This is dumb. Madge is wrong. I don't need a massage.

Even as she thought it, her muscles ached and she winced as she stretched her arms behind her. She glanced up at the sign and huffed. She had been standing in front of the massage clinic for at least 10 minutes, debating whether she should go in. Finally, she rolled her eyes and yanked the door open.

"Hi, welcome," a sickeningly sweet voice filled her ears. A plump young woman rushed forward with a tablet. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Ah yeah. My roommate made it for me. Madge Undersee."

"Hmm, I don't see an Undersee on here," the woman tapped her chin.

"Oh, no sorry. That's my roommate. Katniss Everdeen. That's my name."

"Oh! Well you're right here, and I believe we're already all set up for you! You're just a few minutes late but no worries! Peeta won't mind."

"Tell her I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Oh, Peeta is a male therapist," the woman giggled. "But no harm done!"

"Wait. A male?" Madge had specifically told her she got her a female therapist. Katniss had had one very bad relationship and almost zero experience with men. Ever since her ex broke her heart, she stayed far away from men. She'd vowed no one would hurt her like that again.
Besides, she didn't want a strange man touching her anywhere on her body. The young receptionist frowned slightly.

"Well, yes. Peeta is our male therapist but don't worry, he's very good."

"My roommate said she requested a female. There must be some mistake."

"I'm sorry," she said, glancing at the tablet. "There aren't any other open appointments today. Peeta is the only one with open slots."

"Then I'll have to cancel. I'm sorry, I thought-"

"Are we ready, Delly?" Katniss stopped at the sound of a deep voice behind her and she slowly turned on the spot.

Holy shit.

He looked everything like the greek gods that she loved to study and read about. With blonde curls hanging in his bright blue eyes and a T-shirt that stretched over his strong arms and chest, Katniss lost all her words. His eyelashes were long and thick, catching the sun like molten gold. She knew many women who would kill for lashes like that.

His smile was what took her by surprise. It was natural, genuine. He checked his clipboard and glanced back up.

"Miss Everdeen, I assume?"


"Terrific. My name is Peeta and I'll be your therapist today. Have you already completed the forms?"


"Peeta, we might have to cancel. This young woman wants a female, apparently."

"Oh," he looked mildly surprised.

"My roommate made the appointment. And she knows that I wanted a girl. I mean, that I would have requested a girl. I'm sorry about that."

"It's not a problem," he said jovially. "Delly, maybe Lavinia is available?"

"She's not. She's actually double booked. We don't have any more open spots for today."

"Well perhaps I can take one of her clients and she work on Miss Everdeen."

"You know that won't work, Peeta. She has the married couples. Miss Everdeen, we can see about scheduling you for another day if you'd like?" She started to nod but winced as pain shot up her neck. Peeta moved forward with a worried look on his face.

"Miss Everdeen, you are clearly in some pain. I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I'd like to help you, if you allow it." She reached up to massage her shoulder and sighed.

"I'll allow it." Peeta watched her steadily and she met his eyes once. They were swirling orbs of the bluest sky with clouds of kindness and something else she had never seen before.

"Wonderful," Delly pushed some buttons on her tablet. "I'll let you take the forms with you, Peeta. Miss Everdeen, you can follow Peeta into the second room. I'll bring you some water in a moment." Peeta held the door open for her, and his kind smile was back.

"Right this way." He lead her into a room with a bed in the middle of it. No. A table, she kicked herself. It wasn't a bed. A massage table.

"Please make yourself comfortable," he gestured to the chair in the corner. "I just want to get these forms taken care of and then we can get started."

"OK." She took the tablet from him and answered the basic questions about her health.

"Alright. I know you've got some pain but I need some more details. Where exactly are you hurting? Did you have some kind of accident?"

"Sort of. I was hunting and I kind of...fell out of a tree." His eyes widened.

"How far up were you?"

"Not far. Maybe ten, fifteen feet."

"Katniss, I hope you went to the hospital before you came here," he let out a nervous chuckle.

"My sister made me. This was about a week ago but I have been in a lot of pain and feeling rather stiff. I can barely move at this point and my roommate basically forced me to get a massage." She didn't say remark on the fact that he used her first name...and she liked the sound of it in his deep tone.

"You don't sound too enthusiastic about massages." She shrugged.

"I've never had one."

"Well you're not too enthusiastic about male therapists either." She bit her lip but his smile remained the same.

"I meant no offense. It's just that...I would feel more comfortable with a woman. That's all."

"No offense taken. I'll do everything I can to make sure you are completely comfortable. Where is the majority of the pain?"

"My shoulders and my neck. Well, my back too. And my lower back and tailbone took the brunt of the fall."

"So basically, everywhere," he laughed. "OK, why don't we get started and I'll see if I can make some of that pain go away. I'll step out while you undress."

"Undress?" She looked positively panic-stricken.

"I won't touch anything that is covered. That being said, I won't be able to get to much of your shoulders if you leave your shirt on. You can leave your pants on, of course. You'll be under a sheet the entire time, I promise." Why oh WHY didn't she put a bra on before she left the house?! Because her breasts were almost non-existent and she preferred not to wear one. She sighed heavily and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Katniss...if this makes you uncomfortable, I'll understand. I really don't want to be the source of your nervousness." She glanced up at him and met his eyes again. They were so filled with warmth that she felt an inexplicable pull toward him.

"No it's ok," she heard herself say. "I'll be fine."

"Only if you're sure." She nodded and he stood to leave.

"I'll give you a few minutes. Just knock when you're ready for me to come back in." He gave her another smile that made her stomach flip and pulled the door closed behind him. She yanked her shirt over her head and shivered as the cold air met her nipples. She lay down on her stomach and tugged the sheet over her. But she couldn't move in her stiff jeans. She reached back to massage her spine but the painful part was quite low. Sitting up, she crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.

"You're being stupid, Katniss. He's a professional. Besides, it's not like he'd ever be attracted to you!" She stood and pushed her jeans down her legs, tossing them aside. Feeling extremely exposed, she jumped under the blanket and rested her forehead on the pillow rest.

"Ah damn it," she grumbled as she remembered that she was supposed to knock to let him know she was ready. She shifted under the blanket a little and sighed.

"Um...Peeta? I'm, I'm ready," her voice shook and she scowled. What was wrong with her? The door opened just a tad.

"You ready for me?" Hell yes.



"OK great. Are you comfortable?"


"I'm just going to dim the lights and put on a little soundscape to relax you." He moved across the room and Katniss saw the room go darker. She expected him to choose some cheesy meditation music that was supposed to make you relax but instead made you think of Scotland or China or wherever those instruments came from. But there was a click and she gasped. It was the sounds of her woods. Birds chirping and running water from the stream. It was peaceful. She closed her eyes and sank into the table.

"Since you've never had a massage before, I'm going to start out with light pressure. But in order to actually ease the pain, I'll have to go a little harder. So you tell me if anything gets to be too much, ok?"

"Mmk," she said drowsily.

"OK. I'll go top to bottom, if you prefer. Unless you'd like me to start at the bottom?"

"Top is fine," she sighed, feeling immensely relaxed already. He let out a low chuckle and pulled the sheet back a little. She suddenly tensed, knowing he could immediately tell that she was not wearing a bra. But his hands on her made her forget everything. His talented fingers worked the knots in her shoulders, moving down her spine and applying more pressure. She released several little moans, before she realized it and clamped her mouth shut. But when he pressed on a spot in the middle of her back, she whimpered.

"You ok," he asked huskily.

"Yeah. Don't stop."

"I'm not," he laughed. "I'm going to go a little lower. Tell me if you want me to stop."

"Don't stop," she repeated. He pulled the sheet lower and she sucked in a breath as his hands continued to move down her spine. She whimpered again as his fingers stroked her back, stopping at the edge of her tail bone.

"OK," he said again. She nodded and he moved lower.

"Ohhh," she moaned as he massaged her bruised tail bone. To her, however, he was kneading her ass like it was made of dough. His knuckles pressed into her flesh and she turned her head so her face was crushed into the pillow. He pulled the sheet back over her and she almost whined in disappointment. He moved to her feet and pushed the sheet up over her leg, tucking it in under her hip. His fingers worked at the muscles in her legs and thighs and he leaned over her to pour more oil on his hands.

"Holy shit," she whispered to the floor.

"Everything ok," he asked above her.

"Yeah. Everything feels...fantastic."

"I'm glad. If you're ticklish, tell me now so I don't make you kick."

"I'm not ticklish," she laughed and a moment later, felt him press into the souls of her feet.

"Ohh god."

"Feel good?"

"Amazing." He finished with her feet and moved back up to the backs of her thighs.

"Want to turn over for me?" She lifted her head and he moved to the side.

"I'll hold the sheet up and you can just turn slowly. I'll close my eyes." She smiled as she turned onto her side and flipped onto her back. Her shoulders felt tingly and wonderful.

"Close your eyes," he whispered. She did so and he lifted her hand, pressing his thumb into her palm. How could something so innocent be so erotic? Every touch, every caress made her want him even more.

"What are you thinking about," his breath fanned over her face and she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Why do you ask?"

"You just got a big smile on your face. I just want to know what's making you so happy."

"Your hands." She didn't see him close his eyes and the smile that nearly broke his face.

"I'm going to move the sheet just a little." She nodded and he pulled it down slightly so he could press his knuckles into her collarbone. She gasped as his fingers traced over her throat and up into her hair. She curled her toes as his nails scratched at her scalp and she wriggled round a little, feeling her underwear grow uncomfortably wet.

"Something wrong?"


"You're awfully squirmy," he laughed, massaging her temples.

"Sorry, got an itch."

"Need help scratching it?" Oh hell yes, she thought. Her face burned. She was so glad the room was so dark.

"I'm good now," she choked out. He moved to her other side and pulled the blanket up her leg, tucking it under her hip like he'd done earlier. He bent her knee and she blushed even harder, knowing he just had to know how wet she was.

"Your legs are all bruised, Katniss," he said softly.

"I have bruises everywhere," she shrugged.

"I know. I wish I could kiss every one of them away." She sucked in a breath as his thumbs pressed into her thigh. He was dangerously close to the damp spot on her panties and she jerked her hips. He mistook it for pain and gently lay her leg on the table. He leaned over her, trapping her with his arm.

"Did I hurt you?"

"Not at all," she stammered, opening her eyes to see his blazing down at her. His face was inches from hers and she swallowed heavily. "We're not...we're not done, are we?"

"What else needs massaging," he asked with a smile. Their gazes locked, she pushed the blanket off her chest and his smile dropped.


"You said you wouldn't touch what was covered. But this area isn't covered. So go ahead." He swallowed and blinked, his long lashes moving rapidly.

"This is dangerous."

"I'm a huntress. I like a little danger." Feeling bold, she reached for his hand and brought it to her bare breast. He released something between a whimper and a moan as he cupped her with his palm.

"There's pain here too, huh?"

"Extremely sore," she nodded without looking away. He brought his other hand to her other breast and she arched her back at the exquisite feeling. His fingers kneaded her flesh, his thumb traveling over her nipple and making her squeak in surprise. The smile that crossed over his face was sexy and bordered on a smirk. He bent his head, hovering just over hers and he licked his lips. Her eyes followed the motion and she swallowed again.

"Are your lips bruised?" She frowned.

"No. Why?"

"Because I said I want to kiss away every single bruise." Her confusion melted away and she smiled.

"My mistake. They're very bruised. Worst bruise of them all."

"That's tragic," he whispered before his mouth covered hers. For the love of all that was holy, he was such a good kisser! Not that she had a lot to compare it to but the way his lips slanted over hers, the way his tongue traced along her bottom lip, the way he eased her mouth open and OH the way his tongue danced with hers. He gently tugged at her bottom lip with his teeth and her hands flew to his hair, anchoring him to that spot.

"Katniss," he moaned into her mouth, climbing onto the table and resting his palm beside her to support his weight. His other hand moved down her chest and across her ribs, making her giggle.

"I thought you weren't ticklish," he said with a smile.

"Not on my feet. Guess I'm a little ticklish there though."

"Good to know." He went back to kissing her and she arched her back as he tore his lips away from hers and moved down to suck at her throat. His knuckles raked across her hipbone, so close to where she wanted his fingers most. She bucked her hips impatiently.

"I said I wouldn't touch anything that was covered," he whispered into her neck. She moaned and threw her head back, reaching down to grasp his wrist.

"Peeta," she panted. "I need..."

"What do you need?"

"I have...pain that needs to be massaged away." He lifted his head from the crook of her neck and grinned.

"Can't have that, can we?" She shook her head even though she knew it was rhetorical and gasped loudly as his fingers played with the waistband of her bikini underwear.

"You're sure?"

"Touch me, Peeta!" His hand was gentle, almost tentative as he stroked the outside of her lips. Her legs fell open and he sucked at her collarbone as his middle finger moved between her folds, massaging gently. Always massaging.

"Oh god, Peeta, please." He groaned against her throat at the sound of his name on her lips. He was such a goner for this girl. Always had been, always would be. He slowly slid his finger inside, teasing at first. She lifted her hips, urging him deeper and he leaned up to kiss her again.

"You're so wet," he said in awe as he pushed his finger inside her and slowly pulled out.

"It's what...your hands do to me," she gasped, throwing her head back.

"You've been this wet the entire time," he asked in shock. Fuck, he thought. He wanted her. He wanted her to come with his name dripping from those delicious lips. He pushed another finger inside her and she released a high pitched moan. He curled his fingers, feeling her walls tighten around him.

"Oh fuck," she whispered, turning her head to bury her teeth in his arm. Who the hell cared if he got fired over this? She was so close and he wanted to know everything; how she looked and felt and sounded like when she came. He increased the pace of his thrusts, his lips moving down to close over her breast. She bit down on his forearm and screamed and he felt her clench around his fingers so tightly that he couldn't move them. She panted as the aftershocks made her body tremble and he pressed his lips to her warm forehead.

"That was so fucking beautiful," he whispered. She blinked in shock and pressed both palms to the table as he leaned over her.

"Seriously Katniss, that was really hot. I should probably thank you for letting me do that."

"Um...pretty sure I should be the one thanking you," she sighed, closing her eyes. He kissed her temple and sat up.

"Your massage ran a little long. I'll have to charge you for that." She chuckled nervously.

"I'll pay you double."

"I'll uh, let you clean up. I'll be right outside. Knock when you're ready for me to come back in." She nodded and held the sheet to her chest as he hurried out. Now that she was alone, her mind raced. What the HELL was wrong with her? Did she actually just let that happen? Or had she fallen asleep in the tranquil dark room? That must be it. No way she would ever let a strange man touch her like that. Yet she could still taste him on her lips and could feel the oil from his hands on the insides of her thighs. And no doubt about it, there was a small wet spot on the sheet underneath her.

"Fuck," she cursed aloud. She scrambled into her clothes and hastily ran her fingers through her hair.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK," she kept saying as she ran around the room. How was she supposed to act around him now? Was she really going to pay him double?

Was he expecting to be paid more for that? Was that all it was?

She frowned. What was he playing at? That was certainly not a normal massage, even though she'd never had one before but she was pretty sure they didn't happen that way. The longer she stood there, the angrier she got. There was a soft knock and he peered in.

"Katniss, are you decent?"

"What does that matter? Nothing you haven't seen before. Does that cost me extra, too?"

"I was totally kidding," he said with a grin. "I just told Delly that the forms took a little long and we just finished with your massage. Do you want some water or anything before you go?"

"No thanks." She brushed past him to open the door but he stood in front of it.

"Katniss, did I do something wrong? You seem really pissed off."

"Is that how all your massages go, Peeta? You say you don't want to make a girl feel uncomfortable and then you lure them into a false safety net?" His smile faded and his brows furrowed.

"False safety net? What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter. Let me go."

"I can't. Not until you tell me what's wrong. You were literally floating on cloud 9 when I left this room. What happened?"

" took advantage of me!" He looked shocked.

" asked me to...I would never could have told me to stop! I would never take advantage of you."

"Just forget it, Peeta. Let me go so I can pay and get out of here!" She opened the door but it crashed against his back.

"That has never happened before, Katniss. I swear it."

"I don't care. Get out of my way!" He shook his head as he stood aside and let her storm out. He sighed heavily as his forehead thunked against the wall.

What the hell had happened? And more importantly, now that he finally knew what her lips tasted like, how would he ever get her out of his head? He scoffed at himself. She'd already been rooted in his heart for years. Made sense that she took up the space in his head too.
Katniss slammed her card onto the counter and Delly took it cheerfully.

"How was your session?"

"It was great," she muttered.

"All the girls just love Peeta," Delly giggled. "They say he's the best."

"I bet they do," she snarled before she yanked her receipt from the girl and stomped out of the clinic.

SO this was supposed to be a one-shot porn without plot BUT as I was writing, I started turning it into something else. Next chapter will be up soon, so it's just a little 2 piece! Katniss is stubborn but we'll see how Peeta works his way into her heart in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!