Being together with Tokoyami was, in very simple words, interesting. You could never get bored when inside a relationship with not only one, but two birds. Izuku enjoyed every second of it. When he appeared in front of Tokoyami's door to beg him to forgive and accept him, he didn't know he was agreeing to date al his quirk, not that he minded, but it gave him a bit of whiplash the first time Dark Shadow flew in front of his face while alone with his boyfriend in the room. Trying to get out of the shock was a lot easier than imagined. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were two different sides of a coin, while one was quiet and mysterious, the other one was loud and open. If Izuku was being honest, he couldn't get a better deal than this.

But, still in his mind lay the box of letters that was hidden under his bed and the idea of who could have written them for him.

"My love?" Izuku was brought out of his thought by the feeling of static on his arm. Looking down, he smiled at Dark Shadow who was trapped over his limb. Tokoyami huffed in exasperation.

"I'm sorry, was trapped inside my mind. Did you say something?" Dark Shadow retreated to the inside of Tokoyami's clothes when he snapped his fingers, only a second later grabbing the same arm that his quirk was laying on.

"We should head to class if we don't want to be late."

"Oh, right! You're right, we should go, we should- we are late! I'm sorry, Tokoyami, you should've left without me. I-" Izuku stopped rambling his way to the front door when Tokoyami grabbed him by the waist and turned him around. Red eyes bore into green ones, feathered face nuzzling the other's neck.

"I could never leave you," He whispered against his skin, beak grabbing a portion and pecking him. Izuku blushed all the way down to his neck, hands moving frantically to push his boyfriend away. With an amused laugh, Tokoyami let him go to finally go to class.

The reached the classroom fairly early, despite it all, Aizawa sparing them but a glance before continuing his lecture. Izuku sat down, a sigh escaping him once he could lean back and come down from his high.

"Hey, Mido, this was here for you." He opened his eyes to meet with Kaminari's golden ones, his smile giving the impression he was a dog, if he squinted he was sure he could see a tail wagging behind him. Casting his gaze down, Izuku noticed the light blue envelope resting between his classmate's fingers. His features couldn't quite hide his internal feelings.

"Thank you, Kaminari!" And just like that, Izuku forgot that he was in class and that he should pay attention, all his focus centered on the feeling of the envelope in his hands and the sounds of him ripping the seal off. The world around him became background noise, the feeling of static at the back of his neck going ignored. He took the paper out and started reading.


I like to imagine that I can hold you close to me, both swallowed by the dark with only the heat of our bodies to maintain our minds on earth. I like to imagine my mouth by your ear, my lips gasping and purring your name. I like to imagine your hold on my shirt, so tight it might break. I like to imagine your gaze on my eyes, glassy with lust. I like to imagine your legs on my waist, your lips on my throat and my hand in your hair. I like to imagine you naked on my bed.


All the heat left every other part of his body to gather around his face and neck, real life steam rushing out of his ears. Izuku constratacly paled and gained color at the same time, steamy images creating different scenarios inside his head with a faceless person. His hands fiddled nervously with the envelope on top of his desk, eyes glazed and unfocused until he heard someone clearing their throat. Izuku jumped on his eyes when the feeling of multiple eyes on his form got to him.

"Midoriya." Aizawa's voice was as scary as ever. "Do you feel well? That's an inserting color you are sporting right now. Maybe we should try to sell it with the label 'Reading non class material in class' color. I gather we could get easy money out of that, what do you think?" On the side he heard a cough muting the words 'porn' and he honestly couldn't find a most embarrassing moment than this one right now.

"I-I think I'm coming down with something. Can I be excused to go to the infirmary?" Aizawa's eyes were not impressed in the slightest but he just gave him a very tired sigh before dismissing him with a nod of his head.

Running out of the classroom and out of prying eyes felt absolutely freeing in that moment, feet moving him the opposite direction of where the infirmary was. In his defense, everyone knew he wasn't really going there so who could blame him? No on because they all tried it at some point and Aizawa was just too done with life to care for a little escapade of his students moving directly from class to the dorms. Scandalous!

"Ok, ok, breath. In, out, in , out. In slow motion. That's good, that's right." Leaning on the cool surface of a hallway wall, Izuku closed his eyes, mind reeling back to think of what was written on the letter.

'I like to imagine your legs on my waist, your lips on my throat…'

Whoa, those were some great images there, really amazing and graphic and- Oh my god! He had a boyfriend! Two if Tokoyami's quirk counted. Point is, he was in a relationship already! Relationship, may he remind himself, he asked for! Izuku groaned, sliding to the floor and hitting his head on the wall. Did this count as cheating? Was he an adulterous person now? No, he had to talk with Tokoyami, he couldn't hide and keep this to himself anymore, not if he wanted this relationship to work. Yes, he was going to do that. At some point. Maybe. Perhaps.

Izuku groaned again, hitting his head as hard as he could praying for a concussion.

"You don't have to tell me anything you're not comfortable sharing with me." Those were the first words Tokoyami said to him when he appeared in front of his room door. Creepy much?

"Why do you think I want to talk about something I'm not really comfortable of talking about?" His tone may or may have not taken the quality of a soprano voice in that moment. Tokoyami left the door open and walked to his bed, indicating with his body language that he could enter.

"You're reaction when you were reading in class. It was because of one of those anonymous letters. I know, we all do, and I have known about them before I got myself inside this relationship. I may feel slightly jealous but I also understand that those can be quite private and just because I'm your boyfriend doesn't mean that you have to talk to me about it. You can, of course, but you don't have to. Not if you do not want to, my love."

Izuku knew in that moment why was it that he decided to start a relationship with Tokoyami. He smiled, all anxiety disappearing from his body, hands seeking paler one in the dark.

"You are amazing, did you know that?" He could guess by the fluttering of his neck feathers that Tokoyami was flustered.

"Not more than you are." Just as they were getting closer to each other, Dark Shadow appeared, starling them both but not unsettling them. Laughing, Izuku stoked the quirk's face, eyes roaming over him and his master and thinking about how lucky he got by having them both with him.

Cotton Candy sent a message to CAN I PLEASE HAVE A WAFFLE?

Cotton Candy: Mido! Please tell us what it was that you read to make you a human tomato?

Windowglass: pretty please, this is crucial information

Zero Gravity: guys I think that its rude to ask deku what it was that he read

Zero Gravity: also he would tell Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu and I first, fuck you

Lighting McQueen: Language!

Lighting McQueen: But she is also right

Zero Gravity: suck it up losers

Adhesive: I think you guys are being very rude

Adhesive: and by you guys I mean uararaka and iida

Duracell: I agree, let us have some fun

Bassic: your idea of fun is invading someone else's actual social life when you can't have one?

Duracell: first off, r00d

Duracell: second off, yes

Duracell: *finger guns*

Izuku stared at his phone with dread, slight nervousness making his muscles twitch. He didn't even now what to think of the letter and here his classmates were trying to get information out of him. Backstabbers, the whole lot. Izuku fell face first on his bed, groaning with frustration. Someone decided to take that moment to knock on his door.

"Come in," his muffled called somehow got to the person on the other side since his door opened and closed, footsteps treading lightly inside.

"Midoriya." Izuku lifted his head from the bed to meet with Ojiro's black, uncertain eyes.

"Ojiro" Sitting up on the bed, Izuku crossed his legs and waited for his classmate to say what he came to say.

"To be honest, I am not quite sure what it is that I'm doing here." He laughed, eyes moving everywhere, jumped on every corner of the bedroom, right hand rubbing the back of his neck. Both their phones kept vibrating with incoming messages but both were ignored. "I just, I really wanted to get this out of my chest and properly tell you before-" Ojiro sucked in a breath, hands clenching and unclenching constantly. "I like you, Midoriya, like, really like you. You are amazing and you make me want to be a better person, a better hero. I have been feeling like this for quite some time, I just didn't know how to tell you. You don't have to answer me or correspond to my feelings, but I just wanted you to know." His eyes were closed now, hands grabbing the hem of his shirt.

Izuku stared at Ojiro with wide eyes, completely astounded. Before he was wallowing in depression and anxiety thinking that no one needed him and he was worthless, and now he had an amazing boyfriend and someone confessing their feeling for him. Was life playing a joke on him? Was this all a dream?


"No, before you say anything I want to finish by clarifying that I would never joke about something like this. I genuinely like you and just wanted you to know." Bowing a little after these words, Ojiro turned around and left the room.


I seemed to have frightened you. My intentions were all but. Forgive me if I flustered you but I gave quite an expression to your face, my only regret is not being able to do that more.


The lilac envelope fell to the floor, right beside Izuku's feet. He didn't know what to do anymore. Should he ignore the letters? Should he forget how being admired was? How did he find himself in this situation? It all seemed so backwards nowadays, everything so out of place. Maybe, just maybe, he needed to take a break.

"Hey Midoriya." The boy in question jumped a good fifteen feet into the air when the voice talked to him in the empty hallway. "You okay?"

"Way to give me a heart attack, Shinsou! Next time don't do that please." The purple head snorted, crossing his arms and leaning on a wall.

"Not my fault your so distracted in your thoughts. What was that about, anyway? You seem a little blue."

Izuku gave up trying to cover his confused feeling throwing the letter to Shinsou so he could read.

"I'm not sure what to do. I like the letters, I do, but since they started coming weird things have begun happening to me. Days are brighter, people are closer, I feel light, like a feather. Already two people have confessed to me and I'm in a relationship with one of them." He leaned back on the same wall Shinsou was. "Is this some kind of lame joke? Life was never this good before."

"You're in a relationship?" Turning his head to look at his friend, Izuku saw actual confusion inside his eyes.

"Yeah, with Tokoyami. I'm sorry, I guess we haven't actually told anyone."

"Oh," and then complete silence. The air around them started to feel a little awkward so Izuku laughed, trying to lift the mood.

"I guess I should leave now, sorry for dumping my thought on you, you didn't deserve that."

"It's fine, I don't mind listening to you, that's actually one of the highlights of my day." Okay, his life was turning weird indeed. With a blush and hurried moves, Izuku grabbed his letter and said good-bye before flying out of the hallway.

"You seemed a little stressed," Izuku looked over his shoulder to catch Satou as he started to sit in front of the counter. "You know, my reputation as an amazing baker is going down the hill thanks to you."

He laughed, staring once more at the oven and what was inside.

"Not my intention, sorry. I just stress bake and I seem to be doing both of those things lately, hence me hoarding the kitchen."

Satou hummed, turning a few times on the chair. "What are you making?"

"Cinnamon bread, never tried to do it before."

"And what are you stressed about?"

"I prefer not to talk about it."

"Valid, let's just wait for the bread then." Both boys met eyes before falling into laughter. That afternoon held a vibe unlike any other that he has experienced these past few days, relaxing and warm. Izuku spent the rest of the day lounging on the common room with some of his classmates, eating bread and telling stories they may or may have not heard before. And for a moment, just a single moment, he forgot everything he had been worrying about.

The Friday came quietly, nothing interesting happening to completely wake him up. Classes have been canceled due to some stupid bullshit Aizawa came up with and so he buried himself under his blanket to catch the rest of his most needed sleep. He turned to the side, snuggling a pillow and opening his eyes just a tad bit before screaming his lungs out and kicking the figure in front of his bed in the face.

"What the fuck!" Izuku panted, hands grabbing a baseball bat while standing on top of his mattress. "What the hell were you doing?!"

The figure on the floor groaned painfully, sitting stiffly without moving other that rubbing their head. Izuku squinted in the dark of the room, a growl escaping his throat.



"Explain to me why you were inside my room, looking at me while I was sleeping. Now!"

"Give me a moment to recover my thoughts." Izuku stepped down, grabbing the boy by the front of his shirt.

"I said now." His hands being so close to the others neck, Izuku felt the dry swallow Mineta did. His glare did not help dissuade the fear and nervousness he also help.

"I-I just came to give you something."

"And that couldn't wait, why?" He was squirming now. The little shit was squirming! How he wanted to be a hero was beyond him.

"I thought I could leave the letter inside your room but then I saw you sleeping and you seemed so peaceful, I couldn't help but stare! You can't actually blame me, it's your fault for looking so cute when relaxed." Izuku wasn't sure he was hearing right, it was probably his sleep deprived brain playing tricks on him.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, and then you kicked me out of nowhere! Rude, dude." For fuck's sake.

"Get out of here before you get anything worse than a simple kick."


"Now, Mineta!"

The other boy didn't question him any further, small feet hurrying to get out and disappear from the room. Izuku sat down on the bed feeling drained and bone tired. His eyes were drawn to the sight of a baby blue envelope at the bottom of his bed, his heart jumping in his chest cavity.

'I'll look at it later.' He promised to himself, body moving in its own volition and returning to his well deserved sleep.