You've probably seen this story before, guy gets turned into a Xenomorph or... 'Hybrid' and then gets laid. But I wanted to add a few twists to it, like what if he had a way to communicate? ... I don't know, this idea just kinda popped into my head after I wrote Turnscale.
Weyland Shuttle
That's what Evan did most of the time, his mind deep in thought as he looked outside the window of the shuttle, the transport rapidly descending into the atmosphere. He sighed as he looked back down, a pair of handcuffs were around his arms and legs as he stared glumly. His bright orange prison outfit served as a constant reminder...
How the hell did it come to all of this?
"Probably because you hacked into a top secret Weyland server and sold it to the black market."
He paused at his inner thoughts. That made sense.
And after years of being chased and hunted down, there elite privately hired commando's had finally caught up and arrested him due to criminal activities carried out against them. He grunted at that, as if the activities they did were any less criminal then his. He had read what they did, what experiments they carried out. And it was simply just kept hidden from the public with bribery and corruption.
Regardless, it didn't matter. Weyland know had him in their grasp, and he frankly had no idea what they were planning to do with him.
"Hey,-" A mocking voice spoke out, Evan stared down still, completely unaware of the guard speaking.
Evan was deaf as well.
It had started when he was the ripe age of 14 due to NIHL... Or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Exposure to loud traffic and sirens would do that to a growing and neglected kid. And it was a horrifying experience... To have your sense of hearing taken away as the world around him grew silent.
The guard walked up to him before hitting his gun butt against Evan's stomach, making the prisoner gasp as he flinched forward in pain.
"Listen to me when I speak you god damn-"
The pilot tilted her head from the front of the shuttle.
"Don't bother Brad, he's as deaf as a post."
"Oh... Seriously? But this asshole was listening perfectly back at the hub."
"That's because he had hearing aids before you dumbass. Now he doesn't. Anyways, get the prisoner to the ramp. We're landing now."
Evan merely looked down, he knew they were talking. He could tell by the way there mouths moved. And already he could tell the guard was an idiot. What did they expect after taking they took away his only ability to listen? Luckily he knew a bit of sign just in case he needed to communicate.
The guard grunted before looking down, picking Evan up as he forcefully pushed him towards the ramp. Evan struggled for a second before standing straight, a glare on his face as the ramp slowly opened up.
A few more guards were already waiting on the outside, a big yellow W on their shirts as they stood waiting. A singular synthetic was busy filing paper work as Evan was ushered forward. The prisoner looked around, noticing a pine like trees surrounding the compound, it almost reminded him of an American forest, like in Washington state or even Colorado. He was broken from his thoughts as he noticed the android approach him.
The synthetic spun his two fingers together before pushing his hands together, displaying a use of sign language.
"Come with."
Evan paused as he slowly nodded, following the synthetic as he was escorted by the guards through the giant blast doors. He looked back one last time as the doors slowly closed, blocking the natural light. Possibly his last look at the outside world before he would be apart of some gruesome experiment.
Weyland Cell
The compound was a maze of bleak corridor's and metallic doorways. The android seemingly guided him deeper and deeper into the endless compound before finally coming to a testing room that seemed to double as a living quarter.
"Stay here." The android gestured before leaving.
Evan stood there, confused as he inspected the room, noticing a table and chair in the middle of it, a glass window laid on the other side as a few scientists worked behind it. He already felt unsafe as he nervously rubbed his shoulder, staring at the contents of the table only to tilt his head.
A pill and a half filled glass of water was on it.
He looked up with a confused expression, the scientists ignoring him as they typed in something on the council before words popped up on the glass.
Evan blinked, looking at the table with an unsure face. The lead scientist held a stone cold face as he typed again.
The former hacker wanted to disobey there orders, this was absolute bullshit. Regardless, he did as he was told, sitting down on the chair as he looked at the two items.
Evan stared at it, before he shook his head. There was no way in hell he was going to do that, he wasn't even told what exactly this drug was or what it did. For all he knew, it could potentially kill him.
"VERY WELL. YOU LEAVE US NO CHOICE." The scientist typed before the doorway opened, two guards approaching Evan as they forcefully grabbed him. Evan briefly struggled as his eyes were wide with shock before the guard took the pill and forced it down his throat. Evan coughed out as the two guards then left, his eyes teary as he reached out for the water.
"Some rebel you turned out to be..." His mind taunted as he drank down the water.
Evan grunted as he slowly nodded, holding onto his neck as he strained in discomfort. Now all he could do was hope that whatever he had been forced to swallow wasn't detrimental to his health.
A few scientists seemed to scribble a few things on paper as they casually walked away. The two guards from before came in as they shoved him off the chair, bringing the two pieces of furniture with them. Evan blinked as he watched them leave before the lights shut off.
He looked up in surprise before his features saddened. So this was his new life? A Guinea Pig for a bunch of asshole scientists. He wanted to shout in frustration, let his anger out on something. Yet that was impossible, there was virtually nothing in the room except for a small mat that he could sleep on and a toilet. He looked at the depressing quarters as he felt drowsy all of the sudden.
Evan sighed before he got on all fours.
Wait what?
He paused as he quickly stood back up, blinking in surprise as he shook his head. What the hell was he doing?
Maybe he was just really stressed, that was probably the explanation with his irrational behavior just now. After all, he was going to live out his life as a lab rat from now on. He slowly walked up this time before lying down on the mattress begging for sleep to come as he slowly closed his eyes.
He would need it after all.
Weyland Office
"Dr. Conroy. How goes the progress so far? Did you manage to find a breakthrough?"
The lead scientist merely shook his head, "I am so close, yet most subjects we've tested on so far have... Expired."
"That is... Disheartening, but you must realize doctor that a lot of our shareholders are counting on you to produce results. Yet so far you haven't. Instead your biggest breakthrough was adding mammary glands to foreign life forms."
Conroy narrowed his eyes, "You wished for a more cost effective way of acquiring royal jelly without needing a Queen and I gave it. Those are not glands, they're our producers make shift."
The Chairman paused, static being heard over the screen before the figure spoke. "Very well doctor. I shall take your word for it and give you the time you need. But screw this up... And you are out of this project."
"Do not fear chairman. I feel as if I am close to a breakthrough."
He grunted, "Pure feeling cannot carry this project. You of all people should know that."
Unknown Location
The place Evan had ended up in was dark, the shadows biting at his heels as he attempted to move forward. He was running from something, he didn't exactly know what it was except the fact that he was being chased.
And whatever it was, it was terrifying.
Just at the end of the tunnel, laid his salvation. A slowly blinking light as he struggled onward, getting closer and closer.
He was just about to reach the end before something grabbed him, Evan turned his head to see the shine of a menacing set of fanged teeth, looking at him from the darkness as he was slowly dragged in. He attempted to fight back, kicking his legs, but it was no use.
Evan slowly felt himself shed away, his body dissipating as he became something else entirely.
Something alien...
The light at the end then shone out, exposing him for what he now truly was.
A creature made up of pure terror and darkness.
Weyland Cell
Evan awoke with a gasp as he looked up at the ceiling, panting in and out as he exerted an unatural amount of air. He felt himself blink as he stirred uncomfortably, the bed now being to short as rose up from the mattress.
"What the hell was that dream?" Evan thought as he looked at his bed.
His now ripped prison shirt as well as an signs of claw marks were on the delicate fabric mattress. He groggily tilted his head as he looked at the mess before looking down at himself.
A black chitinous exoskeleton was in the place of his skin.
He flinched, falling to the floor as his long black hind legs scratched against the metal, his pants now torn beyond his thighs as his exoskeleton quivered.
Evan didn't even scream or yell, he simply stared in shock at the new development. Now looking at his hands as a deadly array of claws were in the place of the delicate limbs.
He then slowly felt his face with his new claws, only to gape as he noticed no creases or gaps in his features like a normal human face would... Just smooth roundness. Evan turned his head to the nearby window.
The creature in the reflection did the same as it's black, eye-less face and long dome stared back at him, a sharp blade like tail lazily snaking out from it's backside.
It took his brain a second to realize.
That was him.
A fucking monster.
He immediately screeched out, his mind finally catching up with his senses, Evan's claws now scratching against the walls as he was threw a terrified fit before pressing them against the dome that used to be his face, letting loose a gigantic shriek.
A few scientists who were just arriving stared in shock behind the glass at what they had created.
Weyland Office
"Dr. Conroy." A female scientist asked for his attention from the doorway.
The lead scientist sighed as he looked up from his studies, "Yes?"
"The prisoner. From yesterday..."
He looked back at his studies. "What about him? Did 2-B expire?"
"Um, no... Quite the contrary."
Conroy took off his glasses, "What do you mean?"
Weyland Cell
It had taken a few minutes for Evan to finally calm himself, yet to even call it calm was an overstatement. In reality he had resorted to sitting in the corner, holding both of his legs together as his new tail slowly wagged in agitation.
Everything felt wrong, as it should have.
He took another look at his body before turning his long head away as his dome like face hissed out in disgust. His hard exoskeleton slightly quivering as his confusion and shock from before now slowly began to turn into anger. Anger at what they had done to him. Not only did they strip away his rights, they had gone away and literally stripped away his humanity, as if he was some sort of kindergarten toy.
And it made it worse due to the fact that he knew what he now was.
A Xenomorph.
He had read a hacked government file once, hardly believing a creature could even exist. It sounded like something out of a children's nightmare until he saw the pictures, creatures as black as midnight with sharp tails and hard exoskeletons, that mostly reproduced through some sick parasitic nature by bursting out of peoples chests.
Evan paused as he remembered another feature they had, he slowly opened his mouth before beckoning his tongue out.
A terrifying Inner Jaw slowly rose out as Evan stared at it in shock, his fangs cringing as saliva began to drool out of his mouth.
So that was there too.
He quickly closed his mouth as he felt movement.
That was another thing he had quickly learnt, his perception seemed to had been enhanced. He could sense everything, from the ash of the smoking guards, to the smell of chemicals from nearby laboratories. It almost made him feel nauseated, his senses now overloading his human conscious with giant pop up images.
Whenever blinked he could randomly see the outlines of shapes past the walls, either walking by his cell or standing still. He later noticed that these shapes were indeed Human, with the majority of shapes transferring themselves behind the glass that watched his chamber. His eyes were like infrared sensors almost, but not quite.
But Evan could barely even care, his anger now reaching ten folds as he slowly stood up from his position. His exoskeleton rising on his command as he stared at the window, his fangs gritted in a menacing display.
The lead scientis from yesterday was there, looking up from the console as a few others stood next to him.
Control Room
"Fascinating..." Conroy mumbled, readjusting his glasses to make sure he wasn't seeing things. A Xenomorph wearing torn prison attire stood on the other side of the glass, it's eyeless dome staring back as it appeared to be agitated. "When did he turn?"
The first scientist coughed, "We're unsure, it was only this morning we found out about the change."
"I see..."
"Does this mean the experiment is a failure?" Another scientist asked. Conroy paused before looking back at the glass, putting his hands on the council before typing.
Within seconds, text popped up on the glass.
The Xenomorph paused, before it raised it's arm, it's hand slowly showing off a gesture... A very human gesture.
A long bony middle finger.
All of the scientists gasped, whilst Conroy looked unfazed, if not more curious.
"It appears that he's maintained his sense of human mind..." He turned his head, "I was told that prisoner 2-B is deaf? Is that right?"
"Um, correct."
Conroy pondered for a moment, "Then get the android in here."
Weyland Cell
Evan scanned the window as his fangs contorted into a hated stare.
"Are you sentient? Is this some fucking joke?" He thought to himself, thus proving that the eggheads had no idea what they had done had happened to him either. So he did the only natural thing and gave them the finger.
It felt good to let some steam out as he looked at there shocked expressions. All except one, the lead scientist from yesterday.
He felt his eyes narrowed, his new biology going to work before spotting a tiny name tag on the mans shoulder.
"Conroy... Now I know who to thank." He thought sarcastically, his claws itching at his sides.
His instincts urged him to break through the glass and disembowel the man behind it, tearing his head off and smashing his body for what he had done.
Evan paused for a second, he had never felt such violent tendencies in his entire life. His human mind set quickly reasoning that it would end badly for him. Yet even then, he could feel his exoskeleton rumble with anger.
The door to the control room opened, another figure walking in. Evan could already tell that it was the android, the machine producing no scent with it's entrance. A new set of words slowly popped up.
Evan stopped to read the words before he instinctively hissed, his anger almost boiling over. Instead he used his new long fingers to show a few signs before pointing at himself.
"Fix me."
There was a pause as Evan guessed that the android was translating, Conroy looked back at the glass before typing.
The text didn't even fully pop up before Evan lunged forward, banging a hand against the glass as he hissed in anger, his blade like tail rising up like a snake. The scientists in the control room backed up in fear, all except for Conroy who stood his ground.
Evan somehow knew he could easily break through, yet he still restrained himself, slowly creeping back as he put a hand to his face and swatted down.
He saw Conroy type something in before the texts popped up again.
Evan stared as he showed off a multitude of gestures, all of them translating to one thing.
There was another pause as Conroy seemed to be pondering, typing in another command. "IS YOUR HEARING RESTORED?"
Evan paused at the question before he realized, he could hear again without the need of hearing aid. In fact, his hearing was enhanced due to his new body, now being able to pick up the most faint noises at times. The prisoner slowly nodded, before the text dissipated, an intercom now speaking.
"Then I can talk. Admittedly, I did not foresee this prisoner 2-B."
He hissed, exactly what he thought, they had no idea what they had done to him. He gestured again in sign, "Fix me."
Conroy shook his head behind the glass before speaking through a mic, "I'm afraid that is out of the realm of possibility 2-B. So we shall continue testing due to this new found opportunity."
Evan heard the words before he began to feel something. Something now overriding his human logic as his new body shook with rage, his claws now extending themselves as if preparing to pounce.
What they had done to him wasn't right, yet they had considered it an opportunity for themselves, that's how it was for his entire life.
No more.
They would pay, they would all pay.
He leaped forward this time, his body smashing against the glass as cracks formed. This time Conroy backed away, now shocked as his eyes widened from the display of aggression.
"Refrain at once prisoner! You will-"
Evan didn't listen, his tail now going to work as well as it left giant dents, slowly giving leeway as the bulletproof glass began to crumple from his ferocity. Conroy decidedly looked to the side before smashing a button, vents opening at the side as something began to flood the room. He kept at hitting the glass, almost making a break through before he noticed a bleak and brown fog slowly begin to cloud around him, his efforts growing slower and slower.
And then he forcibly passed out, his claws still twitching as his rage died out with a sputter.
All the scientists paused as they stared at the cracked glass, Conroy looking at the room as the gas subsided before he turned around.
"Get the guards and relocate the prisoner. From now on, he shall be code named as Specimen 0...-" He turned his head back to the unconscious Alien.
"-I believe we just found a better use for Xeno-Zip."
So... How should I even explain? If any of you get the implication on 'Mammary Glands', then I just gave the Female Xenomorphs tits... Shh, don't question it. You'll get an idea of what they look like next chapter.
But in all seriousness, stuff like Xeno-Zip are canon I guess and I thought the concept of a drug giving you Xenomorph powers was a cool idea to start off a story.
And lastly... Expect some real explicit lemons in a some later chapters, I don't know when but it'll happen... Trust me.