Aki One-Half

Chapter 1 Goddess Kai

Author notes: This story has both female and male Akihito inspired by Ranma 1/2, this is also my first fan-fiction story so please forgive any mistake. Reviews are greatly appreciated. Rated M Romance Humor

Disclaimer: The original story and characters belongs to Amano Yamane except (Kai).

Summary: A Goddess intervene with Akihito's and Asami's life by casting a spell on Akihito that will turn their world upside down.

"WH-what the!?"

The young blonde couldn't believe what he was seeing from the floor in shock, a girl that look to be in her teens appeared before him from a blinding light in the living room of the penthouse (clothed in black garments: lacy frilled dress slightly below her thigh, high socks, an inch high shoe, a choker adorn her neck with a red pendant in the center. A mixture of black and gold hair that reaches her shoulder, cherry red lips and brown cat-like eyes.)

"Hello, Takaba Akihito, my name is Kai and I have come to grant a wish" she said in a casual tone.

The boy still in shock try to speak nonetheless. "Wha-What?"

"A wish"

"What wish…?"

~chuckle "Well to be exact…my wish" she replied with a sly grin.

"Huh…What do you mean?" he asked confused. She starts to levitate in a sitting position. "I've been bored as of late, so I've decide to entertain myself a little. You and your partner caught my interest" she said deviously.

"What are you?"

"A Goddess, I will cast a spell on you nothing too major or dangerous" she starts chanting and points at Akihito then a choker appeared then vanish around his neck. "That should do the trick" a devilish smile graced her lips "Now let the fun unravel" she said then vanished chuckling that echoed throughout the penthouse leaving Aki on the floor shocked and confused. He stood up puzzled *I clearly must be losing my mind* He walked to the kitchen to drink some cold water to get a grip on reality. What was he going to tell Asami? Should he even tell him? He'd think he was going crazy, so he decided to keep it to himself, as far as he know it could have been his imagination because of how stressful and hectic work had been the past couple weeks and Asami's late night activities.

~Somewhere unknown to humans~

"Let's see how you react to the changes I've bestow upon you Takaba Akihito, I have high hopes you will keep me entertain long enough, both of you, next I'll pay Mr. Asami a little visit" she said looking through the reflection of hanging mirror smirking.