So sorry for delay my friends its just exams.

Fifth chapter


Hokage tower roof

"Evacuate the village, take everybody to the Shelters. I want to team of sensory types to look out for more what's to come. is this and natural or not. guy Sensei, rock lee you take the rest of the shinobi and civilians to the Shelters protect them from the Meteor I am making you charge." ordered naruto .

"kakashi sensei I want you to stay here with me I still want your guidance here, everybody move fast." They all nod and leaved. Then suddenly naruto notice sakura was behind and coming with him.

" What are you doing sakura? You go with them with to the shelters." Said naruto.

" No, I want to stay. " said sakura.

" no sakura they need you there more then here."said naruto

" No I m not leaving my best friend alone here." Said sakura

" Sakura I am ordering you as hokage, you go to the shelters please and I want you to take hinata with you please. And I promise sasuke to keep you safe . And I want you to promise me one thing too sakura" naruto asked sakura.

" What is it naruto?" Asked naruto.

" I want you to keep hinata safe for me please, promise me" asked naruto

" I will naruto." Being said sakura leave and naruto to the sensory team.

To the team

"Team what's the status." Said naruto

"hokage-sama the event seems natural sir. And the village is almost evacuate "said team leader

" Ok keep the teams conneted guide them to safest way to evacute to the shelters." Said naruto

Within a minute someone enter the room "hokage sama someone here to meet you."

" Ok"

Then in a second sakura and hinata enter the room seening them naruto shocked.

" Hinata, sakura what are you doing here you should be at the shelters right now what are you doing here please go to the shelter now" said naruto

" She wanted to meet you before we go to the shelters" said sakura then started to leave and quielty gesture kahashi and shikamaru to give them some space . Then they started to leave too.

" Hinata you should go its dangerous here ." Said naruto with a worried look

" I justed to meet you before I go and wanted to give something to you " said hinata while holding naruto's hand.

" Hinata you can give it to me later right now you..." Naruto stoped when hinata kissed him in the lips. And watching hinata taking out something form his bag. " what is this hinata."

" Remember when we meet first you saved me when we were kids. They torn it. So I maked it for you." Said hinata showing the scarf she make for him.

"Keep this with you for me I will always with you even if I am away."said hinata

" Thank you "said naruto

"and happy birth day naruto" hinata wished to naruto.

" You remembered " said naruto

"ofcourse I remember " said hinata. Then they make out for a while. Then they heared knocking.

" Come in" said naruto. Entering room there was kakashi behind him following, shikamaru, sakura and the team leader.

Sensing tension in kakashi , shikamaru. Naruto gesturing quietly them to stop them form saying anything.

" Hinata you should go now, sakura take her . Go I will meet you later bye." Said naruto. After saying this hinata then hugged naruto. Then sakura and hinata leaved.

" What happed kakashi sensei? you look tense " asked naruto

" Naruto there is serious problem. Come with me " said then they started to leave for them team base

Sensory team base

Then they entered the base then naruto watch that sasuke was there too.

" Sasuke when did you come to village?" asked naruto.

" A while " said naruto

"so what is the problem you are talking about?"asked naruto.

" This " kakashi showed naruto a picture of a comet.

" What is this kakashi sensei?" Asked naruto. Kakashi said sasuke to explain.

" Naruto these meteors are just the beginning. I come here to conform something when I see that these meteors started to fall I saw something else with rinnegan I saw this out there." Showing the picture of the meteor." And its very big so I come here right away to conform. And when I asked the sensory to look at this they confromed it that its headed to right here"explained sasuke.

" I don't understand sasuke what do you mean by that" asked naruto

" Naruto he means that there is a big very very big meteor its twise size of our village headed here. And its very fast." Said shikamaru.

" What" said naruto in shocked

" He is right naruto. Our sensory confromed the information." Said kakashi.

"so , what are we looking at means what will happen if this hits. What kind of damage. " asked naruto

" Damage , no dammage if this hits there will be nothing left to count damage naruto. It ill kill everyone in this planet doesn't matter where ever this hits it will kill everybody. If it hit the seas the giant tidal ways will kill everyone and if it hits the land the blast will be soo it will create the suffocating wind consist of fire and dust that will cover the planet for next hundred year. its a globle killer." Said shikamaru

" And when its gonna hit?" Asked naruto

"within an hour sir" said team leader.

" Can you tell me where exactly its gonna hit. " asked naruto. Then leader goes to the team.

" What why naruto what are you gonna go. We can do nothing our jutsu has no affects on those rocks. And even it it did it is so fast it will not work cause we don't have that much power"said shikamaru.

"I don't know naruto I think I am agree with shikamaru" said kakashi sensei.

Then suddenly leader returns " hokage-sama it will hit to north east haran bay" said the leader

" Ok" said naruto then starting to head out

" Naruto where are you going?" Asked sauske

"to stop it form hitting" said naruto.

" No you cant you will die this is a sucide. We don't know what will happen when you hit it. These are not just some rocks they absorb the your power before your will be able to hit even if u did hit it there will be no chance that you will survive" Said sasuke

"what you want me to do stay here and wait for my death and do nothing." said naruto.

" Let me go I have hurt this village and people a lot I will redeem myself with this" said sasuke

"no your my best friend I will cannot ask you to do this. And I have more power distory it completely."said naruto

" but naruto..."sasuke interrupted by naruto.

" Sasuke you're a brother to me I will ask you only one that you will take care of the village for me. And after you wake up tell hinata that I love her very much and I am sorry" before sasuke can even react naruto punched sasuke and knocked him. Then leave with a tear in his eyes.

'I am sorry hinata that I wont be able to here to complete me promis'.