My name is Mina Briggs.I have long brown hair that always curls at the end, no matter how many times you try a straighten it. And bright gold eyes. I'm only an average height, and never really excelled in anything education wise. I was just Mina Briggs,.

I lived in a small city called Charleston, South Carolina It was a nice city, I had a good family I suppose. I wasn't living in poverty or anything, I even had a career path picked out and everything. I was at the tender age of 13, that I had finally decided what to do. I wanted to become a manga artist, this would allow me to do something I absolutely love and get paid for it. Drawing is what I lived for.

Drawing has been my passion since the 3rd grade. When I finally was able to read and write I discovered something hidden in the back of my older brother book shelf. It was a book more specifically a manga. My brother, who was 12 at the time, told me the book was called...Naruto.

My brother had gotten the first book since it was on sale because of it's 1 year anniversary, down at the local book store. He said it was okay but he would have to read more to actually give it an opinion. I asked if I could barrow it. He said sure, but was certain I wouldn't like it. He was wrong.

I loved it.

I slowly developed a crush on the little boy named Naruto. He was strong and passionate, even though he was really stupid sometimes. There was something about him that can light up your whole world. I read and reread the first issue of Naruto over and over again. At the time I didn't realize there where more books, I thought that was it. That Naruto finally became a ninja. And Iruka gave his headband to Naruto. I wanted there to be more, I needed there to be more. So I did the next best thing I could think of. I began to draw.

I learned to draw the characters I saw in the book. Even going as far as studying the background characters and drawing them as well. I drew and drew until I could draw them by memory. I had limited characters but I managed.

The stories I drew for Naruto all of them consisted of happy endings. Some of them where foolish, like the Nail-tailed fox just dies and everyone likes Naruto. Or Naruto becoming so strong through the help of Iruka and Kurama he became the youngest Hokage ever!

It wasn't until the fallowing Christmas my brother got me the next couple issues. To put it simply, I was overjoyed by what he gave me. That christmas My parents also gave me more paper and crayons, color pencils and markets. I began to set to work. I began coloring everyone. My favorites where Ino, and Kakashi to draw. Ino was so pretty, I aspired to be able to be pretty a confident just like her...While Kakashi was plain out cool, his spiky hair was always the beautiful part to draw.

I keep reading them, throughout my whole life. Reading and reading, and drawing along side them. Learning about the characters, feeling there pain when Asuma died, Itachi, Rin, Jiraiya, and Obito...

But through it all...Obito was my favorite character. He reminded me a lot of my small time crush I had on Naruto as a kid. And Obito turned sooo cool when he grew up! But, I soon came to pity him. It was tough his story and all. I admired him because like Naruto had determination and believed what he was doing was truly right. Course I didn't always agree with his actions...but still...

I was on my way to the book store to pick up the next issue finally being old enough (15 Mother was quite overprotective of me really) to walk to there all by myself. It was getting close to the ended the whole series. I was upset that this book that I had fallowed so closely on the story, (and the anime) was finally coming to a close. I walked down the streets of Charleston bubbling with joy. Today was the day Naruto and Sasuke would finally beat Kaguya.

I made it to the book store and happily greeted the clerk. He handed me the issue. He always made sure to save one copy for me, I was there best costumer. I graciously accepted and proceeded to pay.

I walked out of the story with my book in hand. I was so happy and I excited that I could not wait till I got home. I stuffed the book in my bag and began running home. But as soon as I started someone ran into me, I fell down face first (of course) on too the bag fell beside me, and I slowly got up. Clutching my head, groaning I checked for any I injuries.

Relieved that I had nothing to bad, I leaned and attempted to pick my bag up. Note the attempted, because my bag wasn't there.

I panicked...Somebody just stole my bag. What am I suppose to do?

I saw someone running away from me, I noticed they where holding my bag. "HELP!" I shouted as loud as I could, "HE STOLE MY BAG!" But nobody seemed to notice. It was odd, I'm sure someone should have helped me. But, ignoring all reasonable logic sped down the street chasing after this mysterious person, they had black baggy pants and and black hoodie covered over there face. I didn't know who they where, nor did I care what they wanted. I just want my bag back especially my book. And I'd try my hardest to get it back.

They led me down a dark ally, there was a dead end and they where standing there as if they where waiting for me.

"End of the line buddy, now give me my bag back." I said. Taking slow steps forward, reaching my hand OF for my bag. But they just continued standing there, ignoring me. It was an odd feeling something did not feel right.

I couldn't make out a face or anything. But this mysterious person raised their head slightly. I noticed their eyes shined, it was a red it seemed to really stand out. I'm sure if you where standing in a dark room you could still see them twinkling somewhere. This mysterious person dropped my bag down and kicked it towards me. I cautiously picked it up. I slowly backed away finding this situation really weird.

Then after all of this they spoke.

"I've been watching you...Mina Briggs."

I froze. Many questions where running through my head. Who was this man? What did he want? Why was he stalking me? How did he know my name. But then he spoke once more

"You've got a good heart, I can tell. To bad you'll be out to some good use."

I was scared, I notice a smile poking out of his hoodie. I looked straight at him and notice something odd.

Though it was too late to tell. I blacked out.

Obito Uchiha was not like the rest of his family. While they where often serious, he was always seen cracking and joke. He didn't have that stuck up attitude most of his family seemed to have. Nope, he was funny and quirky. He liked to pull pranks and make people laugh.

Though because he was different he was consider the black sheep of the family. I mean, they didn't hate him just they didn't particularly like him. He was consider a weakling, for not unlocking his Kekkei Genkai yet.

So every morning he helped his grandmother out. Avoiding the other Uchiha's. Not wanting to deal with being picked on. And then heading to meet his team. It was a surprise, he was already half way there and not a single person had stopped him for help, or any thing whether it be and object or a person stopping him and preventing him from being on time. Something must be up.

He honestly could not have expected this, it was consider impossible and yet it still happened. Obito noticed something in the sky, squinting at the sight of it, he noticed it was a girl! The most he could get out of her is brown hair and some sort of blueish green dress.

Obito continued to stare at the person, he was sure someone would notice and rescue her.

When it finally occurred to him that no one would, he pushed some chakra to his feet and ran closer to where she was falling but it was too late...

Mina hit multiple trees on her way down, it luckily broke her fall for her.

Obito rushed over to the girl, who was lying flat on her face. He prayed she was still alive, I mean...who could survive a fall from that height!?

He looked around for any major injuries on her body. Nothing much, in fact for having fallen out of the sky and landing on a couple of trees she seemed to be okay. There was only a couple of dirt smudges on her face.

He then check for a pulse.


"Oh shoot." Muttered Obito. Now he really started panicking. What was he suppose to do? He was definitely not a medic, did he even have time to get her to the hospital?

And though as Kami is truly messing with him today, she began to stir awake. Slowly, Mina fluttered her eyes opening. She saw someone staring down at her. This person seemed too be trying to get her attention or something.

"Are you alright?" She heard the voice make out.

"Can you hear me?" The voice said once more. The girl nodded slowly while she sat up

"Can you get up?" He asked once more while extending his hand.

Mina took his hand, and he pulled her up. She wobbled a bit and finally took in her surrounding. It's a forest...

Mina rubbed the dirt away from her eyes. And looked up at Obito once more. Her eyes widen in surprise.

"Obito!?" She exclaimed.

Obito was shocked, how did this girl know her name. He was sure he never met her, did he?

"I'm sorry...but where are we?" She asked. "We're in Kohona..." Mina stared in confusion, "The Hidden Leaf village..." Still no response from her, "Fire country?" Mina took a couple steps back, Obito couldn't tell if it was from shock or fear, but her face said both. "" Her voice started to get shaky. Mina clutched her head and kneeled down. She started to shake. She was sure this was joke, how in the world was she here in Kohana with Obito of all people.

Obito started to worry, what was going on? This girl he just met somehow survived falling from the sky, and is now all the sudden having a panic attack in front of him. But the he noticed something odd. She was slowly floating up towards the air. "Oí Oi! Your floating!" Obito warned. Mina looked up and around. She looked down and saw; he was right she was at least a foot above the ground. Her eyes widen, and she began to panic even more. Flailing her arms around she was doing something that looked as if she was swimming to get back towards the ground.

Obito reached out towards her and was able to grab her arm and pull her forward. "Thank you." She said, and this time with a smile. "Glad I could help," he reached his hand out once more for a hand shake "I'm Obito...Obito Uchiha. But I guess you already knew that." Mina shook his hand and replied with, "Mina. Mina Briggs...And thanks for helping me."

"No problem, now what was so bad about you being here in Kahona?"

"Oh I'm from another world."



End of Chapter 1

AN: Thank you for reading the very first chapter of: To Sue an Uchiha! It makes me very happy! I'll try to update as fast as I can.

Also not sure if you guys want me to say whose P.O.V it is. I find it really annoying when people have it, it tends to disrupt the flow of the story. But if it's asked I will add it if your confused.

Also at the end of every I'll ask a question! I love seen a couple writers do this and I kinda want to do it myself, who knows it might be fun!

Question: Favorite day of the week?