashier smiles. "Having a girl's night?" Oichi nodded. "Yeah, Since the guys are out I figured the chicka's need a day to themselves you know. The cashier laughs as he rings her items up. "I hear that. I heard about the café expanded." Oichi nodded. "Yeah, a newer addition bigger than ever." "Yeah I heard the two co owners are trying to call a truce and that little café is a starter for them. I just hope they don't cause trouble for you and the others you know. That part of town can get really bad." Oichi nodded. "Yeah, but don't worry. Me and the others will be just fine." The cashier smiled and nodded. "Alright then, your total will be 35.60." Oichi smiled and digs in her bag. She pulls out her batman wallet and goes for her credit card.

"Haha, You and your Batman fetish." Oichi blushed. "S-Shut up. There is nothing wrong with loving Batman." The Cashier chuckled and swiped her card. "Being a 24 year old young lady like yourself it raises the question." Oichi pouted making him laugh. He then frowns. He swipes it again. "Um Oichi…sorry to say but your card has been decline." Oichi's eyes widen a bit. "Decline? That's hard to believe we just got paid yesterday. I haven't even had time to put half my money in my savings. Can you try again?" "I did. I swiped twice but…it declined." Oichi frowned and sighed opening her wallet out. She pulled out two twenties. "Here." "Sorry." Oichi smiled. "It's okay. I mean its not your fault or anything." The cashier smiles and gives her back her change. They waved bye at each other than Oichi left. The bags were dropped down to her elbow as she went to her phone to check her card. "I should have money on my card. Maybe their machine is broken."

Oichi pulled up her account and stopped walking. "No way…" She looked at her account in shock. It was telling her she had a negative 750 dollars in her checking account. "No way…No way…what the hell!?" She says. "How…who…" She opened up the files to see someone had brought something worth her entire paycheck and more. "….." Oichi sighs and quickly heads homes. "I'll have to call the bank and see what is going on. If the purchase was over the amount of my card then it shouldn't have gone through and the main issue is who the heck hacked my card!"

Oichi walked a bit more before she started entering the house section of the city. The walk was about ten to fifteen minutes depending on her own walking speed. She and Renji were renting out a small house until they could find the perfect one for them. She reached their house. It was a white and gray two-story house with a nice garden of flowers in front, that Oichi herself planted. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a garage for two. Why they needed a garage she didn't know. Neither of them own a car since work was walkable and Renji carpooled for now. She walked up the stairs pulling her keys out. Unlocked the door and walked in, slamming the door shut behind her.

She walked into the kitchen and sat her things down. She then headed into the living room, grabbed her laptop and went to her bank account. She dialed the number, placing it on speaker. It rung twice before someone picked up. "Thank you for choosing Kara Bank. My name is Jazmine, how may I help you today." "Yes, My name is Oichi Yamamoto and I'm calling to report this 750 dollar credit on my account." "Okay Ms. Yamamoto let me just open up your account right quick." Oichi tapped her foot waiting. "Ah, yes it seems like a purchase was made earlier at Marco's Cabana." Oichi frowned. "What is that…look I didn't buy anything from that place. I think my card has been hacked or something." "Okay Ms. Yamamoto looking in your recent purchase it seems like someone has been shopping there since last month." "Say what!?" "I can delete this off your account if you wish and deactivate your card, though I'm afraid we cannot retrieve the money that was taken. We can however send you a new card with more security to protect your card better. Will that work for you?"

Oichi sat back and rubbed the space between her eyes. "Just great…" She mumbled. It's not like she had a lot of money saved up since working at a café isn't much but now she had to take care of 750-dollar fee. "Alright. Please do what you have to do and send me a new card please." "Okay your card will be there in 3 to 4 business days." "Thank you." "No problem Ms. Yamamoto. Please have a great day and thank you for being a valuable customer." Oichi hangs up and sighs. She picks up her phone and called Renji.

The phone rings four times before he picked up. "Oh, hey babe, uh, what's up?" "Renji? Do you know what Marco's Cabana is?" There was a slight pause. "No. Why?" He finally says. "I was trying to buy the groceries and my card declined. When I checked it, there was a 750-dollar fee in my checking's. I Called the bank and someone has been using my card to go to whatever place it is. I was wondering if you have even heard of it." There was another pause. "I see…look um. I'm a bit busy with the guys so when I come home tonight we can figure this out together." Oichi frowned and nodded. "Alright. Sorry for bothering you." "Ah no…you're not bothering me. It's just that maybe the guys will know what it is. If they do I'll go check it out and tell you what I find alright? I'll help you cover the fee and everything so don't worry okay?" Oichi smiled. "Alright. Have fun Renji. I love you." "Yeah. Love you to. Bye." Renji says hanging the phone up.

Getting up and heading to the kitchen, Oichi dialed her friends number and placed them on a four-way chat. Orihime picked up first. She looked like she was getting out of the shower. She had a wet towel over her orange hair. "Oichi! Hi there!" Oichi smiled at Orihime. She was always happy and cheerful. "Hey Orihime. You home already?" She nodded. "Yup, got off about an hour ago." The box below her appeared and Nel appeared pissed off. "I don't care what he says! He is taking his son this weekend withier he likes it or not!" She yelled in her other phone. Orihime and Oichi had their ears covered. "I see your as…hyper…as ever." Nel huffed out. "That no good jerk is trying to get out of watching his son this weekend. I swear men are all the same." Oichi smiled. "Renji isn't." Nel smiled at her. "Oh sure, you get a golden boy and I get a jack ass who could care less that we have a child together." The third block was still loading. "Is Rukia busy?" Oichi asked opened the bottle of wine. "Ho-Ho what do you got there little Oichi? A nice bottle of wine? Isn't it too early to be drinking?" Oichi rolled her eyes. "Its almost five and I really need one." She says reaching up to grab a wine glass. "I was calling you guys to come have a drink with me. Renji is out with the guys and I got two bottles that need to be empty along with some snacks." Nel nodded. "I'm down if you don't mind me bring my little Grayson over?" Oichi nodded. "Sure, bring him. You in Orihime?" She nodded. "Yes, but I have work tomorrow so I'd like to avoid drinking." Oichi looked at the blank screen. "I guess Rukia has better things to…" It picked up with a tired looking Rukia. Nel laughed. "Looks like someone had a good time last night."

Oichi smirked. "So I take it your little date with Ichigo went well again?" Rukia smiled slightly. "Yeah…you can say that." Nel and Oichi giggled. "He wore you out so bad you didn't wake up til now?" Oichi asked. Rukia blushed. "W-Well…" They heard a door slam. Nel eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! Is he still there? Like right now!?" Rukia quickly sat up. "No! He uh…left a few seconds ago really. Said he had to take care of something." She says looking away from the screen." Nel chuckled. "Aw, I really wanted to see his face but, get your tail up and come tell us about it. I want to know every detail." She says. Rukia yawned and nodded. "Alright. I'm down." Oichi smiled and looked at Orihime. She looked a bit confused. "Orihime are you okay?" Orihime blinks and smiles. "Oh yes! I'm fine." Oichi raised her eyebrow. "Well I'll see you in a bit!" Orihime says getting off, along with Nel and Rukia.

Back across the city in the section of Hueco Mundo Aizen was in his personal building. It was tall and it oversees all the other building. "Mr. Aizen…" Aizen turned around, slicking his hair back. He saw his co-partner Gin. "What is it Gin?" Gin walked up to him and looked out into the view. "Lovely view, isn't it?" Aizen looked out into Karakura city. "Yes, a sad city that is divided into two…" Gin chuckled. "Not for long, right? The deal with Genryusai is in effect, now right? A building of you twos agreement is that café that borders right in the middle of Las Noches and the Seireitei…oh well they just like to be called part of Karakura city now…" Aizen chuckled. "The deal between us was that we will share the café on each other's borders. Have workers from both sides working to see if they can co-exist then we will see what happens after that. Simple no?" Aizen turned around and went to his desk. Gin smirks. "That can't be all you plan for?" Aizen smiles. "Is the meeting ready?" Gin chuckles. "Dodging the question, I see. Yes, everyone is waiting for you." Aizen gets up. "Then let's not keep them waiting."

A few floors down Grimmjow and the others were sitting in a meeting room. "For Gosh sake…can't he be on time for his own meetings!?" Grimmjow says groaning out. "Calm yourself Grimmjow…" Grimmjow looked to see Harribel with her arms crossed. Her blonde hair was over her right eye. She brushed it back behind her ear. "If Sir Aizen said he'll be here then he will be here." Grimmjow narrowed his eyes. "Sir Aizen?…ha…how much ass kissing are you doing?" Harribel narrowed her eyes back at him. "If anyone should be kissing ass it should be you. With all the work you think you do." "What was that bitch? You want to go?" Grimmjow says getting up. At the edge of the table Starrk sighs. He was trying to sleep through this meeting. "Can you two shut up Already. At this point everyone here at this table is a kiss ass don't you think? As long as we get paid…that's all that matters. Such a pain you all are." They all looked at him.

"My, My…talking about who's bottom to kiss is something my top division leaders shouldn't be talking about. How amusing." They all looked to see Aizen and Gin walking into the meeting room. Grimmjow snitched his teeth as Aizen took a seat. "Good evening everyone. Would you like a cup of tea?" No one said anything. "No? Alright then. I'm sorry to drag you out of your busy schedule but I wanted everyone to know about the truce with Karakura city. I want each of you to visit our new café every now and then. Report to me on how it is doing. You each will have jobs to do for this little project. I want this to be a success so please put all of your heart in strength into this." Grimmjow and Nnoitra rolled their eyes in annoyance. "I will now give you a job that I would like you to personally work. Ulquiorra, you will be in charge of looking over it financially. Nnoitra you and Yammy will be making sure no one causes issues with our workers." Nnoitra frowned. "So guard duty? Ha why not make Grimmjow do that shit? He's better at it anyways?" Grimmjow shook a glare at him. Aizen chuckled. "No, I have a much different job for our Grimmjow here and I will need him to stay after the meeting." Grimmjow sighed as Aizen went on about who was doing what job.

After the meeting was over Grimmjow was still sitting down as everyone left. Aizen had his eyes closed as everyone walked out. Grimmjow had his hands in his pockets waiting. Once everyone was gone Gin walked up and placed a file in front of Grimmjow. "Mr. JaggerJack. We need your skills once more." Grimmjow looked at the folder. "We need this before the next month in July. You can bring them in one by one, or all together, it's your choice as long as we get it. Do you think you can handle it?" Grimmjow took the folder. "You're asking me like I got a choice…" He says getting up and leaving. As he left a smile came to Aizen's face.

Grimmjow looked through the folder as he walked. In his division, 6th division, he was in charge of transportation and information. Mainly, handling the dirty work for the company. He smuggled in things from other places, made sure they were useable and then make it to where it became the companies own product. It was more like a side job really to have extra money in his pocket. He didn't mind it as long as he wasn't screwed over. Grimmjow sighed. "The things I do for this company and yet, I still get treated like a fucking errand boy…"

Oichi and the girls were laughing as they shared some stories together. Nel sipped on her third glass of wine. "Seriously Oichi. I really should have you as a babysitter!" Oichi smiles. Nel's son, Grayson, was sitting on her lap cuddled up to her, slowly falling asleep. He was about 7 months. He had teal eyes and short blue hair. He had taken a strong likening to Oichi and wouldn't miss the chance to be up under her. Oichi rubbed his back as she to sips her third cup of wine. "So, do you plan on having children of your own?" Orihime asked. Oichi blushed a bit. "Maybe someday but, we got to get a lot done. We still have to figure out the wedding and we are thinking about settling down in this house and so forth. I think having a child now would put things on hold." Nel nodded. "I agree! Don't have any kids! They are a buddle of joy but they place everything on hold specially when they have a dead-beat dad!" Nel says pouring a fourth cup.

Rukia shook her head. "I think your drinking too much." Nel smiles. "Oh please, I can drink a lot more than this. I need about four more bottles of wine to even get buzzed. So tell us about the date and the night. Don't leave out any details." Rukia blushed. "W-Well…he took me out to eat and to the movies. It was a bit awkward at first since he tried to make this night special for some reason." Rukia smiled softly. "I told him that every day I was with him it was special to me." "Awwww!" The girls say making Rukia blush. "Oh, shut up…anyways we went back to my place and…kinda just ended the night there." Nel chuckled. "Was he good?" Rukia nodded and rubbed her neck were some fresh hicky marks were. "Yeah, he…how do you say it…Rocked my world?" Nel and Oichi laughed. "That's putting it mild." Orihime was looking down at her soda can. Rukia looked over to her and sighed. "Orihime. I'm sorry." Orihime looked at her in surprise. "Huh!?" "Look I know you had feeling for Ichigo. I shouldn't be talking about this without considering your feelings. I'm sorry." Orihime smiled. "No, No it's okay it's just…well…" "What is it?" Nel asked. "It's nothing. Forget it." Oichi frowned. "You know we can't, now that you look like something is bothering you."

Orihime waved it off. "I don't want to cause any drama or anything. Let's talk about something else." Rukia also frowned. "Drama? Did something happen? You know you can tell us anything." Nel sat back. "Spill it Orihime. Come on. We aren't letting this go. Do someone try to man handle you!?" Orihime looked at them and then sighed. "Okay…its just…Ichigo said nothing special happened between you to." Rukia's eyes widen. "Excuse me?" Orihime looked down. "I'm sorry…I just wanted to see how the date went. I called you but you weren't picking up so I called Ichigo. He said that you guys did the normal thing and went out to eat and dinner…he said that he dropped you off at your house and wanted to come in but you brushed it off…" Nel and Oichi looked at Rukia who was red in the face.

She stood up. "You had no right to call him!" She yelled. Grayson jumped at her loud voice. He started to tear up getting fussy. Oichi sighed and placed her glass down. She places Grayson over her shoulder bouncing him a bit. Orihime kept her head down. "I'm really sorry Rukia but it's the truth. I just wanted to know if everything went okay. He sounded upset over the phone and I just asked what was wrong and he told me that." Rukia gripped her fist and grabbed her pocketbook. She stormed away pulling her phone out. She walked outside slamming the door behind her. Grayson sniffed as Oichi bounced him back to sleep.

Orihime had sadness in her eyes. "I'm a horrible friend…" Nel reached over and pats her head. "It's okay Orihime. It's our fault to. We shouldn't have dug so deep. I thought it was something concerning you." Oichi nodded. "Yes, it's fine but it begs the question…if she didn't sleep with Ichigo who did she sleep with…We all saw the fresh hicky marks and Ichigo isn't the sort of guy that would lie you know." Nel nodded. They heard a car start up and speed away. "Looks like she's gone…" Orihime stood up. "I should get going to…I need to apologize to her and Ichigo. I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to break them up." Nel stood up to. "We know that and Ichigo knows that. Rukia was embarrassed that she got caught in a lie that's all." Oichi frowned. "The last thing I want to have is drama between us. Let's just drop this for now. I'm sure it will get settle soon enough." They nodded at her. Oichi stood up and handed a sleeping Grayson to Nel. He started fussing in his sleep reaching out. Oichi smiled and rubbed his cheek settling him down. Nel smile. "You are so good with kids…I'm so making you babysit him." Oichi smiles at her as she walked them to the door.

Later, around one a.m Oichi was sleeping when she was woken by the doorbell. She yawned getting up. She was wearing a light red lace night gown. She put on her house coat and patted her hair down. She always had horrible bed head. She walked downstairs. The doorbell rings again. "Who is it!?" Oichi yelled a bit annoyed. She looked though the peek hole and saw Renji's drunk face. "Renji…" She opened the door. Renji was chuckling with a red face. His friends Shuhei and Kira were supporting him. Their faces were a bit red as well. "H-Hey Oichi. We brought Renji home." Oichi smiled. "Thank you two so much." She walked to them and grabbed Renji's arm from Kira. She pulled him inside the house. "Are you two okay to drive? If not you can use the spare rooms down here." Shuhei smiled at her sweetly making her blush a bit. She won't deny that Shuhei was very handsome, especially when he smiled so sweetly like that. "Thanks, Oichi, but we are fine. Momo is driving us." Oichi nodded.

Renji burps a bit and leans on Oichi more. "Mmm…you're so soft and warm babe." He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Let's have fun tonight huh?" "Renji it's one in the morning I think you had enough fu…ah!" Renji grabbed her left breast. "Mmm your boobs are getting bigger. I want to eat them up." Oichi's face went red as Renji licked her neck. Shuhei and Kira's face also went red as they watched Renji's hand run up Oichi's thigh, showing a bit of her lace nightgown. "R-Renji stop…!" Oichi says trying to move away from him. Renji chuckled and bite her ear. Oichi let out a soft moan. Renji licked and nipped on her ear. Shuhei held his nose hearing Oichi's cute moans. "M-Maybe we should go…" Kira says pushing Shuhei back to the car. "I'm s-sorry!" Oichi says as she uses her foot to close the door. She took her hand and mushed Renji's face. "Renji! At least let's go to the bed room. You so embarrassing!"

Oichi wasn't sure how but she was able to bring Renji to the room. Along the way Renji had lost his shirt and she had lost her house coat. They landed on the bed and Renji quickly stripped out of his pants. "Renji please…it's to early for…" Renji slammed a kiss on her lips, forcing his tongue in her mouth. He pressed his body up against her. She could feel his hard on through his boxes. Ultimately Oichi gave up since the only way Renji would stop was if he passed out. Renji rubbed up against her more. "Let me in…" He moaned. Oichi blushed and pushed him up a bit. "So embarrassing…" She mumbled as she slipped her panties off. Using her feet, since this wasn't the first time this has ever happen, she pulled down his boxes. Renji hissed a bit at the coolness that he felt. Oichi pulled him back to her and guided his member to her. "O-Okay…" She says. Renji wasted no time as he pushed inside her fully. Oichi's back arched up a bit as she gasp at the sudden entrance. Renji groans as he started to thrust inside her roughly. "Fuck…so hot." He says. Oichi wraps her arms around him as she moans out his name. On a good note when he came home like this the sex was ten times amazing.

Renji grabs her legs and spreads them apart farther, pinning them to the bed. He gets to his knees on the bed and thrust as hard and fast as he could inside her. Oichi moved her arms around his neck and brought him down to kiss her. Their bodies were getting hot and sweaty. The friction from their bodies touching, sent sparks through their bodies. With each thrust Oichi was being taking pass the point of no return. She could feel her climax coming any moment but she didn't want it to end. Renji sat up slightly. "I love you…I love you…" He groans out. He grabbed her breast and squeezed them as hard as he could making her cry out. He pulled at her lace and ripped it off. "Renji!" Oichi says. She looked up at Renji, his eyes were fill with lust. "Oh…Renji…" She moaned out, getting turned on by his lusty look. The bed moved with Renji's movements. "Oh babe…I'm gonna cum…" Renji closed his eyes as he let his lust overcome him. "I'm gonna cum inside you." He moans out. "Renji…Renji I love you." She moans out as she felt him throbbing inside her. Renji leans back down and places his hands beside Oichi's face. "Cumming…" He groans out. He slammed his hips into her over and over making sure she felt every single one. He thrusts once more before stopping. His body tensed up and jerks a bit. Oichi moans as she too came. Renji rocks against her just a bit before falling on top of her. There breathing was heavy. Oichi rubbed his head. She felt his body starting to relax. "Mmm…I love you…" He says. Oichi smiled. "Love you more." He turns his head and kisses her cheeks. "Your boobs grew since last time." Oichi looked at him. "Huh?" Renji kisses her neck. "Your softer then before to. Did you take a bath before I came home?" "Well…yeah but." "You're such a tease. You know I can't resist you." Oichi was a bit confused at this but she figured he was just drunk talking.

She sat up and pushed him over a bit. "Let's get you to bed." She helps him get under the blankets. "She then went to the bathroom. She grabbed a cup, that she always keeps in times of these, and fills it up with water. She then opens the machine cabinet and looks for her headache tension pills. Walking back out she placed them on Renji's side of the bed. Renji was watching her with hazy eyes. "Get in bed…" He mumbled out. Oichi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming." She looks down and frowns as her ripped gown. She takes it off and slips into bed with him and was pulled into a cuddle. "It sucks we have to hid it." He mumbles. Oichi frowns. "Hide what?" "The fact that I want you." "What are you talking about. You already have me." Renji chuckles as he falls asleep. Oichi shakes her head as she cuddles up to him. "No more drinking for now…" She says. Renji breathes softly as he mumbles something. "Love you…" "Yes, I love yo…" "Rukia…" Oichi's eyes widen. 'Wait…what!?'

Grimmjow was in his apartment smoking in the kitchen. He was overlooking the files. "Let's see…the truck comes tomorrow night at 9pm near the east side of town. No one usually comes around that time so we can set up here." He circles a spot on a map he had placed on the table. "We can make the drop and have it placed in the ware house before transport. I'll have to use a company truck and make sure the package is crated up. It won't look suspicious if it looks like we are moving somethings. So, everything looks good." He leans back and lets out smoke. The door to his room open and sexy woman walked out. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing nothing but a pair of panties. She swings her hips as she walks to him. "Baby, when are you going back to bed?" Grimmjow watches as she comes to him. She sits on his lap and wrap her arms around his neck. "The bed is so lonely without you." She takes the cigarette out his mouth and places it in her mouth. She breathes in the smoke and then blows it out. "You got me for the next two hours. I say you should use them wisely, you know." Grimmjow sighs mentally as the woman rubs her lower half against him. He wasn't reacting to it and it made her chuckle. "What's wrong? Can't get it up anymore? Did you run out of steam already?" Grimmjow rolled his eyes. "Guess you're not as attractive as you look." The woman frowned. "Say what? You weren't saying that earlier!" Grimmjow shrugs. "It was good for that second…but I barely got off once while you got off three times. That is a major turn off. If you can't keep up with me then don't expect another round." The girl frowned and got off him. "Fuck you Grimmjow! I don't have time for this. You're going to come back to me anyways. Don't take that sassy tone with me just because you can't get it up. Fucking prick!" She walked into the room.

A few seconds later she came out dressed in a short dress and light blue jean jacket. She grabbed her purse and shoes off the table. "Call me when you get the stick out your ass." She says leaving. Grimmjow leans back in his chair. It wasn't like he couldn't get it up. He was bored with her that's all. If he was bored he couldn't get it up period. It's not like she was any good in bed either. He shook his head and got up and headed to bed.

Couple of days later, Oichi was drinking coffee. Her mind was still in the gutters from the other night. It just wouldn't leave her alone. Renji saying what he said. She frowned. 'I love you Rukia?' What was he talking about. She rubbed her chest. 'Renji…and Rukia?' She shook her head. "No, he must have been thinking about something while he said that. He wouldn't do that to me…Plus he was drinking to..." She looked down at her ring. "He wouldn't do that…would he?" She didn't really have the heart to ask Renji about what he said. So she kept telling herself that he was to drunk.

However, the more she thought about that she remembered what he had been saying. Like how her boobs had gotten bigger since last time. They had sex almost every night if they weren't dead tired. Then that line 'It sucks that we have to hide it.' Oichi bit her lip. 'He couldn't be.'

Renji walked down stairs in a suit. He was tying her hair up and walked in the kitchen. He notices Oichi in a trance looking down at her ring. He tits his head. "Babe? Babe!?" He called out. He walked over to her and placed his arms around her. "BABE!" Oichi jumped in his arms making him chuckle. Oichi looked up at him. "Morning Renji." Renji smiles and kisses her forehead. "Morning. What are you thinking about?" "Huh?" "You never go in a trance unless you're in deep thinking mood." "Oh…it's nothing…Nel wanted to know if I could baby sit sometimes." Renji frowned. "Oh no…that's a major no." Oichi turned around in his arms. "Why?" "I don't want to get in her baby mama drama. I don't need you in the middle either. We got our own plans you know and besides." He pulled her close. "If you want a baby we can always make one." Oichi blushed and smiled at him. He leans down and kisses her. Oichi sighs into the kiss. Renji pulled back and licked his lips. Oichi's face was flustered a bit. "Haha. Such an erotic look on your face." He picked her up and placed her on the counter. "Renji? What are you doing?" Renji smirks. "You think I'm going to pass up on this. That cute erotic face is a calling card that you want me right?" Oichi blushed. "What?" "Let's get in a quickie before work huh?" "Renji! Wait a second!" Renji kissed her. "To late Babe."

The café Oichi worked for was under construction. It wouldn't be ready for another couple of weeks or so. The café was called Sugar rush and it was a small café that sold sweets, drinks, and regular food. There was also a small spot for Karaoke. The Café was a bit worn down but it was fixed up every now and then by the workers who used their own money for repairs. The manager of the café was fired for being so bad at his job and now both owners were looking to see who the replacement would be.

A representative from each side was discussing about who would be the manager. From Aizen, Kaname and Starrk was sent. From Genryusai side, Jushiro and Shunsui was sent. They sat in the back office that had not been torn down just yet. They were going over each employee file both new and old. Starrk was napping in the chair.

"Mmm…I'd like for us to pick out a person that is highly noted by the other employee's. I think we should go with who has been here the longest and what not. Or we can start new and pick a brand-new person with very good experience. What do you think?" Shunsui says. Kaname looked at him. "That is true but, if you think that way and we end up picking a new person that no one knows then it will cause the employee's to be upset and dishearten. To have someone new come in and handle this kind of change would not be wise in my opinion." Jushiro smiled as he read a file. "I think this person would be good. They have been here for a decent amount of time. They were the assistant manager for the last manager and they did a pretty good job. Everyone knows them and they know the employee's." He handed them the file. "Hmmm…yes I see no complaints from this person and they look very well known. I favor them." Kaname nodded in agreement. "It would be the best choice for now let's also place this one as the assistant manager. They also have a very good standard. I don't think the employee's here will complain and everything will have a nice equal starting." The men agreed upon this.

The door to the office opened and Harribel walked in with Unohana. "Hello there." Unohana says smiling. "Why hello Ms. Unohana." Jushiro says. Unohana smiled. "Hello. I see you just finished picking who will run this new establishment." "Yes, are you finished with the plans for the building?" Harribel walked up with a blueprint. "Yes, we decided that it will have a seating capacity of 147 seats, it will offer five choices of dining seating styles from the sushi bar, an entertainment room, a private dining rooms, public dining area to a cozy lounge dining area and the outside. For the drinks, the restaurant will feature a private bar surrounded floor to ceiling glass windows that offers a breathtaking view of that beautifully landscaped garden. The bar will serve more than 20 types of each drinks from Sake to wine to beer and so forth. However, the bar will not be open until after 12pm. Don't want to have early drunks."

"Wow you two sure placed a lot of thought into this." Shunsui says but from this blueprint it looks like it going to be bigger to hold 147 seats." Unohana smiled. "That is correct. There will be the upstairs to be strongly consider. Upstairs has an exterior appearance in the shape of blocks piled up neatly. It is brilliant white filled with mysterious experience of exploration almost like a fairy tail. The exterior appearance with blocks wears in white which reveals its shape more vividly under the sunlight, and allows to be seen through window from outside. Just as Ms. Harribel says there will be a garden outside. We haven't been able to figure out what style will look like just yet. We were hoping that the mangers you pick will give us some insight."

Kaname nodded. "I see, so the downstairs area will be more like a restaurant while upstairs will be the café. Then that changes things. We may need to add another manger to take care of both the café and restaurant." Jushiro sat back. "Yes, so our goal now is a general manger, maybe four shift mangers and then of course the employees." Shunsui sighs. "Well let's get to work. We still need to pick out the uniforms, make calls to the employees, set up the pay rates, all within a short few weeks."

Oichi sighs. Despite Renji being against it she ended up babysitting Grayson. He wasn't any trouble like Nel said he was going to be. She said that the usual babysitter had issues with him. From pulling down stuff around the house, fighting sleep, throwing fits and so on and so on. Grayson was a cute little angel while Oichi had him. He ate his food without throwing a fit, even though he got it all over him. He watched some cartoons. He seems to like young justice and his favorite hero was blue beetle. Maybe because his suit was blue but, his eyes always sparkled when he came to the screen. Now, he was laying on her napping away. Oichi was stuck at home for a few weeks until the café was finished. Having nothing else to do she didn't mind babysitting Grayson. Oichi rubbed his back as he sleeps. "Nel said you look just like you dad but, I've never seen a man with blue hair like yours." Grayson wiggles in his sleep, making her giggle. "To cute. I wonder when me and Renji will have a baby. Who would it look like. What personality would it take after? I wonder if I'll be a good mom. They said I'm good with kids but it may not matter to my own child."

Just then the doorbell rings out. "Mmm…wonder who could be coming to see me at this time." She placed Grayson down on his play mat and went to the door. She opened it to see Ichigo standing there. "Ichigo?" Ichigo smiled softly. "Hey, Oichi…mind if I come in?" Oichi nodded. "Sure." Ichigo walked in and headed to the living room. Oichi looked out the door and looked around. She then heard a clicking sound. She frowned and turned her head. She didn't see anyone. "Maybe I'm just hearing things." She closed the door and walked to the living room where she saw Grayson sitting up looking at Ichigo. Ichigo was frowning at him. "Ichigo stop frowning at him. You're going to make him fussy." Grayson turned to Oichi's voice and smiled. He reached out for her. "Haai!" Turning over, he started to crawl to her slowly. "Aw, so cute." She walked to him and picked him up.

"Oichi you don't need to get involved with Nel and her baby daddy issues." Oichi rolled her eyes and sat down. "Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm just watching Grayson while she's working. That's it." Ichigo shook his head. "I just don't want her to drag you down." Oichi sighs. "Whatever, anyways why are you here? Aren't you needed at the fitness center?" Ichigo leans back. "No, I took the day off." He turned to Oichi. "I need some advice." "From me?" Ichigo chuckled. "Well yeah, you are the only one out of all of us that will be getting married soon." Oichi rubbed her cheek. "I guess." "I really like Rukia but, it looks like her heart is already taken by someone else." Oichi frowned. "I see." "What should I do? I don't want her to see anyone but me but, the farthest I get with her is holding hands and barely that. It's like she's embarrassed to be with me now. Should I just give up and just accept defeat?" Oichi groans out mentally. "Ichi…I'm so not the type to give advice but, I think you need to put your foot down. You need to ask Rukia if she truly wants to be with you and if she doesn't then yeah, it's time to move on. The last thing you need is to be chasing someone who's heart is already taken…" She blinks twice and then turns to him. "Why do you think her heart is taken already?"

Ichigo frowned. "I saw the freaking hicky's on her neck. Not to mention she's always on the phone and then she's been acting weird." "How weird?" "Well…she looked green in the face a bit like she was sick. I told her we should go to the doctor but she panics and said it was just something she ate. Today, while I walked her to work she looked both happy and sad and when I asked what was up she told me to keep out of her business…" Oichi looks at Ichigo. He had sadness in his eyes. It wasn't hard to see how much he cared for Rukia. She reached over to him and rubbed his back. "Look, I don't want to see you hurt. I think…maybe you need to ask Rukia how she feels about you and if there is nothing there then it's time to move on." Ichigo sighs. "I figured…" He rubs his hand through his hair. "I should have known someone was going to get to her before me. I waited to damn long." He grits his teeth and grips his hair.

Oichi didn't like to see her friend in pain. "Oh Ichi…I'm am sure that there is a girl out there just for you. I'm sure right now she's thinking the same as you. Thinking she'll never find the right one. I know it's going to hurt if you don't get the answer you are looking for but trust me, one day you're going to find someone so special to you. She may not be perfect but she will be perfect only for you in your eyes and that love that is swelling up in your heart will burst with so much emotion that it will be hard to contain." Ichigo look at her and smiled. "Is that how you feel about Renji?" Oichi nodded. "Yes, I do. Sometimes it scares me. I love him so much. He has done such wonderful things for me." She looks at her ring. "He's given up a lot just for me. He has been faithful to me and has made me the happiest girl in the world. He may have his faults and weaknesses but I'll be there to help him whenever he needs me just like I know he will do the same for me." Ichigo chuckled. "I really do envy him sometimes. Having such a person like you as his fiancé now." Oichi chuckles as she felt Grayson patting her. She looks down at him. "Ahhh!" He says. "Are you hungry?" "Mmmm…!" Grayson says making Oichi and Ichigo laugh. "To cute!" She snuggles Grayson making him squeal in giggles. Ichigo smiled at her. 'Yea…to cute…'

At Renji's office, he was typing his report up. A knock was heard at his door. "It's open!" He yelled. The door opened and Rukia walked in. She looked a bit sick. Renji saw her and frowned. He got up and quickly went to her. "Rukia? What's wrong?" He reached up to grab her but she pushed his hand away. "It's nothing well…actually we need to talk." She closed the door and walked to the couch that was in Renji's office. She sat down and sighed. Renji walked over and sat beside her. "So what's up?" Rukia looked at him. "Renji I'm going to let Ichigo go." Renji frowned. "What? Why!?" Rukia frowned back. "You know why! I can't keep this game up anymore Renji. It's tiresome and pointless. I just want this all to end." Renji crossed his arms. "Can't you date him for a few more weeks? I'm almost done with my end." Rukia shook her head. "No, Renji you don't understand. I can't be with Ichigo anymore. It doesn't help that you leave marks all over my body when I ask you not to." Renji smirks and moves closer to her. "You love it when I mark you though so what's the deal?" He leans down and kisses her cheek. Rukia sighs and pushes him away. "I can't do this. I'm sorry Renji and you should do the same. How long do you think we can do this without Oichi noticing?" Renji rolled his eyes and sat back. "Don't worry. Oichi is clueless. She doesn't know about our relationship and she never will until it's to late. Just put up with Ichigo for another week or so. Once I have the money that I wasted from buying that ring, I can buy the house out in my name and then we can be together."

Rukia frowned and got up. "No! I said I'm not doing it and you need to end things with Oichi! If we are going to be together then you need to cut loose ends. I won't have you drag both Ichigo and Oichi down any longer!" She starts to tear up a bit. Renji got up. "What's with you all of a sudden." He grabbed her arms and pulled her to him, hugging her. "Tell me what's wrong Rukia?" Rukia looked up at him. "Renji…I'm…I'm pregnant." Renji's eyes widen. "What?" Rukia looked down and nodded. "Yes…I found out a week ago. Six weeks…that's why I can't keep doing this with Ichigo." Rukia was suddenly pulled into a hug. "I understand. You should have said that earlier." "You're not mad?" Renji chuckled. "Why would I be mad? You're going to have my kid. I'll end things with Oichi…it won't be pretty and it's going to be hard but I'll take care of everything okay."

Rukia backed up and looked at him. "Renji. I feel guilty with what we did. three years behind Oichi's back?" Renji sighs. "I know but since I got her that ring that was really meant for you, I needed to make sure I had enough money. Even if that café was a piece of crap Oichi made some good money in paychecks and tips because she worked so much. Add her money with mine with a good mood. Plus, I'll be buying the house in our name to." Rukia's guilty look didn't change. "Renji…" Renji smiles and pushes her face up to his. "It's okay Rukia. I'll take care of everything." He leans down and kisses her. Rukia sighs into the kiss and kisses him back. Renji pulls back for a second. "I love you Rukia." Rukia smiles. "I love you to Renji." They shared a kiss again. As they kiss became passionate Renji pulls Rukia to the couch and makes her get on top of him. She grinds her hips against him making him moan slightly. He rubs her butt, while pushing her hips against his. Clothes started to come off and light moans filled the room. At the door, they failed to see a pair of eyes watching them in shock.