
Sorry for not updating earlier life got in the way.

Chapter 11 Your Move

Matsushita Noda was at his home in his office waiting for an update about the situation on his captured victim. It's been more than 24 hours since the last update and still nothing from his men not even the one he sent over to check when he couldn't reach them by phone.

He was getting restless. A knock on the door snap him out of his musing he gave them entry, one of his men came in pale and fidgety the one he sent.

"Well, have what happened" Noda inquired.

"Sir, the reason we couldn't get in contact with the guys at the warehouse is, he hesitated, there all dead sir and no sight of the girl."

"What, how did this happen!"

"We don't know sir, there were no wounds on any of the bodies and no sign of poison, it like they just drop dead"

"That's not possible people don't just kill over without a reason, get a hold of Takamatsu and find out who did this" he growled dismissing him.

"Yes sir" he bowed then scurried out.

"There must be some god out there messing with me, he glanced at the safe he have hidden behind a book case frowning, guess I'll have to use the item that woman gave me after all" he scowl.


It's been a few hours since Akihito was discharge from the hospital and Asami had been there to pick her up. After arriving at the penthouse she went straight to the master bedroom where she encountered a lot of shopping bags in front of his wall in closet, curious Aki rummage through the contents finding nothing but brand name clothes, female clothes, undergarments, make-up and shoes.

Memories flash through her mind of stores and trying on outfits making her light headed, closing her eyes until it passed. 'Oh now I remember, well not much but it's a start' she decide to lie down for awhile.

It was almost dark when Aki startle wake sweat and panting from a strange dream, 'what was that?' getting up she head to the bathroom deciding to take a war shower to release the tension in her sore muscles and clear her mind.

Thirty minutes later Akihito walked out drying 'his' hair passing the mirror with a brief glance, stopping in his tracks, back pelt staring at himself in the mirror, slowly lifting a hand to his face then his chest and crotch and breathing a sigh of relief seeing he was back to normal.

"Back to normal, thought I would be stuck being a girl for the rest of my life" he walked to his closet to get dress only to find his clothes missing, replaced with brand name and one side was lined with the feminine clothes he bought.

'Why did they-never mind I'll just ignore them but what I want to know is WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES!' he fumed, marched out the bedroom in search of his sadistic lover to give him a piece of his mind.

"Asami you bastard where are my clothes!" he went to the living room where Asami was drinking.

"Hn, back to normal already kitten" he stood wrapping his arms around his lover's waist kissing his neck.

"Stop that, where are my clothes!?" he struggle to get free as his lover tighten his grip.

"In your closet" he answered innocently.

"No my clothes" he glared.

"Hn, oh those clothes, donated" he smirked.

"Why you, he growled, I loved those clothes they were comfortable"

"So are the ones in there" he pointed out.

"But those are expensive and I wouldn't be able to do my job wearing them if I'm worried about ruining them, he huff, plus I can't afford them on my income, people would get suspicious especially my boss and that ass Mitarai who will try to rip me off from bigger paying jobs"

"Why worry about such trivial things, since when have I cared about what people think, as for the clothes they are yours to do with as you please after all they are easily replaceable, you should know that I have more money than I know what to do with, spending a little on my precious kitten is money well spent, he smirked amused, and I keep telling you that you don't need to work and rely on me"

"And I keep telling you I'm not one of your mistresses" he gritted out.

"Of course not you're my little housewife" he chuckled amused as hands starts to stray.

"Who you calling a housewife-hey stop that! What are you doing?!"

"No need to fuss" he lift him over his shoulder carrying him to the master bedroom.

"Asami you bastard!" he screamed as the door closed behind them.


Tomoe stood on the building across from the penthouse watching the scene unfold, "She was possessing that human, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and left her mark, sighing he glance to his right, Diablo you're here and you brought company, normally you prefer to laze around or take a nap, so what are you doing here?"

"Well you know me, he sigh, anyway some messenger come delivering a message for our Lady about one of her Apostle ceremony of ascending and since she wasn't home I came to give it to you, he turned waving back lazily, also I'll be stick around the human world having some fun, find me when you're ready to go home, let's go Rem, Shira time to stir up some trouble"

"Yes sir" the girls answered together as they followed their master disappearing into the night.

"That guy I prefer him lazy than causing trouble, he sigh, I swear I feel like the only adult dealing with them most times especially Lady Ate" he disappear in a swirl of sakura blossom.


Nanami stood over the mangled bodies of the fourth victim reaping their soul when she picked up on a familiar power signature wafting from the bodies, 'That entity again what is its goal.'

She turned ignoring the police closing off the area as forensic took pictures going to the lost soul she sense. The body was worse than the others though she remain unfazed reaping the soul, 'it seems no one has discovered this poor sod yet, I need to report my findings to the higher ups about this, that being cannot be allowed to do as it pleased' she turned to leave when she suddenly felt a high Level Goddess nearby she pivot on her foot to go investigate who it was when they vanish just as quickly, tsking she walked away fading in the shadows.


Akane sat floating on air watching as the humans move about securing the bodies in bags paying little mind as death reap the souls and walked off to another, 'It seems my dear sister is having a bit too much fun through the humans expense, she opened a floral fan fluttering it below her nose, not like am one to criticize when I had my fair share, she chuckled amused behind her fan as some of her power leaked, and other are showing up to get in her way even Diablo's here how exciting. I wonder if that human used the item I gave him, not that it matters he shall die in a few days upon using it thought he thinks otherwise.'

Feeling that death notice her by the little slip she vanished in a gush of wind. Her laughter floating in its wisp.

To be continue

Please forgive me for not updating sooner.

Reviews are appreciated.