Summary: Kathryn and Sebastian turn the tables on Jacqueline and David
Authors Note: Sorry about how long it took to update this. Anyway thanks to everyone who reviewed!
Chapter 11: Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
"Congratulations" Kathryn laughed while collapsing on top of Sebastian "I think we've just officially joined the mile high club."
He snickered "I'm already a member baby."
Pulling away from him she scowled "why doesn't that surprise me."
Sebastian only smiled as he ran his hand down her bare back. Leaning forward he kissed her gently on the mouth before whispering to her "but you're the only one who counted."
"Yeah, yeah" she told him as she got up from his lap and put her dress back on. As she did one of the stewardesses came in and then walked out quickly when she saw Sebastian still half dressed. Rolling her eyes Kathryn called out to her "it's all right Judy."
Smiling tentatively the women averted her eyes from Sebastian and asked "is there anything I can get you ma'am?"
"Bring us a bottle of champagne and ask the pilot when we'll be landing."
She nodded her head in agreement before scurrying away. Watching her leave Sebastian asked "she doesn't mind taking orders from her boss's girlfriend?"
"Fiancé" she corrected him. "Anyway David gave me full permission to use his private plane whenever I wanted."
"Some thing tells me he won't after today."
They both shared wicked smiles as Kathryn laughed and once again straddled his lap. "Everything so far is going according to plan."
"My plan" he reminded her as he slid his hand around the back of her neck.
"Yes you're so smart" she whispered while pulling him into a kiss.
They were interrupted a few moments later by the stewardess who was clearing her throat. Turning her head around Kathryn scowled at her before yanking the bottle of champagne from her hands. "Thank you" she told her with a fake smile. "Now get lost."
Judy started to leave but turned around before exiting "ma'am the pilot said that we will be landing in New York in a half an hour."
Sebastian took the bottle and poured them each a glass of champagne. Handing her a glass he said "we should probably make a toast, I think it's appropriate, don't you?"
"To our victory and to Jacqueline and David, who will never see it coming."
* * * * * *
"Hey big brother, all ready for your big day?"
David turned at the sound of his sister's voice. Dressed in a lavender low cut dress she walked up behind him and gave him a hug. He returned it but was still feeling more than a bit antsy. "You look nice David." Pulling away from him she noticed the look on his face and asked "what's wrong?"
Moving away from her he turned back to his reflection in the floor length mirror making sure his tux was in order. When he ignored her question Jacqueline rolled her eyes. He had been doing this ever since they were kids. When ever he didn't want to answer to somebody he simply just ignored them. More often than not he did it after he did something wrong. Crossing her arms to her chest she demanded "what did you do?"
"Nothing" he sighed fixing his bow tie. "Nothing to worry about anyway."
"David tell me!"
"All right, all right keep your voice down." Making sure the door was safely closed behind them he turned back to her and said "Kathryn knows about the plan."
"WHAT!" she bellowed "she knows? How the hell did she find out?!"
"Will you keep your voice down" he hissed at her. "I have no fucking idea how she found out! All I know is she showed up at the house ready to tear me a new one but it's okay."
"It's okay? Are you high? Do you have any idea what she could do-"
Resting a calming hand on her shoulder he said "I took care of it sis."
"How?" she asked suspiciously.
David shrugged "I told her about how her mother will pull her trust if she doesn't get married and that if she doesn't want to be penniless she'll marry me. Being the princess that she is she of course agreed."
Shaking her head at him Jacqueline countered "she could still tell Sebastian."
"Doubt it" he snickered. "I told her I would make sure Sebastian never worked again if she tried to go against me. You know if I didn't know better I would think she actually cared about him. Maybe even more than you."
"Please" she huffed as she collapsed back in a chair. "The only thing Kathryn cares about is Kathryn. I'm the one who's putting everything on the line to have him and anyway-"
She was interrupted when one of David's assistance popped his head into the room and said "Mr. Underwood the London Times is on the phone. They say it's very urgent."
"Tell them I'll call them back tomorrow, Christ this is my wedding day!"
The man quickly rushed out and Jacqueline asked "what's that all about? Why is London calling?"
"I don't know" he shrugged "they've been calling all day, probably want a statement about the wedding, who cares? Anyway, like I was saying I have Kathryn totally in line."
"Right" Jacqueline said still not convinced "so where is your little bride to be anyway?"
"Probably in her room getting ready."
"You don't know?"
Looking away from her he said "well I haven't really seen her since we had our confrontation. She told Elton she had to make a quick trip out of town to pick something up for the wedding. She took one of the planes so she should be back" noticing his sisters appalled look he asked "what?"
"You just let her leave?"
"Yeah, what's the big deal? She's using my plane so it's not like she's running away anywhere."
Shaking her head Jacqueline sighed "yeah that's what you think. Why would you allow her to leave and send Sebastian away on that assignment at the same time?"
Slowly David turned to her and asked "what assignment?"
The color seemed to drain out of her face as she said "the shoot you sent him on for Deception. He left the other day and said he would be back before the weddingthere is no assignment?"
They both stared at each other for a long moment before they simultaneously yelled out "FUCK!"
"No way" David said as he stared to pace. "There's no way they would run off together."
"Then where are they?"
"I don't know but I'm going to find out" David rushed out of the room with Jacqueline following behind him. He charged down the hall and threw Kathryn's door open only to find the room empty. "Dammit!"
"No" she said shaking her head "they have to be here. You said it yourself, she took the plane and she knew you could find it if you had to."
"Okay you're right. Look I'm going to see if I can get in touch with the pilot, go see if either of them have shown up yet."
Nodding Jacqueline left him and headed out back where the wedding was suppose to take place in only a few minutes. The guests were all arriving and swarming around the Rosemond property. As she weaved through the crowd she asked a few people if they had seen Sebastian. She didn't ask about Kathryn because she knew it would only get the gossip hounds going.
After checking every inch of the party and looking all over the house Jacqueline sighed in defeat. However she still had a little hope left so she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Sebastian's cell. The phone rang and rang but no one answered. "Come on Sebastian pick up."
"Is there something you need to tell me Jack?"
Wiping around at the sound of his voice she was shocked to see Sebastian standing right in front of her. "Sebastian I, I though you weren't going to make it."
At first it was nearly impossible to tell what he was thinking because his face was blank. However to her delight a smile formed over his lips as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek "I wouldn't miss it. You look amazing Jacqueline."
"Thanks Sebastian."
"Why didn't you think I would show?"
She considered lying to him but she decided to tell him what she knew, or at least part of it. "David told me that there was no assignment. He can't find Kathryn either so we thought maybe the two of you ran off together."
To Jacqueline's great astonishment Sebastian started to laugh. "You thought I ran off with Kathryn? Well I don't know where she went but I was not with Kathryn Merteuil. However I did lie to you about the assignment, I'm sorry about that."
Curiously she asked "where did you go."
A strange mysterious smile appeared on his face as he told her "it's a surprise. Now come on lets get a seat. Don't want to miss the show do you?"
* * * * * *
"What do you mean her plane landed at JFK an hour ago?" David bellowed into the phone. "We're suppose to be getting married in ten minutes but my fiancee is nowhere to be found. Where is she?!"
There was a long pause on the pilots side before he tentatively answered "I'm not sure sir. She didn't clear her schedule with me. Maybe you should-"
"Don't tell me what to do you useless prick!" Without another word David slammed the phone down then chucked it across the room. "Son of a bitch! Where are you Kathryn?"
He didn't need this now, he really didn't. Most of Manhattan and Long Island was out onside waiting to witness him marry the debutante de jour, only she was nowhere to be found. Hell for all he knew she had taken off with Sebastian somewhere making it so he would never get his hands on her money.
Glancing back down at his watch David realized he was running out of time and his guests were probably getting anxious. Since he hadn't heard back from Jacqueline in the past twenty minutes he took that as a sign that maybe she had located Valmont. Picking up his cell phone he started to dial his sisters cell when he heard the wedding march coming from outside.
"What the fuck?" He muttered following the music to the back where the guests were gathered. Sure enough everyone was sitting waiting for the ceremony to start. David started to charge up to the band to order them to stop playing when he stopped in his tracks. Standing at the head of the crowd next to the priest was Kathryn, dressed in a elegant sheath dress that was not her wedding gown.
David watched dumbstruck as she whispered something in the band leaders ear and he immediately stopped playing. Walking back to the front she called out "can I have everyone's attention please?"
The murmuring from the crowd ceased at the sound of her voice. With a small smile she said "thank you. Um, I know you were all expecting a wedding today but I'm afraid that's not going to happen."
Once again there was a low rumble throughout the crowd as Kathryn stood sadly at the front. Shaking his head David had decided he had enough. He stalked up to her and took her by the arm gently but firmly and hissed in her ear "what do you think you're doing?" When he looked out over the crowd and noticed a few curious eyes watching him he smiled at her and said loudly "Kathryn you don't mean that. Of course we're getting married today."
Yanking away from him she said "no I can't marry you David. Not after...not after I found out the truth about you."
His eyes narrowed at her as he watched tears form in her eyes. David knew they were fake and she was up to something but he wasn't sure what. Would she really tell everyone about his plan to take her inheritance? He doubted she was that stupid. Looking out into the crowd his eyes fell upon Tiffani who was watching the proceeding with an amused smile while his sister who sat next to Sebastian looking every bit as worried as he felt. "Kathryn" he whispered in her ear "what are you talking about? I haven't done anything."
"Oh yeah?" She countered loudly "I know you're having an affair. I've seen the pictures!"
For some reason he almost started to laugh. This was her plan, to claim he had an affair? No one would believe that especially not without any proof. Besides he had his own proof of her affair with Valmont. Still David played along and told her sincerely "that's ridiculous. Kathryn I am not having an affair and I have no idea what pictures you are talking about."
"Liar!" She screamed through tears before smacking him hard across the face. "God David it's one thing to cheat on me with some common tramp but your own sister? That's disgusting!"
"WHAT?!" Both Underwood siblings yelled out while the crowd let out a collective gasp.
Standing up quickly Jacqueline called to her from the second row "what the hell are you talking about? I would never...with my own brother! Are you crazy?"
"I'm most certainly not! How do you explain this David?" She screamed as she produced a folded up newspaper.
Yanking it from her hand David opened the latest issue of The Sun, one of England's most popular tabloids to find in full color pictures of him not just kissing Jacqueline but practically making out with his own sister in the street. The headline read "Mogul Underwood Keeps It All In the Family!" As he looked down at the cover he suddenly realized why he had been getting so many urgent calls from London.
Pulling it back Kathryn held it up to Jacqueline and screamed "explain this to me!"
Once again the crowd went into a tizzy and they all began to snicker and talk among themselves. Not one to stand being humiliated Jacqueline got up from her seat quickly after Sebastian recoiled from her in disgust. Charging up to Kathryn to grabbed the paper and screamed at her "this is all lies! You did this didn't you?"
"Me? How could you blame your families perversions on me?" Suddenly Kathryn began to cry loudly "on my wedding day!"
David watched in disgust as Kathryn broke down in sobs. Everyone in the crowd looked on at her sympathetically while Sebastian rose from his seat and put his arm around her. "It's okay Kathryn" he told her as she cried into his chest. Looking up at Jacqueline he hissed "how could you...with him?"
"I didn't! Sebastian you have to believe me!"
"She's making it all up" David growled "and you are probably in on it with her Valmont! You and this little whore our out to ruin me!"
Pulling away from Sebastian she whispered to David "how can you talk to me that way? I thought you loved me!"
Then before anyone could say anything more Kathryn ran down the isle and into the house. Turning back to the siblings Sebastian sneered "I hope you two will be very happy together."
As she watched him run after Kathryn, Jacqueline muttered "it's all over now."
"Oh I don't think so."
* * * * * *
"Kathryn are you all right?" Sebastian asked concerned as he entered the house to find Kathryn in the study with her back to him.
He came up behind her and she immediately collapsed into his chest making him wonder if she really was crying. "Seriously are you ok?"
It took Sebastian a moment to realize that her sobs were actually laughter. Looking up at him with a smirk on her face she replied "oh I'm better than ok."
Laughing in caressed her hair "you almost had me even fooled. I nearly fucking lost it when you called out 'on my wedding day' and started crying."
"Yeah you should have seen your dates face when she saw the pictures! Where did you get them from anyway?"
Sebastian only smiled mischievously before pulling her into a kiss. Kathryn eagerly returned it wrapping her arms around him as their coupling became more urgent.
A minute later they were suddenly interrupted when the door opened and David came tearing into the room with Jacqueline tailing him. Before they could demand what he was doing David pulled Sebastian from Kathryn and punched him hard in the face. Stumbling back Sebastian looked up at him and muttered "cheap shot Underwood."
"Well I figured use would be use to cheep, after all you're fucking Kathryn."
Sebastian immediately got to his feet and quickly tackled David. The two wrestled around on the ground pounding one another as Kathryn and Jacqueline looked on. "David stop" his sister called out. "This isn't solving anything."
Standing up Sebastian sneered "you better do what sis says David, oh wait I'm sorry I mean your lover."
With a loud yell David charged at him once again knocking him into a table and breaking a lamp and some picture frames. The got in a few more punches before Kathryn jumped in the middle "okay enough, game over."
Sebastian tried to go after him again but she held him back and he relented. "How nice Valmont" David laughed "she has you wiped already."
"Fuck you David, you always were such a poor loser!" Kathryn yelled.
"Loser?" He laughed "sweetheart look in the mirror. You're the one who lost your inheritance. You might have embarrassed us up there and gotten out of our marriage but it's going to leave you penniless."
"Yeah in a few weeks you'll be trading in Barney's for Kmart Kat. Hey maybe you two could even get jobs there" Jacqueline suggested with a laugh.
Smiling calmly Kathryn took a seat on Sebastian's lap and told them "oh I wouldn't count on that if I were you."
Crossing his arms to his chest David challenged "oh really? Well you have less than two weeks Kathryn and unless of course you plan on getting Sebastian to say I do which, lets face it, is pretty laughable."
Holding up his hand that sported a gold wedding band Sebastian said "ha, ha."
David's mouth fell and Jacqueline's face paled as she spat "you two got married?"
"Yes we did" Kathryn smiled as she showed her the ring on her finger. Staring at the two of them wearing matching dumbstruck faces she asked "well aren't you going to congratulate us?"
"When did this happen?" David demanded.
"When we were in London making sure The Sun got all that dirt on you two. Oh thanks again for the use of your plane David, it was a big help" Sebastian laughed.
"You son of a bitch!" David screamed before running at Sebastian and trying to choke him.
Kathryn was trying to pull him off when the study door flew open again only this time it was several cops followed by two men in suits. Three of the cops grabbed David who started to scream "what the hell? Get off me, do you know who I am?"
"As a matter of fact we do Mr. Underwood" said the balding man in a gray suit. "I'm agent Gibbs and this is my partner agent Mahoney. We've been waiting a long time for this."
"For what?" Jacqueline demanded "what the hell do you want with my brother?"
"Well for the past two years we've been investigating your brother for tax evasion and embezzlement. However we haven't been able to prove it until some of his 'books' and receipts appeared on our desk a few days ago."
Struggling as the two uniformed police officers put a pair of cuffs on him David yelled "this is ridiculous! You can't prove anything."
Agent Mahoney laughed "yeah I wouldn't bet on it kid. We generally don't waste our time arresting innocent people."
Turning back to Kathryn and Sebastian who were watching the seen in amusement Jacqueline yelled "you did this didn't you? So help me I'm going to make you two pay! And you" she said turning on the federal agents in front of her "I'm calling our lawyer!"
"Yeah honey before you do that you might want to know something" agent Gibbs informed her. "One of the people he's been swindling these past couple of years is you."
"He's lying Jack" David told her "don't listen to him."
"Sorry Ms. Bennington but it's the truth. If it wasn't for your loving brother over here you would have had a nice trust fund still in tact but as it stands as of today your bank account is at about $5."
"Oh my god" she whispered. Turning to her brother in pure furry she started to hit him "I'm going to fucking kill you!" Suddenly she attacked him hitting him hard as he yelped in protest.
"Okay get them out of here!" Agent Mahoney yelled as the officers pulled him out the door with a pissed off Jacqueline following.
Turning to Kathryn agent Gibb smiled "I would like to thank you once again Ms. Merteuil for your help. If you hadn't helped us locate Mr. Underwood's hidden bank accounts he might never have been brought to justice."
Smiling Kathryn told him "actually it's Mrs. Valmont now and trust me the pleasure was all mine. I hope you enjoy your new raise agent Gibb."
"I plan on it. You folks have a nice day."
As he left Kathryn relaxed against Sebastian's chest as they listened to Jacqueline outside the door yelling at her brother. "You know I really thought those two kids would make it" he sighed.
* * * * * *
"Sebastian and I got married" Kathryn announced two weeks later to the stunned crowd at her twenty first birthday party. Since they got married they had kept it to themselves and of course the now incarcerated David. They wanted to wait a little while after all Kathryn was supposedly suppose to me in mourning over her relationship with David. For appearances sake they kept mum plus Kathryn wanted to wait until her mother thought she had won before springing on her that she hadn't.
For a long moment the room was filled with a stunned silence. However it was broken by Helen Rosemond when she exclaimed "oh this is the best news I've heard in a long time!"
As she went and gave Kathryn a hug she was soon surrounded by well wishers. Sebastian stood nearby admiring his wife as she gave the details to her adoring public. She told everyone it was very last minute and that she always knew Sebastian was the one for her yada, yada, yada.
Looking towards the back of the Rosemonds large ball room Kathryn noticed her mother scowling at her. With her face pinched in determination she charged up to the crowd obviously ready to make trouble. However Kathryn headed her off by quickly walking up to her and pulling her into a hug. With a phony smile she whispered in her mothers ear "be happy for me mother or I'll make sure you'll never get a cent."
Tiffani pulled away from her daughter wearing an equally phony smile "congratulations Kathryn, I hope you and Sebastian will be very happy together. By the way it was so clever of you to make your announcement right on your birthday."
"I thought so" she agreed before leaving her to join her husband who was talking to Jane. Wrapping an arm around his waist she said "that went better than I thought."
"Well it is your birthday" he said kissing the top on her head. "It's not like anyone would dare say anything against you on your day."
"Well if it makes you feel any better I'm sure they are all making snide comments behind you back" Jane offered.
"I'm sure they are" Kathryn sighed. "By the way thanks again for telling us about Jacqueline in David. If you hadn't I might be married to the asshole right now."
"No problem, I'm just sorry I missed your almost wedding. What ever happened to Jacqueline anyway?"
Sebastian shrugged "apparently she's in hiding, probably trying to figure out a way to get back at her brother for stealing all her money."
"Such a shame" Kathryn said with mock sympathy.
"Yes it is" Sebastian agreed as he started kissing her neck. Rolling her eyes Jane left the two to themselves.
However they were once again interrupted this time by Sebastian's aunt. "There you two are" she gushed.
"Yes here we are" he replied trying to hide his annoyance.
"Seeing the two of you together after all these years makes me so happy. I knew from the first time you laid eyes on each other when you were little kids that you would be together so I've decided to give you a wedding gift."
Kathryn's eyes lit up but she feigned modesty "oh, you don't have to get us any thing."
"Nonsense of course I do. You see I've been spending more and more time abroad and haven't spent much time at the estate. It's empty so often I was thinking of getting rid of it but I would really like it to stay in the family. I think your marriage in the perfect time to pass it down so I'm giving you the house."
"Oh my god aunt Helen" Sebastian said honestly surprised "are you sure?"
"Of course" she said hugging her nephew. "I just hope the two of you are happy here."
"Thank you Mrs. Rosemond" Kathryn said embracing her.
"Here you go" she said handing them over the keys. "I'll be heading back to Paris tonight so it's all yours, enjoy."
When she walked away Sebastian laughed "guess that solves the problem of where we were going to live."
"Guess so" Kathryn replied before pulling him down for a kiss. Breaking away momentarily she whispered "what do you say we get out of here and try out some of the upstairs bedrooms?"
"Sounds like a plan but first there is something we have to go do."
"What the hell are we doing here Sebastian?" Looking around the smelly stables in disdain Kathryn was trying to figure out why coming out here was so damn important. Sebastian had left her a moment and when he returned he was leading two horses. Upon seeing them she said "oh no, not in this outfit."
"Don't be a pussy" he told her as he put his hands on her hips and pulled her towards a black stallion. "Come on get up."
"Why? It's cold and dark and I'm not dressed for riding" she complained.
"This is suppose to be romantic. Quit ruining it" he ordered as he got on his own horse. When Kathryn looked at him doubtfully he challenged "what has princess Kathryn forgotten how to ride or is that stick jammed too far up your ass for you to have fun anymore?"
"Fuck you" she hissed as she quickly threw her leg over the horse and rode out of the stables.
"That's my girl" Sebastian laughed as he followed after her.
Kathryn rode quickly before he finally caught up with her. As they slowed down to an easy gallop she told him "I still don't see why we're doing this."
"Think about the first time we met" he sighed.
She laughed "oh yes our riding adventure where you got us lost. How could I forget. I guess this is sort of romantic of you."
"Yes it is"
"God you are whipped!"
Shaking his head he told her "you know it's comforting to know that in the past thirteen years you haven't changed at all. You're still a little bitch."
"Yeah and I probably still will be in another thirteen."
"You still think we'll be together in another thirteen years?"
Sebastian was expecting another one of her nasty quips so he was genuinely surprised when she turned to him and replied in all sincerity "yeah I do." Stopping her horse she waited until he did the same before reaching out and pulling his face towards hers. They kissed for a long moment before Kathryn pulled away with a small smile. However it soon changed to a look of confusion when she looked around the dark and asked him "Sebastian where are we?"
"Um, I'm not sure."
~~** THE END **~~