Disclaimer: This is merely borrowed, not owned. See chap1 for more details.


Jean Grey wandered the familiar hallways of the Xavier institute, treading their familiar carpet on the way to a meeting with Xavier. She paid little attention to her surroundings, instead taking the time to ponder the events of the last few days.

The Professor, Beast, Storm, even Logan had been overjoyed at their return. They had searched far and wide for them within the six days they had been missing, but Magneto's technology must have hidden their mental signatures for not even cerebro could locate them.

Now, however, they were back and physically they none the worse for wear, mentally was a different story.

Over the last few days they had all been to see Xavier, some more than others. Going though a simulation that makes you doubt your entire identity is not necessarily something one can just walk away from. But they were all healing, they were all accepting reality again, for all its weirdness, and things were returning to the way they had been, except for one thing.

Jean had the feeling they were avoiding her.

She wasn't sure, she could be wrong, she could be being paranoid. It wasn't as if she hung out with them more or less than she used to, but she had never tried to hang out with them much before, she had always been more interested in the 'normal' clubs at school. Recently, though, she had been attempting to spend more time with her teem mates, and it didn't seem to be going well.

She could be sure of her suspicions, if she reached out with her telepathy. But just because she had found a new freedom and security in her powers, didn't mean she was going to abuse them, and entering some one's mind without permission was defiantly an abuse of powers.

She would not blame them if they were avoiding her, she deserved it, after all. Her outburst in the fantasy world, when she had been sure she was Margaret Richardson, had no doubt alienated herself from them, not to mention causing them much pain.

Still, perhaps in time that pain would fade, perhaps in time they would forgive her…

'Guten tag Jean!'

She looked up to see the familiar, blue furred form of Kurt exiting the Professor's study. He had been a regular visitor there, coming more than anyone else, the events in the imaginary world had hurt and disturbed him deeply.

'Hi Kurt,' said Jean, feeling a little self conscious, 'how are you holding up?'

'Fine,' replied Kurt, 'just fine, uh, I'm going to get a snack in the kitchen see you later!'

'Sure Kurt,' murmured Jean sadly, as the blue mutant wandered off.

Perhaps his hearing was better than she thought, or perhaps it was something the professor had said, or maybe it was just a random strike of guilt, but after a few steps Kurt stopped, and turned round.

'Jean…' he called, just as her hand was raised to knock on Xavier's door, 'there's something you should know…'

'Yes?' replied Jean, expecting some sort of recrimination.

'It's just… I'm sorry... for avoiding you. I… what happened hurt me a lot, but it also hurt you or your wouldn't have said those things. And, well, I understand why you did it and I don't hate you for it or anything, none of us do, we just… we just hurt a little. But punishing you for that will do no good and we can't have these splits when there are enough people against us anyway. I don't want anyone to feel guilty. I just want us to be friends again, if that's OK.'

'Kurt,' said Jean softly, 'thank you, you're one in a million.'

'No kidding!' laughed Kurt, gesturing to his fuzzy blue self, 'and proud of it, too!'

Laughing the fuzzy elf turned back round and galloped though the hallways, no doubt in search of a fridge to raid and pillage.

With a soft chuckle Jean knocked on the study door, and was telepathically urged in by the Professor.

'Ah, Jean,' he said, 'how are you?'

'As well as can be expected,' she replied.

'Yes… yes I believe you are,' murmured Xavier, 'it is odd, the others came out… scarred by these events, you, however, seem to have come out healed.'

'I did have help.'

'Indeed. How is Annie?'

'She's still in here,' said Jean, tapping the side of her head, 'though not as a separate entity, she is part of my… my psyche, part of me now I have learnt to accept her.'

Xavier nodded, 'do you really think she was a part of your friend that died? A legacy of a mental signature embossed on your brain through stress?' he asked.

Jean sat down, and steeped her fingers in a manner much like the professor 'yes,' she said at last, 'some of her was, but some of her was also r the personification of my powers, which I denied myself for so long.'

'But are no longer doing so, I see. Logan reports that your performance in the Danger Room has gone up 25 percent, and I have noticed an increase in your use of telekinesis. Storm says she saw you flying in the wood, last night.'

'It's true,' laughed Jean, 'I have been enjoying my power more, and why not? You're always telling us that they're gifts, not curses. Unless we turn them into one, that is.'

'True, true,' the Professor admitted, and they once again fell into silence, two telepaths who knew that no words were needed at this time.

Eventually Jean spoke, 'any news on Logan's mission?'

'Yes,' replied Xavier, 'he reported in just a few hours ago. The base is still there, but Magneto and Mastermind are not. Much of the computer equipment has also been ripped out, all that is left now is a hollow shell. It was, in short, just how I expected it would be.'

Jean frowned, 'then the machine that created the fantasy world still exists. Could he use it on us again?'

'Could? Yes. Would? No,' said Xavier, shaking his head, 'that is a trick that will only work once, and Erik knows it. He may try it on others, I suppose, but he is more likely to explore other options, other plans, before he does so. Erik always had problems sticking to a single plan. No, I do not think we need overly concern ourselves with that possibility.'

'Good, I'm very relieved. Now, if there's nothing else?'

'No, I just wanted to check up on how you were. Come to me if you want to talk about anything.'

'Of course professor.'

Jean arose out of the chair and made her way to the door, then she turned, a sudden thought entering her head.

'Professor,' she said, 'um… I was wondering…'

'Yes Jean?'

'Do you remember when I first came here, just after Scott, and you were talking about giving me a code name?'


'And I said I didn't want one because I thought it was… silly. Well, I've changed my mind.'

'Really?' Xavier raised one slender eyebrow, 'what name were you thinking of?'

'I don't know yet. Our code names should reflect what our power is, and who we are. Despite being here so long, I feel like I'm only just coming to terms with these things. When I have a better idea, then I'll chose a code-name, for now… for now I'd like to wait. I'm just telling you, that's all.'

'Thank you Jean,' said Xavier, smiling broadly, 'that's very wise of you, you've grown up a lot, and I wish you luck.'

Jean also grinned, and she exited the Professor's study.

The first day of the rest of her life was still long, and there was much to do. Perhaps she would invite the others to a game of all-powers-basketball.

A smile on her lips, Jean Grey wandered out into a decidedly abnormal, but very beautiful world.


There, all finished. Reviews giving your opinions would be loved, cherished and adored. So please, please, please find time just to write a couple of words down saying what you thought. If my writing as given you an ounce of pleasure, give me an ounce of pleasure back by passing on a review. Thank you.