Anthology: Black and Blue

by Her Pretty Smile

Synopsis: #6: Ever since they were placed on the same team, Sarada was always mesmerized by Mitsuki's hair.

Warning: Unbeta-ed; may contain mistakes or any of the sort.

Disclaimer: I do not own Boruto.

Notes: I haven't watched Boruto in forever... but I haven't forgotten this pair. ^^ It's really short, though, but I kind of like the way it ended even though it was abrupt.

#6: Fluffy

Ever since they were placed on the same team, Sarada was always mesmerized by Mitsuki's hair.

The only person she knew who had exotic, pretty hair was her mother. Sarada loved playing with Sakura's hair, and the latter always let her do so. With Mitsuki, she had never encountered someone with that unique of a hair colour before, so curiosity nagged at her time and time again until the threads holding it in place snapped one day.

She was standing behind Mitsuki and Boruto as they took in the scenery before them. They had stopped for a small break in the road, deciding to sit down and rest for a while after hours of traveling. Boruto ran over to the nearby river, wanting to refill his canteen. Mitsuki, on the other hand, chuckled lightly at his teammate's display of exuberance before proceeding to follow after him.

That all flew out of his head the moment he felt fingers hesitantly threading through the strands of his hair.

When he reflexively stiffened in place out of surprise, he heard a feminine squeak behind him and turned to see Sarada nervously looking at him.

"Sorry, Mitsuki," she apologized, laughing it off. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

To her surprise, Mitsuki only shook his head promptly. "No," he said honestly. "Why?"

She stared at him. "Really?" She sounded a bit incredulous. Then, hesitantly, she reached out towards him, and ruffled his hair.

Mitsuki's lips curved into a small smile. He kept silent, letting Sarada play with his blue strands.

Meanwhile, Sarada found that she was tantalized by Mitsuki's exotic blue locks. She couldn't seem to stop touching them. "They're so soft," she remarked, her fingers brushing against his skin as she daintily tucked some strands behind his ear. "I've always thought of your hair as pretty, Mitsuki."

Mitsuki kept on smiling. In all honesty, he felt uncomfortable whenever anyone touched him, especially his hair that seemed to attract attention from others.

However, Mitsuki let Sarada ruffle his hair as much as she wanted. He didn't mind.

It made her smile so beautifully, after all.

#6 fin

[X] Thank you so much to all my readers! I'm always happy to see more MitsuSara fans~