After hours of walking through the tunnel that Beetlemon had led them through, the kids had emerged outside and set up camp for the night. They all sat around a fire Agumon had made and tried to take their minds of the horrid smell that had followed them out by making some small talk.

"Four girls in one night?!" Ben asked looking down at Lincoln who was blushing furiously. Why in the world had Luna had to bring up that story? "Dude, that's like something out of a sitcom. And you actually pulled it off? Props little man. You're a regular Casanova."

Ben raised his fist and held it towards Lincoln only to have it smacked down by Carol. "Don't encourage stuff like that! Lincoln, it's not good to be a playboy. Juggling girls like that can lead to serious heartbreak," the eldest of the group warned.

Lincoln wanted to say it wasn't his fault and he had only been trying to avoid heartbreak, but the way Carol was lecturing him right now reminded him of his mom. So all he could squeak out was a, "Yes ma'am."

Luna chuckled. "Ah, it wasn't little dudes fault. We kind of sprung it on him, you know. Besides, he isn't the playboy type. He's only got eyes for Ronnie Anne," Luna teased.

Sam smiled. "Ooh, there's a special girl in your life huh?"

"No! Ronnie Anne is NOT my girlfriend!" Lincoln argued. "She was a girl who was bullying me, and who ended up punching me in the eye because certain people couldn't keep from meddling in my personal life," he said glaring at Luna.

The girl shrugged. "But you ended up getting her digits didn't you?" Lincoln sighed and shook his head while Ben snickered. "Don't think you're off the hook either Benny boy. I know you got your eyes one someone at school," Luna teased.

Ben stopped laughing and grew wide eyed. Sam grew a devious smile. "Ooh, someone's got a lady waiting for him at home? C'mon, spill. Who is it?" she asked.

He turned his head away. "N-nobody! I'm too busy at the bakery to worry about that kind of stuff, you know?" he said chuckling nervously.

"I know who Ben likes," Darcy said giggling.

Sam and Luna turned towards her, and the girl opened her mouth to speak, but Ben quickly closed it. "Ha-ha! What a jokester! I think you might be getting sleepy! You might need to go to bed soon," he said patting her on the head. Darcy frowned and crossed her arms.

"Oh c'mon. We're trapped on an alien world. You might as well spill it," Luna said leaning forward. "If you don't say it here you may never get the chance, you know."

Ben could feel his cheeks heating up as she leaned in closer to him. Darcy covered her mouth and giggled, while Sam and Lincoln grew a look of realization on their faces. The two of them began laughing, and Luna looked back at them confused. "What? What's so funny?" she asked.

Elecmon turned to Betamon confused. "I don't get it? What are they laughing about? What's a Casanova? What's a girlfriend?" he asked.

Betamon shrugged. "I don't know," she said smiling happily.

"I think it's just a weird human thing," Kotemon said.

After a few more seconds of a confused Luna, and an embarrassed Ben, they turned to Carol next. "Okay Ms. Counselor. Who have you got eyes on at school?" Sam asked.

Carol rolled her eyes. "I'm getting ready for college. I don't have time to waste chasing after boys," she said crossing her arms.

Bruce grunted. "The other guys are intimidated by her," he said bluntly.

Carol glared at him. "Oh shut up! It's not like you've got anyone waiting back home for you. All of those girls always over you and you don't even bat an eye."

"You're exaggerating."

Ben laughed. "Yeah right! You're tall, you got the strong silent thing going, you're a football star, and you're a straight A students. You could literally have any girl in school like that," he said snapping.

"He's not the only with rocking the mysterious strong silent thing," Sam said looking over towards Heath, who was lying down on the ground facing away from the others. "What about you Grace? You got your eye on a special lady?"

Heath sighed. He hadn't been participating in this little group session, and he had honestly wanted to keep it that way. He didn't know why they kept trying to get him involved. "No," he said simply.

"Seriously? You really don't have any girl back home waiting on you?" Ben asked.


The others are shared a glance, looking a little concerned. Heath had seemed a bit more… off, than usual. He had never been overly social, but now he seemed even more distant that before. "Hey, are you okay dude?" Luna asked worried.

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine," Carol countered. "If something is wrong than-"

He turned around and scowled towards them. "If something is wrong? Please, tell me what's right about this situation," he said annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" Luna asked.

Heath sat up and shook his head. "I don't know when the rest of you forgot this, but this isn't some fun little hike we're on. We're not at camp anymore. We may not even be on earth. So why are you all sitting around like… like this is fine? I… we need to get home."

Agumon looked at his partner worriedly, while Sam raised her hands. "Dude, chill. We're all worried about making it back home-"

"You guys are sitting here talking about school crushes," Heath pointed out. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't afford to act like this is some field trip. I have family back home and… I can't stay here. I need to get home, as soon as possible."

Ben frowned. "Yeah, we all have family back home man. But freaking out about it isn't going to get us home any quicker. Neither is torturing ourselves over it."

Heath glared at him. "So we're just going to pretend like none of this is happening then? Where are we going? What are we doing? What's the plan here?"

"I don't know man! I'm just as lost as you! But we just have to keep moving and-!"

"And what?! Keep going from place to place until-?!"


They both stopped and turned towards Darcy, who growing teary eyed. "Please stop fighting! I don't like it when you guys fight!" she said shaking her head. Kotemon quickly made her way to her partner's side and patted her shoulder.

Ben and Heath both stared at the toddler, and then at each other. They glared for a few more seconds, and then turned away and went back to their spots. Heath laid back down and turned away from them, while Ben took a seat next to Darcy.

"Hey, I'm sorry Darcy. I got a little mad. But I won't yell anymore. I promise," he said trying to console her.

Carol sighed and shook her head. "Okay guys, I think we're all a little cranky from walking through that smelly tunnel. So how about we all just get a little rest, and we'll talk about what our next move will be in the morning," she reasoned.

Heath grunted, not bothering to turn back around, and the others silently nodded in agreement. "Good, cause I'm getting sleepy," Elecmon said stretching his arms. With that, everyone began lying down and began drifting off to sleep, trying to save energy for whatever crazy adventure tomorrow would bring.

Unknown to them however, a figure was watching them from the bushes. It chuckled as a dark smoke began to spread out and covering up the group. "Sweet dreams…"

"Hey… wake up… Heath, c'mon. It's time to get going."

Heath groaned and slowly opened his eyes. There was no way that it was morning already, was it? He shook his head and sat up, only to realize that he wasn't in the same spot he'd been sleeping in last night. In fact, he wasn't even in the same place he'd been last night.

When he'd gone to sleep he'd been in a rocky clearing along with the others. Now he was sitting under a tree at the park. "The hell…?" he asked looking confused.

"You feel asleep silly."

He looked over and saw a brown haired for sitting next to him. Heath's eyes widened as he saw none other than Dana, a girl from his school. One he just happened to have a crush on. "Dana?" he asked confused. "What are you doing here?"

She tilted her head, looking confused. "Uh… what do you mean? You're the one who wanted to come here. Not that I mind or anything. It's really nice here."

"I wanted to come here?" he asked looking even more confused. "I don't…"

She looked at him a bit concerned. "Are you okay Heath? Did you bump your head or something? You asked if we could come here and hangout for a bit before we head to your place," she explained.

Heath did a double take. "I asked you here?! I asked you out?!"

Dana laughed. "Yeah, like two months ago. Keep up," she said before leaning down and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Heath stiffened and felt his cheeks heat up. "I'm just going to chalk up all this weirdness to you being a little hazy from your nap. But we really should get going. You know your mom is going to start worrying if we're late for dinner."

She got up and then offered him a hand. Heath stared at her for a few moments before reaching out and taking it. She pulled him up to his feet and then grabbed her arm. "Let's get going," she said as she began pulling him along.

Heath followed behind her, but kept trying to sort out just what was happening. He really thought he would have remembered if he'd have asked the girl he liked out. But he had no memory of it whatsoever.

Aside from that, he was pretty sure he wasn't even supposed to be here right now. He was supposed to be… to be… where was he supposed to be? He couldn't quite remember. He knew he had been… lost or something? With other people? But he couldn't recall. His mind felt foggy.

"Heath, should we take you to a doctor or something?" Dana asked.

He shook his head. "Uh, no. I'm fine," he muttered.

As they walked along he tried to make some sort of sense of all this. It wasn't as if this wasn't nice. He'd like Dana for a while. But something just seemed… wrong.


His eyes widened and he turned back, only to find nothing. He kept staring for a while until Dana tugged on his arm again. "Did… did you hear that?" Heath asked looking at her.

She shook her head. "I didn't hear anything." He looked back once more. Why did that voice sound so familiar? Eventually however he just continued on with Dana. He could figure out if he was just hearing things later.

Once they got back to his house, he hesitantly opened the door and made his way inside. He looked back at Dana, wondering if he was supposed to give her a tour or something, but she seemed right at home. They walked straight towards the kitchen and saw his mother cooking over the stove.


She turned around and then smiled at them. "Well, about time you two got home. I was wondering if you were going to bother coming back at all," she said smirking at them. "Did you enjoy your alone time at the park?"

Heath blushed slightly while Dana laughed. "He spent most of his time napping honestly. I think he had a long day," she said.

Heath just kept looking towards his mother before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her into a tight hug, surprising her. "Uh… thank you son. Are you feeling okay?" she asked concerned.

"I just… I feel like I haven't seen you in a while…"

The two females both blinked, looking confused by his strange behavior. His mother then smiled and hugged him back. "Well, I'm never one to turn down a hug. It's rare from you after all," she said laughing. "Now would you two mind setting up the table? Dinner will be ready in just a little bit."

Dana nodded. "Sure thing Ms. Grace," she said turning and heading to the dining room.

Heath held on to his mother for a few more seconds and then finally let go and followed Dana. However strange he was feeling right now, he was still just glad to be able to see her again. As he walked into the dining room however, he heard that familiar voice again.

"Heath…! Get up! You have to get up!"

He grabbed his head in pain. "Uh… the hell?" It was much louder and clearer this time. He looked around trying to find the source, but once again found nothing. What the heck was going on here?

"You alright bro?"

"Yeah, I'm…"

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw who was standing before him. It was a girl, around his age. She wore a purple dress, and had snow white hair. He froze, shaking on the spot. There was no way. "Bro? You in there?" she asked tilting her head.

Dana chuckled. "I think he's a bit off today. He slept for a while, and he's been acting strange since he got up," she explained.

The girl looked concerned and walked up towards him. "Whoa, are you sick or something? You should be more careful. It's flu seasons you know," she said putting hand on his forehead.

He stepped back, his face pale and full of shock. "No… no, no! NO! You… you can't be… this isn't…!" he stepped back even further until he felt himself bump into someone. He looked back and saw his mother.

"Heath? What's wrong son?"

"He's acting super weird mom. I think he's sick," the white haired girl said.

Heath stepped away from all of them. "You can't be here! You're not supposed to be here!" he said looking towards the girl.

"Heath? What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Heath, wake up!"

He winced and grabbed his head. "Heath! Are you okay?!" Dana asked.


"Heath, let me take a look at you," his mother said walking towards him. He quickly stepped away from them. Something was wrong. Something was wrong with all of this.

"Wake up!"

"Let us help you bro," the girl said reaching towards him.


Heath's eyes shot open and he quickly sat up. "He's awake! He's awake!" Heath looked beside him and saw Agumon crouched down near him. He quickly gazed around and saw the other digimon standing over their partners as well. They all seemed to be asleep. And they all had… strange clouds floating over their heads.

"What happened? What's going on?" he asked.

The digimon began gathering around him. "You all started to fall asleep, and then those things appeared over your head. We tried to wake you up, but no one would," Elecmon explained.

Heath got up to his feet and looked at the clouds. They all showed some kind of images in them. When he looked closer he could see they were showing the others. It seemed to be… what they were dreaming of. All of them were in what Heath had assumed was supposed to be them in happy moments.

Lincoln was dressed like his favorite superhero fighting crime. Sam was with her friends watching one of them chug a 2 liter of soda. Luna was on stage in front of a large crowd who was cheering her on. Bruce was working on some kind of robot or something. Carol was laying on a beach tanning. Darcy was having a tea party surrounded by a bunch of her stuffed animals. Then there was Ben who was sitting on the edge of a beach, with Luna sitting right beside him.

"It was a dream…" Heath said stepping back. "It was all a dream…"

"Yes, it was."

Heath and the digimon all turned around to see a creature floating down towards them. It looked like a tapir, but it stood upright. Or rather it would have stood upright if it had legs. It had a smoke like tail where its hind legs should have been, giving it a genie like appearance.

Agumon growled. "It's Tapirmon. He's a digimon who can manipulate people's dreams."

"But I don't get it. Tapirmon gives people good dreams all the time, but he never keeps them like that. Why are you doing this?" Betamon asked.

Tapirmon chuckled. "It's true, I usually feed off of good dreams in moderation. But recently my appetite had been growing. And when I saw a group of you strange looking creatures, and tasted just how delicious your dreams were. Well, I figured I might as well make a feast of you," it said shrugging its shoulders.

Heath balled his fist up and grit his teeth. "You… you brought her back just so you could get a meal…" he muttered angrily.

It tilted it head as it smirked at Heath, ignoring his question. "But I must say, you certainly are an interesting one. The others didn't even bother questioning their dreams at all. They just enjoyed the ride and slept. But from the moment you entered your dream you just questioned everything. It was like the very thought of a perfect happy life was beyond you. Are you really just that used to being unhappy? How sad."

Heath growled and rushed at him. "I'm going to kill you!" he shouted.

"Heath, wait!" Agumon yelled. Tapirmon raised its hand, and with a simple flick of its risk Heath was send flying back by a puff of smoke. He landed and tumbled backwards. "Heath?!" Agumon frowned before taking in a breath. "Pepper Breath!"

Another cloud appeared in front of Tapirmon blocking the attack. The other digimon soon jumped in and began attacking as well, but he easily blocked them all. "Don't bother. I may be a rookie like you lot, but after feeding off these pitiful creatures I'm more than a match of all of you," he said as he waved his hand again, blowing them all back.

They all grunted, but managed to stay on their feet. "We're not going to let you keep our partners like this!" Hagurumon yelled. They went on the attack once more.

All except Agumon, who went to check on his partner. "Heath, are you okay?" he asked walking up next to him.

"No… no, I'm not…" Heath said balling his fist up. A dream? Happiness? Why did it have to be that? Why did it have to be her? He would have preferred a thousand nightmares instead of having to see that face again. And it had been so real too. She had touched him, and it felt like actual flesh and blood…

Agumon frowned and patted him on the shoulder. "Heath… I guess those people were from your home, and if what Tapirmon said was true, you must miss them..." the lizard said. "…but right now, our friends need your help. The others won't be as strong without their partners awake. You're the only one who can help them. We've got to fight."

Heath was still silent. He glanced over towards where the other were laying. That was right. They needed his help. If he didn't do anything they'd never wake up. He pushed himself up off the ground and up to his feet, wiping a few tears from his face. "Yeah, you're right." He missed his family, more then he could bare. But he still had to protect his friends. "Let's go!"

Agumon smiled and turned back towards Tapirmon, and Heath's digivice began to glow brightly. "Agumon digivolve to…" Heath stepped back and watched as Agumon suddenly changed. He shot up in height, and his skin turned from yellow to orange. His skull was also covered by a brown horned helmet. "Greymon!"

Heath backed up as he saw his partner tower of him. Greymon let out a loud roar. "Ha-ha! Heath, look at me! I'm super big now!" he shouted laughing.

"Yeah, you are…" Heath said stunned.

Tapirmon backed away slightly, and the other digimon looked up at Greymon in awe. "H-how did you…?" Tapirmon looked at a loss for words.

Heath looked back towards him and smirked. "Don't know, don't care! Alright buddy, go kick his ass!" he yelled.

Greymon roared again before charging at him. Tapirmon backed away and summoned more dark clouds around him. He sent them flying towards Greymon. "You may have gotten bigger, but I'm still-!" He was silenced when Greymon easily broke through the barrage of attacks.

"Gonna take more than that to stop me!" he roared. Tapirmon panicked, but then narrowed his eyes. He summoned an even larger cloud in the shape of a fist, and then sent it forward. Greymon clashed with the giant fist.

He struggled to push the fist back, and for a moment it looks as if he was going to be sent flying. But then Greymon planted his feet into the ground and pushed onward. Eventually, with a mighty roar, he ripped apart the cloud into pieces.

Tapirmon gasped. "T-that's impossible!"

Heath looked impressed. "Nice man!"

Greymon smiled and looked back towards Tapirmon. "I'm going to make you pay for messing with my partner, and our friends!" he shouted.

Tapirmon began sweating. Even with all the power of their dreams, it didn't stand a chance against Greymon. He turned and began flying off. There was no point in fighting a losing battle. He could drain the others dreams from a distance anyway.

As he flew off, Heath looked up and saw something sticking out of his back. "You've got to be kidding me…" he muttered. It was another black gear. He scowled and turned to his partner. "Greymon, the gear!" he yelled pointing at it.

The large digimon took in a breath before breathing out. "Nova Flame!" He shot a heavy blast of fire from his mouth, which ended up completely engulfing Tapirmon.

Heath winced as he watched the now slightly charreddigimon fall to the ground with a thud. The gear shot out of his back before breaking into pieces. "I'm sure he's okay. And at least we got the gear," Heath said shrugging. Greymon smiled in response. "Now let's start waking the others up…"

The next few minutes had been both annoying and hilarious for Heath. Annoying because he had to wake everyone up and explain what was happening. But hilarious because of how everyone completely freaked out when they woke up to Greymon. Well, except Darcy who just looked amazed.

Tapirmon had practically begged for his forgiveness, and as upset as Heath had been about the whole thing he'd assured him it was okay. He knew it was the gear that had been making him do it. The others had asked why Tapirmon seemed so sorry towards him in particular, but he'd told them it was nothing. They hadn't believed him, but they let it go.

After getting a few directions from Tapirmon, they'd headed off towards their next destination. Since Greymon hadn't transformed back yet, they all deiced to ride on top of his head.

"You know, of all the digimon attacks, this was probably the least terrifying one," Lincoln reasoned leaned again one of Greymon's horns. "I mean, all he did was make us have good dreams. If it wasn't for the whole never waking up thing I don't think I would have minded."

Luna smirked. "Bet it was. I saw what you were dreaming of before you woke up. That girl you were rescuing looked an awful lot like Ronnie Anne." Lincoln blushed and waved her off.

Ben chuckled. "You could have been having a lot worst dreams dude. I know what I was dreaming about at that age," he said smirking.

"Hey, what were you dreaming about?" Sam asked with a smirk. Since Heath had woken him up first, no one but him had gotten to see. Ben hadn't even let him start waking the others until he swore him to silence.

Ben blushed. "N-nothing! That's not important anyhow!" he said turning his head.

Sam and Darcy both covered their mouths to laugh, while Carol looked towards Heath. "Say Heath. Not that I'm not glad you woke up and everything but… what were you dreaming about that let you snap out of it before the rest of us?" she asked. "I mean we were all pretty much trapped. So how did you break loose?"

Heath, who was sitting right at the front of Greymon's helmet looked back at them. They all stared back with a mixture of curiosity and worry. Carol had wondered if she'd maybe crossed a line somehow. "You know what, forget I asked about-"

"Dana," Heath suddenly said.


"That's who I was dreaming about…"

Carol raised an eyebrow. "Dana from school?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yep. I was on a date with her. Then I remembered how in real life I wouldn't have a shot with her, and realized it must be a dream," he explained. "That's how I broke free."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, but then suddenly Ben suddenly pointed towards Sam. "Ha! I knew it! In your face Sam!" he shouted. Sam scowled and crossed her arms. "I knew it had to be Dana! I always catch him making goo-goo eyes at her!"

"Dang. Could have sworn he had eyes for Luna…"

"What?!" Luna said surprised.

Heath scowled. "You guys were seriously guessing about my love life. Are you that bored?"

He suddenly felt Sam put an arm around his shoulder. "Kind of! But that's not important! What is important is that we could totally help you out with Dana when we get back!"

"Oh, you should give her flowers!" Darcy threw in.

"I could put in a word for you," Carol said smirking.

Heath sighed. Great, now they were trying to give him love advice. He really didn't feel like discussing his love life with them. But he didn't feel like arguing either, so he just let them rattle on. He suddenly felt an arm around his shoulder and looked over to see Ben next to him. Luna stood as his other side.

"So, not telling us what you were really dreaming about huh dude?" Luna asked smirking.

Heath frowned. "I don't want to talk about it…"

"It's cool," Ben said shrugging. "Just know if you ever do, we're here to listen. Out there you might be a badass loner, but here… well, you're kind of stuck with us."

He stared at the two for a moment and then looked forward. He still missed his mother, he missed his home. But he guessed as long as he was here he might as well enjoy what he still had. The others weren't exactly fiends yet, but… they looked out for him. That was close enough. "Yeah, thanks…"

"No problem dude. What are friends for," Luna said smiling.

A/N: So, there we go! Know it's been a while since I updated, but I've been going through some stuff at work, and at the doctors. Like I said before, nothing serious. And I should start being able to update regularly again in no time!

So, this was an original chapter not based off an episode. I was thinking about having just two digi-volve in one chapter, but I deciced against it. Let me know wht you guys think of this one.

Heath's dream was based off a little info I got from reading Brotherhood (go read it!) so I didn't make it quite as detailed as I wanted it fo because I didn't want to make it Spoiler-rish. Thought about having him go through the other dreams to, but that would have taken for ever and I couldn't really find realistic way to fit it in anyway.

Reviewer response time!

The Keeper of Worlds: Thanks, always loved DBZ:A, and I just couldn't resist putting that call back in there. Thanks for the review!

Witch-King Angmar: Fighting robots is always soemthing guys are going to nerdgasm over! Hope I did Heath justice in this chapter. I had been worried abotu having a chapter centered around him, especially one not based off the episode. Hope you enjoyed!

STR2D3PO: Thanks, glad you're enjoying the story so far! Thanks for the review!