She Rocks My World

80's Rocker, Edward Cullen, is the frontman for the enormously popular band, Cullen.

He's every woman's dream; handsome, wealthy, and talented, but the elusive rocker has something to hide until an overwhelmingly gifted, doe-eyed beauty steals his heart at first sight and sound.

A/N: Beta'd by the lovely Fran who likes sunflowers and travel. I'll have to ask her if she likes long walks on the beach! And my beautiful banner is done by Sunshine, Cheryl Edmonds.

I hope this chapter makes you laugh. The Tour gets tasty in Las Vegas.

Chapter 31: Up for the Challenge


While Edward and the rest of the guys check out the MGM Grand Buffet, he arranges for family-style platters to be sent to our suite for the girls and me. Little does he know our secret weapons naps for tonight's festivities.

Once the Buffet staff delivers all the food, we gather around the dining room table that conveniently seats eight. I carry a stack of entree dishes of sliced meats, ethnic foods, and vegetables, as Ali has the silverware. Amanda and Debby grab napkins, while Christy and Kate bring the glasses and cans of soda. Ria and Bitsy find the salt and pepper shakers, catsup, mayo, salad dressings, and mustard. We are fully ready to dine.

Christy chirps, "It's so nice to have some time off and someone else doing the cooking."

Ali, with her full belly, sits close to the table. "You deserve a break. It's nice to eat with you." She turns to Kate. "And you, Kate, you're always busy making up the ladies."

"Oh, I love it. But doing Bella's hair is the best … so much to work with."

Ria informs, "And she wanted to cut it."

Kate gasps, "No!"

"Yeah, I did. It's just too much work. I'm grateful for you, Kate."

"Well, I like sketching out your outfits with matching hairstyles and makeup. All three ladies have a different look, so I can go in many directions. What's best is that Barry and Danny are good about the eyeliner."

Ria sighs. "Yeah, But Barry can be a pain in the ass over the hairspray. It gives his allergies ... allergies!"

Bitsy points a chicken leg at Ria, "But I think Danny likes being made up."

"He's one of those androgynous-looking people. If he didn't have such wide shoulders, wouldn't you think he was a girl?"

Ria looks thoughtful. "Yeah, he is kind of pretty."

Bitsy groans, "I'd kill for his lashes."

"Yeah, they go on for days," I say.

"I remember as a kid, Edward once cut his lashes because they were so long and girly. Mom almost killed him. He had tiny lashes in his eyes, and dad had to flush them."

I smile, crinkling my nose. "He's pretty handsome."

Christy taunts, "Aw, look at her blush."

"To me, I love Jasper's look. He's smart and looks it."

Kate adds, "And he's willing to wear liner and flaunt it'"

Ali laughs. "Yeah. Then, he wears his glasses and gets this rockstar Nerd look."

"He is a fine-looking man, Ali," Kate agrees. "But Garrett's more my type. The cutesy, goofy big guy."

"Like Emmett," I say.

"No, Emmett is different. He talks. He'll tell you what's on his mind." Kate shakes her head. "Garrett shows off to be all funny, but he's a deep thinker. He keeps a lot to himself. He's serious."

Ali laughs. "Yeah, my brother doesn't think."

I add, "That's not true. He has some great ideas, and he's sensitive."

"And man, he can eat!" Ali throws her arms wide. "He'll be a challenge for Jen."

"Don't worry about my sister. She can pack it away and keep going," Amanda brags. "Now, where she puts it all is a good question."

"I'd like to thank you for inviting me to stay with all of you," Debby says. "My dad had no idea what to do with me."

Amanda squeals, "It's so great. Yeah, thank you."

"We like your dad. He's doing so much for this tour and promoting us. You're part of the Cullen/Swan family, now."

Ali sarcastically groans, "Don't get too excited. We're all crazy."

"I'm used to hanging out with crazy. You met my dad, right?" Debby giggles.

We all laugh.

After cleaning up, we wake our little eater who happens to be famished. I believe that to be a great sign.

And speaking of signs, as we approach the buffet, there's a huge banner that reads, "Cullen Food Challenge" May the Best MAN win!

Jen lets out this sinister laugh, "This is going to be fun."

Ali adds, "In more ways than one."

As we move to the entrance, a blast of Cullen music comes over the speakers.

Edward's new song blasts:

'I'm Gonna Feed on You'

"Oh, baby you look so sweet.

My mouth waters for you to eat

Your sugar beats any treat

And your lips kiss with burning heat.

Bring your fine self to my door

And let me lay you on my floor.

I'll spark your hunger for more

And let me love you to your core.

I wanna feed your body me.

I'm all you'll ever want to eat.

Lick me.

Split me.

Bite me.

Excite me.

Chew, too.

I'm gonna feed on you.

Oh Baby, I need you bare

My eyes on you. I want to stare.

Please, spread your wings if you dare

And let me show you that I care.

Woman, you got what I need.

I want to plant my loving seed.

Yeah Baby, I'll do the deed

And set my hunger to be freed.

I wanna feed your body me.

I'm all you'll ever want to eat.

Lick me.

Split me.

Bite me.

Excite me.

Chew, too.

I'm gonna feed on you.

I show my pass to the front people, and they scoot us on, laughing. "Hey, I know who you are," one girl giggles. Someone asks for an autograph and I get Ria and Bitsy to sign their 'Swan' away, too.

Edward sees me, excusing himself and walking my way. "Did you receive the platters?" He kisses the top of my head.

"Yes, we ate. It was wonderful, thank you."

He bends to kiss my lips. "Good. Once Marty has his guys ready to film, we'll get started."

"Are you doing this, too?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Yeah."

I smile. "Gonna eat with the big boys."

"Believe me, I know Garrett and Emmett will run away with this. I'll try to keep up."

I kid him, "You mean, throw up?"

"Have some faith, Bella."

"Oh, I do." I look back at Jen and smile.

Marty joyously walks through the crowd, welcoming people with sturdy handshakes, greeting, 'nice to meet you.'

I do a double-take with great surprise. I'm sure I hear Bitsy whisper an "Oh, my God." Ria's hands cover her mouth. Amanda and Debby squeal with the rest of the crowd. And then Ali makes a beeline for the man next to Marty.

She wraps her arms around his waist, and he returns her hug. In a sweet, English accent, he says. "So good to see you." They break away and he stares at her belly. "Jasper finally did his job."

"I gotta catch up to you." Proudly, Jasper stands next to Ali, reaching over to shake the handsome Brit's hand. "We didn't know you were going to be here."

Marty interjects, "The idea just came to me."

"If you aren't a sight for sore eyes," Edward says, finally shaking his hand. "Are you working on the strip?"

Marty interrupts, "We can have 'old home week' later. You have an eat-a-thon to do."

We follow Marty in front of the buffet stations where the tables pull together in a straight line. There are large glasses of water with full pitchers, silverware, and napkins at each table setting. Garrett and Emmett bait one another sitting on the right end. Jasper and Edward are in the middle. While Danny and Brian sit on the far left. Seth and a few of the roadies fill in the extra spots, leaving one between Edward and Seth. I watch them look around. Jen makes her way through the crowd, as we ladies cheer her on from our seats across the way.

The look on their faces is beyond priceless. But it spreads throughout the table.

Garrett stands, pointing at Jen. "You can't be here, pipsqueak." he roars.

She glares at him, "Why not?"

"Because, b-because …" he falters.

"Because I'm a girl?" she taunts with her hands on her hips.

Emmett stands. "C'mon Jen, I eat your size in snacks."

Garrett adds, "His shits are larger than you."

Jen sputters in giggles. "And you've seen this, G?"

"You know what I mean." He uncomfortably turns red.

"Look, I don't see anything stopping me from entering."

"It's a guy thing!" Emmett shouts.

"What? Women can't eat now?" Ali asks.

Marty kiddingly instructs, "Emmett and Garrett, get a grip. Jen stays. Now, sit down and get ready to do what you do the best!"

They both sit, grumbling. Jen self-righteously looks at them with satisfaction. Edward smiles at Jasper.

The cameramen start to film.

Marty begins, "I'm just your warm-up guy. But allow me to introduce your host for the evening, singer/songwriter and little brother of the hottest, brother group in the business. Give it up for Andy Gibb."

Amanda and Debby jump up and down along with Christy. "Oh, I love him."

"Andy's playing her at the MGM, so I think you ladies may want to see his show."

More squeals and bouncing.

Andy takes the mic, and Marty joins us. "We have quite a lineup of eaters waiting to prove who has the best appetite. The competition will be an hour long. Each person has a list of food they have chosen. We have a waiter per person serving the food and weighing each, five-pound-filled-plate for a total at the end of this meal. The one with the most plates will take the title of the first, 'Food Rockstar.'

Andy walks to the table and introduces each contestant. He stops at Jen. "So, you think you can eat your own weight?"

She broadly smiles, "More like Emmett and Garrett together."

Andy smiles his toothy grin. "I'm looking forward to seeing that, Jen."

"Okay, waiters, serve the first plate of food."

Each server places a stacked plate in front of their contestant.

Andy lifts his right hand and drops it. "Go."

The food fest begins.

I watch Edward chew bite after bite of turkey, chicken, and beef while Jen takes large spoonfuls of meat, pasta, and veggies. She shovels the remainder of her plate and takes another, continuing her quest. I can't believe how much she puts into her mouth, let alone how quickly. Soon, Garrett and Emmett have another plateful, as the rest follow.

Andy walks from one end of the tale to the other, commenting on each one's progress.

Christy follows his every move, commenting on how tight his white pants are, and his rather viewable bulge. "I never knew how hairy his chest was."

"I know," Debby comments. "He's so cute."

Amanda moans, "I think I'm taller than him."

"But such a nice package," Christy mumbles, shaking her head.

Ali and I giggle.

"I think I'll introduce her to him."

"Not unless I'm with you," I say.

Plate after plate of food disappears. Edward sits and watches, now. After three plates of pure meats, he's full. Jasper has his napkin over his as both of them stare at Jen.

One of the roadies pushes a bit too much, running to a restroom. Garrett and Emmett find it funny.

Soon, Brian and Danny call it quits, They, too, sit back and watch Jen.

And the battle continues. Garrett and Emmett see the pile of plates behind Jen with puzzled frowns.

With a full mouth, Emmett complains to Garrett, "How can she eat so much?"

"I don't know, but we have to catch up."

They both shout, "More!"

Jen smiles, saying nothing, and continuing to eat, as she completes another helping.

A/N: So, did you enjoy the chapter? Could you eat to compete? Who do you think will win?

RECS: Here's a new story you may very well want to read by J A Mash:

H t t p s: / / s/ 13534049/1/ The-Intern

: / s/ 13536799/1/ Hold Steady:

H : s/ 13537828/1/ Something-in-the-Water

RECS: Crush by JoleeMisfit

H :/ (dot net/s /13488355/1/ Crush

:/ s /13534604/1 / Singular-Seconds

:/ s /13484958/14 / Inclination

A.N: My humble apologies for not updating sooner. I will make this up to all of you.

But while we are under the thumb of a virus, I can entertain you with my three WIP stories … juggling. Please, hang in there with me. I intend to finish all three.